Restart:Untalented Man

Chapter 316 To Klover

The next day, Oldman Dunn stirred awake as the soft morning light entered through the curtains into the room of a modest inn he had rented.

His keen instincts immediately brought him to full alertness as he recalled the mission that lay ahead in Klover.

Oldman Dunn sat up on the comfortable but unpretentious bed, stretching his limbs and preparing himself mentally for the day ahead.

As a spy, he had to be sharp and observant, always ready to adapt to any unforeseen circumstances.

Without wasting time, Oldman Dunn packed his belongings, checking and rechecking his equipment and essential documents.

Each item had its place in his baggage, and he made sure nothing was left behind that could compromise his identity or the success of his mission.

Once he was satisfied with his preparations, he walked down the creaking wooden stairs of the inn. His leather boots softly tapped on each step.

Eventually, he reached the reception desk and placed the room key on the counter, exchanging a courteous nod with the innkeeper. 

"Thank you for the stay," the old man said with a warm smile.

"Ayy, old man, why are you leaving so early? Eat some breakfast first," the innkeeper replied with a friendly tone.

"I wish I could but I have a carriage to catch," Oldman Dunn explained.

"Is it the Cozy Carriages?" asked the innkeeper, recognizing the reputable service.

"Yes," Oldman Dunn nodded.

"Alright, alright. Please choose my inn next time you visit here. And do spread the word to your friends too," the innkeeper suggested warmly.

"I will," Oldman Dunn replied with a nod.

With that, he bid the innkeeper farewell.

As he stepped outside the tavern, the early morning breeze brushed against his face, carrying with it the scent of fresh dew and the promise of a new day.

The city of Krigos was slowly waking up.

He take a deep breath, inhaling the fresh morning air into his lugs before he made his way to the Cozy Carriages establishment.

The building stood just as it had on the previous day, a rather ordinary-looking building that belied the exceptional services it offered to travellers.

In front of the building, there's a horsecart waiting. Apparently, he's not late.

The driver, seeing Oldman Dunn approaching, greeted him with a nod of recognition. "Good morning, old man. Are you one of my passengers?" the driver asked.

"Yes," Oldman Dunn replied. "Am I late? When will we depart?"

"You're the first person to arrive. We have to wait for the remaining five passengers. It will be nice if the rest of them are as punctual as you are," the driver explained.

Hearing the driver's words, Oldman Dunn frowned. He felt like it might have been a mistake to travel with others. "Do we have to wait for all of them to arrive?"

"Obviously not! We will depart regardless of the number of passengers when I feel it's getting too late. Please take a seat first," the driver assured him.

"That's good to hear," Oldman Dunn said.

The driver's reassuring words eased some of Oldman Dunn's initial concerns. He settled into the comfortable seat of the horsecart.

The horsecart was an impressive sight, larger than any Oldman Dunn had seen before. It seemed purpose-built for long journeys, with its sturdy construction and ample space.

The carriage could comfortably accommodate six passengers, each individual seat adorned with plush cushions that promised a smooth and comfortable ride. 

As he settled into his seat, Oldman Dunn marvelled at the thought put into its design. There was enough legroom, making it convenient for passengers to stretch a bit of their legs during the trip.

"No wonder it took six horses to pull this carriage," Oldman Dunn mused to himself. "I wonder who manufactured this carriage."

Oldman Dunn couldn't help but think about the expense of the ticket.

The luxurious features and spaciousness of the carriage justified the high cost they charged for a ticket. He understood that comfort and convenience during travel often came at a premium price.

Minutes ticked by, and the driver occasionally glanced back, keeping an eye out for the other passengers. 

Finally, the first of the other passengers arrived—a middle-aged woman with a friendly smile. She exchanged greetings with the driver and settled into a seat in front of him. 

As time passed, more passengers gradually appeared—one by one, they joined the group. There was a young couple, a seasoned merchant, and a young scholar carrying several books with him.

Each one seemed to bring a distinct energy to the horsecart, and Oldman Dunn observed them discreetly, keeping his guard up.

The driver was content that all of the passengers had gathered. "Alright, everyone," he announced, his voice carrying a sense of authority. "We shall be departing shortly. Please ensure your belongings are secure."

The passengers complied, and the driver skillfully guided the horses forward.

The horsecart smoothly made its way out of the city, embarking on the journey to Klover.

The initial tension among the passengers gradually gave way as they exchanged small talk and shared stories of their destinations.

Oldman Dunn leaned back in his seat, not interested in engaging in conversation with them.

Unfortunately, the scholar who sat next to him seems to be overly friendly and undeterred by his lack of interest in the conversation.

He had hoped for a peaceful and quiet journey, but it seemed fate had other plans.

"Are you returning to your hometown or something, sir?" he asked with genuine curiosity.

"Not exactly," Oldman Dunn replied curtly, not eager to divulge too much information. "I'm just visiting some relatives."

"Oh? Who is it? Perhaps I know them," he probed further.

Oldman Dunn chose not to reveal any specific details, deciding instead to redirect the conversation. "What about you? Are you returning from somewhere, young man?" he asked, hoping to shift the focus away from himself.

The scholar's eyes lit up as he took the opportunity to share his own story. "Yes, I'm returning home since my education in Ryntum has finished," he explained proudly.

"Ryntum?" Surprised was all over Oldman Dunn's face. Maybe he didn't expect to hear his kingdom's name here. "Why are you riding this carriage? I heard that it's hard to get into their university and only nobles' kid had a chance to be admitted."

"Well, that's because I was sponsored by someone from the Klover family." 

"Is that so? Interesting...," Oldman Dunn gives a lukewarm response, not wanting to pry further.

If this young man proves to be important, he will eventually come across him again.

As the landscape rolled by, the sun climbed higher in the sky, casting a warm glow over the countryside. The rhythmic sound of hooves against the earth provided a comforting backdrop to the journey.

Oldman Dunn takes this chance to get some sleep and rest his mind. He know that he won't get much of it once the mission start. 


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