Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Chapter 276:: My god. I thought you were someone to rely on…

Chapter 276:: My god. I thought you were someone to rely on…

"Thanks for the food, Miss Jenny!" Shu let out a bright smile and then munched down on a strawberry cream crepe.

Jenny sat down at the table after having passed out food to everyone and then smiled. She sipped on a cup of coffee and said, "Of course! It's a little early for presents, but it's only obvious that someone make you girls breakfast on such a big day. You have to conserve your energy, you know?"

It was a few hours before noon. Eventually, the girls in Prodigy all woke up and gathered around the table in the middle of the room, relaxing before their debuts started at noon.

Yuri sat next to Shu on one side of the table, with Chihiro and Suzume on the other.

Jenny sat in the side between the two pairs, smiling as she looked at everyone.

Yuri groaned and fixed her ruffled hair. "Don't remind me. I'm already regretting deciding to be an idol."

Chihiro sipped on a cup of coffee while scrolling through her phone. "Too late for that. Also, don't look up Miya on Pixit."


Jenny giggled and then leaned on the table. Looking at Yuri, she said, "Don't worry, Riri. It's a lot to take in... But it'll be fine as long as you don't actually take in anything."

Shu turned a beat red and gasped. "M-Miss J-Jenny!"

Jenny tilted her head and played innocent. "What? I'm just saying that Yuri needs to remember to not let it get to her head."

"O-Oh." Shu blinked and then said, "I thought you were talking about something else."

"And what exactly were you thinking I was saying, Shu?"

"T-That's... Well..."

Yuri rolled her eyes and cut a piece of her crepes before eating it. After that, she pointed her fork at Jenny and said, "Do you always have to act so... Ecchi, Jenny? And stop calling me Riri."

Jenny leaned back and shrugged. "I don't know what you mean, Riri. I'm a pure idol... And also, Riri's cuter."

"I guess. But I'm not cute. I'm hot."

Chihiro sipped on her coffee and muttered, "Hot-tempered, you mean."

Yuri froze and then glared at Chihiro. "What did you say?"

Chihiro set her cup of coffee down on the table and said, "Are you deaf? I said you were hot-tempered. And while you might be around an 8/10, I wouldn't call myself 'hot' if I were you. Just pretty."

Yuri gnashed her teeth. But then she forcibly let out a breath and looked away. "Don't let her get to you, Yuri. Chi-chan's just a kid."

"Says the girl who's going to be held back a year because she was too immature in making decisions."

Yuri jumped out of her chair. "You-!"

Chihiro pointed her fork at Yuri and said, "And this is why you're going to have trouble streaming. Though people like explosive streamers, so I guess it might be fine. You'll get memed a lot, at least."

Suzume fixed her crimson bangs and then shook her head. "Please do not let Chi-chan get to you, Riri." She smiled at Yuri and said, "She is only trying to help you prepare for the oncoming chaos."

Yuri groaned and said, "You're calling me Riri now too...?"

"A-Ah." Suzume covered her mouth and then said, "W-Was that rejection serious? I thought we were still having fun..."

Yuri sighed and waved her hand. "It's fine. I guess Riri is an okay nickname... But only you guys get to call me that, got it?"

Jenny gasped and placed her hand over her heart. "You're excluding me, Riri? I thought we had something special!"

Yuri rolled her eyes and said, "You'd call me that anyways, Jenny. Not like my permission's going to change it."

Jenny shook her head and said, "Of course your permission's going to change it, Riri!" She let out a bright smile and said, "Now it means we're super close if we're calling each other by pet names!"

Shu sighed and scratched the back of her head, ruffling her short black hair. "Miss Jenny sure has a lot of energy..."

Jenny looked at her and said, "Of course!" She picked up her cup of coffee and took a sip before giggling. "I'm here with four talented young girls who have a bright future ahead of them. And I get to help you all succeed. How would I not have a lot of energy?"

Shu's eyes widened and she looked away, her ears red.

Yuri flinched and looked away too, her face bright red.

Suzume picked up a napkin and started fanning her face that was slowly starting to turn the same shade as her hair.

And Chihiro cleared her throat, looking away. As she did, she glanced back at Jenny and said, "Combining John's helpful nature and Alphy's adorableness isn't fair, Jenny."

