ReLife Player

Chapter 85

Chapter 85

[Even if it means turning the world into an enemy (14)]

12 weeks of hospitalization.

That was Eunhas diagnosis.

Shin Seo-young had given him first aid, but she was a caster, not a supporter.

A bruised and swollen face, almost harpooned hands, and a bullet-ridden leg.

It was beyond what she could heal.

Worst of all, his mana was severely depleted.

Every living being is born with a different amount of mana in their body.

It was a factor that didnt change much as the body grew.

However, he not only excessively consumed potions to restore his mana but also pushed his mana circuitry to the point of overload.

Just the fact that he didnt go into a mana frenzy was fortunate.

In a way, the name 12 weeks of hospitalization sounded mild.

Are you not going to listen to Mom?

Oppa, dont be in pain.

Every day, Eunhas mother visited his hospital room with Eunae. And every day, she scolded him at least once as a standard routine.

I made a mistake.

When it was past the time to finish work, his father would also come to visit.

At that time, he should have begged for forgiveness, even if it meant becoming his fathers hands and feet.

Mommy doesnt want you to push yourself too hard. Do you understand?


His mother would leave the hospital room with those words.

Each time, Eunha felt bad for worrying his family.

But he knew he would do whatever it took to keep himself happy.

His mother and father must have known that.

Still, his parents never failed to tell him not to do anything dangerous.

I felt both sorry and grateful for my family.

Noona will be back later.

His parents werent the only ones who visited him in the hospital every day.

Euna also came to the hospital after school and was busy chatting. She used the refrigerator, which was stocked with food gifts from visitors, as her own.

Its peaceful here.

There was nothing else in the hospital room.

It was a single room.

He was currently hospitalized at Alice Hospital.

It wasnt due to Shin Seo-youngs consideration or the Fairys assistance.

I dont think the media in Korea is reporting the facts as they are. If I didnt know better, I would have believed it was real.

Eunha was reading the free news from Yonhap News Agency.

The news was reporting that Alice Hotel had transformed into the Red Dungeon due to a mana surge.

Since the people who were staying at Alice Hotel had evacuated in advance, there were no civilian casualties, they said.

However, it was reported that the Italian ambassador and the players who were scheduled to stay at Alice Hotel went to conquer the Red Dungeon, resulting in the death of all members except the Italian ambassador, Albert Valentine.

According to the news, the Red Dungeon quickly vanished due to their sacrifice.

If Eunha hadnt known the truth of this incident, he would have easily been deceived.

Perhaps there were incidents involving Italian ambassadors and Bruno before the regression as well.

However, even at that time, the truth might have been distorted in a similar manner.

There must have been some sort of dealings between Korea and Italy.

Before the regression and after.

Through this incident, Eunha realized that the outcome of the Korea-Italy talks had changed significantly compared to his past life.

What will happen in the future?

How would the future change with this incident?

As he pondered, his head throbbed.

He tried to change the channel to listen to music.

He wanted to listen to music, not-

Captain, were here!

He wanted to listen to music, not the noise.

Eunha sighed as he saw his friends, who always came over after school.

Wow! Theres a roll cake! Captain, can I eat this?

Adding another person who considers the refrigerator in the room as their own refrigerator.

Eunha was amazed to see Eunhyuk taking out and eating the roll cake without permission.

He promised himself that he would scold him thoroughly once he was discharged.

Alright, this is your homework for this week.

Do I really have to do it?

You wont be coming to school until the end of the first semester, so at least do your homework.

Seona took out a large amount of assignments from her bag.

Since Eunha had been hospitalized for about three months and wouldnt be attending school until the end of the first semester, it was a special measure for him.

Eunha sighed at the thoughtfulness of his homeroom teacher as he put the homework in the drawer next to his bed.

The assignments he received a few days ago were still piled up in the drawer, untouched.

Guess whos taking advantage of this opportunity to slack off?

Hey, cant you see that Im injured? You would know if you were hospitalized, how boring it is to do nothing

Then what about the game console over there?

Minji, who had a good eye for watching dramas, used her observation skills in everyday life as well.

Eunha had nothing to say and just came up with a nonsense excuse.

Hmph! I used my favor. Just wait and see.

What are you going to do with the knife?

To carve an apple for you, of course.

She looked triumphant as she held the pod for the first time in a long time.

Eunha, on the other hand,

Eun-hyeok, take that knife away from her. Im going to be hospitalized for the entire summer vacation.

