ReLife Player

Chapter 74

Chapter 74

[Turning the World into an Enemy (2)]

The Mediterranean, known for its abundant mana content.

As a result, mana alloys with excellent mana transmission rates were being mined in the surrounding areas.

The reason the Mafia could gain control over Italy could also be attributed to this factor.

The majority of Tredeccis members were players from families active in the Shar-Dena, Sicily, and Naples regions, closely tied to the Mediterranean.

But what about Korea?

The difficult-to-access East Sea region due to monsters inhabiting the Taebaek Mountain Range and Gangneung.

The threat from monsters was not significant, but the West Sea region had a relatively low mana content.

Even the areas where mana alloys were mined were limited to the southern coastal areas.

And they still couldnt match the mana alloys mined in the Mediterranean.

Fortunately, exceptional engineers were maximizing efficiency with limited resources.

The player devices of Galaxy Group and Sirius Group were recognized even in Japan and China.

Without them, South Korea would not have been able to recover from its downfall.

What do you think?

Im Ga-eul desired to promote the qualitative improvement of players and safeguard the nation, even if it meant obtaining mana alloys mined in the Mediterranean.

Above all, she needed mana alloys with excellent mana transmission rates to create artifacts for deploying cocoons.

It had been three years since she assumed the role of a fairy. While she tried to install cocoons nationwide, despite an extremely demanding schedule, it was still insufficient.

Even after the world had faced destruction, Seoul, which still functioned as the capital, only had two cocoonsone in Gangbuk and one in Gangnam.

With just two artifacts, they couldnt encompass the entire city of Seoul.

The residents in the outskirts of the cocoons outer wall zone were constantly exposed to threats from monsters.

The situation was even worse in the provinces. Some areas still lacked cocoons, and even in the areas where they were installed, they only covered a limited range around administrative facilities.

Moreover, cocoons needed regular mana replenishment. The artifacts made of alloys with lower mana transmission rates had a shorter-lasting effectiveness.

Based on what youve presented, it seems unnecessary to ask what item Korea should propose.

Im glad you dont have to say it, saving us the trouble.

Albert glanced down at the remaining half of the chocolate cake and adjusted his glasses.

She was a very resourceful woman indeed.

If she had mentioned the new potion first, Albert would have been able to control the flow of the conversation.

The value of the new potion would have been lost on him.

But she offered the cake without mentioning the potion. He took the potion without knowing anything about it and was amazed by its performance.

His astonishment gave Korea a lot of leeway.

There is no substitute for the new potion in Italy.

And that Italy is in dire need of it.

For Italy, the trade of new potions is very important.

To make a deal, the emotional party must first fold his hands.

The moment he loses his poker face, the initiative is hers.

All of this, of course, assumes that the new potion doesnt devalue.

This potion is a novelty, though I dont see the need to trade it.

May I ask why?

Do you really think that Korea can have a monopoly on this potion forever?

She didnt answer.

Albert gave her a stern look.

Besides, I dont think it would be possible to mass-produce the potion. I dont know how much you want the mana alloy, but I dont think you can afford it.

Albert decided to end the conversation here.

Inwardly, he was intrigued by the potion.

But Korea couldnt keep the secret of the new potion forever.

One day, the recipe would be revealed.

The value of the new potion would decrease over time.

There was no point in buying it while it was still valuable. Italy needed the potion, but I didnt want to make a losing trade.

This was the moment.

It was as if shed been waiting for it.

Mass production is possible, but its not as efficient a potion as the cake youre eating.

With a wave of her hand, she summoned Lee Jung-hyun, who had been waiting.

As he approached, he pulled a handful of potions from his waistband.

So many potions?

Albert didnt miss the countless potions in Jung-hyuns waistband.

Well offer you 200 potions of each type, for a total of 1000 potions, plus 30 highly efficient potions like the cake and coffee you just had.

Is that not enough?

She asked with a smile, the corners of her mouth tugged up.

Albert frowned.

She really had her act together.

He hadnt expected such a large quantity.

Especially when she could offer him thirty tablets of the potion hed taken earlier.

The deal was tempting. He couldnt resist.

The only question was how much mana alloy to trade.

Her answer was simple.

Im not greedy. One ton. Well pay the shipping.

I dont think the numbers add up.

Albert shook his head.

He was still in the red for a ton of mana alloy.

On top of that, he couldnt ignore the monsters that would be encountered while transporting a ton of mana alloy.

Even if Korea paid the shipping fee, they couldnt afford to lose their excellent players.



600. No more.

Okay, fine.


Six hundred is good.

