Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 196 Behind The Boy.

Yes, students were already walking out of the buildings, but many of them hadn't even reached the middle of the compound. Apart from that, there wasn't a single horse on the compound.

That means, no parents had arrived yet to pick up their kids. But not even up to 2 minutes, two horses rode into the compound, they were ridden by men.

And since two had already ridden into the compound, more would follow. Students were already reaching the middle of the compound, both the ones in their teens and the ones that weren't up to their teenage years yet.

..And Aiden was being cautious, if that boy sights him, we know what would happen.

Aiden began glancing at the students that had arrived on the compound to see if he'll sight Lucia among them, but he didn't. And at that moment, he decided to ask the system a question, so he called out on the system,


Now, he didn't need to call out the system in a low tone of voice 'cause no one was around him currently, no one heard when he called out on the system. None of the students on the compound had reached where he was standing.

..Imagine if a student hears him when he called out on the system, the student would be looking at him and wondering if anything was wrong with him.

No one was close to him currently, even the parents that had rode into the compound didn't hear when he called out on the system. None of them were close to him.

So he could call out on the system in an audible tone of voice. Not that audible though, but it was audible. And after calling out on the system, she responded,

<Yes, host>

"I need information, I need you to render me some help just as you promised me yesterday". Aiden voiced out.

<What kind of help does host need?>

"Would that boy arrive on the compound? That boy Lucia is close to, that boy she is dating. Is he planning anything?".

<No, host, you're free to continue with your seduction, there'd be no disturbance>

"Do you mean what you're saying?". Aiden inquired with a kind of expression on his face, like, does the system knows what she's saying?

<Yes, host>

"Are you sure of what you're saying?".

<Are you doubting a system's information?>

"No, no, I believe what you're saying, I'm not doubting you".

And it ended, Aiden had gotten the information he needed, and it was making him glad. So the boy wasn't planning anything? That means he's pushed the matter aside.

He must have thought and thought of it and decided to push the matter aside, there were other things he needed to worry about.

..Now, all Aiden needed to do was stay clear of the boy's sight.

He must get Lucia to approach him, but the boy mustn't notice him in the process. The system had done her job, it was about time to continue his.

Many of the students on the compound had already reached where he was standing, some were even walking out of the compound already...those that were gonna trek home.

And more horses had already ridden into the compound. Some students were already mounting the horses as they were being ridden out of the compound.

Aiden just stood there waiting for when he'll sight Lucia. Now, while standing there, something he wasn't expecting to happen happened.

..Some teenage students were walking toward him currently, two boys and one girl dressed in different colors of robes.

Aiden noticed that they were glancing at him as they were getting closer, their stares were unusual, he noticed something was off.

Now, it wasn't like other students hadn't glanced at him, a lot had. Lots of female students glanced at him as they were walking past due to his handsome look.

..But the way these people were glancing at him was different, like, there were looks of familiarity on their faces.

Getting really close to him, this was the utterance that flowed out of one of the boys' mouths...

"Isn't that Aiden? The son of that average-ranked chief, the son of Ethan Dankworth?".

And the other boy was like, "Yes, it is him".

The girl only nodded her head. And Aiden doesn't like this, them recognizing him as the son of Ethan Dankworth. He doesn't like this kind of attention.

We all know Aiden, he hated it when people recognized him as the son of Ethan said, he doesn't like this kind of attention.

..It's been long since something like this happened, you know, people recognizing him as Aiden Dankworth.

And since these students had recognized him as the son of Ethan Dankworth, other students could as they were walking toward him, he was feeling a kind of insecurity right now.

The students still kept their gazes on him until they walked past.

'I need to be a little careful, I hate it when people say that, I hate that situation. I should try to hide my face a little'.

..And so he did, his face wasn't fully upright anymore, he bent it a little like how an assassin would bend his face when he doesn't want his identity to be revealed.

But that doesn't mean he wasn't seeing forward, he was still seeing the students coming in front of him, and some teachers were even part of them now. And his eyes were still scanning around in search of Lucia.

She hadn't arrived on the compound yet, but the moment she'd, he'd sight her immediately. He might even sight her when she'll still be walking in the corridor.

He knew the system can't lie, but he was still hoping what she said was true, that the boy doesn't plan on doing anything. If that was truly the case, then there's a very high possibility he'd be able to seduce and conquer Lucia before the time limit.

..But if it wasn't true, then there was a big problem.

But it would most likely be true, it was a system that gave him that information, something he's possessed for years now, he shouldn't be doubting it like this.

After the passing of some minutes, Aiden sighted Lucia walking in the corridor, that same corridor he saw her walking in yesterday.

'And she's coming, hope everything falls in place'. Aiden thought to himself after he set eyes on Lucia.

As for Lucia, she hadn't stopped thinking about Aiden, he was still in her mind. So she was hoping she'd see him today...she'd keep hoping and hoping.

For someone that has fallen that hard, yes, you'd keep hoping and hoping no matter how long passes. You'd want to set eyes on that person, and if you have any other plan, you'd want to implement it the moment you set eyes on the person.

Lucia had arrived at the compound by now. And the moment she did, a certain boy approached her, a boy of her age mate. They conversed for a while, and the boy left her with a smile on her face and a smile on his face as well.

After that, Lucia glanced at the corridors of the building she just came down from. She was searching for the boy she was close to if he was walking in any of the corridors currently, but she didn't sight him.

..Why did she do this? To know if there'd be time to approach Aiden if she sets eyes on him.

If the boy was heading toward the compound currently, then she wouldn't be able to carry out her plan even if she sets eyes on Aiden.

You see? She was still hoping she'd set eyes on Aiden. Every day that he didn't come, she was waiting for him.

Well, there was hope today, she'd be able to set eyes on him...let's see how things would go after that...

After glancing at the corridors without sighting the boy, she began walking forward with her school bag on while searching around for Aiden.

And you know something? Aiden was glancing at her currently, but she hadn't sighted him though he was standing on the compound currently. Well, you'll find out the reason why.

Aiden wanted her to sight him, she might approach him after that. Yes, that was the plan today.

She had searched around for Aiden, but she didn't sight him, and she was like, 'He didn't come today as well?'. That killed her mood immediately. So right now, her gaze was focused on someone.

She was glancing at a certain boy in green robe. Not like she liked the boy or something, it's just that that's where her gaze landed after she got tired of searching around for Aiden.

The boy was standing in a certain spot currently, and the moment he walked off, Lucia sighted someone.

..Who was the person? Aiden.

Aiden had been standing behind the boy all this while. And he wasn't standing too close to him, there was a little distance between the both of them...very little.

And you know something? Aiden stood behind the boy on purpose...


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