Reincarnated Lord’s Unwanted S*xual Technique

Chapter 73

Chapter 73

"What? Lady Charlotte is pregnant?"

In my mansion. Randolph's room.

In the evening of last night - or, rather, today, as the sun was rising - after I had impregnated my beloved wife and then doubled down in the afternoon by impregnating the maid who had served as my wife's servant since she was a little girl. (once again, that sounded wrong to say...) I am in Grandpa's study room, who is my head butler and my father's watchdog and supervisor.

It would be more logical to summon him, but at the moment I have two unconscious beauties in my office.......Charlotte and I took the now-pregnant Katherine to the bath, returned to the office, and then start another round there--.

--But after all that, I'm not even close to being sore.

I calmed down Charlotte-chan, who said she still wanted to do more, really!? This girl... Is there anything that I can do to stop that sex demon? --Gu~hehe. Well, We'll have plenty more later, okay? Then I visited Grandpa's room after using【clean】.

The space was smaller than my office, but it was quite formal with a respectable office desk. When I walked in, he rose up and greeted me with his romance gray hair, bushy brows, mustache, and wrinkled face of a friendly and gentle-looking old man, dressed in a tailcoat butler's outfit. He is a quasi-nobleman with a knighthood, --In addition, and his body language is calm and collected. He said that despite being a quasi-aristocrat with a knighthood, he had not taken any etiquette class. If you have refined your own movement to perfection, things like manner will naturally appear to be respectable on their own.

--Well, shall I teach Desmond-sama?

I almost faint when I recall the commencement of the Spartan teaching that he had dubbed etiquette training.

--Hah hah!

Now is not the time for that.

Although I'm calling him grandfather, I am not related to him by blood, of course. If only I possessed the blood of the legendary "Gray Hound" I might not be such a chicken-shit like this. However, he had looked after me since I was a small child - you might say he is truly my grandfather. Randolph, too, treats me like a small kid, despite the fact that I'm already a baron.

Nevertheless, he can do wherever he wants - after all, my father is his master - so there is nothing I can do to stop him. No, even if he wasn't with my father, I still wouldn't be able to.

The old man offers me a seat and takes another one that faces me.

I decided to cut to the chase.

Gray eyes with looks that could be described as puzzlement were staring at me.

It was rare to see a look of surprise on a grandfather's face.

Although I did not sense any accomplishment on my part at all...

"Ku ku ku, well, well......."

Hey, why are you giving me that look?

Where are the usual.

--Ho ho.



why he's acting like this...

--uh..... "And...Katherine is pregnant too."


Then Grandpa straightened his back as if he suddenly realized what he was doing—and I instinctively straightened mine as well. I am well-trained, after all.

"First of all, congratulations Desmond-sama. I congratulate you and Charlotte's child. I, Randolph, am so happy for both of you from the bottom of my heart. Ku ku."

Hey! That's not ho-ho!

I couldn't take that blessing if you laughed at me in such a disturbing way!

"Also about Lady Katherine too. Congratulations."

Randolph shook his fist lightly.

The way he did it was very cool.


He put his hands on his knees.

"I assume that's what you want to discuss with me."

"Oh, it's very helpful that you get it so quickly."


He may or may not have been aware of my conflicting emotions.

"No matter." he said softly, "Desmond-sama has also been quite fast to act, which helps alot. But—"

I was straining to maintain my cool in the face of this new look he was giving me.

His hound's fangs are discreetly hidden. Of course, it's terrifying when his teeth are bared. When he finds his prey, such as when hunting magical beasts, he raises the corners of his lips and makes a terrifying face. But thats only if the opponent is strong.

I'm not his prey, but simply being in his presence makes me feel a bit chilled.

It's more like this man is contemplating how to slay his victim. Instead of savoring the clash of might, his mind is focused on killing his opponent with certainty.

"Desmond-sama, please allow me to send a letter to your father. Charlotte-sama will do the same for Earl Terraces --There is no need for you to get involved in these miscellaneous affairs."

Oh! How Helpful.

As expected of <Gray Hound>!

"I apologize for being impolite, but..."

Don't worry, you don't want me to do any chores, do you? Besides, I can only blame myself for being impolite to Grandpa.

