Return of the Shattered Constellation

Chapter 7: Star, Regress (5)

Chapter 7: Star, Regress (5)

Shortly afterward, Chang-Sun reappeared in the Safe Zone.


Chang-Sun nonchalantly threw something that was draped over his shoulder onto the ground.





Including Park Hae-Seong, all those present gulped as they saw the Bloody Mamba’s eight-meter-long carcass, lying dead with its tongue out. They had remained skeptical until the end, but the messages had proven to be true regardless. No one had any idea what kind of stunt Chang-Sun had pulled, but one thing was for sure: It was absurd to think this was the work of a novice.


That was the only word that entered their minds.

In the face of the intimidating air Chang-Sun gave off, Second Lieutenant Hae-Seong gulped dryly once again realizing it. From the looks of it, Chang-Sun seemed to have returned to the Safe Zone without going on another raid because he was planning on taking a break…

“I assume you’re a player. Is that right?” Chang-Sun asked.

“Y-Yes. I am,” Hae-Seong replied. Inwardly, however, he thought ‘What kind of person's eyes are…!’

He was certain he had to be stronger than Chang-Sun, at least level-wise. However, it was strangely difficult to meet Chang-Sun's gaze, even though he had already encountered numerous stellar[1] experts as a summa cum laude in the military academy.

He did not know how to explain it… Perhaps it was that Chang-Sun looked like a very hungry and annoyed beast. Merely standing face to face with him was enough to sense a ferocity sharp enough that it almost seemed as if it could tear bodies apart.

“For now, I’ve wiped out most of the small fries, so there won’t be many monsters coming down here. Still, there might be some that try, so I hope you’ll take care of them on my behalf.”

Hae-Seong knew that Chang-Sun was not really ‘asking,’ but rather ‘ordering.’ That probably meant he was going to rest somewhere else because he was fatigued. However, Hae-Seong thought that could be for the best. Even he, a Player, had felt unsettled while having a conversation with Chang-Sun. Surely it would be even worse for civilians.

Some people’s faces had already turned pale, and they stayed far away from Chang-Sun. A few even looked away, hoping to avoid making eye contact with him.

Someone offered, “If you’re planning on resting, I’ll make room over…!”

“No need. Everyone seems uneasy around me, so I’ll find my own place,” Chang-Sun replied, then left the Safe Zone after slinging the bloody mamba carcass over his shoulder.

Hae-Seong and the civilians finally breathed a sigh of relief.


“Is he really the Tyrant? Are you sure you didn't mistake him for somebody else who looks like him?”

“Yeah. He really seems like a totally different person… He’s not a demon, is he?”

“Come on, man! Out of all the questions, you had to ask that one…! Besides, if he were a demonic being, wouldn’t we all be dead already? He would have already finished us off.”

“I… I guess so? Ha… Hahaha! I guess I must have been worried over nothing.”

Like a ripple in a pond, their complaints spread far, but as a result, no one witnessed the sight of Jeon Choong-Jae glaring at Chang-Sun's back as he left.

* * *

[A momentary break will be provided before the second sector opens.]




“Demonic being… Well, I suppose it isn’t too weird to be called that,” Chang-Sun remarked with an empty chuckle as he left the Safe Zone, heading toward the forest on the other side of the first sector.

Perhaps because of how much experience he had accumulated, his senses were keen enough for him to overhear their conversation. Naturally, if they realized that fact, they would freak out.

“This will be fine,” Chang-Sun remarked as he sat down in a moderate-sized clearing amid the trees. Then, he slit his left index finger with [Tiamat’s Snaggletooth] and scribbled a new rune on a nearby boulder.

[‘Obstruction Rune’ has been engraved!]

[Skill Level increased!]

[The Skill ‘Poor-Level Rune Creation’ has reached its maximum level. A higher-level skill has been created.]

[The Skill ‘Low-Level Rune Creation’ has been created!]

The Obstruction Rune could not regenerate Chang-Sun’s stamina or make fatigue disappear, but it could serve to hide him from monsters. Thus, it was the perfect rune to use if he wanted to take a short break.

‘I have to organize my rewards first,’ he thought.

[Two rewards for your achievements (Performance · Ranking) and three rewards (The Hunter’s Verification) are on hold.]

“Receive achievement rewards.”

[The Performance reward has been granted. Choose one from the following selection.]

[1. Skill]

[2. Effect]

[3. Item]

[4. Merit]

Several choices appeared, but there was no need for Chang-Sun to give it much thought. He already had his choice in mind.

[Category No. 4 ‘Merit’ has been chosen as a reward.]

[10,000 Karma has been accumulated!]

