Reincarnated Lord’s Unwanted S*xual Technique

Chapter 49

Chapter 49

"Aaahhh! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

The girl's screams rise into the starry sky.

Even the stars seem startled by it. Twinkling brightly.

That mage was already shackled by the 【Thornbind】. But if these villagers knew better, they would also have put the on him【Seal】 to prevent him from casting any spell.

So he went to Monica without a second thought.

"Monica! Are you okay!? What did you do to her!"

I grabbed her shoulders and cast 【Recovery】 on her as she screamed. In this situation, I wish grandpa Randolph was here. On top of that, I resented myself for not taking magic seriously in my childhood. I was unable to cast proper magic spells, even though I had a lot of magic power. I could put some aspect on the magic like "soundproofing" or "recovery", but I cannot do it like Randolph. I can't use real 【Anti Curse】, 【Antidote】, 【Clean】, and so on. The only thing I can do is to grasp that feeling and then use it. So, my magic is not a proper 【Recovery】, but just a basic aspect of trying to "heal" her.

Still, it's not enough.

"Oh, aghh, ghhh, oooh ......."

She gritted her teeth and shuddered. Almost like a snarling dog.

"Ha, ahhh, des......sama......aa......."

"Shit, what's happening........what should I......"

"Ugh! Ughhhh!"

I kept casting 【Recovery】 as much as I could. Monica was shaking, her eyes turning white.


I swore.

"Monica, stay with me!"

"A-Au ......."

I cast 【Physical Enhancement】 on myself and picked her up in a princess carry. As a girl, she surely did not want to be seen in this gruesome appearance. Even though there is no eroticism here, there is still modesty.

I let her face press against my chest. And then she put her arms around my back and pressed her face to my chest.

I knew she didn't want to be seen.

"Monica, I'm going to protect you, okay?"

"Oh, ahhh ......."

She clutched at my back, clinging to me. --Oh, her strength is the same as always. Should I feel relief or threatened?

I asked the villagers, but they had no ideas on how to cure her condition.

So I decide to run as fast as I can to the place they have prepared for me.

"Woah! Don't get in Desmond-sama's way, he might blow away the house if he isn't holding back......"

"Is this because of Monica? Desmond-sama is so tenderhearted."

I left the voices of the villagers behind with the wind and opened the door to my lodgings.

"Katherine! Are you awake!"

"Yes, Master."


She was awake, although she was still naked with the covers over her, just as she had been when I left. Even though she was petite, the swelling that outlined from under the covers was quite distracting.

A cold beauty, she was supposedly The lord's wife's personal maid. Her reddish hair, which she usually kept up in an updo, was down, and there were lingering traces of the redness on her cheeks. It wasn't the time for this, but...

--I'm getting antsy.

"Sorry, I know you're still recovering your strength but......."

I'm the one that fucked her.

"Look at Monica's condition. I don't know what the crazy mage did to her."

" I understand. 【Analysis】."

She is a first-class maid. Even though Master drove her crazy by using her asshole, she still do her task without complaining.

She's a very capable woman after all.......


Hmm? What's the matter with those eyes Katherine-san? I couldn't help but mentally add -san in my mind. With her usual expressionless expression on her face, and that narrow brown look in her eyes, how could I not?

'What crazy things you do again this time?'

I think she is telling me that with her eyes.

"............ Uh, What is the result of 【Analysis】?"

".............Master, what have you done?"

"............ No it's not me, it's a crazy mage that did something strange to her......."

"............ I think that what was done to Monica was probably a 【madness】 spell. I have seen it in old and often sordid literature. It is hideous magic that deprives the victim of their rationality, drives them mad, and strengthens their powers."

"What a terrible thing to do!"

I hugged Monica tightly in my arms. Monica clutched my back and buried her face in my chest. Breathing hard.

"Suuu, haaaa"

Her breathing was also ragged. If you keep doing this 'Suuu, haaaa, Suuu, haaaa', my chest is going to get damp.

