Reincarnated Lord’s Unwanted S*xual Technique

Chapter 56

Chapter 56

"Thank you very much, Desmond-sama. You not only helped us with the device, but you also treated Monica and even seeded her. Here, Monica, you should thank him properly."

Two nights passed since my visit to the Moiré village.

I was being escorted off by the villagers before my return to Aldora where my beloved wife Charlotte was waiting for me.

The sky was blue and clear, and because of clear weather, the fences that bandits had broken yesterday were quickly restored to their original state.

The bandits had shrunk like a deflated balloon. I heard that Katherine, after recovering from her gaping anus, had put the 【seal】 handcuffs on them just in case and charged it with magic power. The same went for the mage. Later that evening I also went to recharged it.

--However, he shouted and whined that he was some sort of high-born nobility. He seemed to know my name but I don't know him at all! sorry!...... but if he is really a noble, then his house might cause problem to us later on....... what should I do.......


Had she not been here for the visit, the process probably would have been a lot more time-consuming.


Liz Bergamot, Parliamentary Officer. Twenty-four years old.

She is an over-qualified official who takes care of all the internal affairs of my territory, reducing my job to a mere signer. Before I knew it, she had come to visit Moiré village.

I was shocked when I wake up and her face was right in front of me.

--She is a beautiful woman.

She kept her silver lock tied and hanging down on both sides, the length of it was just past her chin. She has a beautiful face but has a stern aspect to it. Provided that she has steely eyes, with a monocle on her right eye and now are glaring down at me

"Haaa......." a long gasp escaped my lips, and I knew that a bit of my soul must have escaped along with it. Perhaps I was waking up in the middle of a nightmare. Or, if this was real, a nightmare would be much better, my chicken heart would stop beating again at the sight of her face.

As I held back that reaction. I got up in the late afternoon. And as soon as I did.

"Ok[1], You're up. The official duties do not include falling ill. Should you wish to, you must first notify me in writing. After strict screening and scheduling, I will ensure that you get proper rest, please take care of yourself and recover before you fall ill. If necessary, I will have them fetch first-class foods with nourishing and strengthening effects. As a lord, it is inexcusable to fall ill. Alright?"

"A, Alright......"--I mean, I'm just getting up after a long night, how merciless...... Moreover, instead of letting me work, she took away my regular job and gave me everything I needed. This is why I'll never be able to explain why I wake up late.

"Okay" she nodded.

"So, Katherine, would you please continue to take care of our lord? I will be taking them and returning to Aldora first."

Liz was in her Parliamentary official uniform, consisting of white. It was prestigious and not overly flamboyant but the fine details showed the high standing of the wearer. Her build was small. To be honest, I think the word "Tiny" would be more appropriate, but there was no way I can say that.

Also, She was wearing short pants which gives the impression of being a small girl. but if you were to walk up to her, you would be confronted by a pair of tight, piercingly sharp eyes, which is not good for the heart. As for the size of her boobs, one can only guess.

"Got it."

Katherine, in her impeccable maid's outfit with a white brim on her head and the same expressionless face as usual - I can't believe this is the same woman who was gasping and moaning while her ass getting thoroughly fucked by me.... --She made a magnificent bow. Gracefully.

Her white brim was proudly displayed and together with her upswept reddish hair it looked like a crown.

--How can a maid wear a crown? I thought...

"What? Are you leaving already? Then why are you here......?"

"Perhaps you're worried about me?....Hii!"

With a sleep-filled mind, I spoke without thinking----fully wake up or not, my head is forced to wake up when I see the face of my natural enemy.


Her steely eyes glared at me.

"I only wondered if I was going to lose my job or not. Even though you are my lord, I will advise you not to have the wrong impression of me. ok?"



How impolite of her, to confront her lord and superior like this....

