Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Chapter 283: Miya Musashi – [Debut Stream] Cooking up a storm (part I)

Chapter 283: Miya Musashi – [Debut Stream] Cooking up a storm (part I)


A clean modern kitchen, complete with fancy chrome cookware and shiny tiled floors. There, a beautiful young woman with silver hair stood in front of a steaming pot. Her frilly blue and white apron was tied with a ribbon behind her.

Miya Musashi, tapping her chin thoughtfully as she read through a recipe on the countertop.

[Debut Stream] Cooking up a storm

Miya Musashi Ch.

Live in 5 minutes

Tuesday, December 24, 3:00 PM JST

60K waiting

[] This is going to be great!

[] Ooh, a cooking stream?

[] A martial artist, a shrine maiden, and now a chef? What *is* this generation?

[lore_owl] Okay guys. Made a bingo board on the chaos server.

[] Who has clumsy chef?

[] Free space is waifu material, right?


[] lol Hana

[] So THAT'S why you weren't around!

[] Why were you sleeping in...?

[Aoko Ryuusei Ch.?] Good luck!

[] There's Queen!

[] Did Aoko pull an Aoko?

[] @Aoko Ryuusei Ch.? Did you sleep in too? lol

Live in 4 minutes.

[Kuromi Tekken Ch.?] You've got this Miya!

[] Yeah! No pressure!

[] Hi Kuro-chan!

[] The MirAIdols are finally rolling out in force!

[Tsubame Akari Ch.?] I am praying for your success.

[] Wait, why are you praying?

[] I sense disaster.

[] And your fortune is... Great disaster? :sweat:

Live in 3 minutes.

[Alfi Titor Ch.?] You're going to do great, Miya-chan! (^_^)p

[Alfis_Knight] We will support you as well, Miya-chan!

[Alfis_HotCocoa] Looking forward to your lessons!

[] So why is everyone wishing good luck for Miya...?

[] Anyone else think it's weird how the girls are supporting Miya so much?

[] I bet she's a clutz. She gives clumsy waifu vibes.

Live in 2 minutes.

[droni_appreciator] Beep.

[walley] Boop.

[] Any theories on who Droni is? I'm betting it's a manager.

[shaolin_chestnutTFS] Droni is obviously best brobot.

Live in 1 minute.

[] Almost time!

[] These girls are definitely more lively than their senpais

[] We sure that Project MirAIs isn't just a talent agency?

[] Where does John get all these girls?

[] Have you seen the guy?

[] How closely do these avatars track the real life girls?

[] I hope Miya does real cooking.

[] Day 1 of asking for cheap college student recipes.

[] Will Miya be like Golden Ramses or Gai Fetty?

Waiting for Miya Musashi Ch.

[] It's time!

[] :popcorn:

[] Time for a midnight snack, I guess?

[Play Pancake - Sakura Girl]

A vibrant and energetic theme song with a bubbly xylophone melody and a playful recorder backing it.

Fun. A bit whimsical.

And then a sharp female voice spoke up. "A-Argh! What the [email protected]#$?!"

Silverware clattered. Mixed in with that were the sounds of plastic tupperware and foil packages falling on the ground.

[] lolwut?

[] Who had clutz on their bingo board?

[] Only three more til bingo!

[Rhea Davinki Ch.?] >.>

[] Oh hi!

[] Spotted the lurker!

[] Are you going to be the kuudere to round out these clichs?

"H-Hold on a bit, everyone! Just... technical difficulties! Geez! Why is this so messy?"

[] So Project MirAIs CAN have technical difficulties

[] No wonder Tsubame was praying... XD

[] That sounds more like a messy kitchen than tech issues, Miya-chan.

[] She sounds cute!

[] Awkward deredere girlfriend vibes.?

[] Gen 0 was isekai... so are we slice of life now?

"Come... on! Stay in there! H-Hey! Stop laughing at me!"

[] We're not laughing?

[] lmao

[] www

[] Are the other girls watching in person? XD

[Rhea Davinki Ch.?] Yes. She's always this clumsy.

[Kuromi Tekken Ch.?] Rhea! That's not nice!

[Hana Homura Ch.?] (^_^) Kawaii!

[Kaiguy_Nikki] Yeah! She's super kawai!

[ohanayo_ne] At least she's not kowai, right?

[Hana Homura Ch.?] @ohanayo_ne (^_^)?

[Aoko Ryuusei Ch.?] Finally, someone more awkward than me.

[StraightGarbage] I dunno about that

[FailureFox] Yeah, Queen is pretty cringe at times

[GoldenOrca] So you're saying Miya's a normie too, Queen?

"Mou~ At least help me clean! I'm already live! ...What do you mean it's up to me?! Rhea, you- Thanks, Tsu-chan. You're a life saver."

"Of course, Miya. It would be unfortunate to have your debut begin in such chaos."

[] Speedrunning collabs now, huh?

[] Not even five minutes in and already collabing XD

[] So they ARE all there!

Tsubame's voice echoed and said, "My apologies, viewers. And my esteemed viewers, please ignore my presence. This is Miya's stage."

[] No problem!

[] So the chaos begins. :popcorn:

[] Ooh, this stream is going to be great, isn't it?

A deep sigh echoed. After that, Miya said, "Sorry for the wait. Just let me... It wasn't on the loading screen!? Argh... Why is everything going wrong? ...Shut up, Rhea! Dammit. O-One sec!"

The thumbnail vanished, replaced by a loading screen animation. A bright blue background with a chrome oven, showing a cartoon pot bubbling with steam.

