Reincarnated Swordmaster

Chapter 63: Formatting

Chapter 63: Formatting

I entered the village first to figure out what was going on. As I headed towards the square, I carefully observed to see if there was any suspicious activity. Even after wandering around the village for about two hours, I found nothing unusual.


It was too peaceful.

Feeling confused, I sat down in an inn to ponder. This village was supposed to be the ‘first location’ where the Embroidered Uniform Guards conspired with a sorcerer to conduct a human sacrifice ritual. So, I naturally thought that by now, three years later, it would have been burnt down. But there was no sign of any such event!

‘There must be a reason. Something must have changed.’

I am aware of the laws of reincarnation. If there are no variables, an event that occurred once will surely occur again. If there has been a change, it must be for some reason. I racked my brain, trying to remember any changes I might have made this time.

‘I found a treasure that seemed to be the Secret Treasure of the Seven Luminaries at Mount Huang, and I entrusted it to Mang-ryang.’

That was the biggest change. Other than that, I couldn’t think of anything. Acquiring the Heavenly Secret Manuscript and consuming the Thousand-Year Snow Ginseng were usual affairs for me, so they couldn’t be considered changes.

However, I couldn’t make sense of it. All I had done was to find an ancient treasure after getting past the interference of a spider, but how could that possibly prevent the human sacrifice plan of the Embroidered Uniform Guards? The lack of correlation between the two events left me bewildered.

After pondering for a moment, I stood up from my seat. Given the situation, the only option was to find out for myself.

“I have to go and see.”

I headed towards the largest mansion in the village. It was the biggest and most prosperous place in the village, with a secret passage from the well leading up to the kitchen. In my previous life, when it was attacked by the Embroidered Uniform Guards, every member of this unfortunate family, adults and children alike, was completely annihilated.

There were four guards standing in front of the mansion. Glancing at them, I thought to myself.

‘Should I force my way in, or take it slow…?’

There was a specific reason I wanted to enter this mansion. It was because the most affluent and powerful family in the village would undoubtedly have exclusive access to the biggest secrets and information. They would know best what had happened in the village over the past three years and what the current trends were.

After a moment of deliberation, I approached the guards head-on. As they saw me, they raised their spears in warning.

“Stop right there! Who are you?”

“I came to seek a position as a guard.”

“You little rascal, do you know that this is the land of the Hwa family?”

I nodded in response.

“Yes, I came here knowing that this is the home of the Hwa family, the wealthiest in Taekyeong Village of Jeongju County.”

The name of this tragic village is Taekyeong Village. I hadn’t used the name much before, but as I began to objectify it, I found myself using it. Moreover, the owner of this mansion is from the Hwa family, the wealthiest landowner in the region, known to have amassed a fortune through mineral industries and various businesses.

At this, a guard from the Hwa family’s household furrowed his brows and said,

“Do you think this household hires just anybody who comes asking for a job? There’s no place here for a young fellow like you!”

“It doesn’t seem like it’s your authority to make that decision…”

“This insolent…!!”

Just as the guard was about to lash out in anger,

“What is all this commotion?”

“Ah, Miss.”

From inside the mansion, a young woman of stunning beauty emerged. She was dressed in fine silk, exuding an air of elegance, clearly indicating her affiliation with the Hwa family. She appeared to be in her early twenties. The guard stuttered in response,

“This vagabond here suddenly asked to be hired as a guard…”


She looked at me with curious eyes. She wasn’t a peerless beauty like Sagon Rin or Moyong Yeon I had seen before, but she was definitely the kind of beauty who would make people turn around for a second glance on the street. Not only that, she had a feline grace and an intriguing aura about her, likely making her the most beautiful woman in Taekyeong Village.

She asked me,

“Are you a martial artist? You seem confident in your martial skills.”

I made up an excuse.

“Yes. In fact, while traveling, I ran out of money, so I came here seeking a way to make a living, even if as a guard.”

“I’m sorry, but we can’t casually employ a wanderer as a guard for our family without verifying their identity. It’s not about skills, but a matter of trust. My apologies to you.”