"I'm sure Desmond-sama is aware of the political factors that led to his confinement to this remote territory, hoping that his unorthodox ideas wouldn't be acquired by enemy forces. Furthermore, Charlotte-sama is also married to Desmond-sama. To end this territory lifeline in one generation.


--Yes, I'm well aware of that, but...

Isn't it a kind of sign?

"Ku ku, or so they thought."

Look. That ain't Ho-ho.......

"Additionally, she is the daughter of the old and venerable Terrace family, whom the Damwead family would not even imagine being able to marry. And since the eldest daughter has run away, She's now formally Earl Terrace's first daughter, so to speak. thus, she was first married to the heir of Marquess Swift.....but you have done it, Desmond-sama."


"Desmond-sama now has an heir, although we don't know whether it will be a boy or a girl. And with Terrace blood as the maternal lineage from Charlotte... ku ku..... Who would have thought that Damwead with its short history could have come this far...... Oh, I apologize. I'd appreciate it if you could keep this from your father -- Ho-ho"

What's with that ho-ho! There's no point fixing it now!

Speaking of my dad. My father seems to be treating this old man with a lot of respect. --So the name <Gray Hound> is not for a show....... a fight against the empire, single-handedly liberated a city...... a duel with an enemy general that lasted seven days and seven nights........ With that in mind, I drop the matter quietly.

I decided it was better not to think any more than that, - um um.

Now his blood seems to be boiling. My "chicken sense" is beginning to set off alarms. He is about to cause some havoc......

Which is not funny at all!

"This - it's going to be rough. Ho-ho"

I beg you, don't sound so cheerful.

Furthermore, his "ho-ho" sounds as though he is warning himself against his own deviant mind.

"Rest assured, because I am with Desmond-sama."

Oh ho?

"No, not just me. There's Katherine, the people of Moire Village, and, of course, Lady Charlotte — perhaps everyone in this territory?...... ku ku."

Before I can respond, Grandpa is on his feet.

His back straight, I couldn't help but appreciate his calm demeanor. I know I'm meant to be the lord here, but this makes Randolph appear to be the lord or perhaps a man of higher standing.

He walked towards his office desk, yet there was no sound of was as if he was not there at all........ Then grab something like a stern-looking sword.......

Pu-ah! Sword!?

Kill? Am I going to get killed!? Perhaps silenced me before things get worse.

No, he would never do such a thing. There is no way that killing me would end the conflict among the nobles caused by me impregnating Charlotte. that, and this old man would is so happy that he would raise his hands in the air earlier.

Even though I was scared of the approaching fight, I kept my hands from trembling.

"Stop this at once!"

It seems that I will be cut down right here.

"--Hmm. You have grown up, Desmond-sama."


"Then please stand up."


I get up, despite the fact that I have no idea what's going on. Randolph then takes his sword and pulls it out. Alright! I've got to stand my ground!

Then he held out the hilt to me respectfully.

--? do you want me to take this?

I grabbed the hilt.

It's quite heavy.

--But why?

Then, to my surprise, he kneeled down!

--Ah, this is something like entrusting the sword...

Crap! This is bad! But since I already received it, I can't return it!

Randolph raised his gray, clear eyes to me. On another note, it's quite weird to have an old man look at me with an upturned eye, but this is not the time to be joking around.

This---what a heavy atmosphere.........

-- Gulp.

"Desmond-sama, you've done many extraordinary things throughout your life... You have been since the first time we met."

My blue eyes met with his gray ones.

"I have had my eye on you since then. That is why this old man decided to serve your father. There was a time when I wanted you to be a brave man, but I gave that up soon after."


"But you are a man who cannot be measured by my scale. It would be the utmost folly on my part to try to fit you to my ideal."

"--No, I'm glad Randolph trained me."

After all, I'd never faced death as much as during Grandpa's training sessions!

But you can't cure chicken heart, sorry.

Randolph then slightly narrowed his eyes. "Ho-ho, Thank you for your kind words. If I may, I would have preferred to see you improve your magic skills a bit more."


I wonder why, it's kind of embarrassing...

"Alright then -- young master."

