Reincarnated With A System In A Cultivation World

Chapter 28 Cruising Through

There was nothing that I could do though. I had no choice but to show everyone that I was truly capable.

I sat down in one of the seats and looked at the arena calmly. Everyone's eyes were on me though. They looked at me fervently, not able to understand what just happened a few minutes before. The fight that happened was the fastest, except for the surrenders that had occurred against Liu Xin and Liu Heng. But even then, the fight happened too fast!

Little did they all know how much effort I put into my training. Whether it be the fighting or the cultivation, I put in as much effort in these two months as some put over two years.

"The second round will be starting now. Liu Kun and Liu Yan, enter the stage." the judge called out. The woman who won the first round, as well as Liu Kun, entered the ring. They looked at each other.

"I hope that senior brother will go easy on me." the woman smiled as she took out her sword from her sleeve, pointing it at Liu Kun. Liu Kun smiled.

"You jest, Junior sister, but you are much stronger than me." He also took out a sword and pointed it at Liu Yan.

"Start!" the judge called out, and immediately, the two of them started moving at each other. The movements that Liu Yan made looked immensely profound. Her feet looked like they were on clouds.

​ "The hidden cloud step! She managed to achieve mastery of the hidden cloud step! A genius!" a commentator shouted with shock and awe.

Liu Kun matched the same with ease. He jumped up and evaded her pincer jab.

"Heaven Returning Strike!" Liu Kun shouted as he fell forward towards where Liu Yan was standing. She looked at the coming strike with a solemn look, and raised her sword to defend.


Liu Yan fell to one knee, blood dripping from her mouth. The attack may not have directly hit her, but the waves of Qi that it caused, as well as the vibration caused her internal organs to shake. She coughed out blood as she retreated quickly. But I could not make sense of this fight at all.

"Why the hell is this idiot shouting out his attack for everyone to hear, and why did that woman not move to the side when the attack came from up there? They are all fools. This is a fool's gathering, this. It is just too funny." I shook my head as I laughed at what was going on.

"You should quit while you are ahead, Junior sister. There is no shame in knowing when we are not strong enough. Swords and fists have no eyes. I am afraid that if you do not quit now, the same fate that fell on my previous opponent will fall on you." Liu Kun said with a hint of condesension. He looked at her, taunting her. She bit her lip.

I wondered what happened to the other opponent, but I guessed that it was something serious, because it clearly shook Liu Yan.

"I forfeit." she said with a soft voice. The crowd cheered as Liu Kun smiled. He got off the ring, smiling at his older brother. He then looked at me with an angry look. I shrugged in return.

The rest of the matches went as planned. Liu Xin and Liu Heng, the two clear front runners for the title, went to the next round without any hitches. Their opponents gave up. I felt it a pity, since I did not even know what their signature moves and skills were.

"Liu Feng, Liu Qiu, enter the arena." the judge called out. The crowd looked at me with silence. They were waiting to see what was going to happen. I was a surprise to them. I was a surprise to everyone. No one expected me to go to the next round. I got up and walked to the stage. A man, about my age, but with eyes that seemed like they were a rat's, entered the ring with me.

"I did not expect you to come to the second round. It is truly a surprise. But this surprise ends here. You must have used some trick against sister Yin, but that will not work on me. I know what your tricks are. You cannot sneak attack me like you did before." Liu Qiu said as he pointed his sword at me.

"Why does everyone use swords? There is no change, no disruption to his monotony." I shook my head as I looked at the judge.

"Start." he called out.

The moment he said that, a blade appeared in my hands. Liu Qiu had pounced at me, aiming at my head.

"What are you after? My life? Isn't this wrong? You should aim elsewhere, Senior brother." I said smiling. I moved to the side, avoiding his strike. He fumbled forward, but I did not attack him. It was time to play with him a little.

He regained balance and looked at me.

"You coward. Face me head on! Be a man." he spat out.

"Coward? Be a man? Don't wake the slumbering dragon you idiot." I said coldly. He touched a few sensitive topics that would anger anyone.

Seeing me enraged, he ran towards me. His sword pointed straight at me, he roared. Qi flew into my sword, and I raised my hand. I let the hand go, and the sword stroke down.


The sword that Liu Qiu was holding snapped into two. But my sword did not stop there. I turned my wrist, and the sword rose sharply, stopping just an inch beneath his chin.

"Yield now, or you will have a scar on your pitiful face." I said coldly.

"I-I yield." he stammered. I took my sword back, and he fell on his back, looking at me with shock. He did not believe what he had just seen.

"Liu Feng wins." the judge said after a long pause. The crowd went silent. They were obviously not on my side. They did not want to cheer for me. They just looked at what happened with stupor. I ignored them and walked back to my seat.



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