Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Chapter 235: Comiket Chaos – IV

Chapter 235: Comiket Chaos – IV


Around 10 AM, at a side alley in the buildings behind the convention center where Comiket was taking place. One with a clear view of the streets behind the convention center.

Due to Comiket being in full swing, the streets were mostly barren since the commuters had already arrived. There were some people walking around on the sidewalk circling the convention center, but the roads themselves were clear.

And because of that, it was easy to see the police cars streak past. Flashing blue lights, blaring sirens... An entire squadron of cars raced down the road in hot pursuit of something.

After the police cars passed by, Xuannu fixed her headdress and let out sigh of relief. "Who would have thought that such powerless mortals could be so persistent?"

Daji straightened her kimono and then pointedly ignored Xuannu. Instead, she turned to Yue and lowered her head. "Sorry, Yuyu. If a certain *someone* didn't have so much fun driving, we would have gotten here hours ago."

Xuannu crossed her arms and said, "Excuse me?! No one told me that there were such things as 'speed limits' in this world! Honestly. Mortals are so silly. You're already driving in a screaming metal death machine. What difference does it make being just a bit slower?"

Yue laughed and then covered her mouth with her sleeve. Smiling, she said, "Well... It was definitely exhilarating. Though it's fortunate that we did not collide with anyone." She placed her hands against her belly and said, "I don't know what I would have done if something were to have happened to the little one..."

Daji's eyes widened and then she rounded on Xuannu. "Yeah, Xuanni! What were you thinking?! What if something happened to the baby?!"

Xuannu waved her hand. "It's fine. I had everything under control." She tossed her hair, untucking it from her headdress to fall behind her. "I've flown and ridden much wilder things before. A contraption like that is nothing."

"Oh yeah?" Daji narrowed her eyes. "Then I'm sure you don't mind if I tell Big Brother, right?"

"Kuh." Xuannu let out a nervous laugh and glanced at Yue. "T-There's no need for that. Everything turned out well in the end, didn't it?"

"Hm..." Yue placed her finger on her chin and then looked to the side. "I don't know... my big sister was quite reckless in driving us here..."

"Y-You jest. Right? R-Right?"

Yue laughed and then waved her hand. "No worries, Xuannu. I enjoyed it, so it's fine." She paused and furrowed her borw. "Though... Husband may be upset at how much trouble we caused."

At that time, even more police cars raced down the streets. And in the distance, officers were starting to cordon off the intersections.

Xuannu fiddled with her hair and then said, "It... will be fine. I made sure to conceal our identities the entire ride and also erased our traces. I think."

Daji shrugged and then looked over at Yue. "Don't worry about it, Yuyu. What Big Brother doesn't know won't hurt him, right? Now come on!" She grabbed Yue's right hand and started leading her towards the back entrance of the convention center. "Let's go see what this festival is about! And what food they have!"

Yue laughed and said, "Well, I suppose I *am* curious about the sorts of dishes here."

"Right?! Let's go!" Daji smiled and then swung Yue's arm, walking with her towards the entrance.

Xuannu shook her head and followed after them. Looking at Daji, she said, "You *do* realize that I am the one who is holding the funds for our little outing, do you not?" To emphasize, she held up her hand, materializing a black credit card with John's name on it.

Daji turned back and then rolled her eyes. "Well then hurry up, Xuanni!"

Xuannu sighed and then tucked the card away beneath her shirt. After that, she walked to Yue's left side. Looking at her, Xuannu said, "Sorry again for making us late, Yue."

Yue waved her left hand and said, "It's fine." She let out a gentle smile and said, "Today is a day where I can spend it relaxing with my sisters. Even if we're late to the convention and meeting up with Husband, I am happy just being with the two of you."

Xuannu's eyes widened and then she sighed. After that, she smiled and grabbed Yue's left hand. "Well then... Let's make the most of today, shall we? Before Johnny decides to be clingy and keep our dear sister to himself again."

