Reincarnated Lord’s Unwanted S*xual Technique

Chapter 111

Chapter 111

It's like a recreation of the legend.

"Aira group, pull back!" "Mort group, forward!"

"Fireeee! "

The sound of magic projectiles echoes through the air, but it seems to have no effect on the creature at all.

A Dragon.

A king of all monsters, a tyrant from ancient times.

In the rugged mountainous region where even vegetation does not grow, the dragon, with its body looming like a mountain, was being fought by a group of female knights. However, even though they were called knights, their appearance was much different from that of ordinary knights.

Wearing highcut Leotards, revealing their leg and tempting crevices. On top, they donned a haori-like jacket. Black was the most popular leotard color. Other colors were spotted here and there, with red and blue being the most common. Everyone had their delicate, toned legs on display, but their armor and weaponry were varied.

But--the dragon was...

staring at them like a monarch, indifferent to their attacks.

The black scales that were illuminated by magic glittered. The sky was high and blue as if it had been plucked from a picture. The female knights attacking the dragon - putting their costumes aside, everyone here was beautiful. Even though they are using magic and engaging in such a dangerous act as slaying the dragon, there was an indescribable nobility feel about them.

When the dragon took a step forward, the earth shook. When its tail slammed down and directed its force toward the knights, everyone else would want to take a step back, but they didn't. They bravely faced the dragon's roar and stepped forward.

Then, the dragon,


seemed to smile.

Various, colorful magic was being fired. If the fire didn't work, then water, if water didn't work, then wind, thunder, earth, ice- In between, there were also those who attacked with swords that were strengthened with 【Physical enhancement】 and 【Strengthening】. Despite the fact that the swords shattered ruthlessly, the courageous female knights jumped off, grabbed another sword, and leaped, not giving in to the dragon's scales.

Magic was fired, and swords were swung.

The monster king, like a true monarch, took everything in stride.

Nobody was able to wound the dragon, however. To be able to face such a huge dragon, a monster that seems to have no regard for mankind. They confronted with such power without fear or flinching...

that alone is bravery worthy of praise.

However, if they had just fought the dragon, they could have been easily chastised for their recklessness.

A woman with emerald green eyes narrowed her gaze as she watched the knights battle. The woman had dark skin. Her golden blonde hair was straight and fanned out down to her waist.

To put it into words, she was stunning. She was, however, no ordinary beauty. And the nobility that resided in her features was greater than that of most knights. However, what constitutes her "beauty" apart from her good looks, was...

"Haah, is that all?"

Her beauty emanates authority when she snarls.

Her canine is peeking out, and the corners of her lips are lifted.

"smile" is said to have originated from the expression of a predator when it has cornered its prey.

She crossed her arms and pushed her cleavage up. The blonde beauty was dressed in a white leotard. Her dark skin tone and white color contrast nicely, with the high-cut leotard displaying her toned brown legs and daring slit on her groin. Her big buttock meat appeared to engulf the cloth on the back entirely. She could even reveal her pubic mons if she isn't careful.

She also wore a jacket.

And, next to her, a Halberd was deeply embedded in the ground. The handle was thick enough to be held by her, but the height was tall enough to reach her height, which is considered tall for a woman. The massive axe on the head resembled a guillotine. A pointed tip was on the opposite side.

In response to her ambition, her jacket and her platinum blond hair float as if it were caught in the wind.

In her belligerent emerald eyes, there was a glow of lust for battle. The fatigued knights in her sight were drawing back, but they remained lined up on each side of her path toward the dragon, like her flower path. No matter how exhausted they were, the path of the leader of the "Knight Commander" must be made.

Literally, it was a path full of flowers.

Beautiful, leotard-clad female knights.


She laughed.



"Then, it's my turn."

She said happily.

The Knight Commander bared her ferocious teeth and grasped the great halberd. Taking the long weapon and its weight in stride.

"--I'm coming."

The ground exploded where she stood as she kicked herself forward, and dust flew everywhere. Holding it high, She swung her halberd with all her power.

The dragon roars.

The dragon mustered its strength and channeled it in its limbs - the dragon needed to protect itself this time. It receives the attack with its claws.

"Ha ha, hahahahahaha!"


----A storm.

