Reincarnated With A Divine Bloodline System

Chapter 47: -47- Need more power

Chapter 47: -47- Need more power

The formation activated, and the entire hall darkened. Silas felt the air around him grow thick with malevolent qi. From within the formation, a vortex of darkness began to form, pulling everything toward it with terrifying force.

Silas gritted his teeth, feeling his body being dragged toward the abyss. He knew if he was pulled in, it would be over.

The pull of the [Infinite Abyss Formation] was overwhelming.

Silas felt the malevolent qi sucking him toward the vortex, his feet skidding on the ground as the force dragged at his body.

The air had grown dense, almost suffocating, and the vortex loomed ahead like a black hole, threatening to consume everything.

"I can't let this formation swallow me whole," Silas thought, gritting his teeth as he channeled the power of his Crumbling Sythe Domain.

The aura of crumbling intensified around him, creating an oppressive field that distorted the ground beneath his feet. With a surge of willpower, he summoned the power of his [Ten Scythes of Requiem], the black sickles once again glowing with deathly energy.

"Requiem Harvest!"

The sickles whirled in unison, forming a defensive ring around Silas. As the vortex's pull grew stronger, Silas commanded the sickles to strike.

"Whoosh!" They tore through the air, heading straight for the core of the formation, the death energy slicing through the dark qi that made up the abyss.

"Shing! Shing!"

The sickles slammed into the vortex, meeting resistance as the malevolent qi pushed back. Silas grunted with the effort, the force of the formation fighting against him. The sickles' death energy gnawed at the edges of the formation, but it wasn't enough to bring it down instantly.

"I need more power," Silas realized.

Without hesitation, he called upon his Crumbling Sythe Domain. The decaying force of his domain spread further, warping the qi of the formation as cracks appeared in the vortex. The pull lessened for a moment, and Silas seized the opportunity.


With a roar, Silas charged forward, scythe raised. His dao of cleaving surged into the blade, empowering it with destructive energy. He swung the weapon in a wide arc, aiming directly for the heart of the vortex.


The scythe collided with the vortex, and the combination of Silas's dao of cleaving and the death energy of the sickles was enough to destabilize the formation.

The vortex shuddered, and the malevolent qi rippled as the structure of the [Infinite Abyss Formation] began to unravel.


The vortex imploded, releasing a final burst of dark qi that dissipated into the air. Silas stumbled forward, free from the pull of the abyss, but the fight was far from over.

The golem was already on him.

Before Silas could fully recover, the golem appeared in front of him, spear thrusting toward his chest with brutal force.


Silas barely blocked the strike with his scythe, the impact sending shockwaves through his body.

The golem pressed its advantage, swinging the spear in a relentless flurry of attacks. Each strike was heavy, a perfect combination of its qi and body cultivation, pushing Silas to his limits.

"Shing! Bang! Shing!"

The sound of clashing weapons filled the hall as Silas fought to keep up.

The golem's strength was immense, and its spear strikes were precise, forcing Silas to defend with everything he had.

But Silas was no stranger to close combat.

He wove his scythe in tight arcs, parrying the golem's blows while directing his sickles to attack from different angles.

"Shing! Shing!"

Two sickles managed to graze the golem's side, drawing more blood, but the creature didn't falter. Its body cultivation allowed it to endure, healing itself even as the wounds appeared.

The golem swung its spear in a wide arc, aiming to catch Silas off-guard, but Silas ducked low, dodging the strike and retaliating with a powerful upward slash of his scythe.



The scythe connected with the golem's spear, shattering the weapon into two pieces. Silas pressed forward, his eyes gleaming with determination. The golem, now weaponless, let out a low growl and dropped the broken spear, raising its fists instead.

It charged at Silas with terrifying speed, throwing a punch that crackled with qi. Silas barely managed to block, his arms shaking from the impact. The golem's body strength was even more dangerous up close, and Silas knew he couldn't let this turn into a drawn-out brawl. He had to end it fast.


The golem swung again, but this time Silas parried the blow and immediately willed five of his sickles to strike from behind. The sickles shot forward, aiming for the golem's unguarded back.

"Shing! Shing!"

The sickles cut deep, but the golem ignored the pain. Silas quickly sent the other five crashing into the golem's chest, forcing it to back away.

Taking advantage of the brief opening, Silas activated his dao of crumbling at full force. The air around them grew heavy as the destructive energy of his domain spread outward, warping the very ground beneath the golem's feet. Cracks appeared on the floor as the decaying force attacked everything in its range.

The golem staggered, its movements slowing as the weight of Silas's dao bore down on it. But the creature wasn't done yet.

With a snarl, the golem slammed its fist into the ground, summoning a familiar set of translucent disks.

It was The Fourfold Suppression Formation again!

The disks formed around the golem, creating the same wide barrier of energy that had nearly trapped Silas earlier. The air shimmered with destructive qi as the golem attempted to suppress Silas's movements once again.

"Not this time."

Silas didn't waste any time. He knew how to break this formation now. He summoned his sickles and sent them crashing into the disks, the death energy slicing into the formation with deadly precision.

"Shing!" "Shing!"

The disks wavered under the assault, cracks forming along their surfaces. The golem tried to use the formation to hold Silas back, but the sickles' death energy was too potent. The barrier began to collapse as Silas pressed forward, his scythe glowing with the power of his dao of cleaving.

"Bang!" "Shing!"

With one final push, Silas shattered the formation, and the disks crumbled into dust. The golem roared in frustration, its body bleeding from multiple wounds, but it refused to go down. It charged at Silas, fists glowing with qi, ready to finish the fight in close combat.

Silas met the charge head-on, his scythe flashing through the air as he dodged and countered the golem's attacks. The two clashed violently, their movements a blur of speed and power.

"Bang! Bang! Shing!"

Silas ducked under a heavy punch, his scythe swinging upward and catching the golem in the side. The creature howled in pain, but its body cultivation allowed it to heal rapidly, its wounds closing almost as quickly as they appeared.

But Silas wasn't giving up. He channeled the power of his dao of rot, sending waves of decaying energy into his sickles. The black blades circled the golem, their deathly energy corroding its flesh and slowing its regeneration.

"Shing! Shing!"

The golem staggered, its movements growing sluggish as the rot took hold. Silas saw his chance and surged forward, his scythe glowing with both his daos of cleaving and crumbling.

"Fall!" Silas roared, bringing his scythe down in a devastating blow.


The scythe struck the golem's chest, cleaving through flesh and bone with brutal force. Blood sprayed into the air as the golem let out a final, guttural roar. Its body trembled, the power of Silas's daos overwhelming its defenses. The creature collapsed to the ground, its body crumbling away as the energy of decay and destruction consumed it.

Silas stood over the fallen golem, panting heavily, his scythe dripping with blood. The hall was silent once more, the oppressive weight of the battle lifting as the golem's body disintegrated into dust.

He had won, but just barely. His body ached from the numerous wounds, and his divine power was nearly spent. But he had survived.

The old man's voice echoed in the chamber once again, this time tinged with satisfaction. "Well fought, Silas. You've even slightly outperformed what I had guessed."


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