The lady politely and gracefully seemed to be dismissing me. Her reasoning was so fitting that it was embarrassing to even respond. Besides, considering her apparent high position within the Hwa family, I hesitated but then said,

“In truth, I visited this village once three years ago, and it was a very peaceful and pleasant place. I thought it would be nice to stay in such a place while on my martial journey, so I returned, but it seems it wasn’t meant to be. I apologize if I have been rude.”

I decided to bow and step back. If it was greedy to directly obtain high-level information from the Hwa family, the only option left was to inquire around the village. As I was about to leave,

“Wait a moment. Are you really confident in your skills?”

“……? Yes.”

The lady who called me back smiled softly and then said,

“If that’s the case, would you be willing to subdue the Four Evils of the Blue Demon Gang that are rampaging around Taekyeong Village? If you can deal with them, we will employ you as a guard of our family.”

The head guard next to her was visibly shocked.

“Miss! Those are brutal villains that even the authorities have given up on, how could you…”

“That’s exactly why. It’s a way to test both his chivalrous spirit and skills at the same time.”

“Um… If that is Miss’s wish…”

I realized that a new request had come in. It meant that if I could subdue the four villains from the evil faction rampaging nearby, the Hwa family would accept me as a guard. Since I needed to test the results of my training, I nodded in agreement.

“Very well. May I know your name?”

“It’s impolite to ask a lady’s name first. Please introduce yourself first.”

Her crisp response suggested a strong personality. I smiled slightly and answered,

“My name is Baek-woong.”

“My name is Hwa Ryeon. I’ll be waiting for your visit later.”

With that, Hwa Ryeon left and went back inside the mansion. A while after she had gone, the head guard grimaced and said,

“Hey, you said your name was Baek-woong, right? You sound like a novice who’s only trained a few years at a martial arts school. Just give up.”

“What do you mean?”

“The Four Evils of the Blue Demon are the heads who split off from the Blood Demon Sect of the Eight Gates of Demonic Paths. They’ve gathered bandits and built a large stronghold, robbing passersby. Their power is so great that even the authorities are troubled by them. It’s impossible for you to subdue them alone, so give up.”

The Blood Demon Sect of the Eight Gates of Demonic Paths!

Unlike the Black Night Sect, which primarily focuses on assassination, they were a martial faction known for using unique techniques involving blood energy. The Four Evils of the Blue Demon likely were experts from the Blood Demon Sect. Moreover, if they were able to gather a large number of bandits, their martial arts would certainly surpass the level of a mere mercenary.

Pretending to casually listen to him, I asked,

“Have you been employed by the Hwa family for a long time?”

“Huh? Why should I tell you that?”

The head guard spoke curtly, seemingly annoyed by my question.

“Yes. Me and my colleagues have been working here for five years. What’s it to you?”

“Has there been any unusual incident in Taekyeong Village or with the Hwa family during this time?”

“What a joke. If there had been any unusual incidents, would we be able to stand guard like this? Stop talking nonsense and get lost, kid!”

“Alright then.”

With that, I turned around and left the front of the Hwa family’s estate.

For the next two hours, I wandered around Taekyeong Village, asking various people for confirmation. And I was able to ascertain one fact.

‘Truly, nothing has happened here in three years.’

If not for the memories of my past life, Taekyeong Village seemed to be an utterly ordinary village at present. It wasn’t a place where fanatics ran amok or where a bloodbath of human sacrifices occurred. In other words, not only had the sorcerer not appeared, but the Embroidered Uniform Guards hadn’t even lurked around or scouted the area. It seemed reasonable to assume they never approached in the first place.

So, what should I do now?

After pondering for a while, I murmured to myself,

“Maybe I should visit Taoist Hyuncheon first.”

When I arrived at Taejong Hall, it was getting dark. Standing in front of Taejong Hall with the dimming sunset behind me, the disciples of Taejong Hall noticed me and looked on guard. I greeted them with a formal bow and said,

“My name is Baek-woong, from the Azure Dragon Martial Hall in Guanzhong. I’ve come from afar to inquire something from your master.”