Yue laughed.

Daji squealed and then hugged Yue. "Why do you have to be so cute, Yuyu!"

Yue blushed, but then she smiled and hugged Daji back. "Because- Ow." She flinched and then grabbed her stomach.

Daji gasped and immediately stepped back. "Oh no! What happened? Did I hug you too hard? Is the baby fine! Uuuuuuuuu..."

Yue let out a strained smile. "I'm fine. It's just..." She took a slow breath and then straightened. "It seems the little one is a bit excited. That was a strong kick..."

Xuannu frowned. "...Are you sure you're fine to be walking around like this, Yue?"

"I'm fine." Yue shook her head and said, "I'm with child, not crippled. Though... I wouldn't mind if one of you lended me a shoulder..."

"I've got it!" Daji grabbed Yue's arm and wrapped it around her shoulders. At the same time, she moved her fluffy tails to form a makeshift bed. "There! If you're tired, just lean back, okay, Yuyu?"

"Thank you, Daji."

"It's little sister!"

Yue laughed. "Okay, little sister. Then... I'll be counting on you."

"Yes! Please do, Yuyu!"

Xuannu sighed. "Well... If you say so, Yue. But we're only going to take a short walk around. As soon as you start getting tired, we're going to take you straight to Johnny. Got it? And we're only walking until we find his booth."

Yue rubbed her belly and then nodded. "That's fine." She looked towards the packed convention center and laughed. "Husband could probably use some company now anyway. Ah. But... sorry for the trouble." She frowned and said, "If I wasn't here, you two would be able to have much more fun..."

Xuannu grabbed Yue's left hand. "Hey now, we've been over this already. And besides, everyone's said enough apologies, right?"

Daji looked over and nodded. "Yeah! What Xuanni said!"

Yue smiled.

Hand in hand, the three headed along the sidewalk towards the convention entrance.

It was an odd sight. A nun, an asylum escapee, and a nine-tailed fox demon. Not only that, but the three were world-class beauties.

Because of that, when they got closer to the convention center, people couldn't help but stare.

Of course, the three didn't pay them any attention.

Daji looked up at the clear blue sky and smiled. "It's good that the weather's nice and warm." She lowered her gaze and said, "I'd hate to have to ruin this cute outfit with a stuffy coat."

Xuannu blinked. "Is the Demon Realm not among the coldest regions in the Three Realms? Especially around your palace?"

Daji rolled her eyes. "It's not like I'm actually cold, Xuanni. I'm just worried about what the mortals might think. Though..." She looked around and said, "Now that I see them, maybe it wouldn't even matter."

Despite the cold, there were still woman walking around in revealing cosplay. Bikini armor with nothing but a thin cloak. Skin-tight latex costumes... Impractical clothing for the weather. Even so, the women toughed it out, prioritizing fashion over feelings.

And then there were the occasional crazy guys going full barbarian with bare torsos and shorts.

Xuannu shrugged and said, "This *is* supposed to be some sort of costume festival. And it seems that these mortals are quite devoted to their craft."

Yue nodded. "Yes. That does seem to be a common trend with Husband and his- Hm?" She stopped and turned her head to the side.

Daji stopped as well, frowning. "Is something wrong, Yuyu?"

"No. Just... do you hear that?"

"Hm?" Daji's fox ears twitched and then she tilted her head. "I... do? But what-"

"...Ten thousand years have come and then gone since the time I first loved you!"

A chorus of voices, drifting from the distance. At the same time, the ground started to shake. Soft tremors echoing from countless footsteps.

Xuannu turned to look and then blinked. "...What?"

A cloud of snow and dust. And the cause of that was a giant crowd of men and women, young and old. All of them in terrific physical shape, running together and singing. And at the front, a muscular man wearing a shirt with Alfi's face on it. Looking up at the sky, he shouted, "A-I-SHI-TE-RU!"


"L-Let's get out of the way, Yuyu." Daji stepped off to the side, tugging Yue with her.

