Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 218 Let's Go Hunting Again.

He'd inform them about it once school resumes. And he was expecting a kind of reaction from Oliver once he tells them about he'd be really glad.

Oliver has been visiting forests to hunt alone, but now, he'd get to do it with his friends again. It would finally happen? He'd definitely be elated.

Well, time passed, and you know what? Within that time, Aiden lay on his bed again. He didn't want a single stress for today, not even the slightest. That's why he just stayed in his room without doing anything.

He only sat on his bed, lay on it, and think for a long time...yes, those are the things he did while in his room. When nighttime reached, Ethan and Hazel arrived home.

By that time, dinner had already been prepared. They had dinner as a family, and after that, Aiden was in his room once again. And after about an hour, he was already lying on his bed.

..After the passing of minutes, Aiden had already dozed off.


The next day reached which was also a free day for students, school would be resuming tomorrow. The Dankworth family had already gotten up from bed, and you know what? Everyone would be staying at home today.

Ethan wouldn't be going to his animal field, and that was the same case for Hazel, she wouldn't be going to work nor would she be going to visit her fiancee.

She'd be fully home for today...

Well, as said, everyone in the Dankworth family had already gotten up from bed. What followed next? They took their baths, brushed their teeth, and so on. Then they had breakfast.

Activities took place for that day, and finally, Aiden told Ethan of the new thing he's learned concerning horse riding. He's learned to increase a horse's pace though it wouldn't be moving at full speed.

He learned this with self-practice...self-practice was this important. Ethan was so happy to hear that, he would have loved for him and Aiden to do some little practice together since he was at home.

But he didn't want to engage in many activities for today, and that practice would be a little much for him...he just wanted to rest today.

..Yes, he did engage in some activities, but they were very few.

But he was still so glad to hear that Aiden improved in something with self-training...he learned to increase a horse's pace to an extent. With some little training from him, he'd learn to increase a horse's pace properly since he's already learned it to an extent.

That day, Aiden was thinking if he should do some little practicing with one of the horses on the compound, maybe he'd fully learn to increase a horse's pace properly.

That would only make Ethan happier. But Aiden decided not to do it, he would later...

Time passed, and the Dankworth family had lunch, then they had dinner next which means it was already dusk by then. Time passed by in a blink of an eye, time can be so fast.

Before Aiden knew it, he was already lying on his bed, and in minutes, he had dozed off.


Aiden was on top of a horse currently as it was in motion. Now, he wouldn't just be on top of a horse just like that and it would be moving? Someone was controlling it. And who was the person? Ethan.

..Yes, he was riding Aiden to school.

Aiden was sitting behind his father, he hadn't learned to ride a horse properly to ride himself to school, he was still dependent on his father.

He didn't want to trek to his academy on a new week of school, he wanted his father to ride him which was already happening. In the morning, Aiden had already informed Ethan about it, and Ethan understood.

..Riding Aiden to school wasn't a problem for him at all.

He can be riding Aiden to school everyday if he wanted, but Aiden wanted to be trekking to his academy sometimes, so there was nothing that could be done about it.

Well, they had arrived at Aiden's academy by now. Riding into the compound, they saw other horses on it as well. Aiden didn't waste time coming down from the horse, and Ethan handed some copper coins over to him.

The copper coins Ethan does give to him had increased. As he was growing, the money Ethan does hand over to him was increasing. After giving him the money, Ethan uttered to him while still sitting on the horse,

"So should I come to pick you up?".

Aiden shook his head a little while stating, "No, there would be no need for that".

Ethan nodded his head a little before riding out of the school compound, and Aiden began walking toward the building where his classroom was situated.


Aiden had arrived in his classroom by now, and lots of activities had already taken place. Teachers had stepped foot into their class, taught, and left. Even their class teacher, Miss Sandra, had stepped foot into their classroom and left.

She just relayed some information as usual and left the classroom. Right now, the bell had just rung to signify break hour.

When Aiden stepped foot into the classroom in the morning, he noticed that Oliver and Ava had already arrived. Yes, he barely arrives before them.

Since the morning that he arrived, the three of them hadn't conversed due to the different activities that had been taking place. Teachers had been stepping foot into their classroom nonstop to teach them.

..But though they hadn't conversed with each other since morning, they noticed that Aiden was present at school today.

Yes, he was sitting behind them, which means they'd have to glance back to notice him. Well, they did it, and they noticed that he's arrived at school.

..It was break hour now, this was their chance to finally converse.

Aiden had stood up from his seat, and that was the same case for Ava and Oliver. Students were busy walking out of the classroom heading toward the cafeteria.

The three of them had already come together, and they began conversing immediately. While conversing, they walked out of the classroom in the process.

They strolled in the corridor, dismounted all the staircases, and by now, they had already arrived at the compound as they were still walking and conversing.

They were still conversing when Aiden said something, he cut off the current topic. This was what he said...

"Guys, I have something to say".

Oliver and Ava glanced at him with a bit of inquisitive facial expression, then Oliver inquired,

"What do you have to say?".

He dropped the bombshell, "Let's go hunting again, I think now is the perfect time to do it again".

This was exactly what Oliver wanted to hear, it was good news for him.

"What did you just say?". Oliver inquired of Aiden.

"I said let's go hunting again, now would be the perfect time to engage in it". Aiden repeated.

"So does this mean you're available now? Seems like you don't have much on your plate anymore". Oliver said to Aiden once again.

"Yes, something like that".

"Wow! I love this, we'd finally go hunting together again". Oliver voiced out with an elated facial expression.

..This was exactly the kind of reaction Aiden was expecting.

Then Ava's voice resounded, "Ummm...I guess you both are forgetting that I'm here. You're deciding without asking me anything. Do you even know if I'd be available for the hunting?".

"Do you have anything on your plate currently?". Oliver inquired of Ava.

"Why do you ask?".

"I just wanted to know since you said we don't even know if you'd be available for the hunting. So are you busy with something? Do you have anything on your plate?".


"Then why wouldn't you be available for the hunting? Remember, it's been some time since we last hunted together. No need for too much talk, let's just do it now that Aiden is available". Oliver said.

Ava didn't say anything else, and Oliver's voice resounded again,

"So we'd definitely not be able to do it today since I'm not with the things we'd use in hunting. If I was aware that Aiden was available now, then I would have brought them. It would have to be tomorrow".

Then he glanced at Aiden and Ava and voiced out once again, "Right guys? Or Aiden, you didn't say it with something as early as this in mind. Maybe you said it with the mindset that we'd engage in it next week".

"No, you're right, I want us to engage in it as early as this. As you said, you aren't with the things we'd use in hunting now, so we'd engage in it when you bring them tomorrow". Aiden stated.

Oliver nodded his head a little, glanced at Ava, and uttered,

"What do you think, Ava? Are you in agreement with what we said?".

Ava nodded her head a little while uttering, "Yes, completely in agreement".


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