Reject Humanity, Return to Monke

Chapter 88 - Monke And The Rundown

"Yo, congrats on the win, even if it was a disappointment on your opponent's side." I was greeted by the lamia, whose name I remembered to be Prixais, slithering towards me.

"Hah, at least I won." I sighed and facepalmed at the same time. Seriously, how big an ego could you have to charge an enemy with full force without any prior information?

"True that!" The lamia chuckled slightly as she slithered around me, inspecting me from top to bottom. "So, you know magic, huh? For a brute-looking monster like you, I never would've thought that you could magic adeptly."

"Heh, what can I say? I love breaking down expectations placed on me." I jokingly said to her, but in my mind, I was cursing myself for showing one of my hands so early. 'I didn't think they would be watching our fight, but I dug this grave myself when I decided to show one of my magic by adding more fire to an already raging firestorm.'

"That be some fine magic control ya got theah, bloody oath cobber!" The minotaur, whose name I still don't know, skipped towards me like a young girl on a mission to deliver some basket of treats to her sick grandmother in the woods. "I don't believe we've introduced ourselves befawah. Name's Arekhus, but ya can call me Arek."

"Well, Arekhus…" I was stopped by the minotaur grabbing my shoulder forcefully, an innocent smile still on his face.

"Arek." He said, his tone cheery, but it was anything but that.

"Er… Arek." Arekhus released my shoulder and continued smiling at me cheerfully. "My name's Jionni. Pleasure to meet you."

"The bloody pleasure's all mine, fair dinkum cobber." Arekhus wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I was a head shorter than him, since he was a tall buff cow and all, but he didn't apply too much pressure on his arm. "Now, wy don't we go celebrayyte yah win, eh?"

The minotaur dragged me along, Prixais accompanying me with a hint of a smile as her lower half slithered across the ground.

'Play along… Just play along… No need to make enemies out of these folks…' I smiled, not showing how forced and strained it was to the other Dungeon Masters. 'Hah… In for a penny, in for a pound…'




"The first event has finished, and the second event begins." Chythos suddenly appeared on his throne, his ever-regal self, planting his ever-regal ass, on the ever-regal throne. "All participants should be advised, that death in this event is a very plausible outcome."

Chythos nodded towards Uius, who stepped forward and addressed all of the remaining Dungeon Masters. Apparently, those who failed in the first event were sent back to their Dungeon, back on the Mortal Realm, and barred from returning until the next Dungeon Games.

Not a very harsh punishment, but since during our stay here, time is slowed outside, which makes this place a place where I could advance my Dungeon maybe a week, or even a month, with only a few minutes having passed back into the Mortal Realm.

I would be an idiot to not take advantage of this fact.

"As per usual, for those new Dungeon Masters who have only participated in the current Dungeon Games, the rules and event will be explained by me." Uius tilted his glass up with his gloved fingers. "The second event is a battle royale, with a 30-kilometer diameter map area that will be held in two days. The rules are simple, be the last man standing. Anything goes, even killing your opponent. Those knocked unconscious will be instantly disqualified and sent back here to recuperate from their wounds."

The new Dungeon Masters instantly piped down and paled when looking at the powerhouses. Well, who can blame them? I can see a Dungeon Master who is a fucking goblin, so yes, that's an easy loss.

Hell, I'm still sure that there are dragons here, albeit disguised as other races.

"A ring will form around the map, slowly shrinking with time passing. Those caught outside the ring will be instantly disqualified and sent back here to recuperate. Only the top 300 Dungeon Masters can advance to the next event."

'Well, at least I can still try for the top 300. That way, I can still stay and increase my Dungeon's repertoire in this time-dilating realm.' I thought to myself realistically. There's no way I can fight for the first spot, now when my enemies are leagues above my own power.

What's more, this event solely relies on the individual Dungeon Master instead of his summons and monsters.

'Good thing I had the sense to level up my skills before coming here.'

"Now, without further delays, all of you will be sent back to your Dungeons. Once again, the event will be held in two days, so I suggest you train yourself for it." And with a clap, I was once again deconstructed and reconstructed, falling on my ass when I teleported back to my Dungeon.

"I can never get used to that…" I rubbed my head to stop the ringing in my ears.

"Papa…!" I heard Domino rushing towards me with her tiny steps and glomping me at the back. "Domino missed you…"

"… I missed you too…" Even if I was sure I was only gone a few hours at most, it seems Domino really likes to be in my presence. Well then, it's time to train my ass off, as well as get my Dungeon it tip-top shape when the event calls for it.




~ Third Person POV ~

"How many Dungeon Masters are left for the second event, Uius?" Chythos rubbed his chin as he stared at the goblet in his other hand, the liquid swishing back and forth as he tilted his hand.

"Only 704 left, m'lord." Chythos sighed at the number.

"The Dungeon Masters are slowly dwindling. That damned bitch…" Chythos cursed as he threw the goblet full of liquid to the ground. "I thought we Gods and Goddesses made an agreement to not directly support a faction on the Mortal Realm?"

"M'lord, it seems that this bitch you speak of not only does so herself, but also some others are participating too." Uius offhandedly commented as he tilted his glasses upward.

"… Hahh… Damn Gods and their false promises." Chythos cursed and sat back down on his throne. "Uius, if they make their move against the Dungeon Masters one more time, tell me so I can give them a piece of my mind."

"Very well, m'lord.." Uius bowed as Chythos grabbed another goblet full of wine Uius gave him to replace the one he threw.


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