One flick, and the deal was coldly accepted.

Albert suddenly realized he had made a mistake.

The new potion was worth far less than he thought it was worth.

And she had taken advantage of his lack of information about the new potion. He may have had an idea of how much he would be paid, but it was surely less than he had mentioned.

I will.

Once spoken, the words could not be bitten.

It was the Italian way.

Im Ga-eul had expected this, too. She nodded at him, his face crumpled.

In truth, she was expecting a mere 100 kilograms of mana alloy.

The 1,000 potions she had prepared were a subset of the recent new potions, manufactured in a haphazard manner under the influence of the new potions.

Several pharmaceutical companies had released new potions through people with the gift, but none of them could keep up with Jung Seok-hoons revolutionary potions, which were supported by the Alice Group.

Nevertheless, the inferior works were more efficient than the existing potions. It was impossible to completely ignore the 1,000 inferior works.

It would be comparable to 100 kilograms of Italian mana alloy.

I was satisfied with the deal, as I could get 600 kilograms of mana alloy with 1,000 inferior potions and 30 of Jungs premium potions.

Enough about potions, lets get down to business.

Zenko Myron. You shall remain still.

Im not doing this because youre making a shitty deal.

Zenko snapped.

Sighing, Albert decided to get back to the point.

Italy is willing to help the stranded Koreans return home.

Im Ga-eul nodded silently.

So far, so good.

The question was, under what conditions would Italy be willing to return the Koreans?

Even if the conditions were unaffordable, they were willing to offer something in return.

She couldnt completely ignore public opinion.

But as the head of state, the less blood loss the better.

We are also willing to support the repatriation of Italians who cannot return to their homeland.

She decided to offer the least burdensome price first.

At the same time, she emphasized that Italy was not the only country holding South Koreans hostage; South Korea was also holding Italians hostage.

Since the End of the Century Destruction, there were about 500 Italians who couldnt return to their homeland.

Even Italy could not ignore the voices of Italians who wanted to return to their homeland.

But she was mistaken.

She was mistaken about one thing: that they would have any attachment to Italy.

Players were, after all, a people who were only there to fulfill their own needs.

We dont need them. Whether they want to come or not is none of our business.

Zenko said, crossing his legs.

Albert didnt argue, but he didnt interrupt either.

Bluffing or sincere?

She had been an acclaimed actress before she was even in her twenties.

She realized they werent acting.

If you dont want to, so be it.

As she stepped back, they didnt seem to be disappointed.

The initiative was once again in Alberts hands.

We are willing to help the Koreans return home.

Albert stated Italys position again.

Then he offered a deal.

But only if you can help us exterminate the monsters in the North Atlantic.

Surely you wont just expect us to accept that, right? We have to endure risks for your sake.

If its not necessary, then theres nothing we can do.

As expected, even though she stepped back, neither of them showed any signs of disappointment.

Albert regained control once again.

We are willing to assist in the repatriation of Koreans.

Albert spoke from Italys standpoint once again.

Followed by presenting a deal.

But only if you can help us subdue the monsters appearing in the North Atlantic.

Surely you wont just expect us to accept that, right? We have to endure risks for your sake.

Ga-eul tightly gripped the hem of her dress under the table, unseen by the two men.

She had some expectations.

She hoped that such a situation would not arise.

Since the End of the Century Destruction, monsters had been appearing simultaneously worldwide.

Interactions between countries had significantly decreased. Monsters had spread not only on land but also in the seas and skies.

Especially in the sea, numerous unidentifiable monsters existed, and there were challenges in confronting them in the limited space of a ship.

And even more so between Korea and Italy.

Although there was little exchange between them in the past, it was impossible to traverse the Pacific and the North Atlantic during the era of rampant monsters.

To repatriate Koreans unable to leave Italy, Italys assistance was crucial.

And to receive Italys help, she knew that Italy needed to create conditions for the repatriation of Koreans.

She was aware of it, but it was a significant loss.

Because in the North Atlantic

To redirect Italys intentions, she opened her mouth.

We are not asking you to repatriate Koreans all the way to Korea. If you can send Koreans to the United States, we will take care of the rest.

Why are you bringing this up now? Its disappointing.

With a thud.

Zenko put his legs on the table.

Before we move Koreans to the United States, there is a prerequisite.

There is only one thing we desire.

For the first time, Ga-eul frowned.

Her composure, which she had maintained all along, wavered.

Zenko, who had been waiting for that moment, openly chuckled and continued speaking.

If you want to get Koreans back, lend us a hand in defeating the creature that appears in the North Atlantic.

Im taking down a second-ranked Leviathan.


