Return of the Tower Conqueror

Chapter 29: Troves of Fire (III)

Chapter 29: Troves of Fire (III)

Troves of Fire (III)

"... what is your choice?" the old man asked after a brief silence, causing everyone to spring into a discussion.

"I vote we just move on!" Cain said quickly.

"... no," Emma shook her head. "This is the best chance for the rest of us to get stronger without endangering our lives. Perhaps the only one we'll get in this place. I say we take a shot."

"I agree," Rick nodded. "We can always bail out early if we see the difficulty spiking up too much."

"... I'm fine either way," Jamal shrugged, sitting down. "Wit or brawn, I've got both!"

"Just because you are a moron," Justin chimed in, looking gleefully at Cain. "Doesn't mean the rest of us are. You can just go and wallow in the corner and leave it to us."

"..." Cain merely smiled, never having intended to leave it at this in the first place. It was just as Emma said -- this was likely their best opportunity to get some items, and perhaps even levels, without endangering their lives. Besides, he trusted their combined intellect far more than the difficulty of the old man's 'questions'. "So, we keep on?"


"Let's do it..."

"Time for our brain workout..."

"..." Cain shrugged and turned toward the man with a smile on his face. "You've heard 'em. Give us your worst. Wait, no, save that for the last -- just give us the next one."

"... very well," the old man said, suddenly raising his head. As everyone met his gaze, they felt a shudder strike at their soul -- the old man had no eyes but rather wholly black sockets, two voids that stared coldly at them. "Challenger Emma Mathews -- this question is for thee alone."

"...!" eyes widened rapidly as even Cain frowned, having not expected the sudden shift. Emma was the most startled of them all as she felt blood in her veins freeze for a moment.

"Shall anyone else offer assistance, it will be the same as though you had forfeited the challenge. The following is the question: 2, 11, 23, 41, 59, 73. List the next three numbers that follow the pattern. You have one minute."

It wasn't just Emma that had fallen deeply into thought, but everyone else. For her, however, it wasn't just the matter of thinking of the answer, but thinking of one within the minute. 2... 11... 23... it is not a consistent jump... it is not about subtraction or addition or even multiplication... Increments are 9, 12, 18, 18, 16... so it's not that either...

Seconds ticked by, almost audibly so, as though there was a clock right by her ear ringing and ringing. Sweat began to coalesce on top of her forehead as she began biting her lower lip as a feeble attempt to control her anxiety. Is it not a numeral riddle? Maybe alphabetical--no, what the hell Emma, there aren't 41 letters... think... think... what do all of these numbers have in common -- two... eleven... twenty-three--

"--prime numbers," she mumbled as her eyes lit up. "They--they are prime numbers! Fuck, fine -- uh, 2, then... then it's 3, 5, and 7 before 11... and it's 13... 17, and 19 before 23 -- so, triple skips after each one... uh, so, we have... 2, 11, 23, 41, 59, 73... after 73 it's 79, then 83... then 89... so, it's 97! After 97... 101, 103, 107... then it's 109! After that, it's 113... uh... 117? No... no, it's 127, I think? The next one is 131, I'm pretty sure... then it's 137... aah, or is it 147?"

"... ten seconds Em'!" Cain startled her from her stupor as she shook away and quickly began spitting out numbers.

"2, 11, 23, 41, 59, 73, 97, 109, 137!"

"... is that your final answer?" the old man asked."

"... uh... yes?"

"... your answer is correct." Emma sighed in relief as she toppled down, sitting, covered in sweat.

"... holy crap! How did you figure that out?!" Cain asked with genuine wonder. And everyone else, except for Diya it seemed, also looked at the seated Emma curiously.

"... huh? Don't you remember what I was studying in college?" she glanced at him angrily, causing him to take a step back and dig deep into his memories.

"... something... something with numbers, I think?"

"... it's number theory, you forgetful oak!" Emma rolled her eyes at him and sighed in exasperation.

"Ah, right, number theory! How... how could I have forgotten that one?" Cain shrugged and looked away, focusing onto the old man. I'd forgotten, he mused. The Tower on occasion seems so helpful... that I'd forgotten the intent of most of the creatures here is to fuck us over...

"... do you wish to continue, or collect your rewards and proceed forward?" the old man asked as he sunk his head back down, prompting the party to fall silent. While the rewards were tempting, now that it was revealed they would have to answer the questions by themselves, in isolation, if they are picked, nobody was quite eager for it.

"... we'll continue," Cain spoke out suddenly, startling everyone. "Fire the next one."

