Resident Evil: Eddie EN

Chapter 59:

Chapter 59:

"What makes you think that?" Svetlana asked curiously. Her 'always' calm appearance began to change, her curiosity for Eddie growing up.

"Think about it, how can an average person live in a dangerous place like this. Plus, he says he's been living here for years; how is that possible?"

"During our journey here, many monsters attacked us, so why hasn't the monster broken into this wooden house yet?"

Eddie said his doubts.

"You mean he's the culprit of all this crazy stuff?" Edward, the Helicopter pilot, asked.

"I don't think that man is the mastermind behind all this." He looks a little suspicious.

"I didn't say that; I just felt weird about that guy." Eddie shook his head. He knew that the guy wasn't regular, but he didn't say anything specific.

While everyone was still chatting, Enrico and Wesker started discussing. A little later, they finally reached a decision.

"Everyone, we've found a new lead. We're going to a place where there was screaming. Let's go."

Wesker immediately gave the order.

On the other hand, Eddie had come out of the wooden house; he said he wanted to find helpful evidence outside.

Wesker, who saw Eddie's behavior, was a little confused. 'Does that person know something?!'


Due to uneven roads, walking in the Arkylay area requires extra focus. Also, the darkness of the road doesn't help at all.

"Wait, there's someone there!" Joseph suddenly said.

"Are you okay, sir? We're the Rescue Team. Now you are safe."

Everyone began to turn their gaze towards the appearance of the mysterious man.

His clothes looked ragged; some wild plants were also attached to his body.

The man looked so horrible, as if his body had been rotting for a long time!

Svetlana, who saw this, immediately felt a pumping in her heart. She could see that the man squatting next to the tree was dead. Her instincts as a warrior are undoubted. But she's still silent because she doesn't know for sure.

Eddie was also surprised; his heart was pumping. This is his first time seeing a Legendary Human Zombie with his own eyes!

Such a hideous figure never fails to frighten him in his sleep. And now he has to face it in person!

Eddie started pulling out a gun, raising the gun, and aiming. Waiting to see if the man will attack or not.

"Hey, sir. Are you okay? Now you are saved." Joseph came closer to the man, his hands outstretched; he wanted to help him.

The man in the torn clothes suddenly tried to pounce on Joseph the next second!

The Zombie jumped and immediately opened his jaw wide!

As if there wasn't enough bad luck, Joseph became a Zombie target again. Earlier was a dog, now a human zombie! Who told him to be so reckless?


"Ahhh!" Joseph shouted as he rushed to move the neck that wanted to be bitten by the Zombie.

This sudden incident instantly shocked all Teams. Everyone is still shocked and unresponsive. On the other hand, Jill reacted immediately, but she still doubted whether to shoot or not.


With one hard shot, Eddie directly hit the Zombie's head.

His head exploded, after which his body fell over Joseph's body.

Joseph felt very frightened; he quickly pushed the Zombie's body and immediately retreated. Seeing such a monster is normal to be afraid, even to pee! "This... What the hell?"

"Another enemy is coming!"

Eddie, who saw the movement of other enemies, immediately told the others.

Another gunshot was heard! Eddie keeps aiming at every Zombie that tries to get close.

"Eddie, what have you done!"

"You killed a civilian!" Enrico, who thinks those people aren't monsters, immediately screams at Eddie. As Team Bravo's team leader, his sense of justice is powerful!

"Take a good look, captain. These people are not human. "

"Look at their clothes and body, rotten skin, and hideous appearance. Do you still think they're human and not undead?"

"See also the vines in their bodies." Eddie's trying to convince the captain.

"What do you mean?" Enrico took a deep breath. If what Eddie said is true, then this will be a disaster.

"Yes, the strange plants that wrap around them are alive and moving. There must be something wrong with it. "Eddie pointed to the plants moving around in the bodies of the Zombies.

On the other hand, Rebecca hid behind Eddie's back; she looked shaky and scared.

Zombie's rotten appearance makes her nauseous!

As the youngest on the Team, she needs special protection.

"You have to help me; there are so many monsters here; how can I be safe? They still exist!"

The middle-aged man named Albert Lester started crying, looking very sad. Not sure if he's acting or not.

"Don't worry, we'll kill these monsters and find the real culprit."

"Keep leading; we don't have much time." Enrico nodded.

"Eddie, I'm sorry for yelling at you before."

Enrico won't hesitate to apologize; if he's wrong, then he'll admit it. A good man who can be trusted!

Eddie's just waving.

"No problem, I used to be yelled at when I was still working at Umbrella. I'm used to it." He said with a smile. Of course, Eddie would not mind for an honest man like Enrico.

On the other hand, hearing Eddie's confession, Jill felt a little sad when she found out that her lover was often yelled at while working at Umbrella. She's thinking of taking care of this man after the mission!


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