ReLife Player

Chapter 72

Chapter 72

[What are you doing out there (3)]

You, you, you, whats wrong with you!

Rolling on the floor, Parang made a pained sound.

Kerr, kerr!

Eunha walked over and kicked Parang in the side, who no longer had the strength to fight.

Who said face up?

Eunha said in a cold voice as he looked down at Parang on the ground.

Parang didnt look up this time. Even his tail, which had stood erect only moments before, drooped.

Damn it

Tears welled up in Parangs eyes overwhelmed by the fact that he had been beaten without understanding a word. It was the first time in his life that he had been so pitifully beaten.

Dont you dare look at me?

Damn it.

Eunha scolded him in a stern voice. Although Parang had lost his will, he hadnt completely given in.

Eunha had breathed with the true Jin Parang for nearly ten years.

He could tell whether Jin Parang had given in or not, and what he was thinking.

Its good to stretch after so long.

Eunha shifted his shoulders alternately and stretched.

He hadnt had much of a chance to warm up lately.

So he stretched lightly by slapping Jin Parang. Halfway through, he even got a taste for the fun of it.

Even before his regression, Eunha had been a master at beating up crawlers like Jin Parang. He knew where to hit and how to hit to make the wounds less noticeable and less bruising.

The same goes for Jin parang, who is currently rolling toward Eunha.

Although his clothes were covered in dirt, there was not a single injury. After rolling enough to avoid bruises, he exhausted Parang to the point where he had no energy left.

Not good for kids.

All of this was possible because he was Jin Parang.

It was something he couldnt do to his friends, who were learning mana management skills from Eunha. Not even Eunhyuk, who still insisted on becoming a player.

Not yet.

He could tolerate crawling.

But if any of his friends tried to get in his face, or talk down to him, he wouldnt let it go.

Ididsomethingwrong. I, ate, wingswas that?, are you kidding me!?

This guy hasnt come to his senses yet.

Eunha lifted Parang, who was lying on the ground and threw him to the opposite side. Colliding with the soundproof barrier, he fell to the floor along the wall.

If it was Jinparang, then it was indeed Jinparang.

He was only 10 years old now, but his talent, which would later make him a prominent AIN player, was undeniable.

He endured one-sided beatings with his exceptional stamina as an AIN and was gradually becoming accustomed to falling techniques with his outstanding agility.

So what?

It was nothing to Eunha. He rolled and rolled Blue, thinking that he would drain every bit of remaining stamina.

His tears dried up completely.

Ha, Ill tell the old woman everything!

Thats all he managed to say, holding back hIS tears.

Eunha sighed and ran a hand through his hair.



Grandma. I cant believe you havent gotten over this. Who calls grandmother, an old woman?

I, sorry.

Call her grandma.

Yes, haa, grandma.

Good. Roll more then.

Damn it-!!!

Roll to the left, then to the right when you hit the sound barrier. Roll left and right once, then up and down.

Parang rolled and rolled and rolled until he swept the floor.

His stamina was showing its limits.

Eunha called out to him as he gasped for air.



Im still older than you, arent I?

What, Parang Hyung, are you really going to do this?


Can you use telepathy?

Jin Farang had been bragging about being able to use telepathy since he was a child.

Eunha secretly wondered if he could use telepathy.

Im only 10 years old.


So you lied.

Eunha clicked his tongue, and he decided to make him roll again, this time until Parang was unconscious.

A sin is a sin, but Parang is Parang.

Parang was Parang, unless you saw white and called it black.

What the hell! Why again!


Why again!

He is really hard to tame.

Come to think of it, even before regression, it took a long time to handle Jin Parang as desired. The thought of taming him in just one day had to be discarded.

Well, fine. Lets roll him slowly until he enters the academy.

If Hyung can use telepathy with Grandma, Ill stop tormenting you.

Tormenting? This is tormenting? Youre insane

Should we continue?

No. I was wrong. Ill try using telepathy with Grandma.

Good. Try using it while rolling.

You crazy bastard! You said you wont torment me!

I said Id stop if I can use telepathy. Tell me after using it.

Youre not even human!

Jin Parang shed tears and veins popped on his neck. He jumped around, squeezing out every ounce of strength, trying to escape from Eunha.

I have to use telepathy no matter what!

Parang clenched his fists tightly, so much so that his nails dug into his palms, whether there was sand in his hands or not.

It was a matter of life and death. If he stayed like this, he would die without even the strength to breathe.

But Eunha wouldnt even bat an eye if he died. Even if he begged for forgiveness, it would be in vain.

So Parang called his grandmother the whole time Eunha was beating him.

The problem was that the soundproof circle was a spell that blocked sound from inside and outside.

It wasnt until later that he realized this, and he was almost beaten into submission.

He had to use telepathy to survive. Despite Eunhas promises, a telepath could surely break through the sound barrier.

But how?

Learn as you go, I guess.

What the fuck.


Damn it!

He succeeded.

Eunhas fist cut through the air.

Parang widened his eyes and looked at Eunha, who swung his fist unexpectedly.

Jin Parang smirked.

I got it, youre dead now.

Parang chuckled and wagged his tail. It was only for a moment, but I thought I knew how to use telepathy.

Yes, this is it.

Sparks crackled from his ears and tail.

