ReLife Player

Chapter 103

Chapter 103

(Unlocked chapters 3/3) Ty for your support Ko-fi supporter

[King of the Lizards (4)]

The ecology of monsters is still not fully understood.

Especially when it comes to reproduction.

The reproductive behavior of monsters born into omnipresence varied widely, even within the same species.

Some monsters interbreed with each other, while others interbreed without distinguishing between organisms.

Others would eat their mates after they had finished mating, while others would reproduce alone.

Just as I thought.

It doesnt want to leave its place.

The new monster in the room was one of those.

Even as time passed, no creature that appeared to be its mate emerged.

It simply glared at the players while holding its large eggs.

Its terrifying.

Hye-rim furrowed her brow as she observed the remains left in the room.

Scattered around him were things that Sharptail must have carried in his cart.

She figured it out.

The creature was absorbing the mana of living beings to nourish itself and reproduce.

In addition to the eggs it carried, there were several more scattered around the vicinity.

Sharp Tails from the reservoir area, as well as those from the basement, were all monsters created by the creature right in front of them.

And the fact that it was able to produce so many of them meant that many more people had been sacrificed than they had estimated.


The creature that had once again regenerated its torn skin made an eerie sound as it flicked out its tongue.

What are these things!

Rangers, shoot the creatures that come out of the eggs!

Sharp Tails that hatched from random eggs nearby.

No, it was unclear if they could be called Sharp Tails yet.

The creatures that were still in the process of forming tore off the debris stuck to their bodies and simply rushed in response to the signals sent by the creature.

Ha, there are monsters like this too?

<Flame Demon>, be vigilant. Even if it is considered a 4th rank creature.

I know.

Kang Hyun-chul flicked his fingers.

The newly bloomed flames heated up the room and burned the creatures that hadnt yet emerged from their eggs.

Flame Grace

A blaze curtain.

In the vanguard, the Guardian and Park Hye-rim kept the rhythm.

The Rangers in the middle and the spellcasters in the back choked the life out of the creatures before they could even open their eyes.


Rush of the Stone Dragon

Guyeonsu charged towards the creature.

He plunged his sword into the area where the scales had not yet sprouted. He held it up until it could no longer move, and when he saw the claws flying at him from the other side, he let go and dodged.

Warriors Shield

Damage Shield

Guyeonsu was protected from the creatures physical attacks.

Hyun-chul leaped forward, alternating with him as he stepped back without showing his back.

Its a shame, but thats it.

It was a mistake to duck low as he tried to attack Guyeonsu.

Flames engulfed his body, and Hyun-chul slammed his top-handled Bastard Sword into the ground.

With that, his head was split in two.

This would be the end for the creature.


The creature extended its arm to protect its head.

Hyun-chuls bastard sword, engulfed in flames, effortlessly severed the creatures wrist.

Despite that, the creature was smiling.

Hyun-chul felt a sense of unease as the reptilian eyes were fixed on him.

Keep swinging.

Still, he wasnt flustered.

He had severed its wrist.

He was about to use all his strength to strike down its head.

The opportunity to kill the creature still remained.

That was the moment.

When he raised his head, he noticed the creatures mouth was swollen.

Clan Lord! Move away! Its venom!

The Navigator, who had been collecting information on the creature since the battle began, shouted urgently.

However, the creature expelled the venom faster.


There was no way of avoiding it.

The toxic fog obscured the vision.

The attack had already failed.

Retreating from this spot and detoxifying were the priorities.

However, the creature, who had been observing for a chance to counterattack, wouldnt miss this opportunity.

[To the right!]

The telepath relayed the Navigators instructions.

His actions were limited by the poison and fog.

And he can understand human language.

The navigator and the telepath were quick on their feet.

Hyun-chul deployed a barrier to his immediate right. A barrier of flames emitted something.

First, detoxification

He had an antidote potion in his belt, but it wasnt something that would work immediately.

He could buy some time, but he needed treatment from Park Hye-rim.

[Dont worry, just attack].

It was the telepathists voice, but he knew who was conveying the message.

The instruction from the countrys best supporter had arrived.


Hyun-chul cast aside any hesitation and created flames to drive away the toxic fog.

The toxic fog and flames seemed to engulf each other, intertwining.

The vision was still unclear, and the heat produced by the flames caused visual distortion.

Even so, Hyun-chul flipped the flames and rushed forward, not bowing to the poison.

Sharing Amulet

  • Detoxification

It is indeed <Holy Mother> .

[Dont call me by that name!]

An auxiliary magic that Park Hye-rim had granted before entering the room.

Hyun-chul suddenly realized what kind of magic the Sharing Amulet was.

Just by enchanting herself, Hye-rim could transfer the effects of the Sharing Amulet to players who had previously received it.

She should have said something earlier.

Fixing his Bastard Sword, he searched through the flames for him.

How dare you, my child!

He could hear the creatures rage.

The tail it swung split into several pieces right in front of him.

The split tails transformed into flying projectiles, descending upon him.

Whos afraid.

Damage Shield

Warriors Barrier

He didnt know it, but hed been told by a telepath that the Guardian was nearby.

The Guardians mana-infused iron shield expanded in width, catching the flying blades.

One more!

Bastard Sword glowed with a fiery aura. Flames crackled around it.

Hyun-chul took a deep breath. His exhaled breath turned into flames, soaring into the air. Sparks of flames danced fiercely around his eyes.


A terminal scream.

The creature, cut from the shoulder down to the abdomen by the sword, let out a cry.

