Return of the Shattered Constellation

Chapter 19: Star, Home (4)

Chapter 19: Star, Home (4)

[The Celestial ‘A Good Season to Hunt’ is shocked, and checks to see if she has any items that can help you.]

[The Celestial ‘World-Encircling Serpent’ lets out an exclamation of surprise as he sees the hidden piece you have found. He now looks at you curiously because he thinks you are planning to do something more.]

Pabilsag began to panic as Chang-Sun, whom she wanted as her apostle, was in danger. In contrast, Jörmungandr watched Chang-Sun’s every movement with interest.

If Pabilsag was like an emotional child, Jörmungandr was more like a curious scholar. Their reactions were completely different from each other.

[The Celestial ‘Abyss-Chasing Great Devil’ awaits your response.]

[The Celestial ‘Twilight-Piercing Owl’ cheers for you.]

Maintaining his previous nonchalance, Mephistopheles continued to wait for Chang-Sun to request a reward other than the brands. Meanwhile, Minerva watched Chang-Sun like a loving mother.

Other than those deities, many Celestials were also watching him. Although every Celestial had a different reaction, they all wondered the same thing: What was Chang-Sun doing, and what would he accomplish through it?

[The ‘Underground Scorpion’s Stinger’ has penetrated your spleen!]

[You have entered the ‘Brink of Death’ state.]

By stabbing his heart, liver, kidney, and spleen, Chang-Sun had already gained four hidden pieces among the five. He had managed to hold himself together with great difficulty, but he felt as if he would die at any second when he stabbed his spleen.

The system had not been exaggerating when it said he was on the brink of death. His skin had rotted away, his bone structure had collapsed, and his muscles had melted away. As he could no longer feel his hands or see clearly, he had wasted a lot of time searching for the right spots.

However, he was almost at the end. As he no longer had teeth to grit, he clenched his gums tightly and put the [Plague Spider’s Poison Sac], the final gland, in his mouth.

He instantly felt as if he had swallowed a fireball, as the sac melted his tongue and burned his esophagus. The burning smell emanating from his mouth made Chang-Sun retch… but he forced himself to swallow it.


The sound felt as loud as a thunderclap in Chang-Sun’s ears.

[The ‘Plague Spider’s Poison Sac’ has been absorbed into your lungs!]

[A Hidden Piece has been found.]


[Your five major organs are all filled with deadly toxins.]

[Five different deadly toxins are clashing with each other inside your body.]

[The toxins have made your body’s condition significantly worse!]

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

The five deadly toxins that had begun circulating inside Chang-Sun’s body clashed with each other, creating extremely complex chemical reactions. Some of them became deadlier as they combined, while others were neutralized when they met each other.

Boom. Boom. Boom.

Chang-Sun felt as if several fireworks were exploding inside his body each time such a reaction happened. So many things were happening in his body that he had a difficult time regaining his composure. His body had practically become a stage on which to display complex reactions, each of which was ravaging him at a freakish pace.


‘No, not now,’ Chang-Sun thought as he grabbed his thigh.

…he endured and endured. Consuming all of the toxins did not mean they would automatically ignite the Purification Fire. There would no doubt be a proper opportunity to trigger an explosion.

‘A little more. Just a little more…’

Of course, the toxins were still ruining Chang-Sun’s body to the extent that he could no longer sit up straight. If someone were to so much as touch him, he would meet Thanatos instantly.

[Lesser Toxin Resistance is ineffective.]

[Lesser Toxin Resistance is ineffective.]


[Warning! Attempt to detoxify yourself as soon as possible. If you do not receive any treatment, you might die.]

[Warning! Attempt to detoxify yourself as soon as possible. If you remain under the effects of toxin, you may sustain a permanent injury.]

‘Not yet…!’

[Warning! All of your organs have stopped…!]


The moment the five deadly toxins, which had been violently clashing with each other, came into balance, Chang-Sun took a deep breath. His esophagus had almost stopped working, so he was able to inhale very little air. However, that was enough, as what Chang-Sun truly needed was the very faint trace of mana in the air.

[The Purification Fire’s dormant ember has absorbed mana.]

[The Purification Fire has been ignited.]

[The Purification Fire is flaring up.]

[A Hidden Piece has been found.]


Right beside Chang-Sun’s destroyed heart, the Purification Fire ignited in the corner of an unassuming capillary. Like a burning field of reeds, it quickly spread, enveloping his entire body. However, instead of burning Chang-Sun up, the fire embraced him, glowing with a radiant bluish-golden hue.

Anyone who saw Chang-Sun engulfed in the fire would undoubtedly assume that he would soon be burnt to ash. However, his body was quickly recovering instead… No, the word ‘recovering’ was insufficient to describe what was happening. His body was regenerating rapidly.

[The Purification Fire’s ember is growing stronger.]

[Congratulations! You have successfully lit the ‘Eight Trigrams Brazier,’ and the forgotten sacred fire of legend has begun to blaze.]