Jenny giggled.

After that, everyone settled down and went back to eating their food.

Jenny smiled and watched the girls chat while sipping her coffee.

It was a nice, warm, and comfortable atmosphere. There was a bit of bickering at times, but the members of Prodigy were really close friends.

Almost made her wish she could do the same with John and the others. But that was for later. It was still a bit awkward considering how suspicious she probably seemed...

Jenny shook her head and then looked at the girls and said, "Have you all decided on the order of debut yet?"

"Hm?" Yuri blinked and said, "I thought I was going first?"

Chihiro nodded and said, "You are."

"Wait." Shu interrupted and said, "We can choose who goes first? Can I go then?"

Yuri frowned and said, "Why do you want to go first?"

Shu rubbed the back of her neck and said, "The sooner the better, right? If you want to swim, it's better to just jump in the water and try."

Chihiro gave Shu a blank stare and said, "That's how you drown, Shu-Senpai."

"Only if you don't swim!"

Suzume smiled and then hid her mouth with her sleeve. After that, she turned to Jenny and said, "Did Mister John not schedule an order for us?"

Jenny shook her head. "Doesn't look like it. The streams aren't scheduled yet, and he never got around to putting dates up." She giggled and said, "It seems like he's been having too much fun with his family."

Yuri huffed. "How unprofessional."

"Says the idol who gets upset at the drop of a hat."

Yuri rolled her eyes. "Like you're any better, Miss 'I draw lewds of my Senpais.'"

"I have permission from Rin, so it's fine."

Yuri blinked. "Wait. What?"

"Oh my." Jenny fanned her face and said, "It seems like our cute little sister has been keeping some grown-up secrets from us..."

Suzume sighed. "...There goes my pure vision of my Senpais..."

Jenny giggled. But then she put on a serious face and said, "So have you girls decided on who's going to debut first yet?" She pulled out her phone and said, "There's a few hours left until noon so there's still a bit of time. But we should schedule the streams and start hyping people up. And then we need to activate your accounts, do all the fun social media stuff..."

Shu started to sweat. "T-That seems like a lot, Miss Jenny..."

Jenny waved her hand. "Don't worry about it." She puffed out her chest and said, "Big Sister Jenny will be here to help you girls out!"

Chihiro glanced at Jenny's chest and said, "You're not that big though?"

"It's how you use your assets that matter, Chi-chan. A little goes a long way, you know?" After saying that, she winked.

Yuri covered her face and said, "Just what the hell did I sign up for?"

Chihiro gave Yuri a blank look and then said, "You have a life-time support and potential sponsorship from apparently the richest man in the world, along with the freedom to practice cooking every day of the week with whatever ingredients you want. And you're still complaining?"

Shu nodded and said, "You should be more grateful, Riri! Mister John's giving you a lot too, you know?"

Yuri lowered her hands, ears red. "I know! I was just venting! Geez. You guys don't need to guilt trip me..."

Suzume grabbed her cup of coffee and sipped on it. "As long as you know, Riri."

"Tch." Yuri crossed her arms and muttered, "No wonder Asako Senpai seems so stressed all the time. It's annoying being ganged up on like this."

Chihiro shrugged and said, "At least you aren't being gangb-"

"CHI-CHAN!" Shu stood up, her face a beet red. "Stop!"

"Oh lighten up, Senpai." Chihiro waved her hand and said, "As if you're any better with all of your-"

"I VOLUNTEER!" Shu quickly turned to Jenny and said, "I'll go first! What do I need to do?"

Suzume gave Shu a blank stare and then covered her face. "...Am I the only pure maiden in this group...?"

"Oi!" Yuri pointed at Suzume and said, "Don't lump me in with those perverts!"

Jenny giggled and then stood up. "Well, it looks like everyone's energy it topped up. Then... Since Shu volunteered, how about we go like this? Shu, Suzume, Riri, and then Chi-chan."

Chihiro frowned. "Why am I going last?"

"Because you'll break the internet, Chi-chan."


Jenny clapped her hands and said, "Okay! Now let's clean up and then help Shu get ready! ...And put in the legwork on social media."

A chorus of groans echoed in the room.

Jenny laughed.


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