Return of the Tower Conqueror

Chapter 205: Empire Engulfed (VI)

Chapter 205: Empire Engulfed (VI)

Empire Engulfed (VI)

Walls that reached nearly twenty feet at their tallest ran in a wide arc over a flatland bordering sky-tall pillars that seemed to uphold the 'cave' that was the world underneath. Cain took a deep breath at the sight that left him feeling beyond tiny; after all, the 'pillars' looked like they were holding up the sky from falling, thick and tall, jagged and aged, beyond comprehension.

Routing back, he swiftly descended from the wall and entered the courtyard of the Border Fort; six watchtowers were routinely filled with guards scoping for the upcoming invasion, while the nearby barracks never grew silent due to the soldiers practicing. The Princess, whose name was Anna, Cain learned, as well as Sebas and Mina had disguised themselves -- Sebas as a volunteer, and Anna and Mina as their aides.

They were assigned temporary housing in the side-barracks; it was a single room for all four, cramped to the point Cain preferred to just sleep outside, as did Sebas -- which left the two women to their own.

They'd been here for a few days already, and considering the ever-increasing number of newcomers, the start of the 'event' wasn't far off. Cain found Sebas by the blacksmith's quarters, sharpening his sword, an ever-serious look on the man's face. Though he looked almost Cain's age, he was actually barely twenty years old. I guess living in the Palace ages people... like being a President or some shit...

"Yo'," Sebas looked up and nodded at Cain; he was still quite wary, ensuring the distance between the two never got closed. "I was about to go and have a lunch. Wanna join me?"


"Of course you do," Cain quickly interjected when he saw that Sebas was about to reject. "After all, we both like food, we both need food, we're both men, and true men accept invites of other men to eat food. Because they're true men. Right?"

"... r-right."

"Let's go, then." Sebas stood up, sighing, and followed after Cain as the latter withdrew out of the fort and into one of the nearby canyons. Though there was food available in the fort, it was largely tasteless stew since there were many mouths to feed, which prompted Cain to look for a safe place where he was able to make his own meals.

As soon as he made it, he swiftly started a fire and took out a frying pan before preparing ingredients to fry a few chicken wings. Sebas sat to the side and observed carefully as he'd never seen anyone making food quite like this.

"What are you making?" Sebas asked.

"Something delicious." Cain replied.

"Aah, is that so?"

"Tell me," Cain turned toward Sebas as the pan began to sizzle. "How'd you become Anna's guard, anyway?"

"... why do you want to know?" Sebas swallowed 'it's Princess Anna!' and asked instead, his eyebrows twitching.

"I just wanna know whether you're a horny bull waiting for an opportune moment," Cain replied with a grin. "Or someone who believes in her."

"..." Cain expected an outburst from the young man, but he didn't get it; rather, there was a destitute and self-mocking sigh. "At first... that was exactly it."


"I first saw Princess Anna during my Initiation, when I was thirteen," Sebas said. "She was a few years younger... and... adorable. She accompanied His Majesty and curiously looked at all of us and everything around us, nibbling away at some exotic fruits all the while. His Majesty said that one of the Initiates would eventually be turned into the Princess' personal guard and I knew... it had to be me. So I worked as hard as humanly possible, day in and out, for that hope until... one day, I'd made it. I became the Princess' guard."


"And then I got to know her, bit by bit," Sebas chuckled, looking up. "Yes, she was beautiful... but... she was also smart. Strong. Wilful. Generous. Kind. Passionate. Forgiving. Amidst the corrupt beehive of the nobility, she was the singular solace of kindness. She even ended up risking her own life, her reputation, everything, for her younger sister that she barely even knew. Don't you think... someone like that is worth protecting, by any means necessary?"

"... I do," Cain replied, surprising Sebas. "You can't let her know, though."

"What about you?" Sebas asked suddenly. "Why did you decide to help us? You had to have realized that bringing us in or reporting us would have given you a lot of merit and rewards."

"I'm a methodical thinker," Cain replied. "Every -- well, almost every, really -- decision I make... I make after deeply inspecting all options. Yes, bringing you lot in would have given me some namesake, but hardly much; I'd still be a loathsome commoner in the land of the tigers. No matter my merits, I'd never be able to shed that title away. As such, if I had gone down that route, I wouldn't have been able to fulfill the reason I came to this place."

"What is the reason you came, anyway?" Sebas asked quickly.

"... unimportant," Cain replied with a mysterious smile. "Anyway, have a plate." he grabbed a few fried pieces and put them on a plate, handing them over to Sebas while also taking a few himself. "Though, if I'm being honest, participating in this event now seems like a waste considering I'd chosen an entirely different path."

"... you're strange. I've nary known a man or a woman who'd so openly suggest rebellion against the Crown."

"It's not a rebellion, not really," Cain shrugged. "It's called playing the system. My friends will climb the ranks normally, earn the merits, the trusts of the Kingdom's powers. And I will play it from the outside; stoke the flames, play the inherent mistrust of the thin alliances and friendships, and advocate for the outsider, a rogue usurper. The one who reigns isn't the most powerful, or the wisest, or the richest; it's either the one who controls the army... or who controls the people. As such, if my friends and I don't intervene, it's likely that whoever controls the Army or the Lunar Stone cult would be the ones to take over the Throne."

"--anything, anything but that!!" Sebas suddenly snapped, startling Cain slightly. "If... if I'm being honest... I'd.. I'd rather even the Cult take over than... than that man."

"That man?" Cain tilted his head. "The Crown Prince?"

"The Crown Prince? No," Sebas shook his head. "While the Prince isn't exactly the nicest person, he's just slightly arrogant, at worst. I'm talking about the Third Prince." Oh? Cain arched his brows in interest. "He's... I don't like him."

"... e-eh? What... what do you mean? I thought you were gonna say 'he's a monster who eats children publicly' or something."

"No... he's... there's nothing wrong with him, on surface," Sebas struggled for words. "If anything, he seems like a perfect candidate -- smart, strong, insightful, even kind to the commoners. But..."

"You picked up on him wantin' to stick it to Anna?"


"Ayy," Cain sighed. "Men and sticking cocks into places we shouldn't... name a better combo, eh? So, when did you realize it?"

"... about two years ago," Sebas said. "During a ball. When... when..."

"When you also wanted to stick--"

"Could you not... make it sound so perverse?"

"Oh, I'm sorry; when you wanted to open her to the world of sunshine and rainbows."


"Sorry. Please, continue."

"It wasn't overt," Sebas said. "Even Princess didn't notice it. But... I saw it. The same look that I had. The same reactions. The subdued movements."

"Is incest considered illegal?"

"Hm," Sebas nodded. "It was outlawed about three Cycles ago, doubly as both means of restricting sick children as well as preventing complete centralization of power within the hands of a single family. But... if he becomes the King..."

"He can just change it, eh?" Cain mumbled, taking a bite of the wings. It was... complex. Of course it was. It was politics -- those were always a good few layers more complex than they should be even at their worst. Alas, human nature makes everything more opaque. "Well, we'll see. Let's first defend the borders and then meet up with my friends. I imagine that... by the time we return to the capital, chaos would have taken over. And, well, I kinda thrive in it, so we should be just fine and dandy~~"


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