[The Performance reward has been granted. Choose one from the following selection.]


[5,000 Karma has been accumulated!]

[Currently owned Merit: 15,000 Karma.]

‘Well, the rewards given at lower levels only have cool names, but they’re mostly superficial. unnecessary. [Tiamat’s Snaggletooth] should be enough for now, and if I really need something, making it on my own will be more efficient,’ Chang-Sun thought.

On the other hand, Merit, which would be converted into a currency called Karma, was different.

‘When the shop is unlocked, nothing will be more useful than this.’

The Saha World and the Otherworld had something in common: The rich guy would win in the end. Merit was none other than the primary means of making that happen.

That was why Chang-Sun planned to focus on accumulating Merit for a while, to the fullest extent possible. In the shop, he would be able to buy and trade many things, such as skills, items, and blessings. Even divinities could appear in it from time to time.

The next thing he did was to check his status. “Open system window.”

[Lee Chang-Sun]

Divine Name: Divine Twilight (Unusable)

Title: Natural Enemy of Serpents (New!)

Faction: Underworld

Class: Rune Master

Level: 15

Strength: 36.5 (+25)

Agility: 32.7 (+20)

Stamina: 29.9 (+20)

Magic: 10 (+20)

Intelligence: 33 (+20)

Willpower: 28.2 (+20)

Acquired Skills.

Intermediate Dagger Proficiency Lv.5

Poor-Level Rune Engraving Lv.9

Low-Level Rune Creation Lv.1 (New!)

Serpent Eyes Lv.1 (New!)

Acquired Effects

Lesser Toxin Resistance Lv.5

Acquired Authorities

Soul Exploitation Lv.1

Execution Sword Lv.1

Special note: Several deities have shown deep interest and admiration for the achievements you have accomplished.

Additional Stats: 50

‘Not too bad,’ Chang-Sun thought.

In truth, although Chang-Sun saw his current status as merely ‘alright’, the reality was that it was far more than that. Who would believe that this was the status window of a Player who had just received his first class? Even Chang-Sun, who had already gone down a similar road in Arcadia, smiled faintly as he read the window.

‘Catching the Bloody Mamba in a solo raid definitely contributed the most toward making this happen.’

The achievement he had been awarded raised his Strength and Agility tremendously, making it possible to raise the relevant skills to Level 5. He decided to keep the additional stats in reserve, as they would be useful in the future.

Apart from that, the extra rewards were also useful.

The title ‘Natural Enemy of Serpents’ had been granted by killing the Bloody Mamba on a solo raid. Equipping the title was enough to cause fear not only in snakes, but also in all reptile-type monsters, and it granted an additional 10 points to all stats. The title’s effects were extremely potent. The new skill [Serpent Eyes] was of a similar caliber. It would allow Chang-Sun to easily identify an opponent’s weak spot and would be immensely useful to him.

Those two rewards alone would already grant him an enormous advantage.

On top of all that, my strength and agility stats are so high that Pabilsag will drool over them.

Chang-Sun turned his gaze toward the messages that had been ringing continuously, as if begging for his attention.

[The first of three rewards from clearing the quest, [Tiamat’s Snaggletooth], now belongs to you indefinitely.]

[The Celestial ‘A Good Season to Hunt’ has expressed a strong desire to have you!]

Despite bestowing a relic she treasured immensely on Chang-Sun. Pabilsag was not unhappy. Instead, she had revealed a firm desire to make him her apostle, one way or another. That was how much Chang-Sun meant to her.

[Some deities have begun to show clear interest in you after finding out the results of the wager.]

[Some stars have begun to take interest in you.]

[The Celestial ‘A Good Season to Hunt’ once again issues a strong warning. Anybody who attempts to steal her plaything will taste a dragon’s wrath!]

[The Celestial ‘A Good Season to Hunt’ asks what you want as additional rewards for the wager.]

The entire time, Pabilsag had not forgotten about their wager. She went as far as to open up her personal treasury, telling Chang-Sun to take whatever he wished.

[The second reward has been granted.]

[The dragon’s treasury has been opened!]

[Reward List:]

1. Anatizan Gold.

2. Blue Sky Grail.

3. Universal Stone.

As Chang-Sun reached the end of the list, he repeatedly clicked his tongue

‘She has all sorts of things. Not only does she have the [Blue Sky Grail], which can turn any alcohol into an elixir, she also has the [Universal Stone] that can grant its bearer more mana just by carrying it around?’

As Pabilsag was a daughter of Tiamat, Chang-Sun had assumed that she would own all sorts of treasures and riches. Still, the actual list surpassed his wildest expectations. It exceeded all the wealth Chang-Sun himself had acquired in his ‘Divine Twilight’ years. It was indeed a dragon’s treasury.