[The ‘Heat of the Eight Trigrams Brazier’ is now in effect.]

[The heat is restoring your body.]

[The heat is regenerating your body.]


[The heat is eliminating all toxins.]

[The heat is eradicating all impure energies.]


The toxins and waste that had gushed out of Chang-Sun’s melted muscles disappeared, engulfed by heat. His rotted skin crumbled away, replaced by new skin. His weakened bones were replaced, becoming as solid as the dragon bones of legend. His muscles also became significantly tougher, as if his body had been covered in armor plating.

However, the most outstanding change was the transformation of his magic organ.

[All of your acupoints have opened.]

[All of your principal meridians have opened.]

[All of your extraordinary meridians have opened.]


[Your magic organ has been recreated, and your magic circuit has been remade.]

[You have gained the fire attribute.]

[You have gained the poison attribute.]

His magic organ, which was responsible for generating mana, had collapsed during the process. However, after being restored, it became significantly sturdier and larger. A great deal of mana rushed in to fill its remaining capacity; it was so pure and dense that it was incomparable to the mana he had previously.

Woosh! Woosh! Woosh!

The Eight Trigrams Brazier, which had flared up almost as if it would burn Chang-Sun away with its fire, slowly calmed down. Its heat sank into his magic circuit, being integrated into Chang-Sun’s own magic.

[Achievement Unlocked!]

“A Phoenix that Rises from Ashes.”

Reward: All stats +15. Complete body purification. Trait: ‘Ten Toxin Immunity[1]’. Skill ‘Blood Toxin’.

[Ten Toxin Immunity]

The highest grade of all toxin resistance-type Traits.

Signifies that a person has gained powerful toxin resistance by overcoming several deadly poisons. Upon gaining resistance to a toxin, one may recreate it.

· Type: Trait.

· Effect: Powerful toxin resistance. Blood toxin creation.

‘I got it!’ Chang-Sun silently exclaimed.

When he stood up again, he yelled in delight, feeling his mana circulating energetically through his body. He could feel that every cell of his body had gotten stronger than before.

Of course, it was impossible for a human to obtain the [Impervious Body] in a single attempt; after all, it was said that only ‘Scorpio’ Antares had achieved it. [Ten Toxin Immunity] was merely the first step to attaining the [Impervious Body.]

Although he did not have immunity against all kinds of toxins, most toxins that were used by Players would be ineffective. Even if they successfully poisoned him, the Eight Trigrams Brazier’s heat would burn the toxin away completely.

“Open system window.”

[Lee Chang-Sun]

Divine Name: Divine Twilight (Unusable)

Title: Natural Enemy of Serpents

Faction: Underworld

Guardian: ―

Class: Rune Master

Level: 20

Strength: 51 (+50)

Agility: 48.4 (+45)

Health: 45 (+45)

Mana: 30.9 (+45)

Intelligence: 47 (+45)

Willpower: 45.1 (+45)

Acquired Skills:

Intermediate Dagger Proficiency Lv.7

Lesser Rune Creation Lv.2

Lesser Rune Engraving Lv.1

Viper Eyes Lv.2

Lesser Trap Installation Lv.6

Blood Toxin Lv.1 (New!)

Acquired Effects:

Heat of the Eight Trigrams Brazier Lv.1 (New!)

Ten Toxin Immunity Lv.1 (New!)

Acquired Authorities:

Soul Exploitation Lv.1

Execution Sword Lv.1

Special Note: You have successfully acquired a new Trait. As your body has gone through an abrupt change, please inspect your physical condition again.

Additional Stat: 75

After checking all his stats, Chang-Sun nodded in satisfaction, very pleased by the current state of his body. Apart from his mana, his basic stats were all over 40, signifying that his body had changed immensely after being purified.

‘I’m sad that I couldn’t get the Monkey King’s [Fiery Eyes of Truth] due to my weak [Heat of the Eight Trigrams Brazier]... I can solve this problem if I make it burn hotter from now on.’ Chang-Sun thought with a grin.

In truth, he was actually quite satisfied with the fact that he had obtained the [Heat of the Eight Trigrams Brazier.] As long as he had that, he would recover far more quickly than other people, so it would be very useful in combat.

Besides, Chang-Sun did not only plan to use the [Heat of the Eight Trigrams Brazier] as a method to heal himself, but also as a weapon after strengthening its heat. Thus, he simply thought of it as proceeding step by step.

‘Wait…’ Chang-Sun thought as he noticed a skill in the system window that he had not intended to acquire. ‘Blood Toxin? What is this?’

The description of [Ten Toxin Immunity], which he had read from the system window, crossed his mind.

‘I should be able to recreate any toxins I’ve gained resistance to in my body.’

The [Ten Toxin Immunity] he knew was an effect that maximized the efficiency of toxin resistance. Aside from the ability to cleanse his body, he had never heard of it having other abilities.

[Blood Toxin]

The ability to create and mix any toxins you have gained resistance to in your blood.

