Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Chapter 274: You~ Baby!

Chapter 274: You~ Baby!


John blinked and looked off in the distance, frowning. For a moment there, it felt like someone was laughing at him. Except... there wasn't any reason why that would be happening.

Yue looked over at John and frowned as well. "Is something wrong, Husband?"

"No." John shook his head and looked back at Yue. "I think it's just the Christmas cheer."

"Mm." Yue nodded and then looked off to the side. "There *is* a lively atmosphere in the air today."

Christmas Eve. A Tuesday. A slow day cuddling with Yue on the couch and watching Christmas specials... is what John would like to say was happening. Except, that was far from the case.

In John's former mancave and currently makeshift partyroom, a loud clamor echoed.

While he and Yue were cuddled together on their couch with Christmas specials playing on the giant TV, in the kitchen three beautiful women rummaged around and made a giant commotion.

Wearing a cute Santa outfit with a short miniskirt, Daji scanned through a long list and said, "Did we get all the ingredients prepared?"

Zhaojun placed a bag of groceries on the counter. Like Daji, she wore a Santa outfit as well. But unlike Daji, Zhaojun's outfit had a pair crimson pants instead of a miniskirt.

After looking through the bags, Zhaojun nodded and said, "Yes, that should be everything."

Daji looked at Xuannu and said, "And the presents for the kids?"

Xuannu rolled her eyes and adjusted her long crimson dress. "I put them in the Santa bag and hid them already, Daji. Relax."

"I'll relax when everything is finished!" Daji huffed and said, "We have to make this first Christmas together perfect!"

John sighed.

Maybe he shouldn't have talked about how much he missed Christmas in front of everyone last night. And how it was the embodiment of family get togethers and happy vibes.

Not that he minded, but at this rate it looked like it would become a full-blown celebration again instead of just a small get-together...

John sighed and then looked over at his wife.

Yue looked up at John and tilted her head. "Yes, Husband?"

He smiled and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Just admiring my cute wifey."

Yue let out a bright smile and blushed. "Husband is as charming as-" Before she could finish, Yue winced and clutched her stomach.

John's eyes widened and he quickly sat up, carefully staring at Yue. He grabbed her hand and used his spiritual sense to check her condition.

And then he froze.

Yue noticed and tensed as well. "H-Husband? W-What do you- Ow!" She winced and clutched her stomach. "W-Why does it hurt so much?" She started to tear up and look at John. "Husband...!"

John held her hand with both of his and stared into Yue's eyes. "Take deep breaths and calm down, Yue. Nothing's wrong. Just-"

A sudden warmth by John's legs. Something wet soaking the couch.

Yue instantly turned red. "T-That's... I-I didn't mean to-" Her words cut off and she moaned in pain, clutching her stomach.

John groaned. "Of course. Of *course* it would be today."

"Yuyu?" Daji noticed and started walking over. "What's wrong?"

"I... I don't know!" Yue sobbed and clutched her stomach. "It hurts! It-" She took a sharp breath and then curled up.

Seeing that made John feel a pang of guilt. That panic and sheer agony was an expression he'd never seen on Yue before. And seeing that made him just want to hold her hand and say that everything was going to be alright.

But he couldn't do that. At least, not yet.

Zhaojun and Xuannu ran over as well.

"Big Sister?"

"Princess, what's wrong?"

John glanced at the two and then said, "The baby's coming."

Zhaojun's eyes widened. But then she focused and went over to hold Yue's hand. "Big Sister, relax. It will be fine-"

Yue screamed and clenched Zhaojun's hand before sobbing.

Okay. Desperate times called for desperate measures.

John spread out his senses through the city and then said, "Take care of Yue for a bit. I'll be right back with help."

Xuannu turned towards him and said, "Wait! Johnny, you can't just-"

"There you are."

Locked onto his target, John vanished.


A penthouse apartment suite a few miles from Myth Inc. HQ. There, Eri Iyasu let out a content sigh as she took a look around.

It was a glamorous setting. Sparkling crystal chandeliers, posh dcor What every woman dreamed of at least once in their life.

A picture-perfect view of Tokyo's cityscape, bathed gold by the morning sunlight. Soft jazz music playing from speakers embedded in the wall to set the mood. Aromatic candles to give a warm atmosphere.

It was like something from a dream. And the source of it all was the handsome man seated at a desk nearby, typing away on his laptop.

Bai Hu.