However, what surprised Chang-Sun the most was Pabilsag’s magnanimity. Although he had been aiming for such a result from the start, he had never expected her to be so generous.

[The Celestial ‘A Good Season to Hunt’ says you can request anything without reservations.]

[The Celestial ‘A Good Season to Hunt’ affirms that even a million gold coins will not be a waste if she can win you over.]

[Several deities are flabbergasted by the offer given by ‘A Good Season to Hunt’.]

[Several stars have revealed their interest in the treasury of ‘A Good Season to Hunt’.]

Chang-Sun got the impression that many Celestials were watching him and Pabilsag at that moment.

‘That gives me even more of a reason not to be content with this.’

Reaching out with one hand, Chang-Sun closed the list.

[The treasury list has been closed.]

[You have not chosen any rewards!]

[The Celestial ‘A Good Season to Hunt’ frowns noticeably, asking about the intent behind your choice.]

[Some deities have revealed their suspicion of your unfathomable mind.]

‘If I choose a reward from the list, I’ll be under Pabilsag’s control forever.’

It was a given that Chang-Sun had planned to attract the attention of deities and stars, but he had no intention of becoming someone’s apostle. Becoming an apostle meant mortgaging one’s soul. In the long run, it would close many options off.

‘After all, I didn’t see anything that was truly valuable.’

He had had enough of mortgaging his life in Arcadia. Still, it would be unwise to incur resentment from a deity. He needed to entice Pabilsag as best he could.

“As far as I am aware, the more Merit one accumulates, the better, because it is useful in the reward system. I want to do that instead.”

[The reward you have not received has been substituted with Merit.]

[1,000,000 Karma has been accumulated!]

[Currently owned Merit: 1,015,000.]

‘Maybe it’s because I had a bet with a deity, but I’ve received a lot.’

Chang-Sun already owning over a million Karma was as ridiculous as the stats he had.

[The Celestial ‘A Good Season to Hunt’ has a disapproving expression.]

[The Celestial ‘A Good Season to Hunt’ recommends at least taking the remaining reward of becoming an apostle candidate.]

“Again, I apologize. I wish to experience more rather than making a hasty decision. I also have no plans to end my journey as an apostle candidate.”

[You have also rejected the third reward (Becoming an apostle candidate).]

[The reward you have not received has been substituted with Merit.]

[1,000,000 Karma has been accumulated!]

[Currently owned Merit: 2,015,000.]

[The Celestial ‘A Good Season to Hunt’ is furious at you for mocking her!]

[The Celestial ‘A Good Season to Hunt’ growls ferociously, warning you that you will regret this in the future!]

It felt as if the air itself had begun trembling, and Chang-Sun could feel the deity’s wrath physically.

However, that did not mean he had to keep his head down. After all, Celestials were bound by the law of causality, limiting their ability to freely interfere in the Saha World. Even if they wished to get in Chang-Sun’s way in the future, they were bound to run into limitations.


Ding! Ding

Messages continued to ring incessantly.

[Some deities have begun to watch the interesting spectacle unfold while eating popcorn, commenting that ‘A Good Season to Hunt’ ended up behaving in an unsightly manner.]

[Some deities have begun paying attention to your ambition that is not content with becoming a mere apostle candidate.]

[Some deities who previously gave up on you have once again begun to show their interest and attention.]

It was inevitable that demonstrating excellent value would eventually lead to deities siding with Chang-Sun. Eventually, they would be enough to protect him from Pabilsag’s attempts to pressure him. Even if that did not turn out to be the case, if he understood the situation correctly, she would never stop wanting him.

‘Tiamat and her children are never satisfied until they get their hands on something they’ve begun to desire. Besides, if Pabilsag really needs fighting power for a battle against Bel-Marduk, she’ll be in dire need of as many talented people as possible.’

[The Celestial ‘A Good Season to Hunt’ watches you for a moment with blazing eyes, then rapidly looks away.]

With that, Pabilsag would most likely stop expressing her will openly for a while. However, Chang-Sun was fairly sure that she was going to keep watching him.

‘From beginning to end, everything has been going smoothly according to plan. It’s actually starting to be concerning… I think this will be enough to get me to the next stage, though. I wonder how much time is left until the next sector opens?’


Roughly fifty minutes remained.

‘It should be enough to make the necessary preparations.’

With [Tiamat’s Snaggletooth], which remained sharp even after enduring so many Explosion Runes, Chang-Sun dismembered the Bloody Mamba’s corpse. He did not show the slightest hint of hesitation as he gutted it to remove its organs, separated its skin from its flesh, and drained its blood.

