ReLife Player

Chapter 43

Chapter 43

[Hound (5)]

After sending the children away, Eunha opened Hayangs lunchbox.

He scattered the remaining food in the chanhap evenly across the street.

This should provide some distraction.

Monsters tended to be attracted to mana.

If it was a hound, it would go after the tenuous mana in Jung Hayangs lunchbox.

The prediction didnt change.

The moment he scattered the food, the hound that was chasing him scattered.

Time for the children to get away from the hound.

and leave the potion behind.

The reason for the food was that it was uncomfortable to carry around.

If he left it behind, the monsters might chase after them.

After discarding the food, Eunha strapped the thermos to his back and jumped up a tree.

Wow, this is no joke.

The top of Bukhansan Mountain.

Eunha couldnt hide his surprise as he felt the growing energy of the hound pack as he headed towards Baegundae.

If they came down the mountain, there would be a huge number of casualties.

He shouldnt think so easily.

His mana was currently a little more than half of what it should be. He had to conserve his mana like a belt.

Moreover, his fork was the only weapon he could use to defeat the monster.

Plplease, save me.

It was then.

Eunha spun around at the sound from the other side.

A pungent smell was rising up to the treetops. Looking down, he frowned.

There were bodies scattered around as if it were a place where hikers passed by.

The person who requested rescue was a player. Since Bukhansan was a Changhai Clans territory, the person must be a player from the Changhai Clan.

As the hound pack approached the player whose side was torn apart, the shadow of death fell on the mans face.

He was already helpless.

Eunha shook his head at the player who was begging for his life with tears in his eyes.

Death was unstoppable.

The Hounds began to dismantle the body, and the hand that reached for the sky in the hope of salvation fell helplessly.

The Hounds poked their heads in, hoping to take a little more. Their mouths reddened, they squabbled, ready to kill each other.

While the pack was distracted by their prey, Eunha kicked a hound near a tree.

He scattered the pack as soon as he hit the ground.

Of course!

He purposely jumped into the pack because he was sure the player had a weapon.

Without hesitation, Eunha rummaged through the mangled corpses.

He found a longsword that the man must have used, and a stiletto hanging from his waist.

A sword made of mana metal, a mana alloy, was a far cry from the weapons he wielded in emergencies. It was capable of killing a hound without mana, and its cutting power was enhanced by mana alone.

After all

This isnt going to work.

Wiping the sweat from his brow, he put down the longsword the man would have used.

It was too long and heavy for his young body.

Come on in.

Instead, he grabbed the stiletto the man would have used as an aid. It was about the length of his forearm and specialized for stabbing, so he had no trouble carrying it.

Eunha loaded the stiletto with mana and deliberately taunted the hounds.

He didnt feel fear.

It had been long since he had abandoned that emotion.

A mere seventh rank.

No, there was no reason to be afraid of a pack that would have been relegated to the eighth rank after crossing Cocoon.

The slaughter had begun.

Blinded, he went on a mad rampage against the onrushing pack.

He leapt into the air, plunging his sword into the belly of a hound.

From where he stood, the ravenous horde tore at each other.

He infused his stiletto with mana, extending the blade.

Not just any stiletto, but a weapon created by a player device could be utilized in this way.


In an instant, the extended blade touched the hounds gemstone.

The gem shattered, and the hound turned to mana and disappeared.

There was no need to remove the stiletto from the hound.

Eunha twisted his body hard in the air.

On the ground, the remaining Hounds were waiting for him to fall.

He couldnt let that happen.

A nip. (Mijim) (). (1)

Stilettos blade glowed with a searing light.

He swung the blade downward,

The mana in the blade turned into slender needles and rushed toward them.

The small amount of mana in the attack was not enough to kill all of the hounds.

But the pack didnt close the distance and lunged, dead or alive.

Landing on the ground, Eunha kicked out the stiletto hed tucked between his armpits.

From the bottom up.

From the top, back down.

Down and back up again.

He traced the stars trajectory, never pausing his grip on the stiletto.

The trajectory, six times, was enough to slaughter the hounds.

The strength of the hounds was only revealed when they were in a pack.

A lone wolf was no enemy.

Eunha easily cut down the Hound from a distance.

Those caught in his mana-sensing net from the start had no chance to react.

I got one.

He couldnt be bothered to wipe the blood off his face. Wiping the blood from his face haphazardly, he finished searching the players corpse.

The automatic pistol from his back pocket was a G-Fight1, manufactured by Galaxy Devices.