"He not only deal with the bandits I reported to you, but also with the noble mage." and this too can be said about this capable maid -- I can't believe this is the same woman who was gasping and moan...(same sentence from above)

Katherine said in a frank and straightforward fashion, "I have gathered information about last night's events from the villagers, summarized them, and reported them to Randolph-sama and Parliamentary Officer Liz by means of the 【Call】 charm. And regarding the master's well-being, I was told that he used a great deal of his magic power to cure the curse on the village girl who get inflicted with【madness】and was sleeping from exhaustion. By the way, I have not reported this to The madam because she would have probably rushed over. Did I make any flaws in my judgment?"

"No, that's perfect, Katherine."

"My pleasure, Miss."

She bowed. Gracefully.

--Unh, so perfect. If The lord's wife had rushed here worrying about her husband who had collapsed after treating his niece (imaginary) from her rutting, I would have died a million times from the guilt alone. And from the way she was talking, I assume she didn't tell that I made Monica grow dog ears and tail.

Double perfect!

"So, What about this Monica?"

"She is still sleeping in the other room. All the mess from the procedure has been taken care of."

"Thank you." - Tripple Perfect! But having more than one perfect is a bit contradictory.

"You don't need to waste your kind words for me, master."

She bowed her head and her white brim fluttered. I have a feeling she is an expert at this.


I turned my attention to Liz, who was working on something. Because of her small frame, her movements were like a little child doing her best to organize things and it made me smile. If only her eyes weren't staring at me! If only that mouth stays shut!

"Parliamentary official Liz has been working in this room since she arrived here just before noon until master woke up. She is a very busy lady."

So, she even brought her regular work with her to take care of this additional problem in the village. Sorry............. In contrast to her working extra hard, I have been sleeping extra long because I was tired after having sex with a girl.......

" apologies... If you have any documents that need my signature, give them to me. I will sign them immediately."


She then glared at me again with those steely eyes.

Hey, I'm your boss and your lord, if you glare at me like that you might be in big trouble you know?

--Actually I've never been stared at in the past. What is this guy talking about you ask? There have been many, many times when I received a cold-hearted stare on the job - but never a real, hard-on stare like this. But that's just because she has bad eyesight and is thinking a lot, which makes her look like she's glaring at people.

And because of this, even outstanding young women like herself had trouble getting along at work - a subordinate who kept glaring at her boss was kind of scary after all - The noble society was male-dominated, and as a Parliamentary official, she had to deal with many "womanly" accusations along with her colleagues. But Liz fights it head-on. And this is why many talented people, who have failed to adapt to the aristocratic society ended up in this territory.

Sometimes this makes me feel ashamed of myself because of their talent, but if this territory is enriched in return for my embarrassment, I am glad for it. The defense equipment and magic tools in this village are only possible with their help.

And the overly talented Parliamentary official, who will bites even her superiors mercilessly when it comes to her work - Even more, she comes from a noble family, and by nature of that- she has a commanding tone in her and it becomes even more blunt when she thinks she is right, and she makes no attempt to backing down at all.

No wonder she got fired. I hired her because she's good. --but.

"Don't get the wrong idea."

--Oh, it's rare to find a woman who fits that phrase as well as she does! I'm tempted to misjudge her just to hear that line over and over again, but I won't because I'm afraid.

"I have come only to do my business, and not to check on my lord, The bandits, whether they have nobles in their ranks or not, will be handled in the same way as usual.

If I may ask, do I need to add 'keeping tap of my lord health' on my work list?"


"And why is this happening if Katherine was with you? Please don't let this happen again."

Her eyes are now seriously glaring at-


Her eye is on fire! And this seemed serious, unlike the one from earlier.......

"I am terribly sorry."

The first-class maid bowed deeply. Even the white brim seemed somewhat crestfallen.

"Wait, Liz. You can't blame Katherine for this. It's because I--"

Because I've worn her out. I can't say that I've been banging her ass and cumming deep inside her bowels.

Everything after that was also my own fault. --But I can't say that either.

".............I was so worried about Monica that I accidentally used the wrong amount of magic power. You know that I am not good about this, right Liz?"

