ReLife Player

Chapter 50

Chapter 50

[What doesnt change].

It was August. The heat was still raging.

Even at night, the heat continued. The mosquitoes were out in force, and stress was building up.

Still, summer was coming to an end. Summer vacation, the time for lazing around the house, was coming to an end.

So Eunha had to tackle his procrastinated vacation homework, and it seemed that other kids were doing the same.

If he hadnt invited them over to his house to finish their homework early, he would have been stuck with the rest of the vacation.


The cafe is called Happiness. The children entered the cafe, which featured an interior that resembled a cabin in the mountains.

They were greeted by the sound of bells tinkling and the rich, savory aroma of coffee.

Hello, kids.


Seok-hoon Jung, the owner of <Happiness>, greeted the children. Next to him, wearing an apron with a daddy bear and a baby bear on it, was Hayang, waving at them. She was also wearing a small apron.

Wow, thats so pretty!

The first child to respond was Minji. She looked at Hayangs apron and gushed.

Hehe, thank you.

The bear is cute.

Isnt it?

Seo-na, on the other hand, appreciated the apron in a more measured way. As she helped prepare the meal at the church, she couldnt take her eyes off the apron. Her tail wagged gently from side to side, as if she was trying to decide whether or not to buy it.

I have one left, do you want it?

Really! Thanks, Hayang

Can I?

Hayang took the apron out of the drawer in the corner of the cafe.

The two children smirked.

Mukminji, why are you carrying an apron?

Eunha didnt understand Min-jis fondness for hugging the apron to her chest. As far as he knew, she was the type to keep her cooking to herself.

Shut up. And I told you not to call me that, didnt I?

You say you cook?

I can cook! I often help my mom at home.

Your mom cant cook either.

He knew that if he said anything more, they would get into a fight in the cafe.

So he said in an unemotional tone, Oh, yeah. Do your best. Im rooting for you,

Well see. Uncle, let me make it with you today! (1)

Hey, what do you think youre doing, closing the cafe?

Move over, Ill show you how good I am at cooking.

Minji was speechless, her pride wounded, and she stomped into the kitchen.

Haha. Hayang, can you take the order for me?

Yes, dad.

Seok-hoon followed Min-ji nervously, worried that she might do something wrong and get hurt.

Hayang led the children to a seat in the sun. Apparently, she had been learning hospitality from her father since summer vacation.

If you want to order, please call me.

Hayang says her prepared remarks without missing a beat. Maybe it was because she had seen her father at work all those years, but she didnt act nervous.

After letting her go, the children opened the menu and tried to decide what to eat.

Mmm~ Ill have the hot cake set!

Eunhyuk decided without even looking at the menu. He had been practicing the advice from Eunha to stop by Happiness whenever he had time, and he knew all the menus.

I want a toast set.

I want toast too, said the alchemy duo, who fixed their glasses. The two had been in math school all vacation, so they didnt get to play much.

As a result, their faces were cheerful even as they sat down to do their vacation homework.

Ill have the bagel set, said Seona, who had spent the entire vacation reading books. She loved visiting the library or her grandfathers book collection.

Do you really love books? asked Eunha.

Yeah, why?

Well, theyre all cool places to be.

Why, what do you mean?

Sometimes Eunha could be unexpectedly sharp.

Seona, who was drinking orange juice, perked up her ears and said something that Minji and Eunha usually said.

She was quite embarrassed that she was acting like this.

Then Ill havethe bacon sausage set.

Eunha, who had finally decided on a menu, called out to Hayang, who was a few feet away.

Yes. How may I help you?

Hayang was very polite, even though the kids at the table were making a lot of noise. She had learned to control her mana, so she didnt get flustered easily.

She had grown up a lot.

Hayang was properly practicing Eunhas teachings. The amount of mana flowing out of her body was less than before, to the point where she looked like a normal child.

The mana in her body is great, and her sense of manipulating it is excellent.

In addition, she had even learned to read peoples feelings.