Okay, captain. Ill protect your health. Hey, Kim Min-ji, why dont you put that knife down right now?

Come on. Im just slicing an apple.

The knife! The knife! Why are you pointing it at me?

It was chaos.

I felt so nostalgic for the moment when I was free to do whatever I wanted.

Eunha decided to stay away from the two people arguing over the knife.

He had no intention of eating the apple she offered to slice.

Here. My dad wanted me to bring you this.

Im sorry every time. Ill drink it.

My dad doesnt mind. Dont feel sorry for me because Im selling them for money.

What are you, Mr. Jung Seok-hoon?

Eunha took the tumbler from Ha-yang.

On the tumbler with a straw was a silhouette of a rabbit wearing a monocle representing the Alice Group and holding a clock.

It was coffee milk, one of Jungs premium potions.

Although it restored less health and mana than banana milk or espresso, coffee milk could restore both health and mana at the same time.

In addition to the tumblers, there was a large tub of coffee milk in the refrigerator in the hospital room.

I drank it to restore my broken body and twisted mana.

Even after he was discharged, he would have to live on coffee milk for a while.

Though sometimes Id like to drink something else.

Should I tell my dad?

No, thank you. Coffee milk is enough for me. Be sure to tell him thank you.


Eunha gulped down the coffee milk.

Next to him, Hayang was twitching her pink ribbon and talking about what happened at school.

There you go. Im done. Hows that?

At that moment, Min-ji, who had been chatting with Eun-hyeok, held out a plate with apples.

This, what a strange shape.

Its a raccoon. I tried to arrange it by carving a rabbit. What do you think? Isnt it cute?

My appetite was gone.

In a way, it was a skill.

Eunha was amazed as she looked at Minji, who had transformed the apple into a ferocious beast.

Moreover, she had carved the peel into the shape of fruit, making it bite-sized.

Here, Eunhyuk, eat this.


Why? Its your fault for not stopping her.

But, Minji carved this for the captain

The roll cake that I left to eat earlier, where did it go? Someone must have secretly eaten it. Looks like I need to give a strict lesson

Yeah, Ill take care of the apples. Captain, Im willing to die for you.

Hey, Choi Eunhyuk. Who told you to eat it? If you dont want to eat it, then dont!

Oh? Really? I dont have to eat it?

Youre really funny. Do you think Ill believe that you wont eat it? Fine, dont eat it then!

What do you want me to do?

Eunha decided to look away from Eunhyuk and Minji. If he confronted the two of them, his stamina, replenished by the coffee milk, would quickly be depleted.

Then, he made eye contact with Seona, who was taking out pears from the refrigerator.

Can I eat a pear? Do you want to eat one too, Eunha?

Youre not trying to make a squirrel like Minji, are you?

Watch closely.

Seona made a determined expression, gathering her eyebrows.

Sitting down, she skillfully handled the pear with calm hand movements.

Wow! Seona, you carve them so beautifully.

Ive gained experience from always bringing snacks for my younger siblings at church.

Let me know next time too.

Then, shall we try it together at our dads cafe? I want to try carving them beautifully too.

Well, as long as its not bothersome.

Seona carved the pear so beautifully that Minji and Hayang were amazed.

Before they knew it, there were two pears on the plate, shaped like rabbits, stacked one on top of the other.

Seona insisted that it was a fox, not a rabbit, but it didnt matter as long as they could eat it.

Boss Eunha, how are you?

It was Julieta who came to visit us in the evening after Euna returned.

She was one of those people who never missed a day.

But noona, please stop calling me boss.

How strange his family looked at him.

Actually, knowing her personality, they seemed to have gotten over it by now, but it was still embarrassing.

Boss Eunha is Boss Eunha. A man should know how to stick his chest out!

Ha, never mind.

I got you a cake from Happiness, do you like cake here?

I like it.

Eunha loved anything that Jung Seok-hoon made.

She would bring him something to eat whenever she came to visit him like this.

In fact, she would bring more than his mother would leave in the refrigerator.

But wheres Uncle Bruno?

Bruno was nowhere to be seen.

It was strange not to see Bruno, who had been discharged from the hospital less than a week earlier with his wounds healed.

Hed been following her everywhere lately, worried about her pregnancy.

He has some errands to run today.


Boss Eunha, by the way. Voila!

Huh? What is this?

Eunha was eating his cake when he saw the piece of paper Julieta pulled out of her handbag.

It was a social security card.

Look at the name on there.


