Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 244 Done With The First, To The Next We Go.

And the beast didn't just land on complete bare ground 'cause there were leaves everywhere, they were in a forest. It just happens to be they were passing a place where there wasn't much grass.

So the beast landed on some leaves as well. And it was due to the force it used in landing on the ground that caused dust to fill the air.

The moment the beast landed on the ground, Ethan glanced at the knights and warriors on the left-hand side and also glanced at the ones on the right-hand side. Then his voice resounded,

"It's been done, the rank-1 beast has been brought down".

The knights and warriors began coming together...both the ones behind and the ones in front. The ones behind made sure to lead all the horses as they were strolling.

So as they were walking, the horses were walking along with them. They came together, and now, it was about time for them to resume the journey.

They'd leave the body of the rank-1 beast there, before you know it, the creatures of the sky would feast on it. The creatures of the land weren't left out.

All the knights and warriors mounted their different horses as they began embarking on the journey once again. They encountered a big obstacle, and they were able to bring it down without any of them getting hurt.

Though the obstacle wasn't that big, it was still big...

It had gotten to complete evening by now, and as they were covering kilometers, they were getting closer and closer to the Mepaidian Kingdom.

According to the look of things, seems like they'd spend the night at a hill once it gets to nighttime. They hadn't arrived at any kingdom for minutes now.

And according to the calculation, they'd have already arrived at a hill once it gets to complete dusk. So seems like they'd have to set camps there and spend the night while also being very cautious.

Yeah, all of them wouldn't go to sleep just like that. Some would have to stay awake and keep watch for some time. And after a certain amount of time had passed, they'd wake another set of people who'd continue from where they stopped so they can go to sleep.

..And so it would keep on going, embarking on a journey wasn't easy stuff.

It had gotten to complete nighttime already, and they had already arrived at the hill just as they calculated. Some of them were already feeling sleepy, so they'd have to set camps here and go to sleep.

A certain amount of people staying awake in this situation was very important 'cause they needed to watch the horses and carriages as well.

They began setting up camps, it was a lot of said, embarking on a journey wasn't an easy stuff. They kept on setting up camps until they were done.

..Was it one camp for one person? No, it wouldn't work that way.

One camp for more than one person, yes, that's how it would be done. And now that they were done setting up camps, they shared them, how they'd be used.

And after that has been done, they began going to sleep. The ones that were to stay awake had been chosen. And the ones that would wake later to continue the watch had been chosen as well.

The next day had reached, and things went in accordance, nothing happened during the night, no bad news. Staying awake and keeping on the watch went well.

So they were able to sleep properly and wake up safe and sound. They ate, and by now, the journey had already begun once again. They had covered kilometers, and they were getting closer and closer to the Mepaidian Kingdom.

They made sure the journey wasn't a boring one, as they were journeying, they conversed.

..And by now, they had already arrived at the Mepaidian Kingdom.

It was complete dusk by now, they arrived at the kingdom at nighttime. And you know what? They came across some wild dogs again before arriving at the Mepaidian Kingdom.

But they made sure to defeat them all, none of them got hurt, instead, the wild dogs got killed. As they were riding their horses on the road of the Mepaidian Kingdom, people were glancing at them.

Now, some of these people recognized them, they noticed some familiar faces...number one, Ethan's face. So seeing them, they had already discerned...

'Knights and warriors from the Tuvalon Kingdom, seems like they've come to pay tributes as usual, this is the normal time'.

..Yes, they were aware the Tuvalon Kingdom does pay tributes to their kingdom.

It was nighttime currently, but they'd still be able to meet the king of the Mepaidian Kingdom in his palace. So right now, they were heading to the king's palace.

The king was still present at his palace when they arrived there. And you know what? He was happy to see them, they've come to pay tributes. That means they don't want war to ensue between both kingdoms.

They had always been paying their tributes on time ever since, and so they were doing currently. Despite all the dangers on the way, they'd still journey to this place to pay tributes.

..They want peace to reign all the time.

Arriving at the king's palace, Ethan spoke since he was one of the head warriors,

"Your majesty, we're here to pay tributes to you again".

And a broad smile appeared on the king's face at that moment. The king wasn't alone in his palace, there were knights beside him and in front of the palace, and one of his daughters was sitting close to him.

Well, that night, the tributes were paid, all the goods were handed over to them. The golds, the silvers, the coins, and so on. And they were complete, the king confirmed that himself.

As an appreciation for paying the tributes on time once again, the king said they should spend the night in his kingdom before they'd begin embarking on the journey once again.

They'd sleep in free rooms, and they'd be given something to eat which they wouldn't have to pay for. They accepted the offer, it was a nice one.

As they are like this, they needed to eat and rest in a comfortable place. Since they accepted the offer, they'd be granted them.


The next day had reached, and it was about time for them to begin journeying to the Chuvulan Kingdom since they'd paid tributes to the Mepaidian Kingdom.

They enjoyed last night 'cause they ate well and everyone was able to sleep soundly...nothing like people staying awake to keep watch.

They bathed properly and brushed their teeth, then they ate again before they mounted their different horses and began riding out of the Mepaidian Kingdom.

..Now, the load with them had reduced since they'd discharged some to the Mepaidian Kingdom.

What was remaining with them now were the ones meant for the Chuvulan Kingdom. Now, their journey to the Chuvulan Kingdom wouldn't be smooth, they'd come across obstacles.

And they were expecting to come across them...have things changed that journeys would become so smooth? No, it was still the same, so they were expecting to come across more obstacles.

..They might even come across a rank-4 beast...who knows?

As they were riding out of the kingdom, people were glancing at them once again. The people glancing at them were even more 'cause it was daylight currently, more people were walking on the road.

They didn't mind the people glancing at them as they kept riding out of the kingdom. The horses weren't moving at a fast pace, they were moving at a slow pace.

Until they had ridden out of the kingdom completely, they'd keep riding at a slow pace. When they were out of it, they'd increase the pace at which the horses were moving.

They had ridden out of the Mepaidian Kingdom by now...they'd have no business with them for months...

They were done with them for now since they'd paid tributes to them...and now, they were heading toward the Chuvulan Kingdom.

"And it's been done, we've paid tributes to the Mepaidian Kingdom". One of the head warriors voiced out as he was riding the horse he was sitting on.

"Yes, that has been handled, now, it's about time to settle things with the Chuvulan Kingdom". Another warrior stated.

"We'd do that, we've always been doing it successfully, this wouldn't be different". Ethan uttered.

They all nodded their heads in agreement, then a certain knight voiced out,

"But we are sure to come across obstacles again".

"Most likely, that's expected". Another knight uttered.

"I have the feeling we'd come across another magical beast". A certain warrior said.

"Your thoughts don't have to be negative all the time". Another warrior uttered to him.

"I'm just saying the truth, has there ever been a time when we don't have to battle more than one magical beast when heading to both kingdoms?". The warrior inquired.

"No". Another warrior responded.

"You see, that answers it all". The warrior voiced out once again.


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