Xuannu nodded and moved back as well. "Yeah... We should probably move."

Bystanders started moving as well, clearing the path. But it wasn't necessary.

In a perfect and fluid coordination, the sprinters moved into a single line and threaded through the gap between the people. All the while, they sang in a chorus. "Ten million more might come and then go but I will always AISHITERU!"

And then the crowd was gone, running around the corner.

Xuannu blinked. "...Mortals here are weird."

Daji shook her head and said, "Oh, you haven't seen *anything* yet, Xuanni. Did you know that there are mortals here running around atop those towering glass buildings without any safety equipment?"

"That isn't new. Mortals did crazy things all the time in the Three Realms."

Daji nodded and started walking back towards the convention hall entrance. "Well, *yeah*. But those guys are trying to defy the heavens! These mortals are just doing it for fun!"

Yue hummed. "I suppose that would certainly explain Husband's personality..."


The trio laughed and then walked inside the convention center.

But just a few steps inside, there was another commotion. A crowd of people surrounding a booth by the entrance.

Daji sighed. "It's going to be annoying today, isn't it?"

"Well, this *is* a popular event," Xuannu said. "Though I don't recall ever seeing so many people willingly packing together so tight-"

"So! It has come to this after all, Avenger!" A booming male voice with an arrogant tone. And one familiar to the three women.

"Eh?" Xuannu quickly looked over.

Yue did as well, frowning. "That sounds like Husband, but..."

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!" A female voice, answering the male voice. And one also familiar.

Daji's eyes widened and she looked at Yue. "Yuyu? But wait-"


Yue's frown deepened and she walked forward. Or she tried to, but the crowd wouldn't move.

Daji noticed and then started pushing people out of the way. "Coming through! Move aside!"

Xuannu moved to Yue's left and started pushing people away too. "Back it up!"

It was rude, but since the three were beautiful, the people they moved willingly backed off. And as they did, the crowd cleared a way on their own.

Because of that, the source of the commotion was revealed.

A man with slicked black hair in golden armor faced off against a beauty with crimson hair wearing a black dress paired with dark platemail.

Titor and Amadeus, with a shining silver disc on the ground between them.

Titor reached behind him. As he did, the air rippled, revealing the hilt of a drill-shaped sword. He grabbed it and pulled it out, holding it in front of him.

At the same time, Amadeus growled and held her hands out to the side, grabbing the hilt of a non-existant sword. But when she clenched her hands, one appeared. A pitch black blade with ominous crimson lines pulsing through it.

"Ooh." Daji looked impressed and said, "That's fancy. It's all just lights, but that looks really impressive."

Xuannu nodded. "Yes. It seems that Titor has as much of a flair for the dramatic as Johnny did when he was younger."

"Yeah!" Daji looked towards Yue and said, "What do you think, Yuyu?"

Yue didn't respond. Instead, she frowned and carefully looked between Titor and Amadeus. After staring for a bit, she tilted her head and muttered, "That's strange."

"Mm?" Xuannu looked over. "What is?"

"Those two remind me a lot of myself and Husband when we first fought. And I think that armor is actually the same type he was wearing..."

"Eh?" Daji blinked. "Big Brother did that? But-"

"Aaaargh! I'm done with this embarrassing demonstration!" Amadeus blushed and held up her sword. "Regal Illusion, activate!"

Titor laughed. "Fine! Let us end this in one blow!" He held up his sword as well, pointing it at the sky. "Regal Illusion, activate!"

"EX- Whatever you call it!"

"Enuma... Copyright friendly attack!"

Amadeus swung her sword, sending a beam of crimson light towards Titor.

At the same time, Titor's sword started to swirl, causing a vortex around him. And when it appeared, the light from Amadeus's sword started to swirl around Titor as well.

The moment that happened, Titor smirked and pointed his sword at Amadeus, sending it all back.

A giant explosion of light.

The crowd gasped and jumped to the side, people running and ducking for cover.