She had all the makings of a first-class player.

Well, shes not a player.

To say the least, she didnt have the personality to live in a players world.

This was something that Shin Seoyoung, who had just had lunch with him, agreed with.

What about Eunha?


What do you want Eunha?

By the time he realized it, she had already returned to her normal tone.

Ill have the bacon sausage set.

Okay. Ill go tell Dad then.

She wrote down the order and ran to the kitchen.

Boss, I think the juice here is really good.

Everything here is good for you, so dont waste any.

Yes, sir.


The childrens wordless feast had begun. Eunha didnt join in the chatter but slowly sipped the potion.

Better than before.

My mana recovery is faster. Deliberately draining his mana, he drank the orange juice and marveled.

The future had changed.

Normally, Jung Seok-hoon, who would have realized his ability and made potions with evil intentions, would have appeared on the potion market when the word spread among players.

But last year, when Eunha saved Hayang from the goblins, Seok-hoons hatred for monsters disappeared.

After all, Seok-hoon was still running a small caf, and while he had learned of his abilities through Eunha, he didnt seem interested in making and distributing potions.

All he wanted was to live happily ever after with Hayang.

Well, I hope he hasnt changed completely.

Huh? What, captain?

Nothing. Enjoy.

Eunha treated Eunhyeok cheerfully as he shoved a large hot cake into his cheeks.

Someday, Jung Seok-hoons potion would be known.

The future just delayed it. The future of Seok-hoons potion being on the market wont change.

No one is going to let his powers rot.

The world still wants power against monsters.

Ill just have to wait for that future.

In this life, Im determined to live happily ever after. It would be interesting to see a future where Seok-hoon Jung dominates the potion market.

Even though there will never be a future where hes the chairman of Alice Group.

But thats okay. Eunha also wants Hayang to live happily ever after.

He hoped he wouldnt be an obstacle to the happy life she wanted.

By the way, why isnt mine coming out?

Ive been waiting~! Come on, eat!

Eunha grumbled that his food wasnt coming.

The person who set the food down in front of him was not Hayang, but Minji. Wearing an apron with sauce on it, she had a confident look on her face.

Why dont you taste it? I made it, and its going to be delicious.

Did you just give me this to eat?

He had once survived for three days on a single chocolate bar, but the food in front of him was something he didnt want to put in his mouth even if he was dead.

It was burnt, this-

The bacon wasnt crisp, it was charred. The scrambled eggs werent scrambled, there were crystals of egg residue. The sausage was slathered in some weird sauce, and it smelled sour.

What? Its delicious.

Its burnt.

Its not burnt. This is how we eat at home.

Oh, okay. But not at my house.

Then try it. Its delicious!

Whats that sauce you put on the sausage?

Huh-huh, its a special sauce I made!

There were no answers. There was a part of me that wanted to bang my head on the table, but the food was there, so I sighed.

You want me to eat this now?

Are you asking me to die?

Eun-hyeok, this will be good for you.

Boss, Im full. Sorry.

Eun-hyuk gulps down the hotcake and avoids eye contact.

Do you want to trade it for toast and sausage?

Speaking of which, when are we going to do our homework?

I have math class later.

The alchemy duo acting like they didnt hear him.

These assholes.

The hand holding my fork trembled.

Okay, okay. Im eating, eat.

Eunha dipped his fork into his plate. He chewed the sausage with a big bite.

Espresso. I need an espresso.

His palate was destroyed. It was a strange combination of sour, sweet, and finally salty flavors.

I wanted to drink the espresso and wash my mouth out.

This was poison.

So go ahead and bring my espresso.

No, no, no. Were only 8 years old. Ill make it when were grown up.

He was restrained by Hayang.

Unable to help himself, Eunha gulped down the rest of the orange juice.

Ah, dear life.

You dont try cooking again.

Come on, you said it was delicious!

Seok-hoons consideration was evident. I vividly remembered running to the bathroom with my mouth covered.