A white-haired man who carried a wild air like a tiger and who came into her life like a storm. Thrashing the thugs trying to take advantage of her at the lowest point in her life and then pulling her up with him into places Eri couldn't have imagined...

She still wondered if she was dreaming. If maybe she was still drunk and knocked out at the bar after she was kicked out from her job.

A chill crept through her heart at that thought and then she walked over to wrap her arms around Bai's shoulders.

"Hm?" Bai paused and then looked up at Eri. After that, he let out a sly smile and said, "What? Lonely already, Eri?"

"Mmhm." Eri nodded and hugged him. "I can't help it. I still worry that I'll wake up cold and alone without you."

Bai laughed and then spun around to grab Eri.


Bai placed Eri on his lap and then hugged her close. "You're mine, Eri. No matter who tries to take you away from me, I'll-"

A soft *pop*.

Eri blinked and looked towards the source of the noise.

A familiar man. Blonde hair, blue-green eyes that were currently a clear bright green. His clothes were a bit disheveled, and he had a weird odor around him. Something a bit like blood and also not.

John Smith. Bai's boss. And also the one who lived on the same floor as Eri in her old apartment complex.

"B-Boss?" Bai blinked and said, "What are you-"

John locked his gaze on Eri and pointed at her. "You're a doctor, right?"

Eri blinked. "Y-Yes?"

"Trained in childbirth?"

"U-Um..." Eri paused to think about it.

She was mostly a physician, but she was licensed as an OB-GYN for a while too when starting out.

"...I have some practice?"

"Good. My wife's in labor and we need a doctor."

"P-Pardon? Your- What?"

Before Eri could think about it, John grabbed her arm.

And then the surroundings were suddenly different.

Eri blinked. "Just what-"

A shrill and pained female scream cut through the air.

Hearing that, Eri focused.

A beautiful young woman laid down on a couch, being tended to by three other beauties.

Eri didn't know exactly what was going on, but she could see that the young woman was going into labor.

John patted Eri's shoulder and said, "Direct the other women as needed. I'll bring reinforcements."

And then he was gone.

Eri was still confused. But there was a patient in distress, so she focused on that instead.


"Thank you for spending time with me, Betty!" Emily let out a bright smile and said, "You don't know how happy I am. Really, really, really thank you!"

Betty smiled and ruffled Emily's hair. "You have worked hard. It is only fair I reward you a bit, is it not?"

Emily blushed and then poked her fingers together. "Heehee..."

A small apartment in Akihabara, a short walk away from Ars Nova Production's studio.

Like Betty mentioned to the other girls, she was spending Christmas with Emily. And at the moment, the two were seated on a couch in her living room, watching Christmas specials on TV.

It wasn't anything romantic or intimate. Just a warm and friendly atmosphere.

Emily smiled and then walked over to the kitchen. Rummaging around in the fridge, she said, "Did you want something to drink, Betty? Um... Let's see. I have some Dk Pep, Dk Salt, the special edition Dk Kek... Oh! There's some orange juice too!"

Betty waved her hand and said, "I will have whatever you like to drink."

"Then... I'll pour us some orange juice."

While Emily grabbed some glasses to pour orange juice, Betty stared at the TV.

There was an animation playing. A children's cartoon featuring a deer with a red nose.

A bit strange. But not quite as strange as the one featuring a white dog that interacted with children and walked on two feet.

Then again, Betty had seen stranger in the Three Realms, so perhaps she wasn't in the best position to judge.

Emily walked back with a glass of orange juice and handed it to Betty before sitting back down. As she did, Emily looked at the TV and said, "It's still a bit weird how close this Earth is to mine. It's mostly the same, but just a little bit different."

Betty sipped on her orange juice and said, "Did you want to return?"

Emily hesitated but then she shook her head. "No." She smiled and said, "I miss my family a bit. But here I can spend all my time having fun making things. Not only that, but I've made good friends... and I have you." She leaned against Betty and said, "Mistress is all that I ever-"

A soft *pop*.

Betty's eyes widened and she turned towards the source of the noise.

Emily let out a small 'eep' and quickly turned as well, her face red.

John blinked, taking in Emily's appearance. And then he shook his head, focusing on Betty instead. "No time to explain. Just come with."

"H-Hold on, Father! At least-"

"You can come too. Moral support is good."

Before either Betty or Emily could say anything, John grabbed them both.

And then the apartment was empty, leaving Rudolf the Bright-Nosed Reindeer playing on TV.


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