Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 263 Little Tournament.(3)

And as fast as possible, flame was already igniting on the palm, he did it so fast. Oliver dodged the first attack not knowing that another one was coming, he wouldn't be expecting it at all.

The moment he faced front after dodging Aiden's attack, another flame was already heading toward him, Aiden's palm was heading toward him once again.

The flame screamed danger, it was blazing, it was glimmering...and Oliver was glancing at it. There was nothing he could do about it at this moment, the flame was definitely gonna blast him.

He couldn't dodge it, he couldn't do anything, he wasn't expecting Aiden would quickly ignite another flame on his left palm.

..So dodging the current attack heading toward him was definitely impossible.

But Aiden wasn't stupid, he knows he can't blast Oliver with the flame, they mustn't injure each other. The flame kept moving toward Oliver, and it was heading toward his face.

The flame was glowing in both of his eyeballs as he was glancing at it...he was completely disorientated at this moment. Aiden quickly directed his palm somewhere else, and the flame didn't end up hitting Oliver.

Both the flame and Aiden's palm moved past Oliver. And after that had taken place, the flame went off. Immediately, Oliver fell to the ground with a kind of frightened facial expression...

..He was just imagining what would have happened if that flame had ended up blasting his face.

Ava just stood there glancing at the current event, and this was the thought that ran through her mind at that moment,

'The fire affinity definitely has power'.

Due to the power the fire affinity holds, anytime Oliver sees it heading toward him, he does panic. Right now, he was sitting on the ground, but the frightened expression on his face had vanished.

And Aiden's voice resounded at that moment, "Have you realized?".

Oliver managed to glance at him before stating, "Realize what?".

"That the fire affinity has power. Yes, all the affinities have power, and it matters how well you're able to use them. Truly, a person with the water affinity can beat a person with the fire affinity,

But the fire affinity has a certain kind of power, it's different. Look at how I made you fall to the ground...blasting your face wasn't an option at all, as known, we mustn't injure or kill each other".

Oliver immediately stood up from the ground and said to Aiden, "Let's go one more round".

"You don't believe what I just said? That the fire affinity has a certain kind of power?". Aiden inquired of Oliver.

Oliver didn't respond, instead, he uttered the same thing, "Let's go one more round".

Aiden nodded his head a little and voiced out, "Okay, if that's what you want".

..They began battling each other once again.

Now, they didn't start with martial arts this time, they went straight to making use of their powers. This went on for minutes, and according to the look of things, seems like Aiden was gonna come out victorious once again.

The fire affinity truly has a certain kind of power...this applies to someone that hadn't learned to make use of his affinity properly.

If you possess the wind affinity, and you've learned to make use of it properly, you wouldn't notice the power of the fire affinity when battling someone with the fire affinity.

The battle kept going, and Aiden came out victorious once again...Oliver fell to the ground again. Yes, Aiden almost blasted him once again, he panicked and then fell to the ground.

Of course, Aiden didn't have plans of blasting him, he did the same thing of moving his palm and the flame past Oliver before it went off.

..Though Oliver made use of his earth power element, he couldn't come out victorious for the second time.

What does that show? Aiden was stronger than him currently. He was also better than him when it comes to making use of their affinities.

Oliver was sitting on the ground once again, and Aiden was glancing at him, while Ava was glancing at the both of them. And Aiden's voice resounded,

"It has been confirmed, no doubting it, I am better when it comes to making use of our affinities, and I am stronger than you currently. Do you agree or disagree?".

Oliver stood up from the ground before responding, "I agree".

Aiden nodded his head a little, and Oliver's voice resounded again, "That was fun, I enjoyed the battle, the fire affinity definitely has power".

..He had no choice but to accept the fact, the fire affinity has power now that he hadn't learned to make use of his earth ability properly.

And again, Aiden was trained by Ethan, he received little training from him. And we all know Ethan, he was strong, a warrior helping out the Tuvalon Kingdom in many ways.

So Aiden was supposed to be better when it comes to making use of their affinities. And you know what? Aiden was happy Oliver didn't carry any hard feelings 'cause he lost.

And it was true, no hard feelings, they were doing this for fun, to confirm something, to spend time hard feelings shouldn't be involved.

"Let's shake each other for such a friendly battle". Oliver uttered to Aiden once again.

And at that moment, Aiden was wondering why Oliver was asking for a handshake...hope he doesn't have any bad motive in mind.

Maybe he'd shake him now, and he'd cause him to fall to the ground...yes, that was Aiden's mindset. Oliver noticed the expression on Aiden's face, and he quickly discerned something, so he voiced out,

"Oh! You don't need to be afraid, I don't have any bad motive in mind, I just want us to shake each other for the friendly battle".

..Hearing that, Aiden began moving his hand toward Oliver's to shake him since he had forwarded his hand since.

They shook each other, and nothing happened. After they were done shaking each other, Oliver said to Aiden once again...

"It's about time to do the watching now, it's time for you and Ava to battle each other".

And with that, Oliver picked his school bag from the ground and began walking toward where Ava was standing. Reaching where she was, he said to her,

"It's time to go battle Aiden, let's see who's the strongest between the both of you. It has been confirmed, he's stronger than me, now, it remains the both of you".

Ava glanced at Aiden and began walking toward him. According to what she saw from his and Oliver's battle, he'd most likely come out victorious when they battle.

She agreed that the fire affinity has power since she hadn't learned to make use of her water affinity properly. But she was still gonna battle him, she can't back down.

She was standing in front of him currently, and she took off her school bag at that moment as it landed on the ground. There should be nothing disturbing her while battling Aiden.

She's received some training as well, and who was the person that trained her? A certain lady she was close to. A lady that can refer to herself as a warrior, a lady that went to one of the academies specialized in training benders.

She taught Ava some little martial arts and how to make use of her water affinity to an extent.

"What's that affinity of yours again?". Aiden inquired of Ava, yes, the same question he asked Oliver before they began battling each other.

And Aiden wasn't asking that question 'cause he doesn't know Ava's affinity, he just wanted to taunt her a little as well. And you know what? Ava doesn't plan on answering that question...

..She knew he was just taunting her.

So she voiced out, "Figure it out yourself".

Aiden nodded his head a little, and this was the next utterance that flowed out of his mouth,

"Oh! I remember now, you possess the water affinity".

"It's nice that you remembered". Ava stated.

"Well, let the talking end, and let the battle begin, let's see who's the strongest between the both of us. I'd attack first".

The moment Aiden was done making that utterance, he began running toward Ava...yes, he was truly gonna attack first. And you know what? He doesn't plan on taking it easy with her.

He reached where she was, and his first attack was a kick...yes, martial arts would come first again. He came with a shadow kick, and it was heading toward Ava's stomach, but she dodged it by moving to the side with speed.

Aiden didn't stop there, he came with another kick, this one was heading toward her neck. But Ava also dodged it, and it was a close call, it almost hit her.

Aiden didn't stop, he came with a punch this time, the one that would hit her directly in the face...

..As said, he doesn't plan on taking things easy with her.


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