"... Jamal Taylor -- this question is for thee alone." Jamal took a deep breath and stood up, facing the old man with a confident expression "I am inescapable -- I am inevitable -- I am lightless -- I am unconquerable. What am I? You have one minute."

"..." the world fell silent as he withdrew into his thoughts, the light in his eyes dimming ever so slightly. Hmm... literal or abstract? In terms of abstracts... death fits... kind of? Lightless, though... as in, without weight, or literally without light? The other three fit death... and even lightless does... kind of... but if it's on the literal side of things... hmm... a tornado? No... ah! A black hole! Alright... which one is it? Or is it both? A faint grin formed on his lips as his eyes regained their luster, his gaze sharpening. "Two answers," he said. "Death... and a black hole."

"..." the old man did not reply instantly this time around, raising his head back up and locking his 'eyes' with Jamal's, scrutinizing him for a moment. "Your answers... are correct. Independent of the outcome of the challenge, an extra reward has been deposited into your inventory."

"... oh?" he dove into his inventory quickly and saw an ancient-looking tome sitting there, widening his smile further. "A skill? Not bad..."

"... do you wish to continue, or collect your rewards and proceed forward?"

"--wait a second, Cain," Rick interrupted him just before the former spoke out. "Don't be rash."

"... why?" Cain spun around and asked with a confused expression. "We're doing great!"

"... yes, but something feels off."


"No matter how you think about it," Rick continued, his frown deepening. "Aren't... aren't the questions too easy? I mean, riddles usually become 'easy' in hindsight... but the ones we were given... are just easy, flat out."

"..." Cain stared at him emptily for a moment, looking at him as though he was an idiot. Easy? Go fuck yourself, old man... "We'll continue," Cain ignored the confused Rick and turned back toward the old man. "Give us the next one."

"... Diya Badami -- this question is for thee alone," Diya jumped, beginning to tremble. Her inward prayers to not be selected appeared to be for naught as she gritted her teeth, trying to maintain a calm demeanor.

"Relax," Lamia spoke softly from the side, smiling encouragingly. "Just do your best, okay?"

"... okay." Diya sucked in a deep breath, yet it did little to alleviate her anxiousness.

"... can air make shadows?"

"..." What kind of a dumbass question is that?! Cain thought, and his reaction seemed to mimic the rests'. Yet, Diya frowned, contemplating something. Unlike before, the old man did not set a time limit and waited patiently for Diya whose expressions danced all over the place, reflecting what was happening in her mind.

"... can... can I answer now?" she asked pensively after nearly five minutes.

"..." the old man said nothing, merely nodding.

"Yes," she said, causing Cain to look at her oddly. What? "Through refraction rather than either reflection or absorption."

"... your answer... is correct."



"..." there was a moment of dumb silence where everyone stared at Diya, resulting in the latter's cheeks turning red as she glued her eyes to the ground, evading everyone's gazes.

"... air... can make shadows..." Cain mumbled, looking up emptily. "Alright then... I've decided -- during the next break, y'all will fucking tell me what you specialize in, alright?" he turned toward everyone and said with a hardened expression. "'cause, apparently, I'm the only guy here who specializes in nothing except ass-whooping."

"... do you wish to continue, or collect your rewards and proceed forward?" the old man asked again.

"We'll proceed forward," Cain quickly jumped in, surprising everyone. "Dont look at me like that. I have this bizarre feeling the old man will select me next, and I definitely will not be able to answer whatever question he asks. We quit while we're hot and all that."

"... good call." Emma nodded with a grin.

"Is he being smart by admitting he's too dumb for something?" Rick piled on.

"We're not starting this again," Cain interrupted with a sigh, turning back toward the old man. "Do we get an hour break like the last time?"

"Yes," the old man replied. "Your rewards, both collective and individual, have been deposited in your inventories. Whenever you are ready, you can proceed through the gate to the next stage. Good luck."

//Congratulations on reaching Level 30!!

You have unlocked the remaining two Elements: Aether(E), Creation(E-)

Congratulations on unlocking all of the Prime Elements! You have earned a Title: Reborn Elementalist (+10 to Main Stats; +5% to experience gained; +5% to each element's mastery speed)

You have completed 1/5 steps necessary for undergoing the First Awakening: Unlock all Prime Elements(Y) / Reach Level 50(N) / Reach (S-) mastery on one of the Skills(N) / Intelligence at or over 300(N) / Defeated an Awakened Creature(N)

'(Tome) Blink+' has deep deposited into your inventory

'Velthar's Bracelet(B-)' has been deposited into your inventory

'Infernal Key(?)' has been deposited into your inventory

Good luck! //


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