Reincarnation: Rogue Husband Here

Chapter 75

Chapter 75 - Throw Caution to the Wind

At the same time, many people knew that this teacher of the Xiang Tian family had the ability to resurrect the dead, and that even the grandson of village head's home could be saved after dying. It could be seen how amazing he was, that some of the elders from the village wanted to find him for treatment, but the village head did not say a word, so they could only endure.

They also knew why the village assembly was being held this time. At this time, when they saw Xiang Qirong and his family standing in a flat and open area, many people whispered amongst themselves.

Lin Yuxing and Xiang Tian had also come. Such a big meeting was held in the village, and the matter was related to them, so they had no choice but to come. More importantly, this was Xiang Tian's first time participating in a meeting of the village, so he told everyone that he was part of Xiang Village.

Village Chief Xiang Gongyi looked at everyone and shouted, “Everyone, quiet! Silence! Now listen to me! “

The people in the village all quieted down, and all of them looked at their village chief, who said slowly, “I believe everyone knows about the destruction of Xiang Family's grain.” Everyone quieted down, and all of the people in the village looked, and all of them looked at their village chief, who said slowly, “I believe everyone knows about the destruction of Xiang Family's grain, which is a shame to our village.

It was a pity that some people did not know how valuable they were. Now that he announced it, it was also to see everyone's reactions, and also to prove to some unscrupulous people that he, the village chief, was the one being watched by the heavens. Don't step all over people, and don't think that just because he was a person from his village, he could be above everyone else.

“Village Chief, who is the one who is so wicked as to destroy the grain?” one of the villagers asked loudly.

“Village Chief, this kind of person cannot be forgiven. Once we find out who it is, we will kick him out of the Xiang Village!” The other villagers also shouted loudly.

“Descent of the clan! “Kill them all!” Many villagers agreed.

When Lv Suyun and Xiang Rongfu saw the reaction of the villagers, their faces turned pale, but they did not say anything and just stood there.

Xiang Gongyi waved his hand to make everyone quiet down again, “I know that everyone is furious, but the person who did this was a child.

The Village Chief's words made everyone widen their eyes in disbelief. They didn't seem to consider that this was the work of a child. In that instant, other than their own breathing, they couldn't hear anything else.

Everyone in the village knew that everyone had a child, and the child was also very naughty. It was also possible that they would throw sand onto the grain.

“Village Chief, who is this child?” Someone asked the question that was on everyone's mind.

They were still quite tolerant of children, so this time, no one said anything about what they wanted to do to their children. However, their children's parents needed to be educated to prevent similar things from happening again.

At this time, the village chief did not say anything, but turned to look at Qirong's family, the latter's entire body was stiff and motionless, as for Doggie, he fearfully grabbed onto his Ah Yao's clothes.

He didn't know what had happened, but children were sensitive. He knew he had done something wrong, and many people were looking at him strangely, making him feel very uncomfortable.

Xiang Qirong took a deep breath, then stood up and narrated Doggie's actions once again. It was because the villagers would tolerate their children, mainly because they were natives.

After hearing the story, the villagers did not express any opinions. Everyone turned to look at Xiang Tian and his husband, since they were the victims, and as for how they would punish the children, that would depend on their decision.

Lin Yuxing and Xiang Tian had already discussed this matter beforehand, so at this time, the youth who was the teacher stood up. He looked coldly at Xiang Qirong, and then said, “I still have the same words, the child is innocent. The one to blame is the person behind the scenes.”

“Originally, the grain of food was destroyed by about 100 jin and the sand was picked out. There shouldn't be any problems, and I won't argue with the child about that. However, the person who ordered the child to do so was the most disgusting one.”

As we all know, now is the time to be busy with farming. Who would have the time to pay attention to other people or children? After all, if it rains, it won't do us any good.

Everyone knew the grudge between Lin Yuxing and his family. After all, they weren't the ones cheating the marriage.

“Our analysis to the heavens is correct, we cannot tolerate such adultery!” His husband had always stressed that Lin Yuxing was not bad.

“Children are the same. If they are like this now, they will grow up again.” The other people also shouted loudly.

They all thought it was just a child with the chance to correct himself, but if this continued to happen, it would be a fatal blow to them. They didn't have the time to slowly pick out the grains of sand, so not only was this mischievous, it was also a matter of someone deliberately sabotaging them.

