Reincarnated Lord’s Unwanted S*xual Technique

Chapter 153

Chapter 153

The sky is clear and the wind is making a sound as it beats against my eardrums.

"Fuhahahahaha! The wind feels good, doesn't it son-in-law? But for me, it's no different from a gentle breeze. I guess it's because I have my beloved with me. Fuhahahahaha!"

"So, is this your mate? He's got some impressive magic power. I'm curious if he can get me pregnant too."

"Good idea. But only after I get pregnant."

"Then I'll just have to take it by force."

"Bring it on!"


These bandits...

I, Desmond, the lord of Aldora territory and the reincarnated was being carried away by a black dragon in the sky and causing Papa much distress.With me are my beloved wife's elder sister and her friends? subordinates? -No, a ruffian would be the best way to put it.

It wasn't just a figure of speech or metaphor. It was actually a dragon.



Back when sister-in-law escaped from Peter's mansion.

"Come, Schwarz!"


And then the dragon appeared.

I can't believe my eyes.

I no longer knew what was going on. So now, I was literally kidnapped by the demon onee-sama, and I was on the back of a black dragon.


I just want to forget reality.

My wife's older sister seems to have taken a liking to me, and she seems eager to get pregnant with my child. And oddly, this dragon seems to feel the same way.



Certainly, I was able to defeat Peter without feeling threatened at all, and I was able to conceive Charlotte, her sister, who was suffering from infertility. I could still rise to the occasion (if you know what I mean) when this luscious and demanding elder sister wants me to impregnate her even if she is approaching her forties.

But I am worried about how my wife is doing.

Also, Papa whose two daughters are committing outrageous acts.

Then there is Peter, whose mansion was half destroyed by his ex-wife.

honestly, I don't care that much about him, but I feel very guilty because I didn't intend to go that far in the fight.

If I could, I'd love to fly off to my beloved wife right now, but it's scary to jump from this high altitude at this speed. Also, where am I flying to right now?

And to begin with, these two....two beasts? I don't think I can run away from them. I can't move a finger because I'm being held tightly by the older sister in the air.

――No that's not it,

*Plump* *jiggle-jiggle*!

I can't move a single finger because her big tits are squashed and pressed against me.

Well, to make excuses, this onee-sama smells amazing even though she looks like this! And if she wants to, she could turn me into a tomato paste (I'm using a milder expression since it's quite graphic), but she's hugging me gently so I won't get crushed, and even rubbing her soft flesh against mine.

This is so devious!

If Charlotte finds out about these thoughts, I'm sure I'll be roasted to a crisp.

Well cooked♪

No, sorry, I didn't mean to!

But I never imagined that her sister could sever the telepathic connection between Charlotte and me. To what extent is a 《Breaker》 is she? I was caught by such a woman and her friends.

Even Ephemera whom I was holding out a faint hope for, was thrown away when onee-sama stuck her hand into my shadow and dragged her out. At that time."

A dog like that wouldn't even help! Bring me three times that! "

And even Ephemera-chan's shadow was crushed.

I wonder if that was the "charm" that grandpa had prepared for you?


"Let's see, how many shots will it take for me to get pregnant?"

"Nah, mine came first."

The demon and the dragon laughed heartily, enjoying themselves.

Her enormous black wings flapped through the air, and the sound of the wind and clouds roar past behind them.



Help me, Grandpa!!

"I can't let her get away with this, even if she is my onee-sama!"

"My Lord was kidnapped, I'm so useless....."

Ephemera transforms into a shadow in a corner as Charlotte breaths fire.

Terrace mansion.

Charlotte, Katherine, Ephemera, and Margaret hold a strategy meeting. And of course, the incident of the lord being kidnapped was reported to the harem members who were left behind in Aldora.

"Damn it....!" Aldora's finest brain squeezed out those words in a voice that sounded like she was about to cry. Her brain took a long time to restart.

Even though she is a talented Parliamentary official, it seems that the shock of having her beloved lord kidnapped was taking a toe on her.

――Naturallly artificial.

"Search and destroy" Monica, a fighter, seems about to turn into a ferocious beast at any moment. She seems to have gotten along well with Liz.

"Fufufu, Charlotte-sama's older sister is bad news..."Will the flames of her grudge spread to the demon and dragon?