Does this mean that those bandits with bloodshot eyes with monstrous physiques, having muscles that looked like they would explode at any moment - because of 【madness】?

--How atrocious. But in that case...

"Then you have to quickly undo that thing that was put on Monica! I can't do it! Not with my magic ......."

I have never been so ashamed of my inability to do something. --Or maybe there was.

It's a bad habit of mine to try to look back on my memories, I can't hope to master the magic that could have saved her. But with my screwed-up <magic circuit>, there's not a thing I could do right now.

--I'm useless........

"Sorry, but I can't."

The maid said.

"This magic that was cast on Monica-san does not have the effect of the original 【madness】."


I looked straight back at the maid's narrow brown eyes. She had a different, more complex "look" in her eyes than before. I could tell that there was something different in her almost emotionless expression.

"...I really hate to say this, but ......"


"I have heard from Randolph-san that the people of this village have a special innards ability."

Oh, that's right.

The people of this village can use life energy to use 【physical strengthening】, even if it is not as good as the magic version. That's why they were able to use the magical tools I invented even if they didn't have any magic power - and I'd heard that Monica was one of the best users of them.

"So what's up with that?"

"--Yes, so because of her innard power, she could and should be able to fight back 【madness】 that was applied to her."

"............"--Was it screaming that time? Maybe that was the one that caused her to scream?

"But then, it seems that the Master's magic power has intervened them, strengthening Monica-san's power, and then Monica-san took in the 【madness】, rather than canceling it out along with the Master's magical power."

"............what do you mean?"

I tilted my head to the side, the same pose that a cute girl likes to do, Even though I'm not cute, I'm still a good-looking nobleman in a sweet aristocrat mask. And then she said.

"Master drives women crazy ......"

So what does that mean?

I have no idea.

"Monica-san is in a state where she is unable to hold the 【madness】 that she has absorbed through Master's magic boost. It is a state in which the wave of magic that does not settle in one's physical body and is raging wildly. It torments her, causing her breathing, heart rate, and body temperature to rise. Moreover, it has been given a certain aspect by the Master's magic power--"



Katherine looked at me, her Master, with judging eyes.

"To put it simply, Monica-san is...aroused. Sexually."

"............" --Pardon? "So you are saying that she's in heat?"

"in say? ...... sounds kind of nasty."

--no, un, well, of course....

Just when I was about to stare off into space[1]. She interrupted.

".....If it had been Monica alone, she could have possibly fought it off herself - no, she still needed 【Recovery】.... --But, the Master's unusual 【Recovery】 caused Monica to incorporate 【Madness】 with her own power, and as a result, she was brought into a state of 'in heat'."

What a terrible thing to do!

"............ I didn't mean to do that......."

"Yes of course. I have no doubt that Master sincerely and desperately tried to save Monica. --And I am sure that Monica adored Master from the bottom of her heart. Perhaps because of that, her body foolishly tried to absorb Master's magic power that flowed into her as an instinct. Master's magic power that has sexual desire - although I'm not sure, But if Master did not repeatedly use 【Recovery】 on her, maybe ......"




I was sweating profusely as I held Monica in my arms.

Katherine did not turn her eyes away from me for a second "I think this has awakened a slumbering 'woman' in Monica. Thus, Monica was aroused by Master. Along with that, the 【madness】 is not completely dispelled, but rather incorporated into her. Because of the magic that forcibly poured into her and ......"

A first-class maid capable of using 【Analysis】 said to the Master in a nonchalant tone.

What a terrible thing to do! That's the work of a devil!

--Why are you doing this, me!

But it was too late. There's no way of reversing what's been done.

"Well........what should I do?

'I don't know.'

I wondered what I would do if she answered me back with this.

A cold beautiful first-class maid would not say such a thing.

"Please perform a sexual technique on Monica-san."

"Fu~e!!?" I no longer care about whether I'm acting cute like Charlotte or not.