‘Normally, not a single thing should go to waste with a boss monster like this.’

[Acquired ‘Bloody Mamba’s Blood’!]

[Acquired ‘Bloody Mamba’s Tendon × 5’!]

[Acquired ‘Bloody Mamba’s Eyeballs × 2’!]

[Some deities have become curious about your next move.]

[Along with the rumors pertaining to the wager, the news of you refusing the offer to become an apostle of ‘A Good Season to Hunt’ is slowly spreading through Heaven!]

[The deities who have grown curious about you are connecting to Dungeon Channel KR-9721 one after another.]

[The current number of viewers is ??. ]

[The current number of deities showing deep interest in you is ??.]

* * *


People always became preoccupied with safety in the face of a crisis. On the other hand, if someone turned that crisis into an opportunity and soared high into the sky, it would form two things in the minds of the hopeful: The question of ‘Wouldn’t I be able to do that too?’, and confirmation bias.

That was the case for Jeon Choong-Jae, who blurted out all of a sudden on his break, “...Wouldn’t I be able to do that too?”

In response, his friend Kim Hyeong-Won asked, “Do what?”

“Be a Player,” Choong-Jae answered.

“Hey, are you nuts? You’re gonna do what now?” Hyeong-Won asked.

“If a drunk can do it, why can’t I?” Choong-Jae answered the question with another question.

Hyeong-Won facepalmed without realizing it. Choong-Jae had been talking trash about Chang-Sun a while back, and it seemed he had become delusional in the end.

He was well aware of Choong-Jae’s long-held jealousy toward ‘Lee Chang-Sun’. How could he not be? Chang-Sun had stomped on the opportunity Choong-Jae had desperately desired ever since he was a child. Later, Chang-Sun had become a piece of trash who looked at Choong-Jae with scorn.

Choong-Jae’s wounded heart from that time was not to be taken lightly. That was why he had been quite appalled after finding out that Chang-Sun was with him when he first got entangled in the Random Break. Out of all the ways he could form an ill-fated relationship, he just had to have met Chang-Sun in a Dungeon.

‘Although everything turned out this way because we found Lee Chang-Sun exiting the convenience store with alcohol and followed him afterward…’

Thus, Hyeong-Won had been worried that Choong-Jae would say something ridiculous to Chang-Sun when he showed up in the Safe Zone with the Bloody Mamba’s body. Luckily, Choong-Jae had held his burning resentment in rather than trying to pick a fight.

That had convinced Hyeong-Won that Choong-Jae had at least a bit of sense. However, it seemed he had been mistaken. Still, how could Choong-Jae even think of becoming a Player? Hyeong-Won had always thought of Players as ‘mad moths caught up in get-rich-quick fever’, so he wanted to stop his friend from running headfirst into danger.

However, Choong-Jae continued, “No. I think I can do it. I didn’t realize it earlier, but I think I might have a <Talent>. I think I acquired it here.”

If Choong-Jae would not listen even after so much in the way of explanations and reasoning, even someone as gentle as Hyeong-Won was bound to get angry. He exclaimed, “Hey, cut it—”

Choong-Jae cut him off, saying, “I’m not talking nonsense. I see it now.”

Hyeong-Won asked, “What do you see?”

Choong-Jae replied, “A god’s message.”

“Wha—” Hyeong-Won began to yell, but he fell silent, his eyes widening in shock as Choong-Jae shared the message he had been looking at.

[The Celestial ‘Twilight-Piercing Owl’ has revealed a deep interest in the talent of Player ‘Jeon Choong-Jae’!]


Hyeong-Won was taken aback. He was well aware of the deity known as ‘Twilight-Piercing Owl’.

In fact, it was impossible for him not to be aware of her identity. Based on her number of followers alone, ‘Twilight-Piercing Owl‘ was one of the most highly venerated deities among all the Clans in the world. She was a goddess of justice and war; naturally, that made her one of the most notable deities in the world of Players, where power was prized above all else.

However, as she did not have an apostle, the deity was also known as the epitome of pride… Why was she showing interest in Choong-Jae? Such a story could never be overlooked. If news were to leak out, it would cause an uproar across the world.

Hyeong-Won began to ask Choong-Jae for details on how such a thing had happened. “Have you ever taken the tests for awakening…”

Suddenly, however…


The sky rumbled, and a public message appeared above the Safe Zone.

[An administrator has appeared!]

1. The original word in Korean was ‘기라성’, which translates to ‘countless stars twinkling in the night sky’, but metaphorically refers to a gathering of people with high status, power, or honor. ‘Stellar’ coincidentally has a similar connotation in English. ☜


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