“From Guanzhong? You came all the way here?”


“The master is currently meditating, so please wait for half an hour.”

Following the guidance of Taejong Hall’s disciples, I sat in the reception room and quietly waited. It wasn’t half an hour but rather an hour later when Taoist Hyuncheon appeared. He maintained the transcendent aura and vibrant complexion typical of an ascetic.

“Welcome. I am Hyuncheon.”

Surprised upon sensing my energy, Taoist Hyuncheon exclaimed his Taoist name.

“… Amitabha Buddha… Such a rare talent in the world. Could it be that you’ve achieved the elixir of immortality?”

“No, that’s not the case. It was just a little enlightenment.”

“Haha, today I feel as though I’ve opened my eyes anew by meeting Baek-woong.”


As Taoist Hyuncheon was pouring warm tea into cups, I asked him,

“In the past three years, have you sensed any evil energy around here or noticed any suspicious groups wandering about?”

“Hmm… I don’t know your intention in asking, but at least to my recollection, there’s been none. It’s been quite some time since I left the Wudang sect, but this place has been endlessly peaceful. It’s an excellent location for cultivating and communing with nature.”

Taejong Hall, under Taoist Hyuncheon’s care, was known for suppressing the activities of bandits and night raiders in the vicinity, and he himself was not one to tolerate the presence of evil factions. If Taoist Hyuncheon says so, it means that Taekyeong Village has indeed existed without any disturbances.

“I’ve heard rumors about a group called the Four Evils of the Blue Demon in the area…”

“Not nearby. If you go 50 li further, there’s a large valley where they are said to be establishing their power.”

“Aren’t you going to subdue them?”

Taoist Hyuncheon shook his head.

“While I am eager to eliminate them, all my actions are associated with the honor of the Wudang sect. If I were to fail, I couldn’t bear the possibility of those evildoers retaliating against the villagers or the disciples of Taejong Hall.”

“I see.”

“Haha… It seems I’ve only shared embarrassing stories…”

Taoist Hyuncheon chuckled bitterly while sipping his tea. After a moment of thought, I asked,

“By any chance, have you heard of something called the Secret Treasure of the Seven Luminaries?”

“Of course, I know of it. It’s a legend of Taoism, not inferior to the tale of the Eight Immortals.”

“A legend of Taoism?”

“Hahaha. But such a thing couldn’t possibly exist in reality, right? It would be more believable to trust that Donghae’s Xu Fu actually found the elixir of life.”

Taoist Hyuncheon laughed heartily, showing no sign of taking the Secret Treasure of the Seven Luminaries seriously. This was in stark contrast to the attitude of sorcerer Mang-ryang and others who treated the Secret Treasure as a real entity. Perhaps, unlike sorcerers who directly handle left-hand path magics, the right-path Taoists like him were more focused on internal cultivation and self-improvement.

“A sorcerer I know said that even a novice in sorcery could gain power if they obtained the Secret Treasure of the Seven Luminaries. Is that true?”

“Ah… it’s just a legend. Hmm…”

Taoist Hyuncheon seemed a bit flustered but then composed himself to give a thoughtful answer.

“The Seven Luminaries represent the fundamental forces of nature from Monday to Sunday. The Secret Treasure of the Seven Luminaries, embodying the powers of the moon, fire, water, wood, metal, earth, and sun, would indeed possess immense power. However, despite the legend of the Seven Luminaries being passed down since ancient times, no one has ever seriously believed in or sought them.”

“Why is that?”

“Because it’s too far-fetched. Particularly, the Treasure of Fire is said to contain the power of the Flame Emperor Shennong and can supposedly be found at the southernmost end of the world. Who would seriously believe and seek such a thing?”

“Shennong, you say?”

“That’s right.”

Taoist Hyuncheon chuckled bitterly, as if the idea was preposterous.