What is it?

Eunha shifted his gaze to where she was pointing her finger, and accidentally swallowed the cake in his mouth.

[No Julieta.]

[No Bruno].

What is this?

Eunha asked with a fearful tone.

Well, since Ive decided to live a new life, I changed my name. I had to choose a Korean-style surname since Im changing it in Korea, and while I was at it, I thought I should take the surname of Boss Eunha!

From now on, please call me No Julieta and No Bruno!


It was still a day without a break.

There you are.

An old man who had closed the book he was reading greeted Bruno as he entered the study.

Mr. Min Jun-sik, the chairman of Alice Group.

He was currently stepping down from the group management, but the fact that he was still the chairman of Alice Group did not change.

Mr. Min. Im indebted to you.

Standing in front of the table, Bruno bowed deeply.

He owed him a lot.

It was him who had given Bruno a place to stay when he had fled from Italy.

To him, it might have been nothing more than entertainment, but to Bruno, who was living in a foreign country where he didnt speak the language, it was something he was grateful for beyond words.

Whats more, he was very helpful in this case. Not only had he protected him, Julieta, and the Eunha from the Fairys government, but he had also made it clear that they were not to be touched.

I know how difficult it was for you to hide your identity from the Fairy Lady and evade her curiosity.

No, I am truly grateful.

Looks like we settled it with the potions value.

Even though Min Jun-sik laughed it off, Bruno knew that the losses he incurred couldnt be eased with laughter.

Alice Hotel was demolished under the pretext of the Red Dungeons annihilation.

In the media, there were constant critical stories about Alice Hotel.

The Mana Cataclysm was an unexpected natural disaster, but human hearts were not so easily swayed.

Even now, the hotels sales were plummeting.

Anyway, the hotel couldnt keep up with the Dawn Group and YH Group.

So, instead of that, why not withdraw from the hotel business and invest more in the pharmaceutical business, which is experiencing a surge in sales due to the New Potion?

Although he had retired from management, he was still an entrepreneur. Since the business that wasnt profitable anyway was being abandoned, he intended to invest in the pharmaceutical business that was booming with the New Potion.

However, Bruno couldnt hide his remorse.

Apologies lose their value when repeated multiple times.

He could only lower his head with a sense of shame.

But still, be careful. The Fairy Lady seems interested in you guys.

Even if she says she wont investigate with words, she is not someone who would act accordingly.

The Fairy Lady is watching.

Bruno made a mental note of that.

He, and probably Eunha, didnt want to get tangled up with the Fairys Government.

All he wanted was a life of leisure and happiness.

By the way, since you have nothing else to do, why dont you become my exclusive player?

Mr. Min suddenly suggested to Bruno.

Bruno looked up.

A few days ago, he received a notice from his company. He had left work early without authorization, hadnt told them he was in the hospital, and hadnt shown up for work.

He was now unemployed.

Still, he had to turn down Min Joon-siks offer.

Im sorry.

You do realize that Italy has a bad reputation these days, right? Its not going to be easy to find a job.

Im sorry.

I did need to find a job.

I just didnt want to be someones pawn.

I was going to give my life to Eunha.

If you dont like it, I cant force you, but it doesnt mean I want you to be exclusively my player. How many dangerous things can an old man buried in books have?

What do you mean?

When youre not guarding me, protect those kids. Just like youve been doing so far. It shouldnt be a difficult task for you.

Bruno, keeping his mouth shut, looked at Min Jun-sik.

What could be his intention?

Having spent over 60 years, he didnt reveal any emotions on his face.

Bruno couldnt read the eyes of the person who had placed Alice Group among the top 8 in the Korean business world even after the world had once been destroyed.

Dont stare at me like that. Its piercing.


I have no ulterior motive. I just want to see the bright smiles of the children who have entered the remaining days of an old mans life.

Min Jun-sik spoke with a sentimental voice. Wiping his monocle, he waited for Bruno to accept his proposal.


Thank you.

Bruno accepted the proposal.

Min Jun-sik waved his hand, indicating that he could leave.

With his head lowered once again, Bruno left the study.

By the time the creaking sound of the corridor ceased to be heard.

Min Jun-sik placed his hand on the book that was on the desk.

I must be getting old too. To be indulging in sentiment at my age

Isnt that right, my dear?

He gently caressed the cover of the book.

Speaking to someone who was no longer in this world.

Wearing his monocle and holding a pocket watch, the silhouette of a rabbit.


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