Reject Humanity, Return to Monke

Chapter 220 - Monke And An Agreement

"Sir Jionni, our supervisor would like to meet you at the Town Hall. Our soldiers will gladly escort you." Jared gestured to the five or so men and women standing at attention behind him.

Nodding at their decision, I nudged Drake, who was eyeing the soldiers with a critical eye.

"Verdict?" I whispered, and Drake narrowed his eyes at them for a few seconds longer before shrugging.

"No threat. Most they could do is shoot the equivalent of BB's at us, minus the pain." I hummed before following Jared towards the prepared vehicle that would drive us towards the Town Hall.

Once inside, we were given a brief lecture on what and what not to do. Nodding my head every so often, to prove that we were indeed listening, the vehicle, a Humvee, revved up its engine and began its drive.

It was a miracle that we all fit inside due to my large stature. While the soldiers spent the time in silence, monitoring mine and Drake's every move, I looked out the window and saw a bunch of people hustling about.

Some of them gave a few glances at the Humvee barreling down the street, but otherwise, they focused on their tasks, which I assumed were to get ready for the typhoon landing tomorrow.

There was a typhoon a few years back that laid waste to a country's region. From what I gathered, it took half a year to restore power and half that to restore water. Very damaging when speaking of the contemporary era.

Even just losing power for a day is enough to make sure life for an ordinary person is hell, much more so if he had a job overseas while working at home.

"Hey, Drake." As the silence was pierced by my voice, Drake raised his eyebrows as he glanced at me.


"Have you ever wondered what happened to your friends after you died?" Drake pursed his lips as the soldiers around us listened intently to every word that came out of my mouth. This wasn't information I was too privy to, just normal, everyday conversations.

Drake shook his head, and I continued.

"Well, for the most part, they were heartbroken. I think one of them even had a crush on you." Drake looked at me with two raised eyebrows. "Hey, don't look at me like that. I may have been antisocial before, but I am good at observing."

"… Right…" Drake dragged out his words, cringing a bit due to my… somewhat stalkerish nature before my reincarnation.

"Anyway, point is, I think they miss you. If we get the humans on board with my plan to help, try talking with them when you have the time." Drake averted his gaze as he drowned himself in his thoughts.

Our brief conversation now over, the soldiers stopped straining their ears and focused on watching us with their peripheral vision.

'Drake is still guarded. Not much of a talker in the presence of strangers.' I mused silently as the vehicle continued its drive through the busy road.




"We're here." The driver said as he got out of the Humvee with the other soldiers. Opening the door for me and Drake, the two of us squeezed out of the tiny entrance, mostly me.

As I got out, I noticed various people looking at me with their phones held out. Some of them were recording, while others were taking pictures every moment they did so.

'What? First time seeing a gorilla wearing a tux?'

As much as I wanted to say my thoughts aloud, I remained silent and stared directly at the man who would either make or break my plan here.

The soldiers who rode with us here quickly set up a perimeter so no bystander could come close to the two of us.

"Greetings." The man walked down the stairs, three stars lining each shoulder. "General Winchester, I'm pleased to make your acquaintance."

The man put his hand out and I shook it.

"Jionni, no surname." Retracting both of our hands, the two of us stared at each other for a while, the silence suffocating the area. "As you have already learned from your men, I am here today to offer you a helping hand with the incoming super typhoon."

"Yes, I've heard from Lieutenant Colonel Barker about your proposition." The Lt. General said with a slight smile. "After bringing up this topic with our president, we have agreed to send those willing into your Dungeon for evacuation."

"Wonderful. Although, shall we discuss this topic more in private?" I eyed the bystanders, all directing the cameras of their phones towards us. There was even one who held a high-quality digital camera, taking pictures of us.

"Indeed, we shall." Winchester looked around and headed inside the town hall, where Drake and I happily followed. Exposing ourselves may be necessary, but damn it if it ain't giving me a bit of anxiety.

I guess this is par for the course for an introvert like me.

As we headed in, I noticed some soldiers already setting up perimeters outside the town hall so the curious bystanders couldn't enter the building. It was probably to either box us in, which I doubt would work given that I had the Teleport Stone on me at all times, or to keep some unsavoury people out.

I'm leaning towards the latter, since I'm pretty sure they want to keep themselves in my good graces. After all, anything in their imagination will be available to them as long as I agree.

Walking into a room, I was prompted to sit down on the couch provided so that we could start our discussions.




~ Third Person POV ~

"Evacuations have started in Massaware city due to the incoming super typhoon, now aptly named Haiyan." Daniel sighed as he stuffed his clothes into a travel bag. Once done with that, he stuffed into another bag his consoles, and his pc.

"Yo, Dan. You also gonna evacuate to that Dungeon?" Daniel's roommate said from across the room as he also stuffed some of his baggage into travel bags.

"Yep. I'm curious about the elves. Don't tell me you ain't curious about them." Daniel narrowed his eyes before his roommate scoffed.

"Curious? Hell, I'm goddamn excited. To hell with the typhoon! I just want to see real-life catgirls!" Daniel chuckled as his roommate cheered with stars in his eyes.

"Hey, Pol, don't get too excited now." Daniel smirked as he recalled the scene from the news yesterday. "Wasn't that one catgirl incredibly close to that gorilla Dungeon Master? Could it be?"

Humming in thought, it wasn't long before Daniel's roommate's face turned green.

"Ugh, motherfucker… Please don't insert bad ideas into my head." His roommate flipped Daniel the bird.

The two of them then chuckled as they continued to pack the stuff they were bringing with them.

'Too bad I ain't there just to see the sights…' Daniel's face turned grim as he remembered his task. 'A new God… huh…'

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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