“The legend of the Secret Treasure of the Seven Luminaries also includes oral traditions that it contains the power of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors. It’s virtually mythological, to the extent that even Sima Qian, who wrote the ‘Records of the Grand Historian’, dismissed it as mere folklore. It’s not good to take it too seriously.”


But at that moment, I felt a chill run down my spine.

‘The power of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors…’

While others might not know, I couldn’t help but believe in it. That’s because Mang-ryang, a transcendent-level sorcerer and semi-divine being, affirmed the existence of the Secret Treasure of the Seven Luminaries, and I had successfully acquired a treasure that seemed to be one of them. If it were true that the power of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors resided within the Secret Treasure of the Seven Luminaries, then that changed everything.

I need to search more actively for the Secret Treasure of the Seven Luminaries!

With that thought, I spoke to Taoist Hyuncheon.

“Taoist Hyuncheon, could you please grant me one last request?”

“What is it?”

“I intend to subdue the Four Evils of the Blue Demon, and I ask for your assistance.”


“Alone, it would be difficult, but together we can certainly defeat those evildoers.”

Taoist Hyuncheon clasped my hand in his, visibly elated.

“Haha, of course! Together with you, we will have no problem dealing with such villains.”

His reluctance to act against the Four Evils of the Blue Demon stemmed from the difficulty of facing first-rate experts who had gathered dozens of bandits and were entrenched in their stronghold. As a human, there are limits to what one can do alone. But he believed that with my exceptional internal strength, we could easily subdue the Four Evils of the Blue Demon.

“Let’s leave immediately.”

“Good! Let’s uphold the justice of the martial world.”

No sooner had our conversation ended than Taoist Hyuncheon and I gathered our gear and set off for Heavenly Demon Mountain, where the Four Evils were based. Although it was about 50 li away, we arrived in less than half an hour using our superior lightness skills.


The day had turned completely dark. Atop the mountain, we could see a well-constructed stronghold, and the light of torches flickered here and there. Judging by the number of torches, there were at least a hundred bandits on the outskirts alone.

“There are a lot of bandits indeed. If this is just the number on the outskirts, there must be twice as many inside.”

“There could be hundreds. There’s a reason why the government troops are wary of them.”

“But once we deal with the Four Evils of the Blue Demon, the rest won’t be difficult.”

“Uhm, I’ll trust in you.”

“Then let’s go.”


Taoist Hyuncheon and I swiftly dashed towards the Heavenly Demon’s stronghold. The bandits, taken aback by our sudden and rapid approach, let out cries of alarm.

“Intruders are…”

However, before they could sound the alarm, my sword had already sliced through their throats. Taoist Hyuncheon, using the supreme techniques of the Wudang sect, neutralized the bandits before they could even react. It took less than ten seconds to break through the stronghold and leap inside.

‘That way.’

As soon as I entered, I sensed a strong energy. With four individuals, it wasn’t hard to deduce that they were the Four Evils of the Blue Demon. Leading the way with my Thunder Sword Technique, I cut down the bandits as Taoist Hyuncheon followed, clearing the path behind me.


Four rugged-looking men, presumably the Four Evils of the Blue Demon, looked at me with panic in their eyes. Each appeared to be a first-rate master, already aware of the disturbance outside, each holding their weapons at the ready. One of them, with a gaunt face, glared and shouted.

“What is the meaning of this, you scoundrels?”


I noticed that they were half-naked, holding only their weapons, and the hall reeked of a disgusting odor. Behind the Four Evils, nude women were visible, having been abused and violated in the most heinous manner. They were likely local women or travelers who had been captured to satisfy the bandits’ lust.


Taoist Hyuncheon, who landed beside me, wore a look of disgust.

“Despicable beasts!”

“Taoist Hyuncheon, I will take care of these two. Please handle the rest.”

“Of course.”


My sword crackled with celestial thunder, and Taoist Hyuncheon’s sword surged with energy. Realizing we were peak-level experts, the faces of the Four Evils turned ashen.


For them, even combining their strength, it was barely enough to face one of us, let alone two. One of them, in a tone of desperation, cried out.

