Reincarnated Lord’s Unwanted S*xual Technique

Chapter 155

Chapter 155

The Day of Revelation.

The scene was so hopeless that it could be described as such.

It used to be a stony hill with no vegetation or trees. But compared to now. It was a very normal sight.

So, what happened?

The rock face surged like a stormy sea, forming waves and crashing. Some parts melted like candy sculptures, distorting and creating a scenery of the apocalypse.

"Raaarrrgh, ooohhhhhh!" The roar of a demon shook the rock.

"Oooooooooooohh!" The rocky surface exposed itself to the demon's claws, accompanied by a voice that echoed like a piercing scream.


With a heavy impact, the dragon's claws dug into the rock surface, and the beautiful girl, who was already more than halfway shifted into a dragon unleashed an inferno from her mouth.

The rock surface dissolved. Once magical power spreads, they crumble like a withered tree.

"Hahaha, excellent! I never thought you'd be this good!" The demon's face lit up with joy, her beautiful drown skin adorned with red streaks resembling leaf veins.

Her once-white scleras transformed into deep black orbs, and her emerald eyes turned red. Despite being in her forties, her skin and youthful countenance defied age, appearing as if she were in her mid-twenties or even younger. No, it was as if she had undergone rejuvenation. In place of her dress, a peculiar exoskeleton-like armor covered the important parts of her skin, claws, and feet.

Most of her busty chest was exposed, and her lower body only has the most important parts of her body hidden, leaving her buttocks fully exposed. To make matters worse, she even had horns. A beautiful ogress(Oni). Her straight, platinum blonde hair cascaded magnificently through the air, embodying her beauty, while her smile, both fierce and ferocious, twisted into a distorted grin.

She stood proudly with a commanding pose, arms crossed under her explosive breasts. One couldn't help but wonder why they didn't bursting.

"Indeed, it is truly surprising. Even though we let him lose, we still can't manage to catch him."


A dragon girl nodded earnestly, her attire resembling that of the aforementioned Oni. Her fair-skinned body was mostly exposed, with dragon bones and scales adorning the vital areas――dragon tail and horns adding to her appearance. but the volume of her breasts and buttocks couldn't be compared. She beamed with a regal smile, her tail swaying in delight.

There stood a man facing them.

A blond-haired, blue-eyed, with a self-proclaimed unlikable too-sweet face. He is 28 years old but looks younger than that. However, now his appearance, which should have been impeccable, is in tatters with torn clothes and messy hair. Covered in dust and soot, he looks like a miserable mouse.

He doesn't seem like a man who can withstand the fierce attacks of two dominant women. He looks more like a pitiful primitive mammal running away from dinosaurs. Nevertheless, survival is the triumph of life, but

――Why am I being dragged into a battle with these monsters?!

Desmond fumed. As he recalls, they only wanted his seed. He ran away, and he was chased, because....Their reasoning was painfully straightforward, escape = chase.

And then, with the help of the skill "Chicken Sense," he managed to escape skillfully, but the women became increasingly enthusiastic. As their excitement grew, Desmond skillfully kept evading them, utilizing his own abilities. He ran and ran and ran.

And this is what happened.

A natural disaster of immense proportions.

Such a scenario would not have occurred if the opponent had been the "Gray Hound," another member of the "strongest" folk. Despite being considered formidable in their own right, each possesses distinct characteristics.

While these women relied on force, instinct, and intuition to pursue their opponents, Grandpa approached the hunt with skill, strategy, and method. Desmond had undergone years of training specifically to evade his attacks, so it came as no surprise that he was able to avoid them as well.

Furthermore, regardless of their claims, the women's objective is not to "kill" but to "capture," whereas Desmond's sole focus lies in "escape" without launching any counterattacks.

A stalemate ensued.

The only one that is left utterly defeated is the environment.

"Then dodge this!" The demonic aura from The Demon big sister's claw fills the air.

"Hahaha, shall I go too? -*Suu*," the dragon princess puckers her lips.

"【Demon God's Claw】!"

"【Dragon Flash】!"

The five claws rush towards Desmond, accompanied by spatial ruptures.

The "dragon's breath" converges. The lord-killing beam is unleashed upon Desmond.

――Is this all my fault?

What did I do?

In the face of impending despair, Desmond's eyes were more lifeless than fish. However, he couldn't die here.

There's never a good day to die.


"Chicken Sense" activate.

"【Demon God's Claw】" ――The claws of an Oni with spatial ruptures. Even if the number of claws is five, they engulf and surge through the surrounding space, becoming an "area" attack.

"【Dragon Flash】" ―― The converged breath of the dragon. One could say it was a gigantic beam saber if she moves her head while exhaling it.


Desmond's magic power stirred up.

He uses himself as a catalyst.

Drawing in the world's magical energy, mana.

The "mountains" shift.

The rocky surface undulates, and the vast land becomes a raging sea.

The【Demon God's Claw】. A violent storm that crushes everything it touches.

It's like the sounds of a stormy night. The waves of the earth burst into a storm, and the dragon's flash, like the guiding light of a lighthouse, cuts through it――


Light burst forth.

The trajectory of 【Dragon Flash】 deviated,

"Whoaaa!" Desmond's arms spread as the pressure of the wind pushed him.


"Hah! I won't be stopped by that!" Even Desmond, with all his might, couldn't win against Onee-sama in a contest of strength.

"I know!"

"And I won't either!" The deflected 【Dragon Flash】 returns and burst forth, failing to be dispersed. However, if it can buy just a little time, it's good enough. And then,

――Guided by the "Chicken Sense."


The 【Dragon Flash】 alters its course once again. Then 【Demon God's Claw】approached. At that moment, a gap had opened up where one person could slip through.

He uses 【Dragon Flash】 to create an opening in the 【Demon God's Claw】.