".....Kukuku, interesting."

Said the old dog.

By the way, the aftermath with Swift's family that Desmond was worried about is being handled by Papa, who was standing in tears at the mansion where his daughters caused the tragic incident. His capable maid is assisting him. How far can he lash out at Swift as a noble?

And the Damweed family has already run away.

"Now, Mother." Charlotte says. Her appearance, with a youthful beauty that could be mistaken for a girl, makes her look like a girl asking her mother for a doll. But what she's asking for is not a small thing like that. "Now is the time to use

'Thousands realms in reach'. Please 'observe' where Desmond-sama is."

"Oh my, my."

Margaret-sama, who has a beauty and youthfulness that makes it hard to believe she's Charlotte-chan's (29 years old) mother, says.

"But I must decline."


Charlotte-chan's eyes widen as if her older sister is acting mean to her. But she is her mother. And her real older sister is the one who kidnapped her husband.

――It was a mess.

Then, Margaret-sama, Charlotte's mother, puts her finger on her cheek, and her big emerald eyes, which she had passed down to her daughters, twinkle. She places her finger on her lovely lips.

"But I want to see Teresa-chan's child too."

Charlotte is taken aback by those words.

As well as the sexuality it exudes.

"Desmond-sama is the only one who can impregnate that girl, is he not? Charlotte, don't you want to see your onee-sama's child?"

She wants to see it "Uuuuuu~~....."

"And besides." said Mama, "Don't you believe in Desmond-sama, Charlotte-chan? Even if he's caught by Teresa-chan and Schwarz-chan, won't he return to you?"

That's right.

Regardless of how.

――Charlotte was being tested.


Even so.


She believes in him. Even if he impregnates onee-sama, or if he impregnates her mother, it is all fine.


――Onee-sama is strong and beautiful, and her mother is so intelligent and cute...

It's not that she thinks the other members of the harem are inferior. They are all good girls. Even if she were to manage the harem as the leader, it would be okay to share Desmond with them as friends. Even though she was worried about the spoiled Liz-chan lately.

However, she cannot help but think that these two are clearly superior to herself. She trusts him. She knows he puts her first. Nevertheless, that was her sister, the breaker who crushed and ravaged everything as she sees fit, and her mother, who was supposed to be a normal noblewoman, but completely dominates her father and make him impregnate her. Truly a Terrace woman. This reminds her of the hardships that her father went through.

As she continued to watch those two and rallied herself to follow them. Finally, she thought she had grasped happiness, but then "this" happened.

――Uuu... I, I...

Charlotte was in distress.

And watching her was,

――Desmond-sama is not here...

――Will my ass be able to endure this loneliness for the rest of the day?

That's what all her half-sister Katherine was thinking.

"Hmmm, this is about right. Hup!"

And she jumped.

Yes, she jumped.

"No way, what the, aaaaaaaaaaaahh!"

A vertical drop from a high altitude.

G, G-forces are attacking me at Mach speed! However, despite its name, it is not the dark and swift one[1]. ――Just to be clear.

"Why are you screaming like a girl? you'll be fine."

What does she see in me?



The landing sound does not match her casual tone.

There are no trees or plants around, just rocky mountains.

Is this the den of demons?

"I thought I was going to die..."

"You didn't die just thinking about it, you know?"

The older sister laughs loudly and boldly, her shoulders shaking as she places her hands on her hips and puffs out her large chest. Just by looking at her, she seems like a pleasant older sister, and while I feel irritated, my anger disappears.

I don't even have the courage to get angry in the first place!


"Alright, let's have some fun."

Wawa wa wa wa wa... dragon-san has join in.

I mean, I know it's a bit predictable, but this dragon is a female, and it seems that she could change into a human. Also with jet-black dragon horns and a tail.

The demon Onee-sama and the dragon seem to get along well and share a fierce smile. Despite that, she is a beauty with black straight hair and snow-like white skin. Although she looks like she's in her mid-teens, the aura emanating from her slender body is undoubtedly that of a powerful individual. By the way, she is wearing a black dress. Although her boobs are not small, they look adorable when compare with the dynamite next to them. They look like a gal mama and her daughter.