The brown-skinned beauty becomes a storm of blades, blowing wildly. Each strike is equivalent to the dragon's attacks. The 'magic circuit' that resides within her body is fully activated, and her skin is increasingly turning darker. Her beautiful limbs have veins running through them like fissures in the earth, pulsing red hot like an active volcano. Her whole body is filled with magic power.

This is the forbidden magic of awakening.

" "Demon Roar" " --


A demon.

A demon and a dragon.

Her white sclera turned black, and her emerald pupils turned red.

The brown skin becomes darker, and red veins pulse on her skin.

The dragon's black scales also glowed with magic power.

The dragon is the king of monsters, the king of magical beasts. Its flesh is flesh-like, but it is just a manifestation of magic. In other words, it is a creature created by magic.

The dragon transforms into magic.

Exploded. roared. raged.

"Ha, ha, hahahahahaha!"

The woman known as the 《Platinum Breaker》 or 《Platinum Demon》 is ecstatic, with a fierce expression, wreaking havoc. Despite being human, she transforms into a "demon" and fights on par with "dragon."

The dragon might be surprised.

--If it were the first time.

"This is so fun, Schwarz."


The dragon roars in response.

Ordinary eyes cannot track the strength and speed of a demon fighting dragons. One person and one beast, or two beasts. The earth cannot withstand the furious battle between the two that is beyond the realm of humans as it rumbles, leaving large cracks.

A reenactment of a legend.

The female knights watched with twinkles in their eyes. They stood upright like real knights, but their eyes couldn't help but shine. Even though they are strong and have been in this kind of situation, they were noble and beautiful ladies and young girls. Their origins varied, but many of them were the children of noble families. In a society where women were only seen as tools for politics and childbirth, they left their houses and followed the Knight Commander as disobedient daughters or ladies, breaking the rules of the noble society and following her.

However, judging by the gleam in their eyes, they're all quite a muscle brain.

The Order of the <Platinum Knight>, also known as the <Platinum Demon's Mercenary> by those who don't familiar with them.

Originally, they would have been married off to other noble houses as a tool to strengthen the ties between houses, but they leave their status as noble ladies and wear revealing and outrageous clothing, brandishing swords, axes, hammers, fists, and other weapons, as well as spells.

In Desmond's previous life, That may be an old thing now. But

A liberation of dominance. A coup against the system.

--Breaking the rules.

Their families are at a loss for their daughter's actions, and even more so because of their many achievements. And the Knight Commander's father's stress and stomach pains are immeasurable, as his daughter leads them and causes young ladies from other areas to fall in love and flee their homes.

Because, the Knight Commander is Charlotte's older sister.

Papa is too old for this.

---But that's not the point now.

The leader of the ladies, *cough*, the Knight Commander dressed inappropriately. And she even makes the other young girls of noble houses do the same.

No wonder her father unintentionally sired the maid that comforted him. After all, the older sister is like this, the younger sister is like that, and the mother is also. --What's so funny! It's no laughing matter.

The area was filled with sounds of the clashing of the dragon and demon, as well as the deafening metal clang.

They both fly away with each other's full-powered attack.

They're both in bad shape, but they both have satisfied smiles.

"Hahahahaha, that's a draw then, Schwartz. - let's drink!"

Then she smiles. Her beautiful features make her appear to be only in her mid-twenties.

Teresa Terrace, thirty-eight years old, a delinquent in her late thirties. She was the elder sister of Charlotte.

It was like a feast of demons.

On a mountain where not a single blade of grass or tree grew, a group of women was throwing a party by a bonfire. If their families saw them, they would be horrified and foaming at the mouth.

They sat on the ground in their high-cut leotard, some sitting like ladies, some sat on their haunches, others crossing their legs, they laughed and drank and ate. Although it was still early summer, the bare mountainsides make the nights chilly and the ground cold. But because they belong to this group, they are either magic users or life energy holders. They don't care about this level of coldness. They were all beautiful but they acted like bandits or brigands, or rather, a party of female demons.

--How shameless.

However, the wine and food they drank and ate were actually high-quality. They were stored using 【storage】 magic, and They also can cook.

They had been trained to be gifted as political tools. In order to marry off their daughters as fast as possible and to add to their prestige, the daughters of the nobility were forced to study auxiliary magic, life magic, cooking, cleaning, manners, the house.

