Return of the Woodcutter

Chapter 81 - OniiChan At The Rescue!

Kai Tsubame has been very surprised at how things turned out in the end. The black challenger proved to be tougher to test than originally planned.

He even forged an alliance of sorts with the assassin siblings. Together, they had taken down a group composed of twenty level 1 swordsmen, ten level 1 bowmen, and two level 1 elementalists. That operation cost him dearly. 

Losing warrior and archer classes was acceptable. Those were more common enough. Mage classes, however, were harder to find. 

Generally, only around one out of ten humans could become a mage class. Not because of their lack of mana, but because of their lack of raw talent in manipulating aura outside of the boundary of their bodies. 

Eventually, one would learn to do so with time, provided the person managed to live long enough. However, only a few, those who showed promise early on, could become mage classes. 

So, had it been worth it losing two elementalists? In a sense, yes. 

His future manager, the one who would lead his troops in a near-future—or so he thought—proved to be cunning. A trait he quite liked about a subordinate. 

The black challenger was staying on the third floor on purpose to avoid his henchmen. Nothing he could do about it. He had sent the sect members to spy on him every day and found a few interesting things. 

First, his name was Aito Walker. A negligible detail to everyone but not him, for Kai had heard about the name a great many times before. In fact, he knew it too well. One of the most profitable enterprises in his previous life had come from Aito's father, after all.

How could he forget the son of such a gullible, generous man

Second, he realized that Aito was slowly but progressively developing a friendly relationship with Ogoro. In it, Kai saw the potential to draw Aito out from his hiding place. He had waited until they developed an acceptable bond. 

Not too long because it would have been difficult to clear the Tower with but two or three weeks left. But not too fast as to let them increase their sense of friendship. The rest had been easy. 

Kidnap Sheyla to trigger Ogoro, pushing him to bring Aito. The bait has been thrown, he only needed to wait. 

Worst-case scenario, he'd only have lost a morning of income due to the number of sect members he had deployed. No big deal. He'd take Sheyla as a consolation prize.

Best case scenario and what Kai hoped for, would be that he successfully draw out the black challenger and convince him to join his ranks. 

In the off-chance Aito managed to resist him, which was supposedly improbable, well… to avoid future potential trouble, Kai'd prefer to kill him now. Plucking the roots out of the sap before it became a tree was preferable. 

Also, Kai had already lost thirty-two employees, killed by Aito and the siblings. Dozens of others were currently in floor zero. A real waste of resources. He needed to make up for his losses. 

Sam has been freed thanks to a few bribes and convincing.

Kai had been pleasantly surprised when he realized his skills could actually even influence moderators.

Not by a large amount. What he couldn't do with his diplomatic skills was compensated mainly in soul cores. Moderators also had mortal desires. So after offering Sara, the other moderator of the second floor, a few men to bed, on top of being influenced by his skills, she accepted to release Sam. 

Kai hoped this investment was worth it though. 

Thankfully, this morning, they had succeeded in their operation. Oh, how refreshing it had been. Although Kai knew the plan would succeed, seeing it happening in front of his eyes was different. 

In one word: bliss. 

A true bliss. He'd be downright lying if he said he didn't take any pleasure in this. Capturing two elusive assassins that had been quite feared back on Earth was just… satisfying. There were no other words to describe it. 

As for why he needed this whole show of force? Well, let's just say that his reputation has been down as of late because of the ass whopping his henchmen suffered a few weeks ago. In a way, it was to restore the prestige he was due. 

Sheyla stared dagger at Kai, her icy blue eyes emanating cold killing intent. Kai simply smiled in response while gazing at her curves. 

Oh how he had dreamt of ravaging her countless times before. Not that he had never met attractive women, quite the contrary. But her cold demeanor. Her impenetrable walls. The aura screaming "independent, strong woman," tempted him more than just a mere beautiful body. 

He could certainly take her now. On this very table placed at the center of the first floor, where both of them were sitting at. But no. It would be tasteless. 

Kai wanted to break her. To dominate her. To make her submit. Once he'd gain absolute control, then yes, he'd be able to enjoy her to the fullest!

"You're wasting your time," Sheyla declared in a mocking tone. "He will never come." 

"Perhaps. But he who never tries will never have." Kai replied, his voice strangely soothing. "Nothing is certain. Be it on Earth or in another world. Nothing is certain, Sheyla. I'm smart enough to know I can't succeed every time. That's one of the reasons I have three hundred and fifty men here. Instead of mocking me, I think you should think about your brother. Compared to the black challenger, HE will just come back for you." 

A trace of worry passed by Sheyla's face, for she knew her brother was that kind of reckless idiot. She knew he'd definitely come and cause a ruckus. 

Now, question was, how were they supposed to get out of this alive? The answer was right in front of her with a slight smile on his ugly, chubby face. 

Sheyla couldn't help but think that if a genuine butt hole could show a smile, it'd definitely resembled Kai's. 

Yes, if they wanted to survive, Sheyla would have to capture that smiling asshole and use that despicable bastard's life to bargain for their own. 

The ropes binding Sheyla to her chair weren't the biggest obstacle to that. In fact, it'd be quite easy to free herself. It just required time.

No, the main issue was the numerous pair of eyes focused on her. 


Ogoro appeared in the Square from the red corner. He was wearing a chain mail underneath his leather armor, as well as a cheap-looking round helmet. A two-handed sword in hand, he pushed a cloaked figure in front of him, forcing the doddering man to advance. 

He simply introduced him as the black challenger, when, in fact, the man was simply a beggar he had picked up along the way. Luckily, no one questioned him… yet. Well, they had strict orders of letting him pass, anyway. Ogoro was intent on using that kindly provided privilege. 

He had used his remaining amount of TP to buy the beggar food and clothes in exchange for the measly service of accompanying him on the first floor. 

Stoned, confused by the fog the beggar had drunk previously, he had accepted without batting an eye. But now that he stood amidst hundreds of men armed to the teeth, even with an unclear mind, his body instinctively recognized the danger. 

The beggar tensed up. His sweat profusely poured out of his every pore.

Ogoro knew the beggar's courage only hung by a thin thread. Luckily, the idiots were letting him pass. Probably because they only heard about the black challenger and never seen him in person. 

It was only a matter of time before someone did, though. Either that or the beggar's courage would fail. No matter, he was already halfway to his target. 

At that moment, a bold manager he was already acquainted with, interrupted him. 

"Been a while, Ogoro. Oh wait, never mind, I recall beating your ass this morning! Ahahaha!" Sam said, his head still as shiny as ever. His gaze then landed on the cloaked figure. "Hey, who do we have here? No way! Did you actually manage to bring that asshole here? I can't believe it!" 

The beggar under his hood trembled with fear. 

Noticing he might be found out, Ogoro tried to delay the inevitable. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. He is already pissed enough as it is." 

Sam scoffed in response as prepared to lift the beggar's hood, "All the better!" 

Suddenly, like a rat pursued by a cat, the beggar ran for dear life under Sam's confused expression. Ogoro didn't waste a microsecond and bashed the baldy with his sword's pommel then rushed to his target. 

On the way, his gaze met Sheyla's. Thanks to the years spent training, killing together, he immediately understood her intentions—which weren't hard to guess since they both had the same one—and decided to provide her with the distraction she needed. 

"Don't worry, Sheyla.. Onii-chan has arrived!" Ogoro shouted, spreading more confusion with his sentence than with the beggar. 


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