"I know."

Do you know how hurt it was to get a quick answer right this?

"That's why you have us. Isn't that right, Katherine?"

"Yes, I will be very careful to ensure that this does not happen again."

"It's good that you understand, but please show me the results next time."

"Yes, miss."

-I knew it, this woman is relentless.......

Although I'm happy with what she says she's too serious or...... inflexible....... Her physique is so small that it could be described as "tiny" the pressure of those eyes is enormous.

However, the irritated first-class maid said.

"I am very sorry that I have caused the busy Parliamentary official Liz to be so concerned that she has to unwillingly travel here and has forgotten to reprimand me until now."

Politely, gracefully.

"I am ashamed of my own imprudence in causing you to travel here with so much paperwork, even though you could have handled it in Aldora as usual, regardless of whether there were nobles in the mix.

I've told miss Liz that the master's condition was due to a lack of magic power and that I would nurse him closely while he slept. But I was originally his wife's maid, This has caused more concern for her, and I can't make excuses for it.

Nevertheless, Even if I know you will not believe me, I insist that I care for Master, no less than Parliamentary official Liz does. I am now willing to protect Master even at the cost of my own body."

"That is a given. It's hard to doubt you when Randolph has sent you out on his behalf. -And then, please remember that I am concerned about my own work, which is never, ever about my lord."

"Let's just leave it at that."



Um........please stop staring at each other across my bed.

--Katherine, not that I mind, but do you happen to have something against Liz?

A cool, almost expressionless beauty, a first-class maid. and an overly competent official with a beautiful but steely eye. I don't think it's just because I'm a scared chicken but I think room temperature seems to be a couple of degrees.

"......Liz, thanks for rushing here............ Katherine, too, for the inconvenience. I'm fine, I can move on now."

You can recover from a loss of magic power with a good night's sleep.

Speaking of which, as usual

"Ho-ho, -- interesting."

The grandpa said as usual, and the Maid added.

"You're too kind." she said, bowing her head.

"Roger. Well then, take care of yourself my lord, I don't want to lose my work just yet."

"Yeah, I know. Liz is a workaholic, after all."

Speaking of which.


--I feel like I'm being stared at seriously even more.

"My lord, please study more and take care of yourself."

"Oh, oh......"

"With all due respect, I agree with that."

Eh? Even Katherine?

But Katherine's narrow eyes are also looking at Liz. She's still as cold as ever, huh? Then Liz turns to me.

"Have a nice day, my lord. I will be waiting for your return to Aldora. If you should fall ill again, please be prepared that I will personally take care of your health this time."

-Un, I need to be prepared for such a condition.

"The necessary signing will be done after you return. Ok?"


Although her eyes were as if she was always glaring at me, her courtesy was formal and elegant, as a proud Parliamentary official of our territory. Even as she spoke, she kept her hands busy and finished off the large amount of paperwork, and then she was gone.

The crazed bandit and the noble mage were all packed into the transport wagon that was under the control of our house - that came later. They were taken to Dona and imprisoned after extensive interrogation.

If the interrogator is Grandpa Randolph and the Parliamentary official is the one who picks up the necessary information, I cannot help but feel pity for him, even though he is a bandit.

I don't feel any shame in not taking action myself, but as a lord, I have to make sure that my actions are strictly enforced, and I won't tolerate people who touch my people.

And so...

"Monica is sleeping in the other room?"


Katherine nodded.

It was not good if Katherine slept in the lord's bedroom while the lord slept in the guest room with village girl.

So now I'm sleeping in the lord's bedroom and Monica is in the guest room.

"I'll go check on her."

"Yes, but......." she said, a little hesitantly.


"--Master, when we are alone, I wish to speak to you the same way when we're in bed last night."


"Okay." I nodded pleasantly with a dazed look on my face, "I'll get going then."

"Yes, I'll see you later, Master."

I was unexpectedly struck by her faint smile.


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