She exhaled, unperturbed by the sight of the two of them.

It was Korea that requested the talks.

Nevertheless, Italy had accepted, and the reason for their visit was predictable.

It was the worst possible outcome.

To apply to defeat the second-tier monster Leviathan.

The second-ranked Leviathan.

The weight of the second rank was different.

Whereas the Ranked 3 monsters caused disaster and catastrophic damage, the Ranked 2 monsters were catastrophic.

The strongest monsters outside of the theoretical first rank, they were measured to be capable of paralyzing the administration of a country.

Among them, the Leviathan was different.

Living in the North Atlantic Ocean, the Leviathan was a monster that caused catastrophe as a single entity, and was treated as an overranked monster close to the first rank even within the second rank.

We dont want to send players from Korea into an unfamiliar environment. Id rather provide potions for players in Southern Europe to help them slay it smoothly.

Whats wrong with this. Why would the good fairy send them away like this? must be because Koreans are weak?

Zenko chuckled.

She kept her mouth shut and didnt answer. Instead, she squeezed the hem of her dress hard enough to crumple it.

There was so much she wanted to say, but she had to hold her tongue as a good girl.

Come on, Albert. What did you call the strongest players in Korea? Ten? Twelve-footers?


Yeah, twelve-strong right?. But the Korean Twelve Stooges must be really weak. Or maybe its because our fairy is cheap. I dont know their faces, but I pity them.

Zenko, moderation, please.

What do you mean, isnt that what you mean by not denying the fairy?

Zenko shrugged.

As if to say, go ahead and say it.

He glared at the bodyguards behind her who were suppressing their mana.

This is why I hate Koreans, with their fucking kimchi.

What the fuck are you, an asshole?

A yellow circle who can only spit out words.

Thats enough.

She had warned the guards to endure no matter what happened.

She canceled her own words.

She couldnt listen anymore.

Even if it meant coming forward in a lowly position to repatriate Koreans who couldnt leave Italy, it had gone too far.

The existence of a fairy represented the status of the Republic of Korea itself.

She couldnt tolerate such insults and disrespect from the Italian ambassador.

For her to be insulted meant that the Republic of Korea was insulted.

Ugh! What are you doing now?

Every living creature possessed mana within their bodies.

And mana, even in minuscule amounts, was a miraculous power that made the heart beat.

The distance between her and the Italian ambassadors was just a small table.

It was a distance where they could threaten her at any moment, but conversely, it was also a sufficient distance for her to threaten them.

Guh gasp!

Zenkos face turned pale as he collapsed from his chair. He clutched his chest and thrashed around.

Albert was the same. Veins bulged on his forehead as he collapsed onto the table, unable to catch his breath properly.

The Republic of Korea will cooperate in subduing the Leviathan.

Once again, it should be emphasized that the reason why living beings exist as living beings is because mana exists within their bodies.

For the well-being of all Koreans in Italy and their return home, we will give you our full support.

And the gift of had the ability to disperse mana.

We will dispatch two of the Twelve Masters, including Nam Gung-seong, known as the <Divine Spear>, who are considered the strongest in our nation.

Regulating mana within the body with a single gesture was as simple as breathing.

If you wish to protest this, protest. I will report Big Mama to the International Mana Management Organization for sending a torpedo boat as an ambassador to Italy. (1)

She stood up and waved her hand.

The gift that had been dispersing the mana in their bodies disappeared.

Thisthiswont do any good!

Albert warned menacingly as he regained his breath.

Zenko, meanwhile.

Ill kill you-!

As soon as he regained his senses, he drew his weapon from his waistband and charged.

How dare you point your sword at anyone!

Do you want to die?

The bodyguards could not stand still.

The twos reactions were instantaneous. Jung-hyun protected the woman, and Sang-jin aimed his sword at Zenko.

It seems you havent fully regained your sanity.

Ha, unbelievable. Did you think you would be hit once and then hit again?

Zenko was undeterred even by the freezing voice that chilled the conference room.

Wait a moment.

In that moment, he finally realized the chilling cold that surrounded the conference room.

Since when?

When he realized it, the intense cold enveloped him.

If he moved, he would die.

He understood it with animalistic instinct. The moment he stepped out of the cold, his body would freeze into pieces.

It seems you havent completely lost your mind. We will conclude the meeting here. Everyone, return.

She left the conference room without looking back.

Damn it!

The cold subsided, and Zenko unleashed a string of Italian curses.


(1) Torpedo boat: In colloquial terms refers to someone or something that totally messes up or ruins your plans. They just torpedo all your efforts!


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