ReLife Player

Chapter 93

Chapter 93

[Call it whatever you want]

Before they knew it, it was the end of the year.

In the media, they were highlighting the events that occurred this year and discussing the future of the Fairy Government.

Well, this year was relatively uneventful.

Eunha sipped on the childrens champagne and felt a sense of emptiness.

It couldnt be helped. The story of the Italian ambassadors death in the Red Dungeon had been sensationalized like a candy bar overpacked with nitrogen.

The truth was that the Italian ambassadors were causing trouble in Korea and were stopped at the hands of Eunha and Bruno.

Since it was a story that couldnt be disclosed to the outside world, it seemed that this year had been relatively uneventful.

Perhaps thats why the people gathered at the party venue were talking about how this year had been filled with good things, hoping that the business would continue like this next year.

Whats wrong with this taste?

Eunha furrowed his brow after sipping on the childrens champagne.

When he arrived at the party venue and heard that childrens champagne was available this year, he had rushed to the waiters like a bullet.

However, the childrens champagne turned out to be non-alcoholic champagne with a fruity flavor.

I must be a fool for having high expectations.

It tasted like a faint carbonated drink.

Eunha handed his empty glass to a passing waiter and decided to indulge in other food.

Eunha, where is Euna?

Noona is playing over there.

At that moment, their father, who was dealing with people, noticed Eunha. Dealing with multiple people at once seemed to have exhausted him, as he wiped his face with his hands, showing signs of fatigue.

Eunha pointed towards the garden.

Euna, wearing a dress, was happily chatting with other children.

Dad, eat this.

Theres no one like my son.

Eunha handed him a chocolate that was within reach.

Although it was an informal act at the party venue, the two of them didnt think much of it.

Their father, who hadnt eaten anything due to dealing with people, ate the chocolate and regained his energy. He then disappeared into the crowd, saying he was going for the second round.

Our dad is truly amazing.

Eunha looked up and nodded at his father, who had shown a tired appearance earlier but was now engaging with people and smiling cheerfully.

Today was the day of the year-end party hosted by Sirius Group.

Their father was a director in the Strategic Planning Department of Sirius Devices, and he had been busy interacting with people who came to establish connections.

Euna was wandering around the party venue with the children she had met last year, taking them around here and there.

In the midst of that, Eunha was taking a break, eating food alone.

Ah, Im tired. Im sleepy. I want to play with Eunae.

Eunha didnt like parties.

Although Sirius internal year-end party was relatively less formal since it was a gathering of employees families, he still had to act and behave formally at the party.

Above all, the sight of people rushing around to form connections with each other seemed pretentious and artificial to him.

The same was true in the players world.

No. They were more bold in revealing their desires.

Anyway, I was fed up.

Whether it was the party or the world of players.

I just wanted to spend time peacefully at home.

Yeah, Ill just play games until I go home. When will I come here again?

Id rather fill my stomach.

Using the privilege of being a child, Eunha decided to roam around the party venue and enjoy various foods that he hadnt tried before.

It was the second round.

The food he had just eaten had been digested.

As he reached out to pick up the plate, he heard a voice,

Haha, Eunha, if you like, you can come to our house anytime.

What do you mean by filling?

I bumped into Han Do-young and Han Seo-hyun.

Apparently, they had heard his muttering.


Eunha took his hand off the plate and put on a casual attitude.

He hadnt expected that the next president of Sirius Group, Han Do-young, to speak to him.

Yeah, its been a year. You seem to have grown taller.

Moreover, he approached him so amiably.

It was a moment, but Eunha quickly rolled his eyes left and right.

As expected.

Everyone who had tried to approach the future chairman of Sirius Group was now staring at him.

He could see surprise on their faces.

I feel the same way.

Pretending to be pleased, Eunha gently placed his hand on Han Do-youngs outstretched hand.

He knew how to show respect.

Without exerting force, he moved his hand in the direction Han Do-young shook it.


His eyes lingered on Eunhas hand.

It seemed that he had caught his attention.

Damn, I shouldnt have done that.

I should have just shook it like a child.

Eunha regretted inwardly.

Whether he spoke or not, Han Do-young initiated the conversation.

So, youre Director Nos son. Well, how do you like the party food?

Yes, its really delicious.

We have chefs at our house who can make even more delicious food. Well send you an invitation next time, so come and play with your family.

