Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 175 Continuation.

Today was the day Aiden was gonna make another move on her, he was gonna visit her academy today, on the 10th day. Lucia arrived at school, and the first thing she did was to begin heading to her classroom to see if she'll sight Aiden there.

The moment the knight arrived on the compound with the horse and carriage, she came out of the carriage and began heading toward her classroom.

Now, that boy that she was close to was inside the carriage as well. But she didn't say anything to him as she came out of the carriage immediately and began walking on the compound.

..The boy wanted to say something to her, but she didn't give him a chance to speak.

As known, this boy was in the same academy as her, the Trailes Academy. But the both of them weren't in the same class, he was in the next class...but they were at the same level of learning.

Now, what kind of relationship does the boy have with Lucia? Yes, we know that they are close and they can be betrothed to each other...but what kind of relationship do they truly have with each other?

They were really close friends until they started developing feelings for each other. Their parents even know how close they are to each other. But they weren't betrothed to each other or anything like that.

..But Lucia was a kind of girl...she had come across many boys, and she developed feelings for many of them due for certain reasons.

But the boy was closest to her currently, she liked other boys, but she considered them as friends. But as for this current guy, there was something between the both of them.

Can't you see they easily come and go back home from school together? That's how close they were to each other, it can be considered love...

..But now, she's come across another boy, a charming one...Aiden.

The boy's parents were wealthy as well just as Aiden thought, but they weren't up to the same level as Lucia's parents...I mean, Lucia's dad was a f**king high-ranked chief.

As said, the moment Lucia came out of the carriage, she began heading toward her classroom to see if she'll sight Aiden there. The boy just swallowed what he wanted to say to her as he came off the carriage and the knight rode off.

Lucia didn't glance back for a second until she arrived in her classroom. Lots of students have arrived already, so she scanned around the classroom, but Aiden was nowhere to be found.

Another confirmation, Aiden wasn't a student in her classroom...

She began heading toward the next classroom to see if she'll sight Aiden there as well. She reached it, scanned around, she even sighted that boy she was close to, but Aiden was nowhere to be found.

..Now, she had to do this twice like she was crazy, but she wasn't, she just wanted to confirm.

"He isn't a student of this academy, so why was he here the day before yesterday?". She muttered to herself before she began heading toward her classroom once again.

Well, let me answer that question, he was here mainly because of you. You're his first target, he needs to seduce and conquer you which he's already achieving little by little.


At Aiden's academy, different activities took place until it got to closing hour. And where was his destination? Lucia's academy, the seduction has to continue.

Now, he wouldn't give Oliver and Ava excuses just 'cause he wanted to head over to Lucia's academy. No, that wasn't his plan at all.

He was gonna head out of the academy together with them. But after they've cornered the different intersections that would lead them to their houses, he'll begin heading to Lucia's academy.

And things would be different this time 'cause he wouldn't need to ask anyone for direction before getting there. Things would be faster 'cause he could locate there on his own.

..Everything took place as they were supposed to take place.

Aiden, Ava, and Oliver strolled out of the academy together as they were walking in the village square currently. The both of them cornered the intersections that would lead them to their homes, Ava first, then Oliver followed.

And immediately, Aiden began heading to the Bupia Community where the Trailes Academy was situated.

He was wearing his school bag, and as he strolled, he thought of the tactic he planned on making use on Lucia. Little did he know that Lucia had discovered some things about him.

He journeyed until he arrived in front of the Trailes Academy. Students were strolling out of it, horses were being ridden out of it. They had gotten to closing hour as well, and people were heading home.

..Aiden walked straight into the compound of the academy.

He was looking dashing, before he'd come to do such a thing as seducing Lucia, he'd make sure to dress up in a nice-looking robe, style his hair well, and so on.

He was standing on the compound of the academy currently, and he was glancing around in search of Lucia. That same question lingers, was she around or has she headed home already?

Meanwhile, while Aiden was searching for Lucia, she was just coming out of the building where her classroom was situated. And you know what? She was hoping to see Aiden.

..She had been thinking of him for some time now...she wanted to see his handsome face again.

Aiden kept glancing around in search of Lucia, but he doesn't seem to be sighting her. Then suddenly, he set eyes on her, but she hadn't seen him yet due to the people on the compound and she wasn't glancing in his direction.

He was able to sight her 'cause she strolled front a little after coming out of the building...remember, she was also searching for him as well.

The boy she was close to would soon come to meet her so the knight can come pick up the both of them. Now, he had sighted her, but he doesn't want her to know he's been searching for her.

..He doesn't want her to know he was here because of her, he doesn't want her to discern much.

He knew that once she sets eyes on him, she was gonna recognize him instantly 'cause he was sure she must have thought of him. So he began walking on the compound like he was heading toward someone.

He made it seem like he wasn't here for her at all. And while he was strolling on the compound, Lucia was still glancing around to see if she'll sight him...maybe he could come today.

..And her glancing around wasn't to waste, she set eyes on Aiden at that moment.

And she just focused her gaze on him as he strolled, and this was the thought that ran through her mind...

'He's here'.

She didn't even care if what she was doing was wrong or not. I mean, seems like she was falling for another boy, and she already had a close relationship with a certain boy.

And the boy might soon come to meet her, but she doesn't seem to care about that as she just focused her gaze on Aiden...she definitely found him charming.

According to what she was seeing now, Aiden was just walking on the compound, but she couldn't seem to discern where he was heading to.

'Maybe he's coming to this academy to meet someone'. Lucia thought to herself.

..She was right and wrong somehow, he was coming to this academy to meet someone.

The person was her, she was thinking it was another person...that's where she was wrong...

She just stood there glancing at Aiden, and by now, he had already discerned she was staring at him, she had noticed him. Now that her gaze was focused on him, he'd have to be really careful.

The first thing he did was to begin glancing around like he was searching for someone...but he wasn't searching for anyone. Then a thought ran through his mind,

'It's time to implement my tactic, the seduction must continue'.

Getting a girl wasn't easy, seducing them wasn't easy. But he was already achieving his aim with Lucia, I mean, her gaze was focused on him. He planned on making use of the 'irresistible fragrance' again.

It was a nice skill for seduction, and he planned on making use of it to its fullest. He was still glancing around like he was searching for someone while heading toward where she was standing.

Heading toward where she was, he uttered in his mind,

'Activate irresistible fragrance'.

<Irresistible fragrance has been activated>

<5 Skill points have been deducted from your skill points>

..And Aiden was smelling really nice at that moment, he could perceive it, a different fragrance from last time.

The last time he walked past her, he was smelling really nice. Now, he was gonna walk past her again, and he'd be smelling really nice again?

This would most likely cause her to fall for him more...


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