Lv Suyun was trembling from head to toe. He hated Lin Yuxing the most, but he was still resentful towards the main culprit, the reason why his child was under such pressure.

“Wuwuwu …” Doggie couldn't help but cry loudly, and Lv Suyun also hugged the child to comfort him as he made a decision in his heart.

He no longer had any feelings for the Xiang Family. For an Elementary Scholar, he had dragged his innocent son into this mess; this was the same as destroying his entire life.

My Doggie is still so young, and doesn't understand anything. I hope everyone can give him a chance. “Su Yun said with a smile. Lv Suyun said with moist eyes.

Lin Yuxing did not make a sound. He knew how much pain Lv Suyun, the Ah Yao, was in, but if he did not force him, the person behind the scenes would forever be hiding behind his back. When the time came, he would definitely cause them trouble again.

Perhaps that person just couldn't stand seeing his husband do such a thing and didn't think about the consequences. However, once something happened, he would have to bear the responsibility. Moreover, he couldn't let this person off so that everyone wouldn't think that he was easy to bully.

This was originally a small matter, if not for the fact that he coincidentally saved village head's home's grandson, he was afraid that this matter would just be lightly passed over. Therefore, everyone had their own selfish motives and could only stir up everyone's interests, then this matter would be endlessly expanded, and would have no choice but to begin the judgement process.

“Forgive? As a Ah Yao, you will understand your difficulties, but the person behind this cannot. ” One of the teachers said with pity in his eyes.

His words caused Lv Suyun's face to turn pale, he gritted his teeth and said, “Is it possible that my Doggie is fine as long as we say who's behind the scenes?” He could not take the risk, and he did not want his children to bear the burden of such a reputation.

The village head looked deeply at the man before saying, “That's right, we also told the heavens that our child is innocent. The one to make our child do this is the most despicable person in the village.”

In fact, he had already guessed that this person was Xiang Bagui's family, no wonder Lee Xiuyu looked like he was going to eat someone. Perhaps from the very beginning, they had already planned to let the child come out to face the consequences and protect the person behind the scenes.

Lv Suyun glanced at his husband, then looked at the child's face that was filled with tears, and said, “It's my Third Brother.” His tone was very gentle, even a bit floating, but everyone present could clearly hear what he was saying.

“You're lying! You clearly told the child to do that, but in the end, you dragged the Qi inside! ” Hearing that, Lee Xiuyu immediately raised his head and roared, his eyes almost wanting to eat Lv Suyun whole.

He, as a doctor, did not think about hiding evil intentions. Last night, he should not have believed his words and should have locked the person up. Otherwise, how could something like this happen?

The people of the village were quiet, but their gazes went back and forth between Qirong's family and Xiang Qixuan.

They all knew that Xiang Qixuan was trying to cheat them of their marriage. If he really ordered their child to do that, it would be understandable, but it was just too wicked.

Xiang Qixuan's face was extremely ugly, but because his Ah Yao had jumped out to speak to him, he was able to hold himself back for the time being. He knew what situation was beneficial for him, and what situation it was in, so he should not come forward.

Ouyang Lian's face turned pale, and his body trembled. Although he did not say it out loud, it did not mean that he did not know of some matters, but if he did not know of a solution, then his husband would very likely push him out to take the blame. At that time, he would become the target of everyone's despise, and perhaps his children would follow him as well. He did not dare to think about what would happen later, and only hoped that the mother-in-law would show some strength.

Lv Suyun sneered, “I'm lying? You bunch of scum, in order to protect Xiang Qixuan, you dragged our child into the water. You even want me to take the blame, but since I've left Xiang Qirong and you guys, I don't plan on doing anything to you guys, so I have nothing to be afraid of. ” For the sake of his son, he was going all out.

His words once again caused an uproar in the crowd. After all, this brother had been abandoned, so his future life wouldn't be that good. Even marrying someone wouldn't be a problem … The relationship between Xiang Qirong and his husband had always been good. Exactly what had caused their relationship to break down caused everyone to be confused. Some people suddenly realized that the Ah Yao was extremely protective towards their children.

Xiang Bagui's family was extremely embarrassed, but Lee Xiuyu immediately placed his hands on his hips and cursed out loud. “It's precisely because you were let go by your boss that you are not convinced, you disgusting husband, with a human's face and beast's heart!”

“My Qi has obstructed you. He actually thought of such a vicious plan to destroy him, to destroy our family!” old grandma also roared loudly.


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