Thank you.

Eunha could see that people were not just surprised but also finding it hard to breathe.

Eunha himself was also astonished.

Although Han Do-young didnt explicitly invite him to his mansion, his attention towards him was evidence enough.

No, it might not be me.

Eunha changed his mind when he spotted his father urgently approaching from the other side of the party venue.

It seemed that his father had earned special trust from the future chairman of Sirius Group.

Never would I have thought that Han Do-young would consider getting close to our family.

Surprising, Mr. No.

Now I have to change my surname, oh, right, Im Mr. No.

He was stunned.

What surprised Eunha wasnt just this.

Father, Ill step back here.

Yeah, you did well. Make sure to show up at events like this in the future. Seoyeon is having a hard time alone.

I thought she asked me to leave all the parties to her?

But you should show your face at the important ones.

Ill think about it, then.

Seohyun had grown unrecognizable to the boys who had been staring at this scene. In just a year, she had changed so much.

Her clear complexion and pink lips matched perfectly with the light blue dress adorned with waves that cascaded over her exposed shoulders, adding a fairy-like innocence and radiance.

But above all else

She has grown even more.

When they had met last year, the height difference between him and her was only about one head.

However, considering that she was wearing high heels, the difference had widened by at least the length of a thumb.

Deep down, as someone who had thought he had grown a lot this year, Eunha couldnt help but feel shocked.

What are you doing? Arent you coming?



Eunha thought Seohyun would just pull up the hem of her skirt and walk away.

But Seohyun took a few steps forward and then turned around, calling out to him.

When Eunha panicked and pointed to himself with a stupid sound, she raised her tone and mimicked him.

Ah, shes the direct heir of Sirius Group.

The daughter of the person who is equivalent to my fathers boss.



She repeated, then sighed.

Although Eunha responded while considering the difference in status, he felt frustrated by Seohyuns apparent annoyance.

Seohyun seemed to be about to say something but then glanced at Han Do-young and softened her tone.

Forget it. Are you just going to stand there?

Ah, no, no, thats not it

Why are you not following?

Do I really have to follow?

Dealing with the direct heir of Sirius Group was the most troublesome thing imaginable.

Although he felt like turning around and leaving, he couldnt afford to be rude to her for his fathers sake.

At the very least, he looked up at his father to seek help, but

Go and have fun. Dont say anything impolite.

He smirked and patted him on the back.

He couldnt hide the fact that he wasnt happy.

It was the same with Han Do-young.

He looked at Seohyun walking ahead with a satisfied smile.


Eunha reluctantly had to follow Seohyun.

As expected, peoples gazes didnt leave him.

He had to maintain his composure even more.

If he used the privilege of being a child to treat this way the direct heir of Sirius Group, it was obvious how people around would perceive his father.

So Eunha followed quietly, both to clarify the difference in status and to avoid offending Seohyun.

He didnt think about walking side by side with her.

Are you going to keep following behind like that?

Why! Whats the problem!

Eunha was frustrated.

He was trying not to get on her nerves, but her tone was unpleasant.

Han Seohyun looks back with a poker face.

I cant read what shes thinking.

Thats enough, right?


Suppressing his frustration, Eunha stood next to Seohyun.

Finally, she nodded.

When he matched his pace with her, she even praised him, saying, Yeah, thats right.

Eunha couldnt understand why she was acting like this.

He couldnt comprehend how the people from chaebol families thought and lived.

Even before the regression, Eunha had encountered various things involving the chaebols.

Even while living his second life, their way of thinking remained difficult to grasp.

It was easy to predict the next move of someone who had desires or couldnt even maintain a poker face.

On the other hand, the thoughts of someone who concealed their true feelings and maintained a poker face were impossible to fathom.

Seohyun belonged to that category.

Eunha couldnt figure out what she was thinking.



Say something.

On the way to the garden.

While walking silently, Seohyun suddenly blurted out.

After leaving the party venue, there was no one in the corridor.


Do you want to get scolded?

Noona, I dont like that.

They had suddenly arrived in the garden.

There would be no one to see them, so Eunha spoke more casually than before.


Why again!

Shes two years older than me, she said.

For the first time, Eunha saw the emotions she revealed.

The way she twitched her eye was different from the emotions she showed, somewhat awkward and cute.