It wasnt over yet.

Though the creature began its self-regeneration, the speed at which the flames spread far surpassed the healing rate.

The flames supported the regenerating skin, which in turn supported the newly regenerated skin above it.

I must protect the king!

And yet he was not dead.

It stretched out its remaining arm to grab Hyun-chul. His tail, now a blade, swung wildly.

Warriors Shroud

Damage Shield


Lightfast Bliss

The creatures attack failed to reach him as he retreated.

Holding the iron shield on the ground, the Guardian stepped forward, trampling over it.

Guyeounsu leaped over the shoulder of the Guardian who had slammed his iron shield into the ground.

He clawed at the bleeding wound.


He was giving it his all.

Even in the face of death, he refused to fall from the nest, desperately defending his eggs against the attack.


It spat out a thick purple liquid.

It was poison.

Guyeonsu chuckled.

Sharing Amulet

  • Detoxification

<Flame Demon>, end it.

I know!!

He bought enough time.

Different from before, he turned his back to the enemy and rushed to the rear.

Rangers! Casters!

Guyeonsu shouted.

They were already prepared.

Shield of Conviction

Unyielding Spirit

The Guardian chased after Kang Hyun-chul, deploying a protective spell.

At the same time, he threw a shield over his shoulder to deflect the blow he was swinging with all his might.

Dont think it wont hurt.

N-no, my king!!

Violet Blaze.

Hyun-chul slashed his sword horizontally across the creatures chest.

Flames erupted from the swords trajectory as if space were cracking.

The violet flames consumed him.

The flames, radiating a crimson glow, persisted even as it writhed in pain. They gnawed at his mana, steadily expanding their size.


The flames did not dissipate.

It swung its remaining arm.

The arm dropped with a thud.


Guyeonsu, who had retreated to the back, gave an order.

Hey, follow me!


Without looking back at the creature whose entire body was covered in flames, Kang Hyun-chul slapped the heavily armored Guardian on the back.

The Guardian took the lead.

He raised his iron shield above his head.

Warriors Shroud

Shield of Conviction

Unbreakable resolve

Next, Park Hye-rims protective magic unfolded.

Damage Shield

Flame Grace


The layers of overlapping protective spells indicated their clear intent.

Explosions erupted from all directions.

The casters detonated the spells they had prepared, and the rangers fired their projectiles into the storm.


Amidst the explosions and storm, it seemed like the enemys scream was heard.

However, the sounds of the magic explosions and projectiles filled the entire area.

The enemys voice was no longer audible.

Youre so determined to kill it.

Are you the one to die?

Hyun-chul, who returned to the rear, snorted in amusement.

Park Hye-rim cast a healing spell on him with a tone of ridiculousness.

Navigator. What happened?

Guyeonsu ignored their bickering.

Wiping the blood and sweat from his face with the towel the telepath handed him, he turned to the navigators.

Its been annihilated.

Yes, confirmed annihilation.

The navigators focused on peering into the world that hadnt cleared of smoke.

Their conclusion was that the boss monster was gone.

Indeed, it was dead.

Beyond the storm, they could see that it was dead, its remaining body curled up in a protective position over its eggs.

A tough one.

Hyun-chul frowned.

Even after being bombarded, his body remained strong.

He plunged his Bastard Sword into the dying mans body.

After Violet Blaze devoured all the mana within the creatures body, its charred form crumbled like ashes.

A large gemstone fell to the ground.

Well, is it over now?

Not yet, <Flame Demon>. There are still eggs left.

Guyeonsu, using a blade that could hardly be called a sword anymore, stabbed the egg the creature had been guarding.

He felt something piercing through the shell-piercing blade.

And then



Players, including Hye-rim, were taken aback when they heard the screams coming from the egg.

This isnt a normal one.

Guyeounsu said as he watched the half-awakened lizard try to squeeze out of the egg.

The players, now back in their senses, began breaking the eggs.




Similar situations occurred successively.

The creatures, whose eggs were broken, thrashed around, screaming and writhing in an attempt to survive. They were grotesque monsters.

Some of them, barely able to open their eyes, tried to break free from the shattered eggs and escape like extraterrestrial life forms, sending shivers down their spines.

They had to kill these creatures.

All players shared the same thought.

They used their blades to pierce through the monsters, even crawling on the ground if necessary, until the creatures that tried to escape no longer moved.

Over there! One is trying to escape!

One of them was a cunning creature.

It broke out of its egg just before it was attacked. It scrambled to its four legs at breakneck speed, then scrambled to its feet and ran away.

The players grabbed their pistols and pulled the trigger.

The lizard scrambled to its feet, zigzagging across the floor and dodging bullets.

What the hell!

It was Hyun-chul who caught the fleeing lizard.

The captured monster struggled and was consumed by the flames.

Is it over now?

Well done, everyone.

It was tougher than I thought.

With that, the mission to exterminate the monster cluster in Gwacheon City was successfully completed.

Until now, there was no doubt about the success of the operation.

A world filled with heat and flames.

My, my child

My King

I must protect them somehow.

At least one.

She covered the egg, her body burning.

Please, please survive

It was a needless worry.

The child that emerged from the egg was determined to move forward even within the inferno of hell.

It did not look back.

Without even expressing gratitude to its mother, it pushed through the flames, solely focused on surviving.

But it didnt matter.

It was born to serve the king.

The king was born, and she had done her part.

Until the moment of its death, it could protect.

So, my king.

My child.

Please, be strong

Even the remaining consciousness was swallowed by the flames.


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