Yeah, you dont touch the food again. And apologize to Uncle.

Why would I do that, Seo-na, and you guys go ahead and eat it!

I, I have to go to the next customer.

Even though the customer hasnt come yet, Hayang runs to the counter.

Minji, Im sorry. I ate too much and I feel sick.

Seona puts her fox ears down and holds her stomach. She even had a pained look on her face.

She really was a fox.

Its delicious, but its weird.

It was up to Min-ji, the cook, to dispose of the leftovers. She ate what the children did not eat without a care in the world. She cleaned up her plate.

The childrens faces were horrified.

What rank are you?

Huh? What do you mean?

No, never mind.

Maybe this thing isnt human. Maybe shes a monster because she eats things that humans cant.

Eunha vowed to be careful of Minji in the future. If she showed her true colors, he wouldnt hesitate to cut her down.


Thats when a woman wearing a bandana walked into Happiness.

Mr. Jung is in the bathroom right now.

There was no one to greet her. The children looked at each other, wondering what to do.

Su-jin unni! Come on in~

Hayang ran over with the menu to greet her.

Hey, Hayang. Are you going to guide me today?

Yes, hehe!

Then can I have your guidance?

Yes! Please come this way, maam.

Hayang led her to a table by the window.

The woman in white sandals smiled cutely and pointed at Hayangs hand.

Maam, what would you like to order?

Hayang politely greeted her.

The woman who received the menu looked at her with a lovely smile.

Okay, Ill have the brunch set for today.

Yes, the brunch set of the day?

Yes, thats right, Ill take the brunch set, please.

Okay, maam, is there anything else you need?

Sure. Um, where is Mr. Seok-hoon? I dont see him.

Mr. Seok-hoon is in the restroom right now.

Hayang pointed to the restroom.

The woman nodded and asked for an order.

Who is it?

Eunha recognized the uncovered woman as very familiar.


He grabbed her as she carried the menu to the kitchen.

Mhm, yeah?

Who is that person?

Eunha pointed to the woman who was fixing her hair while holding a mirror.

This is Su-jin, shes been one of our regulars for a while now.

Eunha tilted his head in confusion. He couldnt understand why he recognized Su-jin.

The mystery was soon solved.

Oh, Su-jin is here?

Seok-hoon emerged from the bathroom covering his mouth and saw Su-jin sitting at a table, looking surprised.

What do you want to have today?

I ordered from Hayang earlier.

Su-jin welcomed him with a bright smile as she handed him the menu. It seemed like pink flowers were only fluttering around her.

Oh. So thats what it was.

The atmosphere between the two of them was palpable. They looked at each other and it was clear they had a mutual affection.

Maybe the future was unchanged.

Eunha thought so as he watched Seok-hoon talk to Su-jin.

Min Su-jin was the second daughter of the chairman of Alice Group, Min Junsik, and she was the perfect candidate for Seok-hoons remarriage before he traveled back in time.

So they met here.

As far as he knew, Su-jin fell for Seok-hoon at first sight and realized the potential of his potions, so she proposed an investment.

It seemed like that future hadnt disappeared yet.

Hayang, what do you think of that noona?

He was worried about her. Before the regression, their relationship could be said to have been established without her.

Now that she was alive, it was unclear how their relationship would progress.

Whats more, he thought she might not be happy about her fathers remarriage.

Shes a good unnie, really.

Hayang said as she looked at the two of them, who were clearly attracted to each other.

Her face looked like someone who had lost her father. While cheering for the two of them, she couldnt fully accept it.

Your father would like you even more.

Yeah, thanks. Shes a really good unnie, though.

Is that your gut feeling?


If you say so.

Eunha stroked Hayangs hair.

May she be happy.

May this time never change.

Eunha hoped that she could live happily ever after.

E/N: I dont know if I would be able to catch up with the manhwa it seems impossiblehaha. Mostly because there are many scenes that dont appear on the manhwa or they really sum it up! Anyways thanks to all the readers for their patience, I will work hard!


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