Thats beside the point.

Eunha raised his voice, saying, Noona? Noona? as Seohyun approached him.

Im in second grade, and youre in fourth grade. So, youreNoona.


Seohyun pondered for a moment.

Then she turned her head abruptly and grumbled in a casual tone.

But why am I your noona? Just call me casually.

Casually calling her.

Eunha was on the verge of sighing.

Perhaps she didnt know her position.

Maybe it was because she was still young.

But since she asked, Eunha had no choice but to let it go.

Really, it cant be helped.

Okay, then. By the way, hey, do you want me to bring something to drink from inside? You must be thirsty.

At this moment, she changed her expression again.

Hey? What did you say just now?

Well, you said to call you casually

Yeah, I was a bit harsh.

Eunha looked down as he saw Seohyun, who was rushing at him like an angry cat.

It was a little too casual.

Even Eunha had to admit it.

In a moment when he was determined to let go of the conversation.

Han seohyun. Call me by my name. Seohyun.

Well, thats a bit

But well, its better than Hey.

Eunha felt more comfortable calling her noona, but since she disliked it, he decided to call her by her name.

Okay. Then Ill call you Seohyun no, Seohyun-ah. Is that okay?

What about you?

Why? Dont you know my name?

Why wouldnt I know your name? Just tell me what to call you.

Huh? Just call me Eunha.


Seohyun murmured Eunhas name with her lips several times.

She seemed satisfied and smiled.

Now that I think about it, she has quite a range of expressions.

Eunha revised his thoughts about her as he saw her smiling gently.

Her crystal-encrusted hairpin sparkled in the moonlight that descended from the ceiling.

She radiated a subtle beauty, like someone who had descended from the Moon Kingdom.

Well, this must be a connection.

Eunha smiled wryly.

Then, unlike earlier, she spoke to him as casually as she had when she first met him last year.

Its nice to be outside. Its nice and quiet.

Thats the thing, party halls are loud.

And suffocating.

And boring.

Its funny what people find enjoyable.

Our eyes met.

Apparently, we were thinking alike.

Eunha burst out laughing.

Seohyun glared at him coldly.

Then she couldnt hold back her laughter either and let out a small giggle.

I thought you were hospitalized not long ago?

I was hospitalized last year.

Whats wrong?

Oh, it was something. A life-threatening disease.

What a disease?

Seohyun asked cautiously.

Eunha shrugged.

It was no big deal.

Ill die if I dont sleep, Ill die if I dont eat something delicious, Ill die if I dont lay around, Ill die if I study, and.

Do you want to be punished?

If I dont finish my sentence, Ill die.

Ugh, fine, go on.

Seohyun shook her head in disbelief.

Whether she said it or not, Eunha held a word feast.

Compared to the party chairman who acted formally, the gathering where they could talk about anything under the moonlight was much more comfortable.

But arent you cold?

Who stays dressed like that for so long?

My nanny put this on me.

Ugh, come on.


Eunha held out his hand.

Seohyun stared at it, then shook her head.

Take my hand.

Are you going to play with me again?

What do you think I am?

As she hesitated, Eunha grabbed her hand.

Seohyun flinched in surprise.

Eunha, on the other hand, didnt care and transferred mana to her.

Warmth enveloped her.


How is it? Its warm, right?

You know how to use mana?

Im popular in the neighborhood because of this these days.

Eunha recalled the times when kids in the neighborhood rushed at him saying they were cold.

It wasnt just kids.

Even though they had a boiler at home, his parents would rush to hug him.

Then Eunaes eyes would light up and hed be swarmed and hugged.

That was nice, but.

Its warm.

Right? Im like a human heater. It would be nice if every house had one.

In case theyre not the direct heirs of Sirius Group?

Huh? No.

I cant believe shes still thinking of business ideas at this point.

Even for a kid, it was amazing.

Eunha stuck his tongue out at himself.

A garden where no one comes.

The moonlight was beautiful.

It was nice to be quiet.

I could spend hours just like this.

Are you hungry? Im craving chocolate. I saw chicken at the party venue earlier.

I was already hungry.

With the hand that held her hand, Eunha gently patted his own stomach.

I need to eat something, anything.

Dont you have any mood?

Seohyun said sharply.

It was a conversation that took place a few days before the start of the 5-year solar calendar.


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