I haven't heard the word "young master" in a long time. I'm 28 now, but to Grandpa, I'm still a little boy who has no idea what he's doing.

"From now on, I, Randolph Steiner, would like to request to step down as the young master's retainer. I wish to serve you, Baron Desmond Damwead, and not your father. If Desmond-sama isn't adept at fighting then, I will be Desmond-sama's sword, be the fangs to slay your foes. If any other house becomes your adversary and causes the sparks of fire to befall on you, I will not spare them, not even the former "Lord" "


The gray eyes that stared at me were not those of an ordinary good-natured old man or hound, but a noble "knight".

"Are you ready to accept this sword? And if you can't, please cut me down right now - or, more precisely, If Desmond-sama can't cut me down, you will never be able to disperse the fire that will fall on this territory without me.

I'm mearly a knight, even if I pretend to be not. I can't stand still now that the sword has been handed. If Desmond-sama can defeat me, this old man will leave this place in peace."

ugh... this.....

"How cunning, Randolph." There's no way I could say no to him, but. "Is this what you call a "knight"? acting on your own without father's permission--"

"That's not a problem." he said without pause.

"After all, even though I am your father's humble retainer, I am merely his "guest." I'm neither a vassal or a knight to whom he entrusted his sword. The only reason I acted as a retainer was because I was interested in Desmond-sama. And now I do not wish to just watch you, but to be your sword."

"...... Fair enough." I nodded, "However, I shall simply wield the sword, not use it. It is my intention to protect the domain, my people, and those I care about. So don't do anything overboard."

"I understand."

And so Randolph hung his head. Reverently, like the knight in the storybook.

I took his sword and tapped him on the shoulder.

I returned the sword to him as he stood up.

--I am embarrassed.

but his help is more than welcome.

"Then I shall write you a letter. And also, if I may ask--"

"Then speak."

Even though I have the barony title, I am still dependent on him.

"Do have something more to say?"

His manner was no different.

I'm sure his attitude will not change even if I am truly his master. And that makes me happy.

--But, what do you want? Grandpa......

"Ku ku, the sleeping dragon finally wakes up. How about we accept the flames wholeheartedly and go for Aldora's frontier? With a land of such abundance and fertility, the subjects I've trained with my own hands, the magic tools of Desmond-sama's own invention, and the......【D Children】 that are still being developed. Oh, I don't mean to send them off to war. But even if they don't go to the front line, they can still use the magic power with magic equipment to......"

No waaaaiiiit!!

Oh no! This sword!!'s a cursed sword that goes against its owner's will once it's unsheathed!

Also, "D" is my "D", not a dragon's "D"!

It's the "D" from THE Chicken Heart Desmond!

The world may approve of that name, but Lord 'D'esmond. do not!

Also, Grandpa, what are those subjects that you trained by yourself?...... I never know of that.......

—Hey? When he put it that way, this land is so wealthy, yet it's not even being tampered with by factions, right? And, in particular, the magic tools and equipment......

"Until now, all intruders have been kept out by my 【gray hound】title, but it may be a better alternative to spread the word on purpose. If it were known that this remote and barren land is so rich and possesses such mysterious equipment, and if they were known that Lady Charlotte, Lord Terrace's daughter, is pregnant, the other lords might give a second thought about acquiring information about us.

And above all, about Marquise Swift's face. Lady Charlotte has been brought back from his house due to her inability to conceive - the child itself seems to be born but.....Ku-ku-- interesting!"

No! Stop! No more!

I was very, very grateful that counter-intelligence and information management were being done without my knowledge, but I was reminded yet again that this territory was in a perilous situation.

That balance was about to be broken by me impregnating Charlotte.

I was tempted to simply shove the sword away, but I knew that if I refunded it, I'd be in big trouble, so I handed it over to Randolph.

It's like a new kind of scam.

What's going to happen to me?

But I will protect this territory, the people, and Charlotte. Katherine, Monica, Sophie, Emily, Liz, etc.......

Huh? But I'm just a horny bastard, aren't I? Well, let's not think about it. (or at least, that is my best attempt to escape reality)

As a lord, I shall defend this land and its people.

That much is certain.

I can't help but feel that something more than my determination to become a dad came falling on me at once, yet I know where I stand.


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