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Chapter 14: Emergency

Chapter 14: Emergency

Within the elegant halls of Erendek Castle, home to the guild members of Vainblood, was a short blonde haired man furiously walking within the hallsBunnix.

The man mumbled with every stomp turned violent, enough to shake the hallway. He glared at his front with bloodshot eyes as though he wanted to strangle and murder someone. Despite the narrative of wearing a bunny hood and freckles on his plump face, anyone would see this as incredibly cute and thus wouldn't be able to take him at all serious.

"GUILD LEADEEERRRRR!!!" He shouted furiously, picking up his pace as he stomped along the bright lavish carpets tinged in red and purple.

From the distance, murmurs among the guild members could be heard as they saw the raging Bunnix.

"W-What the...? What did Kaisus do to make Bunnix incredibly mad...?" Graven spouted out as he stared dumbly at the scene.

"Did he lose to someone in a match? Lost in a gamble? Got PKed?" Maxim sneered at the sight.

"O-Or could it possibly have to do with... Shinto suddenly leaving...?" Weriss, a guild member hesitantly said.



The three members frowned as reminiscences of the event that occurred this morning flowed through their minds. Just remembering it made their hearts ache. Shinto had left the guild too suddenly without notice nor a single goodbye.


Bunnix angrily walked up the stairway as he was greeted by Rienla who was leaning onto the railings of the staircase.

"Took you long enough to come here," Rienla glanced over towards the bloodshot Bunnix as he stood up from the railings, "Come now, the emergency guild meeting is starting."

"ARGHHH! THIS IS ANNOYING! ANNOYING I TELL YOU!!" Bunnix screamed at the top of his lungs as he chased after Rienla.

Walking through the hallways, Rienla observed his surroundings as they headed towards the meeting room. His eyes glanced over the gloomy guild members shallowly leaning onto the walls as they gave off a feeling of dreadedness. The atmosphere was too depressing. If it wasn't for Bunnix's loud stomps and loud mumbles, the castle would have been dead quiet.

"Ughh! Hey!" Unable to stand the silence, Bunnix shouted from behind Rienla, quickly getting his attention, "Are you just going to keep quiet or something?! Care to explain the situation?!"

"What's there for me to explain?" Rienla creased his brows.

"EXCUSE ME?! I'm asking you to explain the current situation! This is all too sudden!" Bunnix replied in anguish, "What's with Shinto leaving all of a sudden?! He made this entire guild into utter chaos!" He continued, "JUST WHAT'S GOING ON?!"

Rienla let out a cough as he stopped his movement, quickly turning around. Fixing his eyes onto Bunnix's he opened his mouth, "I understand your concerns, Bunnix. However, please be rest assured that Kaisus will give a thorough explanation of this situation."

"HARH? Thorough? Can't you explain it right now?! You're the secretary here!"

"..." Rienla stared at Bunnix without giving out a comment. Quickly after what seemed to be a long silence, he opened his mouth again, "I do not know the situation as well."


Rienla looked at Bunnix solemnly, "This is all news to me as well. I haven't received any notice about Shinto wanting to leave beforehand."

"The heck do you mean! You're the secretary! One of Shinto's close friends! The founder! How could he not tell you!?"

"Well... All I can say is this: I can understand his sentiments for leaving." Rienla continued gazing at the angry Bunnix as he quickly averted his eyes away. Quietly, he stepped onto the carpets that lined the hallway, steadily making his way to the meeting room.

Watching as Rienla went further ahead, Bunnix angrily shouted from behind, "What sentiments?! Hey! Come back!"

Bunnix chased after Rienla as they reached the meeting room.


The door to the meeting room opened as the Rienla and Bunnix headed into the room. Within the room, there were a total of seven people quietly sitting by the table. At the forefront of the table was Kaisus, beside him was an empty seat.

Besides the opening of the door, silence pervaded the deadly still room. Consequently, this brought to a consensus that the atmosphere turned awkward and depressing.

"Ah. Bunnix, Rienla." The corners of Kaisus's lips curved up as he welcomed the two walking into the room, breaking the silence. "Have a seat, you're just on time!"