In this world, there are monsters, but I shouldn't have heard anything about dragons... But if the demon's older sister is lounging with one in front of me.

I have to face the reality!

"Please wait!"

I raise my hand in front of the reality in front of me.

"Let's talk it out. If you want my seed, I'll give it to you. So please send me home first. You can visit there anytime. Charlotte will be worried about me and.....I'm sure you don't want to make your sister sad."

"Of course, that's a given."

An immediate response.

"I won't forgive anyone who hurts my cute little sister!"

Is throwing a boomerang popular in the noble world?

"I was going to blow that idiot away..... but Father stopped me..."

Onee-sama, your eyes are scary.

Her gaze turns to me.

"But you stole my prey."

Me? That's why you made me your prey instead!?

"That's why you have to impregnate me!"

The context doesn't make sense! Is she from another dimension? Or is she just drunk? Her conversation is incomprehensible, like that of a drunk person who can't communicate.

"The sooner you impregnate me, the sooner you can go home. Then my sister will calm down."

"No, in that case, why don't you come to my house,?"

Invite this person to my house...? Along with Dragon-san?

Grandpa is going to have a field day.

――I am screwed either way, aren't I?

However, only if it's me!

Onee-sama's eyes wandered a bit, she crossed her arms beneath her breasts, her brown tits are about to spill out!

Oh... I feel like I'm going to burst any moment now..."

"I can't. If my sister forced me to give you back in person, I might return you before getting pregnant."

"That's right. You, for what it's worth, you're too soft on your kin. " Dragon-san grinned and hugged onee-sama's shoulder.

I was mercilessly abducted, and apparently, I wasn't even recognized as part of her family. What the hell, this situation of being kidnapped by a delinquent girl and being mugged for a child is.....

"But not only that. Think about it, earlier, you were like that just now, if she stared at you and said, 'Please return it,' with tears in her eyes, would you be able to stand it?"

"..... I can't stand it."

On the contrary, I think I would shower her with candy.

"Right? That's why I kidnapped you. To make sure that I'll definitely get pregnant with your child."

"Mm-hmm." we both nodded in agreement.

――No, knowing Charlotte, I have a feeling she'll sort it out if it's something naughty. Thinking about sisters who are almost in their thirties and forties sharing me is...but...

From her point of view, is it not allowed because they are blood relatives?

But, in the first place...

"Why do you want to get pregnant with my sperm...?"

I don't think I'm that valuable.


"Why is that, I wonder?"


Then onee-sama pats her belly.


"Of course, you're strong, but... I can't say anything other than I wanted to get pregnant with your child. When I feel that, my body just moved on its own." This person apparently thinks about things with her uterus. "This is what they call 'love', right? I've never felt this way before."


Her tanned cheeks were certainly flushed.


What is this family? That girl, her elder sister, and the mother.

Ero elf is so scary.

"I've certainly done wrong to my sister, but it won't matter if I pay her back later, right?"

"I don't know about that." Dragon-san interjects, "But you... you have a nice magic feel to you. Even though you're human, you're closer to me in that sense."

What, I'm Desmond. My initials are D, but it's not from the dragon, right?

"I didn't intend to find a mate, and I didn't think I had anyone that could mate with but――"


Softly stroking her own stomach, she murmurs,

"If this is what you call love, then so be it. You're going to plant your seed in me."


The demon and the dragon smile ferociously, patting their bellies and sneaking up on me.




The two beautiful women, one with perfect brown tan skin and the other an exquisite ojou-sama type, both want me to impregnate them, and I can feel the heat rising in my cheeks.

"Oh, what a cute face you're making."

"I want to eat him up."

――I'm scared!

Seriously, the phrase "I love you so much I want to eat you" is not sound that cute anymore.

As the "strongest" duo inches closer, I.....

――run away!

"Fuhaha, trying to escape? That's fine, I'll chase you to the ends of the earth!" says the demon.

"Kukuku, it's no fun just squeezing a helpless victim. Run, run! I'll chase you to the ends of the sky! What about whoever catches him first gets to have him!" says the Dragon.

"I don't mind!"

"Very well!"

This isn't well at all!

It's a battle for my seed, and my pursuers are an demon and a Dragon.

I begin my escape toward the place of my beloved Charlotte.



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