Reincarnated With A Divine Bloodline System

Chapter 22: -22- Wait! Wait! Wait!

Chapter 22: -22- Wait! Wait! Wait!

Silas continued to run full speed toward Kai, but just as he thought he might get away, he sensed movement behind him.

He quickly turned his head and saw an old man flying toward him at an extreme speed.

[Human - Qi Cultivation: Early Revolving Core - Body Cultivation: Late Transcendent]

"Dammit!" he yelled.

"Kai, hurry!" he sent.

He knew that at the speed the old man was flying, he would close the distance in a few seconds, and Silas was still about 10 minutes away from Kai.

Time went by, and soon the old man was flying beside Silas. The old man was confused as to why Silas was running in the direction he was, as his Armstrong clan was in the other direction.

"Stop!" he commanded.

"Why should I stop?!" Silas yelled, not even thinking about stopping for a moment.

"Because I am your elder, and I have commanded you to!" the old man said.

"You are clearly an elder of the Riverstone clan, not my Armstrong clan. So whose elder are you? You're not mine," Silas said.

"Hmph! I was going to be kind, but you leave me no choice," the Riverstone elder said as he stretched out his enlarged hand, attempting to capture Silas.

"Bang!" Silas quickly sent out an attack with his scythe.

"Hmph!!" the elder harrumphed as he quickly realized the strength of Silas's body cultivation was even slightly stronger than his own.

'All your secrets will be mine,' he thought as he pulled out his Spiritual grade(rank 3) sword.

"Whoosh!" The elder swung out his attack with his cosmic resonance-level comprehension.

"Bang!" This time Silas stopped for a moment and sent out an attack with his scythe that had his destruction path lesser dao of crumbling infused into the strike.

'What the hell?' the elder said, confused as to what had just happened. He had never fought against someone with a dao before, so he wasn't sure what the secret strength behind Silas's attack was.

'It looks like this boy has even more secrets he's hiding,' the elder thought. He now believed that Silas's weapon had to have something special about it. Could he have found a Heaven(rank 5) ranked sword? There were only three known owners of Heaven-ranked treasures in this inheritance realm, and they were each owned by extremely large and powerful clans that could easily destroy all of Moonvale Mountain with just one or two of their cultivators. Luckily, they were all extremely far away from Moonvale Mountain, and Moonvale Mountain had nothing of value that they could ever want.

The elder quickly sent out several more attacks.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

But no matter what he did or how hard he attacked, he could do nothing to Silas, who continued to run.

'If only the clan patriarch would give me more magic treasures,' the elder thought. Inside this inheritance realm, high-ranked magic treasures were rare, with them only being brought in by those few who stumbled upon this land from the outside world. So the only treasures that came in were those few weapons that happened to be on the cultivators who entered.

Knowing that he could do nothing to Silas with his strong body and Heaven-ranked weapon, the elder decided to lay down a formation. He quickly flew to the left, then wrapped around to where he suspected Silas would run, and began to set up a very large formation called the [Bewilderment Mist Formation] that he planned to trap Silas in and slowly wear him down until he was out of divine power.

It only took him a few moments to set up the formation, and not even 20 seconds later, Silas entered its range. The elder poured his Revolving Core Qi into the formation, activating it.

Silas had first been confused when the Riverstone elder suddenly left, but he put it out of his head. The safest thing he could do was meet up with Kai, so he continued to run forward.

But suddenly, there was a mist all around him that made him lose his way.

'How the hell do I get out of here?' he thought. But the longer he thought about it, the more forgetful he became. He could think normally in all things, but the second he thought of escaping, he would completely lose his train of thought and forget where he had been, so he could only endlessly wander around.

After calming down, he began to think clearly, 'This has to be a bewilderment formation, but as long as I can sense Kai, I can find my way out.'

He began to follow his connection with Kai, but before he could exit the formation, the Riverstone elder quickly came rushing toward him.

The elder was beyond surprised. When Silas first entered the formation, he had acted just as one would expect, but after a few moments, he seemed to figure out something and then made a beeline toward the direction he had been previously running.

'How the hell is he doing that?' the elder thought as he rushed forward to stop Silas and keep him trapped inside the formation. He thought that as long as he could fight Silas, Silas would be unable to find his way out.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Shing!—" "Bang!" "Bang!" "Shing!"

