Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Chapter 231: Girls setting off for Comiket

Chapter 231: Girls setting off for Comiket

Rin spun around and looked at her outfit in the mirror.

A warm and snug crimson coat. A yellow wool scarf. A cute pleated beige skirt with matching boots. Warm leggings to ward off the cold. And then a red backpack to top it off.

While her hair wasn't dark like the character she was cosplaying, Rin's outfit was the exact same. And considering that character was from an Anime where the main character went back in time to save her and erase that bad future... it was pretty fitting too.

Rin smiled at her reflection and then turned around. "You're really good at costume design, Miss Zhaojun!"

Zhaojun smiled and said, "You are too kind, Miss Rin. But thank you."

Rin's smile widened and then she adjusted her backpack and looked around.

It was Friday morning, around 7 AM. It was also the day of Comiket.

Because Project MirAIs was going to have a booth at the event, the members of Prototype had decided to take the day off and go see what it was like in person.

Also, Rin had never gone to a big cosplay event, so she wanted to see what it was like. And not only that, but she'd get to hang out with both of her big sisters and play dress up and then shop for cool things!

So to get ready for that, Asako, Alphy, Rin, and Zhaojun had gathered in Alphy's room to put together costumes to cosplay at the convention.

Fortunately, there were a bunch of random cosplay pieces in the closet that they could use and Zhaojun was really good at putting the outfits together.

And speaking of Zhaojun...

Rin looked back at her and said, "You know, Miss Zhaojun. You really suit that outfit."

Zhaojun tilted her head and said, "Do I now?"

Unlike Rin, who dressed up as a character from a more normal Anime, Zhaojun had dressed up as a character from a darker fantasy Anime.

A black sleeveless blouse and skirt combo with a crimson tie and belt. A sheathed katana at her left side, kept next to a few red leather bags. Black leather boots and matching gloves with red trimming. Then a black cloak to keep her warm.

It was an outfit that should have been out of the ordinary. While it wasn't too outrageous since the main pieces of clothing were things you could find normally, the mix of the cloak and katana should have thrown off the balance.

Of course, Zhaojun was beautiful enough that it didn't matter what she wore. Even in casual clothes, she was still pretty enough that anybody would look at her.

But there was something about that particular outfit that really suited her.

The way that Zhaojun casually rested her hand on the katana, her serene expression... And with her hair let down, it was almost like she became the character she was cosplaying. That she was the ruthless assassin brought to life- No. That was wrong. Instead, it was as if the character was modeled after her.

Zhaojun adjusted her katana and hummed. "I suppose it makes sense. I used to travel in an outfit like this in my younger days, so it is only natural that this suits me."

"Eh?" Rin blinked and said, "You used to wear an outfit like that? Even the katana?"

"Mm." Zhaojun nodded and said, "I did not use a katana, but I did have a similar sword at one point. There was a period where Senior Brother was teaching me the sword so that I could defend myself." She drew the katana and then looked at the blade.

It was a replica. The katana wasn't real steel, but just a piece of plastic painted to look like steel.

Even so, there was just a certain air around Zhaojun that made it seem real.


"Hm?" Zhaojun blinked and looked over. "...Miss Rin?"

"Ah." Rin blinked and realized that she had pulled out her phone to take a picture. She blushed and said, "I'm sorry! But Miss Zhaojun just looked so cool..."

Zhaojun giggled. "Thank you again. But you should save such compliments for your big sisters, Miss Rin. I think the two of them will need them... Especially considering how long they are taking to change." She shifted her gaze to the changing rooms in the back.

Rin frowned. "...That's true. Onee-chan and Aneue *are* taking a while to change." She looked over as well and said, "Should I check on them?"


Before Zhaojun could finish, one of the changing rooms opened and then Asako walked out.

When she did, Rin gasped. "Aneue! You're so pretty!"

Asako blushed and said, "Ugh. Is it too late to change my mind on this outfit? I thought it'd be cool, but... there's so much skin showing..."

Unlike the others, Asako wanted to cosplay as a video game character. Specifically, she wanted to cosplay as a character from a game she liked playing when she was younger... Something called Last Delusion VII.

As for that character's outfit...

A sleeveless white crop top. A black leather skirt kept up by overall belts. Thigh-high black leggings. Fingerless black gloves, paired with gauntlets. And then red leather boots to top it off.

Zhaojun gave Asako a critical look and then nodded. "As I thought, you bring the character to life well, Miss Asako."

Asako tugged her crop down, trying to hide her exposed abs. "M-Maybe. But this is still embarrassing... Ugh. Why do girls like to show so much skin anyway?"

Rin shook her head and said, "Aneue shouldn't be embarrassed! You're in great shape, so you should show it off! How many other girls have abs like that?"

"I mean... you're not wrong. But this is still embarrassing... Ugh. I'd rather deal with those bastards all day long than walk around like this..." Asako shook her head and then looked at Rin. "...At least you look cozy."

