Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 280 Don't You Think You're Asking Too Many Questions?

280  Don't You Think You're Asking Too Many Questions?

But he has to take this risk to achieve something important...the risk was worth taking.

He began descending the staircases once again, and while doing so, he was still being very cautious. He had arrived at the compound by now, and he hadn't come across any obstacle again.

He was walking in the compound currently, and he just kept hoping no one would sight him and call him back. Do you know what would happen when he hears,

'That boy, come back here, the bell hasn't ranged to signify closing hour yet, where are you going?'.

Or if the person ends up calling his name, it would be really bad. So as he was walking in the compound, he kept hoping no one would call him back.

..He did it, he had finished walking out of the academy by now without anyone calling him back.

He was glad, his lips immediately curved in a smile. And he thought to himself,

'My plan worked, my determination wasn't for nothing. Didn't I tell you guys? You wouldn't be able to ruin my plans again'.

He didn't tell them anything, but by determining that, it was just like he told them something. He had already achieved his aim of leaving his classroom before it gets to closing hour.

Now, what next? To head straight to Cara's academy, to head straight to the community where her academy was situated.

He was having the feeling her academy wouldn't have closed by the time he gets there. Even if that was the case, he was gonna wait. Getting there really early was better...that would give him the chance to strategize more.

He began journeying toward the community where her academy was situated. In minutes, he arrived at the community, then he began journeying toward the academy.

He had already arrived at the academy by now as he was standing in front of it. He journeyed at a fast pace, so he was able to arrive here quickly.

And according to what he was seeing right now, they hadn't closed yet...just as he thought. Students weren't walking on the compound, and no horses were on the compound yet, it was just empty.

'Our academy would have most likely closed by now according to my calculation, so they'd soon close'. Aiden thought to himself.

..And that's exactly what happened.

He was still standing there glancing at the academy as a whole when he heard the bell ring to signify closing hour, and he thought to himself once again,

'Just as I thought'.

He already had in mind what he planned on doing, all he needed now was for students to start appearing on the compound so he'd set eyes on Cara.

He walked into the compound, and slowly, students started reaching the compound. Slowly, horses started riding into the compound as well.

He stood there as students in different colors of robes were walking toward him. But he doesn't care about them, not at all...all he needed now was to see Cara.

He kept standing there, students kept walking past him, even some pretty girls walked past him. But he doesn't still care, all he wanted was to see Cara.

..At that very moment, he discovered where Cara's classroom was situated.

He saw her and her friends walk out of a certain door, one of the classrooms on one of the buildings. And according to what he was seeing, the girls following her weren't that many.

They weren't complete, he knew their number, he's seen them before, so he was pretty sure they weren't complete. Well, the main thing now was Cara was coming, he needed to prepare himself.

She hadn't sighted him yet, so he wanted to make sure the moment she'd set eyes on him, she'd be wowed.

'I guess I'm looking handsome enough already, let me just do some little adjustments'. He thought to himself.

..And that's exactly what he did, he adjusted some things on his body.

He adjusted his hair, his robe, and so on. And right now, he was looking so perfect. He could easily activate the irresistible fragrance now, but he doesn't want to.

He licked his lower lip a little while rubbing both of his palms together at the same time...he was f**king ready.

Cara and her friends had arrived at the compound by now, and they were doing their usual, they were conversing with each other.

But things were a little different this time, apart from the fact that her friends weren't that many this time, they weren't smiling at each other. Yes, they were conversing but weren't smiling.

This wasn't supposed to be weird to Aiden, but he knew them, this wasn't the first time he'd be seeing them converse with each other.

And whenever he sees them conversing with each other, they'd be smiling at each other as well, why were things different this time?...

Why weren't her friends as many as before?...

Well, he can't find the answers to these questions, so he'd just have to focus on approaching her now without activating the irresistible fragrance.

He was glancing at them currently, but Cara had no idea he was around...not even the slightest. He was waiting for the perfect time to approach her and her friends...yes, he wanted it to be special.

..He wanted her to be surprised when she sets eyes on him.

If possible, he wanted her to start falling for him today, he wanted to accomplish something today as well.

A few minutes had passed, and Cara and her friends were still standing on one spot conversing with each was like a habit. Aiden wasn't even surprised at all that they were still conversing, this wasn't the first time he'd be seeing something like this.

..And it was even for the best, they should keep conversing until he was ready to approach them.

Right now, he was completely ready to approach them. Lots of students had already left the academy, and lots of fathers had already ridden their kids out of the academy.

'It's time'. Aiden thought to himself.

Then he licked his lips a little, rubbed his palms together, then began walking toward Cara and her friends. He had reached where they were standing by now, and one of Cara's friends had already noticed him and was glancing at him currently.

From the way she was glancing at him, Aiden had already discerned she found him handsome. And this was the thought that ran through his mind at that moment,

'If I were to seduce this one, it wouldn't take time before she'd fall for me and I'd end up f**king her. But it was hard for Cara to notice me not to talk of falling for me. If not that I approached her, I'm sure she wouldn't have noticed me up till now, she's a tough one'.

Cara and her other friends hadn't noticed Aiden yet, but because one of her friends' eyes was focused in a certain direction, Cara and the other girls began turning their heads around to see who or what she was glancing at.

..And their gazes landed on was a who.

Her other friends found him handsome immediately the moment their gazes landed on him, but they didn't know who he was. They didn't know him as Aiden Dankworth, and 'cause they didn't know him, they were wondering why he was standing close to them.

This was the thought running through their minds...

'Who is this handsome guy? Why is he standing close to us?'.

The only person that recognized him the moment her gaze landed on him was Cara...yes, she'd come across him before, they were even friends to an extent according to their discussion.

And you know what? She also found him handsome the moment her gaze landed on him. And she was a little surprised, she wasn't expecting to see him.

Aiden's gaze was focused on Cara currently, and she was looking beautiful as usual. Her friends were looking pretty as well, but most of them weren't up to Cara's level of beauty.

"Why are you here? Do you wanna speak to us? You don't look familiar, I don't think you're from this academy". One of Cara's friends uttered to Aiden while glancing at him.

Aiden didn't say anything, he just kept glancing at Cara. And at that moment, Cara's voice resounded,

"I know him".

All her friends glanced at her immediately with surprised expressions on their faces the moment she made that utterance. And one of them inquired of her,

"You know him?".

Cara didn't say anything, she only nodded her head. Then that same girl inquired once again,

"From where?".

Cara glanced at her and uttered, "Don't you think you're asking too many questions?".



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