Eunha pulled out the magazine and checked to make sure it was fully loaded.

Unfortunately, he didnt find any spare rounds.

Good thing I have a Yuja-cha tea.

The joy of wielding a player device for the first time in a long time had drained his mana.

If he hadnt brought the thermos, he would have run out of mana before he met the Hell Hound.



The screams came from the bottom of the mountain.

Hard to ignore because they were childrens screams, he clicked his tongue and ran.

It was half a dozen children surrounded by a pack of hounds.

Frowning, he saw Senas employer lose an arm in a fight with a monster and quickly intervened.

What the hell are these kids doing here!

He swung his stiletto, unable to hide his irritation.

Ack, my arm!

The hired employed picked up his fallen arm and winced.

Damn. Its gone.

Im goinf to die. Im screwed

For now, the shock of having his arm cut off offset the pain.

But over time, he will feel the shock of losing his arm.

There was nothing he could do on the mountain unless I got medical attention right away.

Its none of my business.

I didnt care if the man died of shock or not.

Instead, I was irritated by the sound of the mans fever.

Its Sena!

Uh, what can I do-!

The hounds were still there. The ones who had marked the children who had run away from him were running down the path.

I hated taking care of children.

If they werent in the same class, the same school, I wouldnt have bothered.

A thousand steps.

I bent my knees and pounded the ground, closing the distance quickly, but not enough to swing my sword at the hounds that were charging the girl.


It was a waste, he thought, but he had no choice.

Clicking his tongue, Eunha fired the G-Fight1 in his left hand.

The mana-alloy bullet pierced the hounds lungs.

The hound gasped for air through its punctured lungs and eventually died of a pool of blood in its lungs.

What the hell, was that you?

I should have left it alone.

The child who had nearly lost her life to the monster was Sena.

Eunha sighed inwardly, wishing he hadnt used all those bullets.

If you dont want to die, go down the mountain.

Uh huh?

This isnt working. She hadnt woken up yet.

He looked around at his surroundings.

She wasnt the only one who hadnt come to her senses in the face of the monster.

The children were staring blankly at the spot where the monster had disappeared. Some of them were crying and panicking.

It was a stark comparison to the friends hed sent down the mountain earlier.

The children were all looking at him.

As if to say, Do something

It was annoying. It was truly annoying.

This is why I hated kids.

A child always had to rely on others, never on themselves.

My pre-regression self had to survive alone, with no one to turn to.

I already told you. The rest is up to you.

Uh, uh.

He glared at the kids trying to get to him.

He didnt recognize many of them.

Probably kids from other classes.

He had no reason to care about them anymore.

The things that had a reason to be save were not here.

What needed to be done, he had done.

The rest was up to the kids to figure out. If they still encountered monsters in the future, that was simply their fate.

And the man you were carrying, hes in serious condition, get him medical attention as soon as you all get down there.

He probably wouldnt survive.

Getting down the mountain with a missing arm was one thing.

There was no way a group of children could carry a bleeding adult down the mountain.

Perhaps the man would be forced to make two choices.

He could go down alone and die.

Or he could go down with the children and die.

Either way, the outcome will not change.

It doesnt matter who dies.

He stood like a knife sharpened from slaying monsters.

If anyone touched it, it would go right through them.

W, wait!

Jin Sena still hadnt grasped his emotions.

In retrospect, she had never been good at reading other peoples emotions.

Perhaps it was because she had been taught from a young age to only be served by others.

To her, everyone but herself was just a tool for convenience.

It was ridiculous to think that.

Is that why shes trying to use me now?

He shook off her grasping hand.

He turned his pent-up irritation and frustration into flesh.

Emotionally charged flesh was terribly intimidating.

She couldnt say anything just by meeting his eyes.

Eunha left the place without a second thought.

He continued up the mountain,

I found it.

The summit of Baekundae.

He finally confronted the monster that commanded the group.

A sixth-level monster, Hell Hound.

The creature emitted a black aura that surrounded its body.

Whether you do the marking or not.

Eunha did not resist the black aura that engulfed him.

Amidst the surging energy, he simply imbued mana into his sword and said,

Youre dead, you son of a bitch.

Madness ().


(1) Mijim (): in Korean or in Chinese can be translated to acupuncture needle in English. Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine that involves inserting thin needles into the skin at specific points on the body to stimulate certain areas and promote healing. Of course, this is an ability that Eunha has to inflict damage on the enemy.

(E/N: I dont know Chinesesorrybut Ill learn it next year!)


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