Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 213 Continuous Sex.

"Why are you smiling and nodding your head?". Lucia inquired of Aiden.

"That's 'cause I agree with your statement, it makes sense". Aiden responded.

"I would have loved us to go for another round, like round 2, but there's no time". Lucia stated.

..What does this show? She really enjoyed Aiden and she has high sex energy.

If there was time, they would have definitely gone for another round. Even with all the pounding she's received, she still had strength to go for another round.

When she made that utterance, Aiden was just like, 'Wow! She has energy to go for another round. Her high sex energy isn't just a number'.

..But would he be able to handle another round of sex right now? Yes, he still has energy for it though he pounded her a lot.

He has high sex energy as well, and he was a pervert. This was the next utterance that flowed out of Lucia's mouth while glancing at Aiden,

"So there's something I'd like the both of us to discuss".

"What is it?". Aiden inquired with a bit of inquisitive facial expression.

"When next are we gonna have sex? You remember what I told you, I'd like for us to make it a continuous thing. I enjoyed you, and I'd like for us to bang again".

She wanted what Anne wanted, he and Anne were on a deal to have continuous sex...though Aiden had already made it clear to her that it wouldn't be frequent.

Would Aiden agree to her request as she's already told him something like this before? Yes, he planned on agreeing to her request. It wouldn't be easy banging two girls at the same time, but he was gonna do it.

..One was the daughter of a wealthy man, and one was the daughter of an official.

At this moment, Aiden was pretending like he was contemplating it...we all know he's already decided. Lucia noticed that he was contemplating it, and this was the utterance that flowed out of her mouth...

"Are you contemplating it?".

"Am I not supposed to contemplate it?". Aiden inquired with a kind of confused expression on his face.

"Didn't you enjoy me?".

"I did, you're definitely sweet".

"Then why are you contemplating it? Don't you want to have me again? Isn't that supposed to be an easy decision to make?".

And Aiden was just like, 'I've already decided, just wanted to do some fake contemplation'.

"Okay, we can make this a continuous thing". Aiden voiced out.

A little smile appeared on Lucia's face as she nodded her head a little. Then they talked about how they'd be meeting to have sex. He can be coming to her academy whenever he wanted.

If he sees her, and she was in the mood to have sex with him, they'd meet in an inn like this and bang. Wasn't that somehow? Like a kind of weird plan?

..Well, she doesn't care if it was weird or not, she found him charming, and she wanted to have him again and even continuously.

She had no idea that Aiden banged her to accomplish a quest...everything that has been happening from the very beginning was because of the quest.

They'd decided on that, and Lucia resolved to hide this from the guy she was close to, he must never find out about this.

As of now, she was cheating on him. They were in a kind of relationship, and she just finished having sex with another boy...she was cheating on him.

Aiden was glancing at her currently, and he was wondering if he should reveal his identity to her. Like telling her he was the son of Ethan Dankworth, he was Aiden, and so on.

..As known, there were many things she didn't know about him.

But if he tells her this now, some things might spoil, she might discern some things. She'd be like, 'Why did you hide this from me all this while? Why didn't you reveal your identity? So you're the son of Ethan Dankworth?'.

Now, that might result in something else...

She might feel like everything he's been doing was to seduce her, he was seducing her so she could approach him which she did. Most of the things he told her could be lies.

If they weren't lies, then why didn't he reveal his true identity the moment she approached him? And she didn't even bother to ask.

She could discern all these things, and it would spoil a lot of things, so Aiden shouldn't reveal his identity to her unless she finds out herself.

That would be a different least, he's already banged her and accomplished the quest.

He's decided, he wouldn't reveal his identity to her. The both of them were still lying on the bed stacked naked when he uttered to her,

"We should begin heading home now, it's already late".

"Yeah, that's true". Lucia stated as she stood up from the bed, and Aiden followed suit.

The both of them began dressing up, they put on their underwear first, then they put on their robes. After they were done dressing up, Aiden glanced at Lucia and uttered to her again,

"Would you be able to find your way home?".

He was asking this question 'cause he knows where her home was situated, the Wacan Community, and it wasn't close to this place. Would she be able to go there herself? Can she trek it?

"Yes, I can find my way home". She responded.

"Isn't your home a little far from this place?". Aiden uttered once again.

"How did you know that?".

"I only guessed, since you said you're the daughter of a high-ranked chief, I guessed your home wouldn't be around this community. Maybe it would be in a community of wealthy people".

..This wasn't guessing, he had already been aware of this, days ago.

"You're right, my house isn't around this community, it's in a community of wealthy people, and it isn't close to this place. Without having to trek, I'd arrive there, that wouldn't be a problem at all". Lucia stated.

"How?". Aiden inquired.

"I'd be ridden there, this wouldn't be the work of the knight that does pick me up from school, but I'd still be ridden there. Some people ride people to their homes, they own horses, and they make money from it,

I'd just pay, and I'll be ridden to my home even if they recognize me as the daughter of an official. I know where I can find them". Lucia explained.

Aiden nodded his head a little, yeah, he knows the people she was speaking of. For example, that man that rode him to the Wacan Community when he was trying to locate it.

And again, she knows where she can find them according to what she said...that was an advantage, it wouldn't be too hard for her.

"That is nice". Aiden said glancing at her.

"Yeah, well, thanks for asking".

As said, they had finished dressing up, it was about time to leave the room. They wore their bags, then Lucia glanced at Aiden and said,

"Don't forget about our plan to make having sex a continuous thing".

"Why would I forget it? It's still fresh in my mind". Aiden voiced out.

"I'd leave first". Lucia stated.

And after that statement flowed out of her mouth, she walked out of the room. Aiden noticed that she was being very cautious while walking out of the room, no one must sight her.

..If a person sights her and recognizes her, then there was problem.

After she left the room, Aiden walked out of it as well. He arrived outside and left the inn completely, he wasn't even standing on the compound anymore. Getting outside, he confirmed that it was truly evening already.

The sky had dimmed, and it would only get darker. As he was walking on the road, different people were walking past him as usual. He was feeling like a boss currently, he's finally conquered, Lucia.

He conquered her and received the rewards, the feeling was just too nice. When he remembered how he started and how he completed the quest...his heart was just gladdening.

All he had to do, locating her home, her academy, the seductions, and so on...

..It's been a journey, it felt so good accomplishing the quest.

And he did it on the last day, it was a close call. If he hadn't accomplished it today, then mission failed, he would have missed out on the rewards.

Then he thought of the boy she was close to, he banged her without his knowledge, he f**ked the so-called girl he was dating, and she even requested continuous sex.

Well, what Aiden knew was that he was gonna try his best to keep avoiding the boy...

And now, coming to that continuous sex she wanted, he needed to ponder it some more. As known, he wouldn't be f**king only her, he'd be f**king Anne as well.

..And you know what? Both of them were sweet.


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