Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 227 For The Third Time.

He was still speaking, "She mustn't find out that something is going on between the both of us. Make sure to erase every suspicion from her mind".

And at that moment, Anne had to laugh a little. And after she was done laughing, she voiced out,

"I'm not stupid, I know she'd question me when I get to the classroom. Yes, she'd definitely be suspecting. Don't worry, I know what answer to give to her for every question she'd ask. That's if she asks more than one question,

She wouldn't find out, I'd make sure she doesn't".

And Aiden was satisfied, yeah, she mustn't find out. Since Anne had given him such an assurance, then he believed her completely.

eαglesnᴏνel "Then we'd get to bang tomorrow then". Aiden said to her again.

"Yes". Anne responded nodding her head a little.

"Let's leave here then, I've relayed every piece of information to you, I'd be going now".

After saying that to Anne, he left the corner, and by now, he was already mounting the staircase. While walking on the compound, he didn't sight a single soul.

And by now, he had already stepped foot into his classroom. Entering it, he walked straight to his seat and sat on it. No teacher was in the classroom teaching them...but a male teacher would soon step foot into their classroom.

Not long after balancing on his seat, he glanced at Oliver and Ava. The both of them were sitting in their seats and discussing. That made their conversation audible.

A smile appeared on his face at that moment, glancing at them does give him joy.

'Seems like they didn't even notice that I walked out of the classroom'. Aiden thought to himself.

..And the moment that thought ran through his mind, the male teacher stepped foot into the classroom to teach them.

He was carrying his board in his hand, and he was dressed in purple robe. The moment the class sighted him, they went silent...all manner of murmuring stopped.


Did that girl question Anne when she arrived in her classroom? Yes, she did. Throughout the time Anne and Aiden were discussing in that corner, the girl was getting more and more curious.

She just sat in her seat waiting for Anne to arrive so she could question her. She kept asking herself this question, 'What does Anne have going on with Aiden? The son of an official?'.

..Well, thank goodness, when Anne arrived in her classroom and balanced on her seat, no teacher was in their classroom.

So there was chance for the girl to question her. Well, she first asked Anne a certain question, the one that could put a person on the spot.

What the girl didn't know was that Anne was ready for known, she was already aware the girl would question her. She answered the first question efficiently, it was a lie, but the girl believed her.

Then the girl threw a series of questions to her under the same topic. Anne answered all, they were all lies, but the girl believed her. She made sure to remove any sort of suspicion from her heart.

If she doesn't do this, the girl could discuss it with another person. 'I am having a feeling something is going on between Anne and Aiden, the son of that average-ranked chief'.

..And that's how it would start spreading, and before you know it, people would start discovering things.

Anne made it seem like there was truly something going on between her and Aiden currently, but it was far from what the girl was thinking. They weren't f**king or any stuff like that, neither were they in a relationship.

According to what she told the girl, they were handling something currently, and that's why Aiden came to call her out of the class...

The girl believed everything that Anne told her 'cause she was so efficient, the lies were so good and believable.

And when the girl was satisfied, she didn't ask any more questions. And it had been done, Aiden doesn't need to worry about anything, Anne handled it properly.

She could have chosen to be rude to the girl, like, 'Why would you be asking me such a question? It's none of your business'. If she didn't control herself, something like that could have happened.

..But ummm, that would only lead to something else.

That would strengthen the girl's suspicion, and rumors would start spreading. But even now that Anne has been able to deceive her, both of them still need to be careful.

The girl could be keeping a close eye on them...


They both anticipated it, who? Anne and Aiden. Yes, they both anticipated having proper sex for the third time in an inn.

Anne was so happy that she'd get to bang Aiden again. And best of all, Aiden was the one that informed her about it. It wasn't her signaling that would be causing them to have sex for the third time.

..It was just as Aiden had been telling her, he'd be the one to inform or signal her once he was ready to have sex with her again.

And that's exactly what happened. Aiden was glad as well, at least, he'd be getting to service her again not too long after servicing Lucia. He'd be getting to service the girl he took as a sex tool again.

Her continuous signaling in the past shouldn't go to waste, he has to give her proper sex again. He'd get to enjoy her sweet pussy again, that was something to be glad about.

..And Aiden planned on doing something while banging her, what was it? He planned on making use of the rod increase on her.

Yes, he never made use of any of the skills while screwing her, he hadn't even unlocked the rod increase yet for the time they had sex.

But now that he's unlocked it, he was gonna make use of it on her. He might even make use of the golden stiff finger to pleasure her pussy.

These thoughts were running through his mind while lying on his bed...


Activities had taken place at school, teachers had taught, everyone had visited the cafeteria to eat. And right now, the bell just rang to signify closing hour.

And now, Aiden planned on doing something he's been doing in the past, especially when it comes to screwing a girl. What was it? Leaving the classroom without informing Oliver and Ava.

He was gonna bang Anne today according to their agreement. He planned on doing it yesterday, but due to the other plans she had, they had to shift the date...and it was today.

Now, he can't tell them, 'Guys, I'd have to leave without you guys today, I want to go f**k a certain girl named, Anne'. He can't tell them something like that? That would be plain stupid.

So he has to leave without their notice...and that's exactly what he did, he might explain tomorrow, and that explanation would be a lie.

..The moment the bell rang, before they could even turn their heads around to glance at him, he had already carried his bag and walked out of the classroom.

That was the same case for Anne as well, the moment the bell rang to signify closing hour, she carried her bag and walked out of her classroom.

She and Aiden had already met on the compound by now...there were very few students on the compound currently 'cause it hadn't been long since the bell rang to signify closing hour.

..They sighted each other but didn't talk to each other, there was no need for that.

They already knew the plan, and that was heading straight to an inn to f** usual, she was gonna pay. So there was no need for them to converse.

What Anne did was to begin walking after sighting Aiden, and Aiden didn't need to be told before he began following her from behind...there was distance between the both of them though.

He already knew where they were heading inn. They kept walking until they were out of the school compound completely. And now, they would be able to converse a little if they wanted 'cause there were no students with them currently.

..No other students apart from them had walked out of the academy completely.

Aiden wanted to say something dirty to her, so as they were walking, he increased his pace and catch up to her. Then he said to her,

"I am gonna service the hell out of your pussy".

..That's exactly what she wanted, but she didn't know that a bigger dick was gonna be entering her pussy today.

She had no idea he'd be making use of the rod increase to service her. The moment he made that utterance, she glanced at him and bit her lower lip a little, then she gave him the look of, 'I'm ready for you'.

After that, Aiden didn't say anything else to her as they kept journeying heading toward an inn.


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