Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Chapter 21 - 21

Now Cain is absolutely certain they have enough clothing to start a store. In fact, they had to buy backpacks because the creations would no longer fit in Misha's inventory.

The locals assured them that plain clothes style armor for transfers was in short supply everywhere, as the plans were exceedingly rare drops. Not for Misha apparently, but they were planning to bring all the good stuff, items that created at blue or better from plans with random quality, plus all the items from epic plans, with them.

At half an hour or more creation time for some of the items, they were nowhere near out of materials, but 6 hours a day of crafting and fashion shows left them enough time to see the city, relax, stroll the woods and just generally live their best lives for the week.

Finally, the last day of their monthly rental comes and it is time to move on to the city. They pack up their bags and say goodbye to the landlord before heading for the gates. Again, they decide not to rent a carriage and instead intend to walk all day, enjoying the sounds and scents of the road.

This stretch is in much better condition, being a stone paved road and not just a dirt track. Just as the sun is reaching midday Cain detects the distinctive scent of a lake.

"I smell fresh water. How about a picnic by the lake?" He asks and Misha cheers. The water ends up being no more than 20 meters from the road, just behind some trees. A blanket is set out and the packed lunches from the Cafe come out, enjoying the sunshine and watching the birds on the lake.

"We should get going." Mythryll sighs "The guards said the city gates close at dusk and we don't want to get locked out."

They fall in with a merchant Caravan when they reach the road, giving them a never ending stream of conversation for the rest of the afternoon. The merchants are a colorful bunch, with a wealth of knowledge. They make a 3 month journey each way buying and selling whatever is available, in a season long loop home for winter.

"Halt in the name of the Red Bandana bandits. Turn over all your trade goods and nobody needs to die!" a voice comes from in front of the Caravan.

"5 men, all between levels 25 and 30. All red flagged as murderers." A tall guard tells Cain, drawing his sword. The merchants only have two guards at level 26, so they're no match for this robbery, but they're going to try.

"Don't kill the Cleric, we'll have it sign a vendor contract afterwards." The leader yells at his men. It? These must be idiots that believe the world is just a game, and they've mistaken Misha as a rich NPC.

"Kindly kill them would you Darling?" Misha drawls, playing the part she's been mistaken for.

The leader laughs. "Everyone knows the caravans are under level 30 and poorly armed. Don't make this hard on yourself."

Cain equips his bow and summons his Golems into the bandit party at the same instant Mythryll Transforms into her demon form. The leader doesn't even have time to react before a Poisoned Arrow Multi Shot is incoming. He manages to parry the first but the others slam into his chest. Screams come from his party members and 5 more bandits come running from the woods.

Cain turns the Lesser Golems on them, with a 15 level disadvantage the bandits are hard pressed to deal with the four legged gargoyles. Mythryll uses her demonic flame on the main pack and charges at a bandit, intent on getting into melee combat, perhaps the first the she's ever intentionally done so. A Shadow Bolt from Misha drops another while the rest fall to arrows and gargoyles.

"Let's go find their camp. I hate bandits." Mythryll demands, pointing to where the reinforcements came from. Cain sends the Golems that way and Mythryll summons her Treant, leaving it to protect the merchants.

The bandit camp is a sad thing, a few dozen ragged tents and fifteen or so orange flagged transfers, all under level 30.

"If you party with a criminal it flags you for 48 hours. That's how they force suckers into their guild, then they're orange forever. If the guild leader is red flagged, all members stay orange, and you can't quit a guild while a criminal, you need to be kicked." Mythryll explains in a low voice.

"That's just cruel. But what do we do?" Misha asks.

"We killed the guild master, I'm pretty sure, so let's try to take them prisoner. Their flags will expire in prison and they'll leave free." Cain suggests. The girls think a second then nod agreement.

"Let's do this."

"Red Bandana Guild, your raiding team is all dead. Surrender yourselves or face the same fate."

"Crap, they're over Level 40, we're screwed." someone calls and tries to flee. A Poisoned Arrow takes him down and the Lesser Golems are on him in seconds.

"Anyone else? Or are you coming peacefully?"

The merchants have cuffs that prevent equipping weapons or casting spells, and the remaining bandits are quickly secured.

"Did you have to be so brutal to them?" One asks, looking at the remains of the battle.

"They attacked us. But don't worry, it was quick." Mythryll informs them, still in her demonic form.

With the delays, and reluctant prisoners the Caravan barely makes the city before the gates lock for the night. In fact, they would have missed the closing, but the duty Sargeant saw the orange flagged crowd being guarded by Golems on the horizon and held the gates in curiosity.

"Are these the notorious Red Bandana Bandits?" he asks as the group gets close.

"What's left, we killed the others." Misha smiles at him.

"Well, well. Good job. I'll write you a quest completion and you can claim it in the morning." He waves everyone through and locks the gates behind them.

"You'll be wanting a good hotel for the night, right? Down to the city Square, then a block left.." He waves an abrupt goodbye and follows his men escorting the prisoners away.


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