Return of The 8th Class Mage

Chapter 224

Chapter 224

Return of the 8th Class Mage 162 Dragon Slayer (3)

However, the Bone Dragon being annihilated did not solve all problems, as a more significant problem approached to a weary Oliver.


The problem was ‘explosion,’ as the bone fragments that scattered in the air began to vibrate as an exploding spell was carved on each and every one. While it would not affect the troops on the ground since the explosion was airborne, Oliver, who was on the same height, faced the problem. If he was swept in those explosions, even Oliver would not be able to endure it, especially after using up all his mana.

“Well, things are rough.”

Oliver’s whisper was dry as he saw the sight, and it was a tiny fragment that had exploded like a pop at the beginning. The explosion’s repercussions moved onto nearby fragments to start a chain of explosions, and the size of the explosions became larger as the numbers increased. The explosions amplified with loud banging noises, so the entire sky was drenched in red flames, black ashes, and smoke.

“O, Oliver...?”

The crown prince’s lips shook as Oliver had to have faced that explosion in the middle.

“O, Oliver....Oliver!”

The crown prince screamed out the words, as Oliver had protected him from when he was very young and stood beside him at all times. Such a person had been involved in an explosion.


He was going to lose Oliver, and it would be like losing a blood brother.

“Oliver, Oliver!”

Following the irreversible principle of nature, Oliver’s limp body started falling down, and as the silver armor was full of burns, the explosion seemed to have been severe.

“Magicians! What are you doing! Stop the explosion!”

However, the distance was too far for the prince’s shout to reach the magicians or their spells to slow the fall to reach Oliver.


The prince’s shout rang the Eastern Plains amidst the fierce battle, and Oliver’s body also rolled over the ground. The crown prince ran to the site where Oliver had fallen, and he had lost rational thought despite that there were still many zombies left in the plains.

“Assist the Crown Prince! He is going to Sir Oliver!”

“All members of the Second Guards! Make a path, and guard the surroundings!”

All nearby knights, including the Second Guards, drove out the zombies, and his path was secured. The crown prince managed to reach Oliver due to their efforts.

“O, Oliver?”

As the crown prince called to Oliver, eight zombies gathered near the fallen knight. Perhaps because they had lost their egos, they seemed unable to distinguish between the living and the dead.

“Those bastards..!”

The crown prince’s face contorted like a devil, and not only that, but he grabbed his boom stick and shot it as fast as he could. While the speed was like wild shots, his shots were precise and exact. He took the zombies out with only eight missiles.

“Oliver! Oliver? Stop and wake up! Oliver, Oliver...!”

The crown prince shouted as he lifted Oliver’s upper body, and the Second Guards protected them.

“What should I do if you go like this?!”

However, Oliver’s body did not move a muscle, and he could not feel any breathing, no matter how the crown prince shook him. Had Oliver Raywood really died like this? Was this the end for him? It was too unbelievable.

“No, no.”

It was when the tears filled the crown prince’s large eyes that someone had tapped Hayden’s arm. The crown prince had thought that someone who was protecting him had approached them, but it was not the case. The knights still surrounded them in a circle. Then what was this feeling?


The crown prince looked at his elbow, and a ‘gauntlet’ worn in a hand as large as a caldron’s lid was beckoning him shyly.

“Oliver, Oliver?”

Oliver’s hand, which was the gauntlet owner, managed to move to the face armor covering Oliver’s face. While it seemed to desire to lift up the cover, it was difficult to do since something may have been broken in the fall.

“You want me to raise that?”

The crown prince felt a faint but clear nod from Oliver’s neck and head. Hayden’s smile widened brightly, as Oliver was alive. What could be better than that? He lifted Oliver’s faceguard with some force, and the

Oliver let out rough breaths with loud gasps as his face was revealed like he was trying to take in as much fresh air as possible.


“Your highness...I’m quite alright.”

The knight that had defeated the bone dragon was alive, and actually quite well.

“Thanks to this armor.”

Oliver’s armor had been heavy and burdensome, which in turn had protected him.

“I wanted to suit up like a proper knight today.”

Halia had created all of the protective gear from top to bottom, and their defense, shock absorbance, and other protective magic spells were off the charts. That was why Oliver had been able to survive the explosion and the fall.

“It’s all right if you’re alive.”

The crown prince was deeply relieved at Oliver’s state, and he stood up supporting Oliver.

“Can you walk?”

“I can’t say that I can.”

While Oliver was alive, his entire body was hurt as he could not escape the repercussions.

“We will evacuate Sir Oliver to a safe place! Open the path and call the magician who will perform emergency aid.”

“Yes, your highness!”

The Second Guard followed the crown prince’s orders, and most of them kept the zombies at bay while others called magicians, who specialized in healing magic through a communicating device that connected them.


“Your highness, it is an honor to meet you!”

Two magicians who came to support them arrived. One was a high-class magician and the princess ‘Haileyy Greenreiver,’ and the other magician with the shy and careful voice was Mary, who had been at the Pieric lands and had posed as a man under the name ‘Mcgedie.’

“I am Mary, a member of the Ivory Tower and currently a magician working at the Pieric lands!”

Mary had not disguised herself as a man after she parted with Ian and let go of the name Mcgedie. She had tried to work hard with confidence afterward, and perhaps because of that, her magic began to grow. Mary had now entered the third class, which was an astonishing feat.

“Haileyy, Mary, welcome. Please look at Oliver. He desperately needs your help.”

Hayden looked over Oliver as he welcomed them, and they followed his orders without fail because of knowing how the crown prince felt. They examined Oliver’s condition first and performed as much emergency aid as possible. Now would be the time to go into actual treatment after moving to the back.

“Your highness.”

Oliver called the crown prince just before he was moved.

“I apologize for not being able to stay at your side to the end, and once I am healed, I will wait for punishment at once.”

Oliver had done more than anyone could expect of him, but he was sincerely asking for punishment.

“Of course, you will. Come back quickly with your body healed. I’ll think of your punishment myself then.”

The crown prince replied with a smile. He was able to do so because he knew the depth of loyalty Oliver had to him.

“I’m grateful, your highness.”

Oliver left with thanks and went to the back with two magicians and a few soldiers. However, the expedition was not over yet, as more zombies were everywhere in the Eastern Plains.

“Listen! Brave soldiers of the three states!”

The crown prince shouted his majestic voice using a magic amplifier after sending Oliver to the back.

“The best swordsman of Greenriver, Oliver of the Raywood name, had defeated the evil ‘magic dragon!’ He did so alone and won against the ‘greatest ally’ of those monsters, which would have been a catastrophic ‘enemy’ for us!”

All soldiers felt inspired at the crown prince’s shout, as they all had witnessed the swordsman’s great and surreal performance. Their heart nearly burst just by thinking about that sight.

“Now, those monsters have lost their greatest ally, while we have not suffered any loss from the dragon! How can we be scared when the goddess of victory is with us? Charge with vigor! Do not allow the dead to remain alive!”

The crown prince Hayden held his boom stick after the speech, and the troops let out a shout at his words and presence. Today, ‘Oliver Raywood,’ the best swordsman of Greenriver, left a new title in history. He was the ‘dragon slayer,’ who defeated the dragon that had threatened humanity!


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