“Where have you come from?! We’ll give you all the gold we’ve gathered, please just spare us this once.”

“I hail from the Underworld, so just quietly surrender your necks.”


Taunting the Four Evils of the Blue Demon, I unleashed the Thunder Shadow Step secret technique and surged towards them. Strangely, as I swung my sword to strike their upper bodies, they seemed unable to react.


My sword path flowed smoothly, and I decapitated one of the Evils, blood spurting out. I realized that my speed had become incomparably faster than before.

Taoist Hyuncheon was equally formidable. He charged at the one wielding a mace, and with just two or three movements of his sword, the bandit’s wrist was severed. Before anyone could react, a massacre unfolded, and within twenty seconds, all the Four Evils of the Blue Demon lay dead.

Wiping the blood off his sword onto the ground, Taoist Hyuncheon said with admiration,

“Baek-woong, your skills are indeed extraordinary. Truly a blessing for the martial world.”

“It’s nothing… But now the underlings will probably come looking for us.”

“What should we do?”

After a moment of thought, I picked up the head of one of the Four Evils from the bloody scene and suggested,

“With the loss of their leaders, these bandits might lash out and plunder the local villages in disarray. We need to handle this thoroughly.”

“Hmm… if that is so…”

“If it troubles you to breach the prohibition against killing, please take the women and leave. I can handle this alone.”

Taoist Hyuncheon sighed deeply.

“How can I impose all the burden on a young hero like you? I have resolved myself for today, so let’s see this through together.”

“Alright. Let’s begin.”

I dashed towards where the bandits were gathered and flung the head of the Blue Demon’s leader into their midst. The bandits, already on edge, were horrified to see a head flying in unexpectedly and turned pale upon realizing it was their leader’s.


I let out a mighty roar.

“The Four Evils of the Blue Demon are dead! Fighting is pointless for you now!”


“Run for it!”

The bandits hesitated for a moment before retreating, scattering like the tide. While some of the stronger-looking ones tried to rally them, it was too late. Without any loyalty to die for the Four Evils of the Blue Demon, their organization easily crumbled with such simple acts.

Then, I pursued the fleeing bandits, unleashing the Thunder God’s Wrath, slashing them wildly.



With each swing of my sword, the bandits’ limbs were severed, and heads flew. I created a path paved with blood, slaughtering nearly a hundred people in less than half a mealtime. Amidst it all, barely any blood stained me as I silently continued the massacre. I started to relish and take interest in cutting down humans.

‘Just an excuse, really.’

I had no real intention of joining the Hwa family as a guard, nor did I feel compelled to topple the Four Evils of the Blue Demon for the sake of martial justice. It was simply a chance to practice before confronting the Black Night Sect, using bandits – who no one would complain about if killed – as a real battle training opportunity. Unbeknownst to Taoist Hyuncheon fighting beside me, this was my true intent.


By the time I had slain about a hundred and fifty, hardly any bandits remained. Wiping the blood-stained back of my hand on my robe, I murmured,

“Fun. Good practice for the Thunder God’s Wrath.”

Though decimating the stronghold wasn’t something to boast about, it had been good practice before facing the Black Night Sect. As I finished cleaning my hands, Taoist Hyuncheon approached and spoke,

“Baek-woong, I will take the women to a safe place.”

“Thank you.”

Feeling the bandit subjugation was over, I sat down wearily amidst the sea of blood, severed limbs, and corpses. My eyes were cold and detached. I sensed something broken inside me, yet felt indifferent.

‘I won’t go to Mang-ryang yet. I haven’t become strong as I promised.’

My eyes sparkled with determination.

‘I’ll use this momentum to challenge the Black Night Sect directly.’

If I win against the Black Night Sect, wouldn’t that mean I’ve become strong enough to not feel ashamed? Smiling at the thought, I felt strangely thrilled.

My hands were itching.

Amidst the trembling sensation in my hands, I felt a subtle pleasure but slowly denied it.

Admitting it felt like it would change something – and I wasn’t ready for that.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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