"Mmhm!" Rin spun around and said, "It's like I'm back in school!"

Asako winced.

"Hm?" Rin tilted her head. "Is something wrong?"

"...No. Nothing's wrong, Sis." Asako shifted her gaze to Zhaojun and then said, "So you're really going to walk around with us today, Miss Zhaojun? ...Dressed like that?"

Zhaojun nodded. "Of course."

"...Aren't you embarrassed?"

"Why would I be?"

Asako sighed. "Never mind. Anyway, is Alphy done yet? It's getting pretty close to the time the gates open, right?"

"Ah." Rin shook her head. "No. Onee-chan's still changing."

At that time, the other changing room opened and then Alphy walked out. Like Asako, she was a bit embarrassed when she stepped out. Her face was flushed and she fiddled with her shirt. "U-Um... How do I look?"

It was a simple cosplay. A black school girl uniform with a red tie. A black skirt and long black leggings, with black clogs. She had a red leather belt on, along with a red leather satchel by her left side. In short, an ordinary outfit that just looked a bit fancier than usual... Except that she had a katana sheathed by her side just like Zhaojun.

"Wow!" Rin looked at Alphy and then at Zhaojun. "Dressed like that, you two could be sisters!"

Asako looked at the two as well and then nodded. "Well, the two are supposed to be sisters in the Anime. Though..." She frowned and carefully looked at Alphy and Zhaojun. "You two really do look similar..." She turned towards Zhaojun and said, "Are you really just Alphy's Aunt?"

Zhaojun simply smiled.

"...Never mind. Anyway..." Asako checked her phone and said, "We should get going. The line's probably pretty long already, and I don't want to have to stand around with weirdos longer than I have to."

"Aneue! That's mean!"

Asako sighed. "You just don't know how otakus are, Sis... Now come on."


At around the same time the members of Prototype and Zhaojun were getting ready to leave, three women were getting ready to do the same on the top floor of Myth Inc. HQ.

Daji waved a fan in front of her face and stared at her image streamed back to her in the wall monitors.

Flowing white hair, nine fluffy tails flowing behind her, and a silk kimono with sakura petals embroidered across it... In short, a beautiful fox demon brought to life.

Daji let out a sly smile and said, "How convenient of this world to have a character that suits me so well."

Xuannu adjusted her outfit, a tight-fitting nun outfit, and said, "Are you sure you haven't snuck over to this world in the past, Daji?"

"Of course not, Xuanni! If I did, I would have kept Big Brother all to myself, you know? Ah." Daji turned behind her and said, "No offense, Yuyu."

Yue smiled and said, "It's fine, Daji. I would have done the same."

Xuannu frowned. "True. But what a strange coincidence... To think that there would be a goddess of the sun in this world that also happens to be a nine-tailed fox demon... And for her to share your name as well..."

Daji shrugged. "It's Big Brother's world. With as weird as he is, what do you expect?"

"True." Xuannu nodded and then looked to Yue. "Are you sure you're fine dressing up like that though? It's a bit... I mean, for someone like me or Daji, it would be fine. But for an expectant married woman like you..."

Yue smiled. "It's fine. Besides, my Husband mentioned how he wanted to see me dressed as this character at some point."

For her outfit, Yue had turned her hair a lighter shade of green to match the character. She was also wearing a full-body white suit that looked like a straight jacket, with black leather belts around her neck, arms, sleeves, and thighs. And to finish up the outfit, there were white leather boots.

Overall, it was a bit more modest than the original design. The outfit was looser and didn't hug her body as much. It was also made of a warm and fluffy material instead of tight spandex. Even so, it didn't do much to hide Yue's curves or baby bump.

Daji looked over at Xuannu and said, "Don't worry about it, Xuanni! If any creep looks at Yuyu funny, we can just beat the crap out of him!"

Xuannu sighed. "I don't get why Johnny didn't just take you with him."

Yue rested her hands on her belly and said, "I don't mind. Husband is working hard to help the girls he decided to save."

Xuannu stared at Yue and then shook her head. "Marriage really changes a person, huh?"


"Nothing." Xuannu stretched. "In any case... I've been doing some studying on how these 'cars' work and I think I've managed to figure out how to drive one. Well, after some coaxing from our blue dragon host. Since he dropped one off for us to use... How about we test it out?"


John paused in the middle of opening a box.

Takashi looked over and said, "Is something wrong, John?"

John broke out into a cold sweat. "...I think I forgot to address a really important problem."

"What's that?"

"...My wife and my sisters don't know how to drive."

Takashi blinked. "Did you want to go pick them up then?"

John looked out in the distance and then groaned. "I would... but I think it's too late for that now." He sighed. "Well. It's... probably fine."



...Okay. Maybe he should cast a few good luck and anti-misfortune spells just in case...



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