Seeing Kaisus's playful tone of voice, Bunnix face turned disgruntled. Quickly stomping over towards the table, he slammed his hands onto it. "OI KAISUS! EXPLAIN THIS DAMN SITUATION!"

As Bunnix slammed his hands onto the table, a member quietly sitting by the table stood upHikari.

"B-Bunix...! Please calm down!" Hikari hurriedly said, "You shouldn't get angry..."

"The heck do you mean calm down?! Kaisus here is taking his damn sweet time with this current predicament! He didn't give any sort of announcement to us and so I have all the rights to get angry!"

"Yeah, I agree with Bunnix. This is too out of the blue, no?" Wenzhou nodded his head in agreement as he glanced over towards Kaisus. "There's no explanation why Shinto left, and you left us pondering on it since this morning, what's up with that?"

"Do you know anything about that, Hikari?" Revelen, who was facing towards an empty seat, turned towards the right side of it where Hikari sits.

"N-No... Shinto didn't tell me anything... and I can't reach him at all." Hikari shook her head as she grimaced.

"What's up with that?!" Bunnix clicked his tongue, "Hikari is Shinto's closest friend, and he hasn't even said a single word to her!"

The group discussed the situation, though they were getting nowhere. As they aimlessly discussed, they heard a coughed from behind the room.

"Ahem. Are you done discussing yet?" A voice resounded through the room from behind, it was Rienla's. He who had watched the discussion quietly spoke up, "If you're done, might I suggest we finally to the point and ask Kaisus, who clearly knows about all the details of this situation?"

The room went silent. They had completely gone immersed into the discussion of Shinto that they forgot that the very person who knew the details was right under their noses. Their guild leader, Kaisus.

"So, Kaisus. Care to start explaining?" Rienla continued.

"And here I thought I wouldn't get a chance to speak," Kaisus chuckled, "Now then, where do I start?"

"Ughh! Just get on topic already!" Bunnix impatiently said, "Tell us why did Shinto leave!"

"Well. To put everything into a too long didn't read explanation, I gave an order for Shinto to take a break," Kaisus said, "Thus... He has been kicked from the guild for the time being."

Concluding his explanation, the room went silent. The players within the room all had a look of stiffness on their faces as they tried to process the information from their guild leader.

The members stared blankly at each other, as one finally spoke upBunnix.

"WHAT?!" He cried out, "You did what now!?"

Breaking the silence, one after another the members spoke.

"I see. So that's how it is," Rienla nodded his head, "Then with Shinto out of the equation for the next few matches, how do we go about it for our team composition?"

"What? You're accepting this fact easily?" Wenzhou disdained, "Shinto's our core team member here, and he was kicked because Kaisus ordered Shinto to take a break? What is this nonsense!"

"It is how it is." Revelen said, "It was bound to happen sooner or later, and since it happened right now, it's for the best for him and all of us."

"Harh? The heck do you mean?! How could kicking out a core member of the guild be for the best of us!" Bunnix continued to holler.

"...Shinto has been pushing himself to the limits for us since the very start and we've been relying on him far too many times." Hikari solemnly said, "I can understand this sentiment from everyone, that he needs to take a break."

"What?" Wenzhou questioned, "If he wanted to take a break, why couldn't he have requested for it instead of having Kaisus ordering him to? And why did Kaisus have to kick him out from the guild, couldn't he stay and not cause discord?"

"You may not know it since you're new and rarely spoke to him, but he has a hard head," Rienla stated.

"Well now that we're done with this topic, we should be talking about the new team composition and how to handle Titus," Kaisus coughed, getting the attention of everyone in the room.Fôll0w current novÊls o/n n/o/(v)/3l/b((in).(c/o/m)

Just as he was about to move onto a new topic, a sudden notification window appeared before all the members within the room.

[ System Alert! There has been a change in the unified rankings! ]


[ Your rankings has been moved up by one. ]

"A sudden change in rankings?" The guild members questioned as they continued reading their respective notifications.

[ The new top three is now the following: Arceus, Kaisus, Rienla ]

Their eyes widened to see the sudden changes, quickly, Rienla opened up his status window as he glanced over towards the unified rankings list as well as the DPS list.

"S-Shinto's out of the rankings?" Rienla cried out in surprise.


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