They continued to battle, but Silas was just able to hang in there. However, the elder's attacks were starting to leave lasting marks.

'What is this boy?' the elder thought, confused by three things.

The first was why Silas was able to consistently land attacks. Silas did have a Heaven-ranked weapon, but they should both be at the cosmic resonance comprehension level, and with him being much older he should have progressed farther down cosmic resonance.

The second was what was happening to his body. Could a Heaven-ranked weapon leave such serious and profound wounds? His late Transcendent body was even struggling to heal itself. But the elder could have never thought that Silas, a young man of 17, had already comprehended the dao that the elder had been searching for his entire life.

And the third thing was why Silas's body was so strong. He was constantly getting hit by the elder's Transcendent-ranked sword, but it was as if he was only getting hit by a rank 2 sword.

"Boss, I'm here, but what is this mist?" Kai quickly sent to Silas.

"Don't worry about the mist. Just come to my side, and when I tell you to, use your innate talent as many times as you can against the enemy," Silas said.

Kai didn't need to be told twice. He had previously been told not to use his innate talent and divine ability whenever he wanted, but now that Silas was telling him to use it, he knew there had to be a good reason for it.

Kai soon made it to Silas's side and began to attack the elder.

"You've been fighting against a rank 3 Disciple?" Kai asked, confused, worried, surprised, and happy.

He didn't know why his second brother was fighting someone so strong, he was worried that they wouldn't be able to make it out of here, he was surprised that Silas had made it this far on his own, and he was happy that his brother was seemingly strong enough to hold his own.

"Bang!" "Shing!—" "Shing!" "Shing!" "Bang!" "Shing!—"

The three went back and forth, with Silas and Kai both managing to get hits in occasionally.

"Do it now!" Silas sent to Kai after he got a good hit in.

Silas quickly opened his eye and instantly used his innate talent. His eye bulged, and the elder screamed in pain.

At the same time Silas was using his ability, Kai's eyes darkened, and ghostly tendrils of energy began to swirl around his body. These tendrils were able to directly attack the enemy's soul, regardless of distance, wrapping around the soul and slowly tearing it apart piece by piece.

"Ahhhhhhh!!!!" the elder yelled out in pain as more than half his soul was either destroyed or devoured.

"Attack!" Silas sent to Kai, and after Kai sent out his second attack with his divine ability, he dashed forward and dug his claws into the Riverstone elder, using his claw path lesser dao of grasping to tear chunks out of the elder, while he used the path of darkness lesser dao of darkness to seep into the elder's body and slowly destroy it from within.

"Ahhhhh!" the elder continued to howl in pain, but that didn't stop him from defending himself.

"Bang!" "Shing!" "Shing!" "Bang!" "Shing!" "Shing!"

But while he could defend himself, it wasn't nearly good enough.

Soon, the elder was forced to bring out his last resort, a defensive talisman. He poured his qi into it, and his body suddenly surged with energy.

"Bang!" "Shing!" "Bang!" "Shing!" "Shing!" "Bang!"

But even with the talisman, Silas and Kai continued their onslaught, and soon the talisman was running out of energy.

'Dammit!' the elder yelled. He still couldn't comprehend what had happened. What were these two monsters? Where had they each gained such godly divine abilities in this small inheritance realm?

Before long, Silas managed to cut off his head, and as it fell to the ground, Kai dashed forward and grasped his head.

"What should we do with him?" Kai asked as he held onto the head. As a Transcendent stage body cultivator, the elder wouldn't die until his head was destroyed.

"Kill him. He knows too many of our secrets," Silas said. The elder had not only seen his breakthrough to Transcendent and knew something about it was special, but he had also seen both of their innate talents. He had to die.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! Let's talk this..."

"Crunch!" Kai didn't have to be told twice. He easily crushed the elder's head, killing the Riverstone elder once and for all.

As Silas instantly sat down in a lotus position, Kai grabbed the elder's spatial ring and began to go through it.



[A/n: I changed some of the ranks it now goes:

1. Mortal

2. Transcendent

3. Revolving Core

4. Golden Core]


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