Daji rolled her eyes. "Geez... it's just a fancy light show. No need to get so scared..."

Xuannu nodded. "Still. You have to admit, it looks pretty impressive." She looked towards Titor and said, "If that was real, it would be dangerous."

Yue nodded too and said, "It does look very powerful. But Husband's sword is much better."

Xuannu laughed and winked at Yue. "I bet you would know all about that, wouldn't you, Yue?"

Yue blushed and placed her hands on her belly, letting out a shy smile.

The lights from the clash between Titor and Amadeus dimmed. When it faded, it revealed Titor and Amadeus standing their in their usual lab coats.

Amadeus huffed and crossed her arms, turning her head to the side.

Titor let out a sheepish smile and rubbed the back of his neck. After that, he held out his hand to the silver disc on the ground.

The silver disc turned dull and then flew towards Titor. He grabbed it and then looked towards the crowd, smiling. "And there you have it! That's the end of our demo for Mirror Corp's latest in AR technology. If you want to try it out for yourself, swing by next week at the winter electronics expo. Ah, and please, a round of applause for my lovely assistant." He waved his arm, pointing at Amadeus.

The crowd cheered and applause filled the air.

Amadeus blushed and then ran up to smack Titor. "I'm not your assistant, dammit! I'm your wi-" She cut herself off, her face turning even redder.

Titor turned towards her and raised an eyebrow. "My what?"

"Sh-shut up!" Amadeus turned her head to the side and muttered, "You know what I mean."

Titor laughed and then pulled Amadeus in for a kiss.

Amadeus froze, her eyes widening.

Xuannu gave Titor a blank stare. "...Yep. He's related to Johnny alright."

Daji nodded. "One hundred percent."

Yue stared at Amadeus, frowning. Then she looked down at her left hand before slowly looking back at Amadeus.

Amadeus finally broke free, shoving Titor away. At that point, her face was just as red as her hair. And then she noticed Yue. And Xuannu. And Daji.


"Oh!" Titor waved at the trio. "Hey girls! Having fun?"

Xuannu snorted.

Daji rolled her eyes.

As for Yue, she completely ignored him. Instead, she walked forward, her gaze locked on Amadeus.

Amadeus flinched and started edging away. But before she could run away, Yue grabbed her hand.

Amadeus glanced at Yue and then shifted her gaze away. "W-W-What do you want, huh?"

Yue was quiet for a moment. But then she pulled Amadeus into a hug.

Amadeus tensed. "H-Huh? What are-"

"I'm sorry. You've suffered a lot from my sins, haven't you?"

Amadeus's eyes widened. And then she started to tear up. "...You're not fair."

Daji dashed over and waved her hands, blocking Yue and Amadeus from the crowd with her fluffy tails. "Okay, that's it! Shoo! Nothing to see here!"

Xuannu moved over as well and started shooing people away. "Like the guy said, the demonstration's over! Get lost!"

Titor cleared his throat. "That's all from us. Raffle winners will be announced later in the day via text! Until then, enjoy the rest of Comiket!" After that, he quickly ushered the girls back towards the booth.

With that, the crowd finally dispersed. A few people stuck around for a bit, but combined glares from Daji and Xuannu drove them off.

Inside the Mirror Corp. booth, Yue led Amadeus over to a pair of chairs and then sat down, having a hushed conversation.

Seeing that, Titor let out a faint smile and said, "Well... I'm glad that ended up well."

"Speaking of things ending up well..." Daji sidled over to Titor and peered into his face. "You never did confirm how you know John, Mister Titor... It's pretty convenient how a guy like you showed up, right?"

Titor flinched and took a step back.

Xuannu blocked off his escape path and nodded. "Daji's right. You brushed it off last time... But it's about time you tell the truth. After all, that display isn't something an ordinary mortal could create... Even if he was a time traveler."

Titor groaned and then muttered, "Dammit, John. Why am I still cleaning up after your messes?"


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