Reincarnation Of The Strongest Spirit Master

Chapter 14 Going To The Academy Market

But who cared! William didn't care about such loss. Losing spirit crystals for now and gaining a lot tomorrow was a profitable deal for him.

This time he worked hard and fast, collecting his loot from all other monkeys scattered around. The bag on his back didn't permit for more than ten monster materials to be stored within. Even after constantly consuming the monster cores on the spot, the bag was already filled.

And yet that didn't stop William. By the time he finished absorbing all the monkeys' cores, his individual strength showed a greater change than before.

His stagnating and low spirit power increased to become thirty instead of just twelve! Thirty in just a few hours, not to mention he absorbed the cores of slightly over three hundred monkeys to achieve that.

But these monkeys were all low white grade monsters. When he finished, the loot he gathered was arranged behind him in a big pack he made roughly using broad tree leaves he gathered from the forest around.

He didn't hurry to leave. After all, the thrill and excitement of getting strong in such a short time was really priceless.

"Damn! I swear even my master would have cursed if she was here with me," he laughed out of happiness before considering something.

Despite his gain, he knew the spirit power he got from these monkey's cores began to be thin and useless after crossing the twenty-five mark.

"What if I used the crystals, I'll gain to buy higher monster cores? Forget about white cores, even bronzed cores might be a bit pricey, but I believe a single one worth more than a hundred of those white cores. And these higher cores will give me more spirit power for sure…"

As he thought about this, he suddenly felt how blessed that fox was. Just by this single ability of his, William was now eyeing the world in a different way.

"Time to go back," as he finished wrapping all the loot inside a primitive looking bag made of broad leaves sewed together with wooden ropes he gathered from nearby intact trees, he started to drag all this back to the academy.

If one looked from far, then he or she would be shocked. A single human with a fragile body was dragging an astonishing large pile of loot like he was dragging a hill behind him.

But that wasn't the main issue bothering William at the moment. He feared what would this scene cause inside the academy if seen by other disciples.

Guards were elite disciples and even masters inside the academy. But luckily for him there was no one back when he returned.

What he didn't know was that the incident that accidently happened to Berry was shocking the entire academy right now.

Once discovered, the group of guards instantly took her stiff body back to the academy higher masters. They examined her body and found no reason for the current bizarre status she was in.

Being puzzled and fearing that something bad might have happened to her, the masters fetched the news back to her clan.

In the next span of hours, the academy's main headquarter was bustling with activity. Berry's father was about to go insane when he discovered the strange condition of his beloved and treasured daughter.

He sent for many physicians to come and examine her, but with no result. No one had ever seen such a weird condition before.

With such a lack of knowledge, he really went insane, shouting and threatening even the academy's big masters with a brutal war if something bad happened to his daughter.

His daughter might be considered a crippled spirit master in the eyes of the academy. But they would never dare to risk an open war with the fire dragon Long clan.

They weren't afraid of this mad father, but the terrifying grandfather standing behind him. They all prayed that nothing bad would happen and the young miss would get awakened before the news reached that scary grandfather of hers.

Or else... Even if she woke up later and became fine, things might be beyond salvation by this time.

As the one behind all this mess, William was oblivious to all this. He returned to his simple cabinet, feeling lucky to not meet anyone during his return journey.

Once he arrived there, he started to sort out how to store everything inside his bag.

Seeing how huge his gains were, he had to take out everything, literally everything, even his bed, out of the cabinet. This was the only way to clear enough space for his loot to be stored inside his cabinet and start organising things there.

After finishing, he had limited space for him to sleep inside. Despite that, he wasn't feeling down at all. Instead, he started to count his own gains from this night and how to buy further cores.

Out of his excitement, he stayed awake until the next morning. Just when the sun slightly rose up in the sky, he packed all of his gains together, carrying them with wide strides towards the bustling main market of the academy.

The academy wasn't just a place for teaching. Without a strong financial foundation, nothing could resist the brutal effect of time.

On one side of the academy, just near one of its main gates, a big market was allowed to be present there. To prevent anyone from sneaking inside the academy and disturbing the disciples and masters, a big wall was constructed inside, limiting the space of that market and allowing the guards to watch over it easily.

The journey to the market took almost an hour. And despite never meeting anyone during his walk, he didn't notice any of this. His mind was pretty occupied with the limitless potential of his newly discovered devouring power.

William examined his new strength after sorting out everything he gained from this trip. And he never got tired from examining and testing his spirit power.

He estimated his individual physical strength to go beyond what his spirit power reached. Also, during this short period of time, he gained five more spirit points, meaning his body was still digesting the cores it consumed.

He dragged everything he gained from last night until he got closer to the market. And there he started to meet a few disciples.

The scene of him dragging that big pile with great ease astonished those who passed by him.

He was a porter in the academy for two years already, helping a lot of disciples during their daily classes. Even if the disciples wouldn't bother to recall his name, they would definitely remember his face and recognise his white porter uniform.

Seeing his abnormal strength made them all puzzled. Porters were famous for being weak and vulnerable, yet this kid was showing evidence that defied such logic.

William didn't bother with them. After all he planned to increase his strength fast using his gained crystals. He would aim to hit the one hundred mark and enter a new realm from there.


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