Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 277 Friends To An Extent.

"Yes, grey in color, isn't this the Slakar Community?". Aiden uttered once again.

"Yes, this is the Slakar Community". Cara responded.

"Confirmed, that building should be around here, and I need to locate it".

Now, as said, he doesn't need to locate any building, in fact, he doesn't know of any grey building around this community...he wasn't searching for any particular one 'cause there was more than one grey building around this community.

He just needed to start up a conversation somehow so it wouldn't be like he just approached her for nothing. And while doing this, he needed her to be noticing his nice features.

..Yes, the seduction had already begun for him.

He was pleased that at least she perceived the nice fragrance, he was only hoping that had drawn her to him was based on probability.

She had most likely noticed he was handsome as well, that was his mindset, and it was true. Maybe she also liked the way he was speaking.

All he wanted was for her to fall for him somehow...but would that happen right here right now? Most likely not, but well, let's see.

"I think there is more than one grey building around this community". Cara uttered glancing directly into Aiden's eyes, and he was doing the same as well.

"Is that so?". Aiden voiced out.

"Yes, so to discover the particular one you're talking about would be hard".

Aiden nodded his head a little then uttered once again, "Hmmm, guess I'd have to find a way to locate it myself".

"Yes, do so".

The moment she made that utterance, she was about to walk off, but Aiden had to stop her by saying...


Hearing that, she glanced back at him. And do you know what was running through Aiden's mind at that moment? So she wanted to walk off just like that?

That only means she hadn't fallen for him 'cause if she'd, she would have liked to know more about him. You know, his name, and all that.

But she wasn't concerned about knowing that...that only means she hadn't fallen for him yet. Yes, she liked how nice he was smelling and she noticed his handsomeness...

..But as said, she doesn't have time for boys now.

This almost made Aiden a little sad, but he controlled his emotions. Glancing back at him, she inquired,

"Is there anything else?".

Aiden decided to flatter her a little, maybe this could help out a little, so he said,

"I have something to tell you".

"What is it?". She inquired a little curious.

"You're beautiful, I noticed this the moment I began speaking to you".

..He wanted to see if she'd say anything like 'You're handsome as well' or something like that.

She smiled a little the moment that utterance flowed out of Aiden's mouth, and the smile made her look prettier.

"Thank you". She uttered with that beautiful smile still plastered to her face.

..Aiden was waiting, would she say it or not.

Well, she said something similar, "You're not bad yourself, you look good".

She didn't say the word 'handsome', but saying this already signified the same thing. Aiden was glad she said that, and a smile appeared on his face as well which made him look more handsome.

..She noticed this, and now, a certain kind of connection was already taking place, but it wasn't strong enough.

And at this moment, Aiden was thinking if he should activate the rod increase to see if it would help out once she sets eyes on it.

She was still perceiving the nice fragrance coming out of his body, and she was enjoying it.

'Should I activate the rod increase?'. He thought to himself.

He was really confused right now, and while he was still contemplating, she inquired of him,

"So, what is your name?".

..He wasn't expecting her to ask that question at all.

And at that moment, he began thinking if he should tell her his real name or not...another contemplation. From the look of things, she doesn't know he was Aiden Dankworth.

And even if he tells her his name is Aiden, and she was aware of Aiden Dankworth but doesn't just know what his face looks like. I mean, that Aiden Dankworth can't be the only one bearing Aiden in this kingdom?

Yes, that would be her reasoning, so with that in mind, he decided to tell her his real name without mentioning his surname. If she then asks for his surname, he'd then lie.

"My name is Aiden". He responded.

"What a nice name". She voiced out.

"What of you? What is your name?". Aiden threw a question to her as well.

He already knew her name, he just wanted to keep the conversation going. Maybe this conversation was enough for her to fall for him, maybe a connection could take place 'cause of this.

She smiled a little then responded, "My name is Cara".

"Wow! That's a beautiful name for a pretty girl like you". Aiden said.

And at that moment, the smile on Cara's face widened as she said...


'I might not even need to activate the rod increase, this conversation might be enough'. Aiden thought to himself.

..Well, let's see if the conversation would be enough.

He doesn't plan on stopping, he kept the conversation going.

"So, are you a student?".

"Yes, I am, what of you?". She threw a question as well.

"Yes, I am as well. What's the name of your academy?".

Another question which he knew the answer to, he just wanted to keep the conversation going. She told him the name of her academy and also threw the same question to him.

He answered, he told her the truth, and this was the next utterance that flowed out of his mouth after that...

"So you're attending the same academy as my friend".

A bit of perplexed expression appeared on her face as she uttered, "What?".

"When you told me the name of your academy, I knew it was familiar, but I couldn't recall immediately. I just remembered now, and my friend is attending that same academy, I've visited it on numerous occasions 'cause of my friend".

..We all know he had no friend in the academy, there was a reason for this lie.

"Wow! That's nice, so you've truly visited my academy before?". Cara inquired.

"Yes, more than once". Aiden responded.

Cara only nodded her head, then Aiden's voice resounded again,

"Maybe the next time I visit, I can get to see you".

"See me?". Cara uttered with that same perplexed expression plastered to her face.

"Yes, see you".

"As friends or what?".

Now, she didn't say that rudely, she just wanted to know.

"Yes, as friends, or aren't we bonding right now?".

"Hmmm, we an extent".

"You see, so I can see you the next time I get to visit your academy, there's nothing wrong with that".

"Yes, there's truly nothing wrong with it". Cara uttered nodding her head a little.

Throughout their conversation, she was still perceiving the nice fragrance coming out of Aiden's body, and she was loving it.

Now, let's go back to that question, has she fallen for Aiden? No. But she was already considering him as a friend, a connection had already taken place between the both of them.

Yes, she doesn't like him romantically, she wasn't lusting over him at all, but she considered him a friend to an least, that was something.

Friendship can lead to something else, and Aiden would keep working until it leads to that something else. No denying it, she was truly not interested in boys currently, she was truly a tough one.

..Even with Aiden's handsomeness and the nice fragrance coming out of his body, she hadn't fallen for him.

But it took Lucia a day to fall for him...she was a tough one to seduce.

Aiden was happy, why? He accomplished something today, coming to Cara's house wasn't a waste. He had already gotten her to notice him, and apart from that, a connection had already taken place between them.

They could say they were friends to an extent now. And the next time Aiden goes to her school, he wouldn't need to hide his face anymore due to the lies he told her.

Her friends would most likely end up seeing his face as well, and one of them could even end up falling for him before Cara does 'cause of how handsome he was.

..But he wouldn't really care about that, what he needed most was for Cara to fall for him so he can conquer her.

Yes, she hadn't fallen for him yet, she just considered him a friend to an extent, but he'd keep trying to make her fall for him though she was a tough one to seduce.


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