[] Well. Miya definitely isn't a chill background stream. xD

[] I think I should grab some popcorn too...

[] Slice of life Project MirAIs anime when?

[curious_cat] Who *does* all of this art?

[Jenny Smith Ch. ?] @curious_cat This one was me~! Likey?

[amazed_alligator] @Jenny Smith Ch. YOU'RE REAL!?

[jenny_appreciator] @amazed_alligator You must be new. Jenny's more than real. She's top tier IRL waifu.

[Jenny Smith Ch. ?] @jenny_appreciator xoxo Appreciate you~!

"Pull out all the ingredients, the silverware... clean the countertop... Alright. Droni, come over here and... Let's go."

The lid on the pot popped, filling the screen with steam. And then the scene changed.

It was the same area in the thumbnail, but the perspective was different. This time, Miya was standing in front of the kitchen countertop, with the camera pointed at her.

The silver-haired beauty let out a strained smile and waved. "G-Good afternoon everyone! HoW are We DoINg?"

[] Your voice changer is breaking Miya-chan XD

[] lmao

[] She's so nervous! Cuuute!

[Alfi Titor Ch. ?] Calm down, Miya-chan! You've got this! ()

[Alfis_Knight] Yes! You are doing perfectly well, Miya-san!

[] @Alfis_Knight Do you... just stalk Alfi everywhere?

[Alfis_Knight] As Alfi's Knight, it is my duty to support whenever and wherever my goddess travels on the internet!

[furrylover101] @Alfis_Knight simp.

[critical_cucumber] @furrylover101 Bruh. You don't want the smoke. AK has massive guns.

"A-Ahem!" Miya cleared her throat and let out a nervous laugh. "S-Sorry. Bit frazzled from all of that. And first time streaming, so... Yeah. Hahaha..."

[] She's so adorkable!

[] OMG I want to hug her so bad!

[] Don't be nervous!

"A-Anyway!" Miya shook her hands and then placed them over her chest. "M-My name is M-Miya Musashi. M-My grandfather named me after the famous swordsman and I'm descended from-" She suddenly stopped talking and then pointed at someone off camera. "Stop laughing! It's not funny!"

[] She's trying so hard to stay in character...

[] Bless her heart. Miya-chan's actually serious about her setting.

[] So Miya is 100% a normie. Got it.

[] Who had breaking character in the first ten minutes?

[] Me!

[] Ooh! Bingo!

"Mou~" Miya puffed her cheeks, a red blush on her face. "A-As I was saying... I'm Miya. N-Nice to meet everyone." She bowed her head.

[Rhea Davinki Ch. ?] Don't fall for it chat.

[] Don't fall for what?

[] My tsundere senses are tingling...

[] Nice to meet you too, Miya-chan!

[] Love you already!

[lunch_san] Cute and can cook? Marry me!

[break_faster] @lunch_san Marriage isn't a food.

Miya raised her head and then glanced off to the side. When she did, her eyes started flitting back and forth. And then she started to panic. "T-The chat is so fast! H-How am I supposed to read all of this?!"

[] lol

[] Wait. How DO all the other girls read our chats?

[] Huh. Slow-mode is on and it's still this fast?

[Hana Homura Ch. ?] @Miya Musashi Ch. You don't read all the chat, silly. You just read a few!

[] Says the strongest imouto who sees every message

[Aoko Ryuusei Ch. ?] @Hana Homura Ch. Easy for you to say when you binge 500K words a day, Sis.

[Hana Homura Ch. ?] @Aoko Ryuusei Ch. I do not read that much! I read 1M words a day, Aneue!

[Aoko Ryuusei Ch. ?] @Hana Homura Ch. This is why you're always tired in the mornings.

"U-Um..." Miya stammered and then said, "I-I'm glad you're all happy? I think? God this is so fast..."

[] That's what she said!

[] Did we come too early?

[] Is there already some rice in the rice cooker?

[] Definitely happy!

[] Relax! We're having fun!

[] Membership when? I wanna support my adorkable tsundere oshi.

"A-Anyway... L-Let's get started. This will take a bit, so we should start now." Miya slid over a ramen packet and said, "F-F-F-For today's meaL, w-we'll be prepping something simple. S-Since it's important to cook something poor for nutritous people- I-I mean... Dammit!" Miya turned a deep red.

[] Omg. She's great! XD

[] We've got our first comedian, boys!

[watermelon_sheep] I don't want to be cooked!

[] She's so nervous!

[] Finally, a normal girl!

[] Hahaha. She reminds me of when I had to cook for my BF the first time he came over.

Miya trembled, but she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Calm down, Miya. You've got this. You've been through worse. Just think about John and how irritating he is... Right. Irritating... except for his noodles. And the yummy juices- @#[email protected]!"

[] ?!!?!

[] J-John!?


[Rhea Davinki Ch. ?]?

[Kuromi Tekken Ch. ?] MIMI NO!

[Tsubame Akari Ch. ?] @Rhea Davinki Ch. @Kuromi Tekken Ch. Do not just type! Say something, you two!

Miya's eyes snapped open and she quickly waved her hands around, her face a deep red. "I-Ignore what I just said! It's a misunderstanding! A misunderstanding!"

[TITOR?] Ah, karma. You really don't

[] @TITOR Yo, why did you stop typing?

[Poppy Gloria] @Miya Musashi Ch. Don't worry, Darling! I've got you! Just calm down and have fun!

Miya groaned and covered her face. "What a disaster..."



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