The maid never took her narrow brown eyes off me and said, "As someone who has been subjected to the Master's technique, I think that the Master's art is one that allows the Master's magic power to intervene with them, causing the other woman to be drowned in pleasure. It gradually took effect even without directly injecting them with magic power - semen ......"

"What's wrong, Katherine?"

I feel a bit concerned because she has gone quiet for a moment.

"......No, I'm afraid that....." She was reluctant to say anything for a moment, but she continued. "It seems to me that it is only women who long for Master that are affected by it....... This is what I have concluded by observing in Aldora and the reactions of the women since we arrived in Moiré village."

"............" -- Are you saying that I make women that attract to me horny just by looking at them?

'A true lord can cause a woman to arouse with a glance.'

Isn't it just like that?

"I'm sorry to make assumptions Master, but since Emily didn't show any of such signs, perhaps the Master's view of the person might be a factor in this too."


"Haah Haah"

Monica's ragged breathing was trickling my chest. My chicken heart beneath it was no longer pounding wildly.

".............then does that mean Katherine always attract to me?"

I said.

She hid her mouth under the covers.

"Please forgive me for not answering "


Tsk! You! You!

I almost writhe in my arms while holding Monica, the woman I had put in heat.

"After Master performed the first sexual technique on Madam, I began to notice that Master was looking at me in a very disgusting way."

You don't have to tell me that one.

"The truth is, rather than longing for you, I used to hate you"

--Well, I wanted to know that one, but it's getting more embarrassing.

In many ways!


And the maid gave me a serious look.

She had been, and still is, almost as expressionless as before, but I can now at least tell that she has a peachy look on her a moment ago and now she has a serious look.

"I am sure that if you perform the sexual technique on Monica, you will be able to resolve this 'in heat' state, and you will be able to bring the 【madness】 magic that has taken hold of her to a calmer state.............. Master, please do not be afraid to reveal the woman's embarrassing side and drive her mad"

Now a sultry look.

"I never knew I am such a person .......a woman. I had Master put 【Recovery】 on after that alarm, and now my body is still......"

I guess that's the nature of people who are good at anything, yet still make mistakes in fundamental ways. But.

"No, this is my fault......."

--I'm the evil lord who fucked the maid in the ass and spewed cum all over her!

"............" but Katherine, still looking sultry "I beg your pardon Master, but--yes, my Master is a terrible man."

Oh no, I want to jump into this maid's bed right now.

However, the reason we're chatting like this is because ......

"Therefore, instead of her turning into 【madness】, why don't Master make Monica go all over you - Excuse me, I'll take my leave."

Katherine that I just fucked tried to get up. And the cover didn't obscene her body from my view anymore. Her small breasts, which are still exposed, are revealed in their full glory.

With erect nipples.......

"Master .......please don't look at me like that."

The eyes of a cold beauty have a light blush. The stupid thing under my trousers rises up.

Katherine's gaze caught there.

"I'll ask you to do it again on a different day, please."

"Oh, oh ...... yes...... anytime."

-- but.

"Wait, Katherine, you stay here and sleep. I will take Monica to the other room."

"But.....this is the Master's bedroom, and the other room is for servant......."

"I do not care about that. It would be terrible for me to burden Katherine unnecessarily."

And this is from the person who put a lot of loads on her.

"Thank you, Master."

The maid, with her naked upper body exposed, bowed as she sat on the bed gracefully. and then.

"I am longing for you, Master."

"...... Oh, me too, Katherine."

And with that, I change rooms with Monica in my arms.

She kept pressing her face against my chest, breathing hard and hot.

I wondered if she had heard our conversation or not. I put my lips to her ear as she clung to me.

"Monica, I'm going to fuck you now. Not just for deposit my seed, but I'm going to fuck every part of you."

I'm going to drown you in me, I'm going to make you cum.

Her slender fingers clung to me, gripping me in a tight embrace.


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