Reincarnated With A System In A Cultivation World

Chapter 212 The Third Battle

With that, Bai Zhiqui nodded and she collected her furnace to step back to her place. The entire arena was reeling with shock at what they had observed just now.

What took place was no longer a simple showdown between to young alchemists. It was just a show is simple domination. Not even an experienced alchemist dared to say that he or she could perform ninety six refinements at once.

Forget completing all of them perfectly, having a yield of half was considered excellent before this battle. But Bai Zhiqui just stepped up, and in this bustling place with a lot of distraction in front of her, she was able to do exactly that, and with perfect yield.

And at the end, the final pill that came out was even a pill of such great purity! This was the show of a genius who wanted to tell everyone that she was not to be trifled with. After her loss in the pill meet a few days ago, people were beginning to doubt that the title of the three pill geniuses even had a reason to stand anymore.

With this, she just proved that she was a genius like no other.

Even Liu Feng had to nod with appreciation to what he just saw. She did something that even he probably couldn't do. Liu Feng had never tried to lay his concentration thin during pill refinement on purpose!

Now, he wanted to try this immediately, but the circumstances forced him to stop.

He glanced at Han Dingsun to see if he had any reaction. But Han Dingsun just stood there emotionless, glaring at the pill meet. In his eyes though, Liu Feng saw a hint of emotion.

Was it surprise? No, it was not something like that. There was anger, and rage. He was fuming with anger, because his fellow teammates could not complete a perfect win.

Liu Feng could understand what Han Dingsun was feeling. Although he himself was not arrogant enough to expect a perfect win out of a competition like this, he knew that having to depend on teammates who were unreliable was a pain.

Seeing Gu Hua, that wretch, losing, made him want to kill her a little more. But then again, the best way to make her suffer was to win next. By winning, she would be the one to lose and disgrace the Tiandu Kingdom.

"For that to happen, that Ding Yan should win. I certainly hope that he wins. If only his capabilities are as good as his stupid words." Liu Feng thought inside as he looked on, leaning to the walls on the side.

"For the next round, which is extracting medicinal essences, please step forward, contestants from both kingdoms." the middle aged man said, but he could only wryly smile.

At this moment, it became painfully aware that the two biggest alchemists on either side were missing. They had skipped this meeting in the eyes of all the audience, and that only flamed speculation.

"Maybe they think that this pill meet is too boring. You see how arrogant alchemists are these days. They won't even care for the reputation of the kingdom that they are a part of." one of the cultivators who had come to watch this competition voiced his opinion.

This only helped enrage the alchemists who were sitting around him.

"We are growing too arrogant? What is cultivation without alchemy. If it weren't for the pills that you had taken, you wouldn't become so strong." one alchemist scoffed.

"And you were only able to make these pills because of your attainment in cultivation. Alchemy is just a side branch of cultivation."

"Take that back!"

Seeing the discussion of themselves turning into a fight and debate of martial and alchemy paths, Liu Feng shook his head with disappointment. It embarrassed him that he was a part of the same kingdom as those muscle heads.

"Please calm down as the third round is starting." the middle aged man hastily said, stopping the fight before it went any further.

Ding Yan and the last man from the Handu Kingdom stepped up. They took out each other's alchemy furnaces and put on their pill fires.

The furnace of the man from Handu was already heated, because of the preparations that they had done beforehand.

Liu Feng frowned for a bit.

"A competition like this, shouldn't it be of speed? Why didn't Ding Yan do all of this before hand?" Liu Feng wondered.

"He should just be happy that our member is just too arrogant that he won't start until your member is done heating the furnace. This is a battle of face, not of true capabilities." Han Dingsun said.

"I said that out loud?" Liu Feng quickly put his mouth closed. He did not realise that he was thinking out loud.

And in the meantime, Ding Yan was ready. In both the opponents hands, there was a spatial ring with the impurities.

"I wonder, why do they have to do this? Why do they have to go through all of this? They can just do a one versus one, a battle of the best of each kingdom. Why else did they have a pill meeting a few days ago?" Han Dingsun sighed as he said. "Your kingdom is full of cowards."

Liu Feng did not even refute that claim. He no longer had any good thoughts towards this Master Mu who tried to poison him with that vicious pill.

The pill ingredients flew into the furnace, and both the alchemists started performing a few hand signs to activate the runes on the side of the furnace from the get go.

No alchemist would do this normally, as it required a lot of qi, and it was only suitable to do this when the pill formation was ending so as to conserve Qi.

But as the goal of this competition was not to make a pill, but a battle of speed, they went ahead and did it anyway.



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