"Shaaaah!" Desmond, filled with determination, clenched his jaw.


"Amazing, amazing! you really did it ♪"

He enveloped himself in the "wind". Jumping, and rolling, he couldn't directly confront the fact that the world around him was being stirred with a grating sound.

――These disastrous partners!

"Buhaaaah!" Having successfully avoided the overwhelming attacks, Desmond let out a deep breath.

Meanwhile, both the amazed demon and dragon remained unscathed.

――What am I supposed to do with them?!

The training with the old man wasn't much different from being in danger. However, there was an end to that. But when will this one end?

Until Desmond is captured, of course.

However, would they remember that? If he were to willingly let himself be caught in their current heated state, they might forget their original purpose and instead of a hug, they might break his spine.

——I don't want to hear the sound of my spine breaking, okay?

The "Chicken Sense" would never provide Desmond, who was filled with impatience, a way out. The things only sense danger. It could avoid problems sure, but it didn't give any solution.

——This useless skill...

Those words shouldn't have been spoken by the man who relied on such a useless skill.


The demon lady said, "Well, if you can use flames as powerful as just now, why don't you attack us? Or are you underestimating us?"

"N-No, no, no! Where did you get the idea that I'm underestimating you?!" I'd be happy to lick you all over right now. The naughty meaning intended.

If He were to counterattack, her instinct, currently fixated on "capture", might switch to "crush". Even without relying on "Chicken Sense," he could somehow sense it.

If he were to counterattack, they would gleefully crush him with even greater force. - No, that's not the only reason.

Then the girls started talking over Desmond before he knew it.

"But, you know," said the Dragon Lady. "If he attack us, there would have been many more moments where he could have dodged or escaped more easily. So why didn't he? It's hard to think of any reason other than underestimating us, right?"

With a tilted head, Lady Teresa, the demon Onee-sama, said to Schwarz, the dragon's lady.

"These delinquents..." Even Desmond, despite his impressive calm nature, couldn't help but feel infuriated by their behavior. It was perhaps his open-mindedness that prevented him from exploding with anger.

And then, quietly, he muttered,

"How can I attacks a woman?"


And then, the two came to a halt. It felt as if time had stopped.




Eh, did I do something wrong?

For some reason, both the demon's elder sister and the dragon's young lady stopped moving at the same time.....

Am I the only one who feels like this silence is the calm before the storm?

"Hey, son-in-law."

"Ha, yes!" I involuntarily straightened my back.

The demon elder sister seemed a bit grumpy. "Don't be so respectful. It's fine to speak like before."

"Before...? Ah!"

Oh no, I was speaking impolitely with this elder sister and the dragon lady... But if that's what they want, then I can't help it.

"Um, well... then, what is it?"

I was more than a little nervous.

The effect of adrenaline is scary!

"――Hmm, good."

She nodded with her arms crossed. With that motion, her brown, explosive breasts covered in demonic armor bounced and jiggled.

――Hmm, good.

However, I have no idea what she means by "good." Ah, I see. Perhaps no one has ever spoken to her as an equal before...? But isn't she using informal language with the Dragon-san?..... Please don't include me in that category.

"Oi! Son-in-law!"

"Y-Yes." Onee-sama, your energy is amazing.

"Are those words true?"

"Those words...?"

"It's because we're women that you can't hit us!"

She yelled.


Did she hear that? I just blurted it out without thinking. And was it a forbidden word to say?

Like 'Don't make fun of me,' or something.

"No, that's not it!" I couldn't help but raise my voice. "I'm not making fun of both of you! I think both of you are incredibly strong and cool, way beyond my reach!"

I shouted from the bottom of my heart.

To dispel the misunderstanding!

"Still, both of you are incredibly cute and beautiful. Even though I'm aware that my attacks wouldn't harm you, I simply can't bring myself to attack either of you."




――Eh? What's wrong with you two? They brought their hands that shone with demon and dragon parts up and looked up to the sky like "Jesus".

"That is..." Onee-sama said in an unusually timid voice. "Do you say the same things to other women? Like...cute, beautiful, attractive...?"

"..... Well, yeah, I do say those things. But still, among them, both of you really stand out."

My wife too!

Also my second wife, the maid, Monica, Sophie. Maia and the other girls I've embraced... Wait, am I going to be purged here? Executed?

...Oh shit!

Just as I thought that,


It happened.

"Huh?... Eh?"

Onee-sama's demonic hand had caught my shoulder.


A girly scream escaped me.

No, more importantly,

Chicken seeeense! Brutus! Iscariot! Cassius! Get in line! Oi――!![1]

Hey, you! Youuuu! Whether it was when I was being kidnapped or now! Just a while ago, you were obediently and diligently working for me, but why have you betrayed me now?! Protest? Is this a protest?! If I don't give you a higher wage, you'll resign?

However, it's my neck that's at stake (physically), not just my argument but my spine will literally crumbling apart, you know!

But my time to argue about my skill didn't last long.

"Oh, I see. So you see me as a woman... moreover, you can't attack, because you're treating me like a weak woman..."

Nooo! scary!!

Onee-sama who normally has emerald eyes, transformed into a demon with black scleras and red irises. She pressed down on my shoulder, I-I can't move... Seriously, I can't move at all... Not only my upper body but my legs too! What kind of principle is this?!

I'm cornered.....

Onee-sama, with her scary eyes, sends me a malicious glance from such a close distance.

――I'm done for. I'm dead.

I wanted to spend more time with Charlotte, being all lovey-dovey and intimate...

But even the chance to recall those memories is not given to me. As she, unexpectedly...


――Eh! Why is Onee-sama opening her mouth!?

Her sharp fangs gleam dimly.

It's as if she's saying, 'I'm going to eat you...'

P-Please don't eat me!



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