Release that Witch

Chapter 1499 - 1499 Release That Witch: Side Story (Part 1)

1499 Release That Witch: Side Story (Part 1)

This was an underground laboratory.

It was easy to see from the clean ground and equipment that it was recently built.

“Prime Minister, we’ve prepared everything you requested,” Chief Technical Officer Von Karman said to the woman standing in the middle of the control room. “So far, we’ve gone through a total of ten rehearsals. The failure rate is less than one percent. We can start the official experiment at any time.”

As a core member of the team that led the revolution in magic technology, Von Karman naturally knew what kind of laboratory this was. It could multiply the magic effect, and the efficiency of amplification depended on the number of magic stones. However, he did not understand why the laboratory was built in such a sealed place, and not a single coin of the construction fund came from the public budget from the beginning to the end.

According to him, this technology could completely pass the parliament’s review and be openly displayed in front of the world. Moreover, from a safety point of view, it was more suitable to build it in the open wilderness than underground.

“So, I only need to press this green button to activate Alice?” The Prime Minister pointed at the control panel in front of her.

“Alice” was the code name of this experimental plan.

“Yes.” Von Karman nodded. “Simple and convenient was also your request.”

“Very well. Take your men and leave.”

The Chief Technical Officer could not help but be stunned. After a moment, he came back to his senses. “Prime Minister, Alice is indeed very reliable, but in case… I mean in case something goes wrong, it will be easier for me to resolve it here—”

The other party looked at him without any reaction.

Von Karman instantly understood that there was no room for negotiation.

He had served the Prime Minister for many years and had a deep understanding of her personality. In terms of determination and will, she was definitely the most determined person he had ever met.

Although her decisions might not always be correct, she had never let her subordinates take the blame even when she made mistakes. No one disliked such a superior. That was precisely why the New Quest Society, which had few political connections, was willing to accept her personal commission.

“I understand,” Von Karman agreed.

“By the way, this experiment will only be conducted once. After that, the project will be closed,” the other party said. “I hope you can keep Alice’s secret and never mention it to anyone.”

At this point, Von Karman was well aware of everything—not allowing any builders to participate in the experiment, building the laboratory underground, and not using the public budget… All of this was to keep it a secret. “Not even to... the President?”

“Believe me, Lady Agatha wouldn’t want to know this.”

The Chief Technical Officer swallowed.

In a sense, only he and the Prime Minister knew about this plan.

What kind of secret required such a high level of secrecy?

“Don’t worry too much. Your contribution won’t be buried.” The prime minister seemed to read his thoughts. “After Alice closes, I’ll push the technology to the parliament. Then you can continue to study it as a priority project.”

Soon, everyone left the laboratory. The moment the heavy door closed, the place seemed to be completely cut off from the outside world.

But soon, someone appeared in the darkness.

A second ago, there was nothing there.

“Thank you, Edith.”

Edith’s face broke into a rare smile. The title reminded her of the past. There weren’t many people in the entire Grey Castle who could call her by her name. “I should be the one thanking you, Lady Nightingale. Without your help, the New Quest Society wouldn’t have been able to advance what they really wanted so smoothly.”

They had not seen each other for many years, but the other party was still young and looked just as she remembered.

This was also what she envied the most about witches. After decades, time had inevitably left a mark on her body.

“I feel that even if you didn’t look for me, with your ability, you would eventually achieve your goal.”

“I would not be so sure of that,” Edith said frankly. “After all, time wears down one’s will and causes more difficulties and uncertainties.”

As a group of people who had disappeared, Nightingale had not appeared in public for a long time, but this did not mean that her influence had also disappeared. Because everyone knew her relationship with that big shot—even if the current ruler was Tilly Wimbledon, the title of King of Graycastle only belonged to one person.

However, it had indeed been a long time since she had heard any news about that person.

Edith thought for a moment and then bit back the greeting.

“In short, this is a deal between you and me. I can be considered to have completed it.”

“Don’t you want to ask what I intend to do with Alice?” Nightingale took off her hood, her eyes glinting in the shadows.

“Nay. I wish to spend my old age in peace,” Edith refused without hesitation. “And I know that you wouldn’t do anything to harm the world.”

“…Well, let’s get ready to start Alice.” Nightingale didn’t say anything more and went straight through the control room to the round hall in front of them.

In other words, the magic effect she wanted to amplify came from her own ability.

Edith was no stranger to this person’s ability. She was definitely a legendary existence. No wall could stop her. In a sense, she was both the witches’ strongest sword and strongest shield. Moreover, after decades of theoretical research and development, it was completely unknown how far she could use her ability.

However… there were no enemies here for her to use her ability against.

With that question in mind, Edith pressed the start button.

In an instant, crackling lightning flashed in the hall. The huge magic fluctuation seemed to distort the laboratory!

The next moment, Nightingale disappeared without a trace!

The world of black and white was rapidly rewinding like a movie.

Nightingale followed the trajectory at a speed that far exceeded any previous shuttle.

At this moment, what she was looking for was not an opening in space, but one in time. Or rather, space and time were one and the same. They were both basic parameters that described the world. However, the latter was hidden deeper, and the energy needed to go back was greater.

Over the years, she had learned a lot from the Dream World. Not only did she complete her education, but she also used Roland’s connections to become a disciple of a top scholar and learned all the research projects related to her abilities. Even if she wasn’t a genius, her talent as a witch was enough to surpass many people. Even Roland was surprised by this. It was as if the girl who used to lie in his office and gluttonously eat dried fish was gone forever.

Nightingale had told no one about this plan.

She had made many decisions in her life, but only one of them bothered her.

She thought that time would erase everything, and all her impulses and unhappiness would turn into tears and disappear in the heavy rain.

However, this seed had never disappeared.

Especially after learning Roland’s true identity from him and the ins and outs of his transmigration, a bold idea came to her mind.

With the rapid speed, all the black and white lines were compressed and almost overlapped. Suddenly, an unprecedented scene appeared in front of Nightingale!

There was nothing in front of her.

A glowing dot replaced everything.

It emitted countless rays of light in all directions. These rays of light evolved into straight lines that began to distort and take shape after passing Nightingale. If there was a third observer at this moment, they would be able to see that the dot was on the far left, and in the middle was Nightingale, and behind her was the contour of the world formed by the distorted line segments. Moreover, from the highly compressed and simplified contour, it could be determined that the distance between Nightingale and the left was getting shorter and shorter, while everything on the right was rapidly moving away from her—

Now is the time!

Nightingale used all her strength and jumped towards the light spot!

In an instant, it was as if a huge storm had swept over her. She was swept into the vortex and could no longer control her body!

This was clearly a situation not mentioned in theoretical studies.

However, there was no way out now!

She gritted her teeth and curled up her body to resist the huge tearing force of the storm.

…Until her stamina ran out and the world returned to darkness.


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