· Skill Level: 1

· Type: Active.

· Effect: Secrete poison.


The effects of the skill [Blood Toxin] were simple. Chang-Sun would be able to recreate any toxins he gained resistance to through [Ten Toxin Immunity]. As he already used his blood to draw runes, the ability to infuse toxins into runes… meant Chang-Sun could use his skills in many new ways.

‘I can simply smear toxins onto my sword, but I can also use this skill with [Lesser Trap Installation.] I’ll even be able to strengthen my runes.’

Many methods other than those three came to his mind. The new skill would truly be useful in the future.

‘Then…’ Chang-Sun thought, drawing [Tiamat’s Snaggletooth] and holding it high. ‘I need to do some experiments.’

[The Celestial ‘A Good Season to Hunt’ sees that you have fully recovered, so she sighs in relief.]

[The Celestial ‘World-Encircling Serpent’ feels his intellectual curiosity rising as he watches you level up.]

* * *

It was around four in the afternoon by the time Chang-Sun finished his work and descended the mountain.

‘Since I got what I wanted, [Ten Toxin Immunity], should I get a weapon next?’

Chang-Sun had successfully transformed his body just as he wanted to; thus, he now needed a weapon that would enable him to use his body to the fullest extent. Although he had unexpectedly received a valuable weapon called [Tiamat’s Snaggletooth] from Pabilsag, he actually needed more than one weapon.

‘Longsword, scimitar, spear, whip, shield, bow, arrows… I need so many weapons. I have to get a shield and a whip first, though.’

Ever since Chang-Sun had become ‘Divine Twilight’—no, ever since he had ended up in Arcadia—he had begun using more than one kind of weapon.

More accurately, he had not had the luxury of choice. When he first arrived in Arcadia, he had found himself on a chaotic battlefield, forced to fight for his life without any basic combat knowledge. Naturally, it had been impossible for him to be picky about weapons on such a battlefield. He had needed to grab anything he could get his hands on and swing it in order to survive.

Once, he had picked up a tower shield from a dead soldier’s body to protect himself as much as possible, while pushing away his enemies with a three-meter-long lance that he had taken from an unconscious cavalry soldier.

His daily routine had included falling over after trying to swing a bastard sword, a weapon that was hard to use with just one hand. A dagger rolling across the ground had saved him, as he had used it to stab the throat of a soldier who was trying to pin him down.

Those experiences had granted him basic knowledge of all kinds of weapons.

After he caught the attention of an old soldier who had survived on the battlefield longer than anyone else through a stroke of luck, he had been able to increase his combat power significantly. Even after he transcended and gained the divine name of ‘Divine Twilight’, he had not really changed, continuing to fight with anything he had on hand.

The fighting style ‘Divine Twilight’ used was to choose a weapon that rendered his enemy’s advantages ineffective, allowing him to corner opponents with overwhelming strength.

However, there was one problem.

‘It’s hard to find a weapon that fits my standards…’

In truth, Chang-Sun did not particularly care about the quality of his weapons. He thought of them as tools, mere extensions of his hands. No matter how valuable the relics he wielded happened to be, he could throw them away if he needed to.

Despite all that, he needed a high-quality weapon because he was a fighting deity and a fiend. He fought so fiercely that he broke most weapons in a matter of days. In his hands, a well-crafted sword forged by a talented blacksmith would lose its edge in a mere few days.

On top of that, he had strengthened his body by cleansing it with the Heat of the Eight Trigrams Brazier. As he was finishing the Tutorial, his body had not been in optimal condition, preventing him from fighting properly; however, the purification process would enable him to move more ferociously and strike with greater force.

Considering his fighting style, it would be a significant problem if Chang-Sun’s weapons broke in combat. Even a lion could not fight to its full potential if it lost its claws and fangs. He did not particularly desire relic weapons, but he needed at least a ‘sacred weapon’ to fight with.

The Celestials who participated in the Divine Trial had taken the signature weapon of ‘Divine Twilight’, the [Omni-Weapon Chest], so it would take a while for Chang-Sun to retrieve it.

Thus, he needed to create a weapon he could use until that moment came. However, the kind of weapon he needed was a custom-made item that he could use as if it were an extension of his limbs, not an artifact with fancy skill effects…

There was one silver lining, at least. A craftsman who could create such sacred weapons existed on Earth. Even better, that craftsman lived in Seoul.

Chang-Sun called for a taxi and headed to the Tailored Shoe Alley[2] that was located in Seongdong-gu Seongsu-dong[3].

1. The name here is metaphorical. It doesn’t literally mean ten toxins, but rather many toxins. The reason for the name will be revealed later. ☜

2. This refers to a place that actually exists in Korea. The alley is currently referred to as ‘성수수제화타운’, and is filled with shops that sell custom-made shoes. ☜

3. A region in Korea. Previously, -gu, -dong, -si, and -do were used in addresses, but this is an old system that has since been changed. ☜


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