Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 282 Couldn't Convert It.

This was the first time Aiden was giving up on a quest, he barely does wouldn't even be wrong to say he doesn't do it at all.

But now, he was giving up on this quest, and it was a main one for that matter. The rewards he'd lose would be enormous, and the skill points that would be taken from his skill points wouldn't be much of a small number.

He's thought of all these, but he was still giving up on it, he was tired. He doesn't even plan on calling out on his system to inform her about it...he doesn't plan on doing such.

..Once the 10 days he has remaining to accomplish the quest goes by, he'd get quest failed, and that's it.

What's the need of leaving the academy before it gets to closing hour then? It was pointless, it was just a waste of time. He did it and still didn't accomplish anything.

..Yes, thinking about this was making him sadder.

Right now, he was lying on his bed sleeping, he had gone far. He didn't even take off the robe he wore to school, he didn't have the energy to do so. And his bag was on the floor.

Remember, he took off his bag and flung it after entering his room...yes, it landed on the floor. While he was sleeping, he began dreaming. What was he dreaming about? He was dreaming about the moment when Cara said the friendship between them wouldn't be able to take place anymore.

Yes, that moment had passed, but he was still dreaming about it. What does that show? It was a bit traumatizing for him. The fact that he was dreaming about it after it had passed was enough evidence.

It was evening already getting very close to complete nighttime, and Aiden was still sleeping. Emma and Lydia were already preparing dinner by now which they were almost done doing, the nice aroma surrounded the house.

Until it got to complete nighttime, Aiden was still sleeping. Hazel and Ethan had already arrived home by now, and they had freshened up and changed.

The table was set, the food were served, everyone was already gathered around the dining table to eat dinner...except Aiden, who was still sleeping.

..Emma began wondering why he hadn't come out by now.

Like, didn't he know how things take place in this house again? While they were cooking, he should have perceived the nice aroma and know it was dinner they were preparing. And by now, he should have been out to eat.

Since he entered his room, he hadn't come out of it. Emma stood up from the chair she was sitting on and began walking toward Aiden's room.

As she was walking toward it, she remembered what he said about him being stressed when he arrived home from school.

'Is that the reason why he hadn't come out of his room?'. She thought to herself.

She reached the door of his room and opened it...and Aiden was lying flat on his bed still wearing the robe he wore to his academy.

She was a little surprised that he was still wearing it, and this was the thought that ran through her mind,

'Was he that stressed without stressing his body?'.

..Well, she began calling out his name.

"Aiden, Aiden, Aiden".

Aiden was still dreaming when he began hearing his name in his dream, and then he opened his eyes. The first thing he did after opening them was to glance out the window...and it was already dusk.

Then he sat up on his bed and glanced at his mum. And Emma inquired of him,

"Have you been sleeping for a long time?".

"According to what I'm seeing, yes". Aiden responded.

"Wow! Were you that stressed out? You didn't even change up".

"Yes, somehow".

"Well, dinner is ready, everyone has arrived home and already gathered around the dining table except you. Change up and come to the dining table".

"Yes, mum".

And with that, Emma closed the door to his room and walked off. Aiden changed up and walked out of his room as he was heading toward the dining table.

He arrived at the dining table, greeted his dad and Hazel, then balanced on the last empty chair around the dining table, and began eating. As he ate, his dad questioned him.

He didn't do it rudely though, he did it with respect. The first question he asked Aiden was why he was arriving at the dining table late, his mum even had to go call him, and Aiden responded.

He gave him the needed answer which was mixed with lie, and Ethan was satisfied with it. Then he asked Aiden some other questions which he gave answers to.

..They finished eating, and the dining table was cleared by Hazel and Lydia.

They hadn't even started clearing the dining table when Aiden arrived at his room. The moment he arrived at it, he sat on his bed. And the moment he thought of the current situation, a gloomy expression appeared on his face.

Yes, the fact that he had given up on the quest was making him sad, but there was nothing he could do about it...he had truly given up on it.

'I'm gonna be failing my second main quest. Wow! This is somehow, but nothing can be done about it. I give up'. Aiden thought to himself.

And with that, he lay on his bed, it was about time to go to sleep again, another round. And in minutes, he had already dozed off.


The next day arrived, and Aiden had 9 days remaining to seduce and conquer Cara. Oh! He had already given up on the quest. So though he had 9 days remaining, to him, he had zero days remaining.

To him, he doesn't have a quest to accomplish, he'd just be living life as usual. Nonetheless, it was still making him sad that he had given up on accomplishing the quest.

Damn! His skill points were gonna reduce a lot when skill points would be deducted from it for not accomplishing the quest...

The situation was just so sad, but there was nothing he could do about it. The motivation to prepare for school wasn't just there, but he had to do so.

If he doesn't, he'd be asked series of questions by his parents which he wouldn't be able to give answers to. So he forced himself to stand up from his bed, brush his teeth, take his bath, and dress up.

They ate breakfast as a family, and while they were eating, Ethan asked Aiden if he'd ride him to school today, and Aiden said no. There was a bit of gloomy expression on his face while he was giving that response.

Aiden was walking on the road right now heading toward his academy, and his face wasn't bright at all...we all know the reason for this.

If only he can talk to someone about this, maybe someone that has a system as well and was also completing main quests. But there was no one, he can't talk to anyone about it, not even his friends.

..Yes, he and his friends, Oliver and Ava, do talk about a lot of things, and they do share a lot of information.

But you see, anything concerning his system or the quests he does receive, they mustn't know about them. A lot of things would spoil if they learn about them.

Aiden kept trekking until he arrived at his academy. And even when he arrived at his classroom, that gloomy expression was still plastered to his face.

Note, it got to a time when he tried converting the expression on his face, but he couldn't do it fully. No matter what, that gloomy expression was still plastered to his face though it reduced to an extent.

..The more he was thinking about the current situation, the more he couldn't remove the gloomy expression from his face fully.

And to stop thinking about the current situation was the hardest to do, he couldn't just stop.

While sitting in his seat, he had already noticed Oliver and Ava, and he thought to himself,

'I'm sure they must have wondered what is going on with me countless times'.

And truly, they have done so without getting the answers they need. Even when they asked Aiden why he was gloomy days ago, he didn't answer them.

So they've just been wondering. And 'cause of the things that have happened in the past, they'd learned not to ask him about such things.

..Time passed as usual, activities took place which included teachers entering their classroom and teaching them, and now, it had gotten to break hour.


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