They were small, tiny sparks. As I steadied myself with the thought of strengthening my ears and tail, a slightly larger spark shot out.


Eunha watched with interest as Parang used his telepathy.

It was still sloppy. It would be a while before he could do it without sending sparks flying around like Seona.

But it was unusual for a ten-year-old to use telepathy.

Jinparang was not just Jinparang for no reason. Perhaps Eunha had met him earlier, but Parang might have been able to use telepathy from a very young age.

Oh, I think I can do this?

[Youre goi]

However, Parang was not yet familiar with telepathy and could not use it because he could not distinguish between what he was saying with his mouth and what he was saying with his mind. Furthermore, he was not very selective about what he communicated and what he didnt.

The result,

Kahahahahahaha-!! Repeat after me that youre dead. This bastard treats me like garbage? Grandma Grandma, Noeunha is bullying me~!

The shouts are.

[aha~] [ha~] [ha~] [ha~]

[You] [Die] [Now]

[Bird] [??]

[] [Grandma!]

[Eun] [Ha] [~!!]

The telepathy resounded and spread.

Uh, huh?


Why does this shame belong to Eunha?

Why are you hitting me! I used telepathy just like you said!

Just let me hit you a bit, Hyung.

Parang kept rolling and rolling until the family appeared upon hearing the strange sounds.

I got it. Then I should find out about the elementary school Parang will attend.

Im sorry for asking you to do this.

No, Mother-in-law.

Of course, you should apologize. Do you think its easy for a parent to send their children to school?

Hey, I sent you to school and even got you married.

The conversation between the parents and grandmother concluded with sending Parang to elementary school.

Of course, Parang opposed by saying, Im not going!

There was no one in the house who would listen to him. Even Eunae was playing with his tail.

I want this!

No, thats off-limits.

Eunha pointed to the tail that Eunae was playing with.

Parangs face contorted at once. His lips twitched to protest, but nothing came out.

Will he get hurt if he messes with Eunae?

Tch! Who cares what anyone says!

Parang tilted his head in amusement. In his heart, he wanted to scold Eunae for her mischief, but Eunha was watching, so he couldnt do anything.

In the end, he had to put up with whatever she was doing with his tail.

Hmm, did I mention that Parang is now 10 years old?

Then he should start in the third grade, right?

Since he said that he hasnt had any education so far.

Father and mother wondered which grade to enroll Parang in.

The elementary school had already been decided. The only elementary school near his grandmothers house was Incheon Elementary School. This was the elementary school that Eunha had attended before the regression.

The problem was that Parang hadnt had any elementary education until now.

He may have been stupid, but he wasnt stupid enough to need a first or second grade education.

Whats more, Parang was surprisingly good at math; apparently, to survive in the slums, you had to be able to do simple calculations.

The adults looked at him with pity as he proudly recounted his experiences living in the slums.

Dad, mom. I think second grade would be good.

The silent Eunha chimed in.

Before the regression, Parang had entered the Player Academy at the age of 17.

The Players Academy was a pretentious place. People who had been admitted from the Secondary Academy bullied him because he hadnt gone through any educational institutions before entering the Player Academy and because he was an Ain.

What treatment Parang received at the academy after one year, Eunha couldnt know for sure.

He only knew that when Eunha realized his existence, Parang was already being called a crazy dog with a big mouth.

He had glimpsed him fighting once. At that time, he couldnt even handle mana properly and was thoroughly trampled by the students.

If he surrendered, it would have been easier, but he didnt yield even if he fell and instead stood up and confronted them.

Damn it. If I only had this power back then.

If I had encountered those bastards, I would have crushed them completely.

Before his regression, Parang drank heavily and trembled while reminiscing about his time at the academy. Whether those events contributed to making him a true Mad Dog, he didnt know, but the fact remained that he had endured three agonizing years.

Yeah, second grade would be good for Parang since hes a fool.

What?! Did you just call me to look at you?

Parang silently took his seat as he locked eyes with Eunha.

Its unclear if Parang still wants to become a player. However, as an Ain, he couldnt live an ordinary life wherever he went.

Eunha thought it would be better to send him in the same grade as himself if it came to that. Although the distance was far, in middle school or high school, he could protect him.

Even if Parang applied to the Player Academy, Eunhyuk was there. Eunhyuk would accept Parang without prejudice.

Second grade of elementary school. How do you feel about that, Parang?

Im 10 years old. So

Parang was about to express his opinion to Eunhas father but caught a glimpse of Eunha from the corner of his eye.

Am I going to die?

Parang swallowed hard. With a single word, his life could be at stake.

Having already lost his rebellious spirit towards Eunha, he replied in a voice as if reading a language arts textbook.

I want to be in the second grade of elementary school.

Thus, Parang was admitted to Incheon Elementary School as a second grader.

And he had to undergo training without rest while staying at Grandmas house with Eunha.

Whenever I come to Grandmas house, Im going to check if you can use your telepathy, okay?

Ah, fine.

Dont avoid my calls. Got it?

I got it! For fucks sake.

Be careful in the heat now that its summer and eat watermelon.

Its still May. Lets be careful, okay?


In this life as well, Parang was unable to stand up to Eunha.


E/N: Hi there, Ive been heavily busy with assignmentsso Im sorry if I havent been updating as usualanyways thanks for your kind support.


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