The manners that have been ingrained in them are subtly fragrant. If their families saw them, they would be horri...(omitted)

"Let's drink! Let's drink! Ha ha ha ha ha, what! you are already puking! "

One lady stood up and chugged her wine, but ended up spitting it out. The wine was a vintage one stolen from her home when she ran away...

Anyway, first thing first.

Alcohol harassment is definitely not recommended.

"That's a penalty, strip!"


Throwing off her cloak, she strips off her black leotard. Her skin is white, perfect, and unmarred like that of a noble lady. Even though she belongs to a ladies group - *cough*, mercenary... *cough*, knights, her beauty is not tarnished in the slightest by the work of magic.

Sparingly exposing them to the night air, the light of the fire that rises into the starry sky licks her skin. Her lovely tits swayed.

"All right, let's take off our clothes too," said the next lady.

Another joins in, gripping a wine bottle, their shoulders hunched, and they begin to dance naked. However, even though they are naked, their movements are graceful. It's a graceful dance, a waltz that they learned at home and in the social circle... Leaving their chest bare, they dance, a tities dance.

--How shameless!

There was also a lady who closed her legs and let the wine pool in the region between her thighs and crotch and let another drink it like drinking from a bowl. A noble seaweed garnish. And the lady who sips also looked beautiful, giving off the feeling of immortality.

What kind of promiscuous ladies' circle is this?

It's like a backlash from too strict discipline...

"Hey, lift your legs up more! Shake your hips!"

The dragon interrupts them, throwing in a wild comment.

A dragon woman also presents at a demon's party, wearing magnificent and high-class dresses that were on par with the real noble-born women.

She was now in humanoid form.

With jet-black dragon horns on her head and a jet-black dragon tail extending from her hips.

Her dress was also jet-black, darker than the night. However, it was clearly a high-class dress, which could easily buy the whole town, but the dragon woman sat on the ground with the demon ladies without paying attention to it, and the dragon woman and the wild ladies shouldered together, drinking wine.

The "demon" big sister is shoulder to shoulder with her "dragon" best friend.

Fuhahaha, they laugh and drink wine like a disgusting, middle-aged woman.


"Big sis!"


Some members of the knight group approach her.

Completely naked.

Is it possible that the rebellion against the system will make them abandon even civilization?

"Take off our clothes too, Big sis! Let's dance together."

She tugs on her jacket with a jerk.

How disrespectful.

"Fuhahaha, fine!"

She took off her clothes in a single motion. --or more like tore it off. Her big bombshell breasts instantly burst into view. The huge brown peaks look taller and more menacing than any mountain. Then, there is also her hairless crotch...

"Uwaa, it's still big no matter how many times I saw it.... How can you grow so large?"

"Thank you."

The young ladies clap their hands.

――Reminder, You can drink alcohol, but do not let alcohol consume you.

"What good about it, it's just heavy and in the way." The eldest sister raised her huge breast and shook them.

The ladies marveled at it.

"Because the bigger the better, and when you have a baby.....kya!"

The Knight Commander pulled her into a tight hug. Her face was buried in the huge meat, and her cheeks turned red as she was hugged naked by the esteemed leader.

"Don't say cute things to me. You're like my little sister. In this life, I will only marry a man I approve."

good girl, good girl. Knight commander strokes her head, and she loses control and moans "Fuaaa..."

"I don't know if my breasts will get bigger by touching them, but if you want to touch it, go ahead! It's a good opportunity to show my generosity!"

As she stood up while holding her breast up, she shook it and puffed it out.

Her middle-aged, brown, beautiful body. However, she looked no older than her mid-twenties, no matter how you look at it.


The female knights rush in and begin to fondle the brown, seductive flesh. It's not sexual, just respect and affection. And even if they keep fondling her, her nipples didn't get stiff because she didn't understand or feel any lust. Even if there was, it wouldn't be felt as pleasure.

In other words, there is no eroticism!

On the side,

"Then you can touch my dragon breasts too!"

She removed her black dress, and the dragon woman next to her stands up without a stitch of clothing on while holding a wine bottle. Her black hair sways. She looks like she's in her mid to late teens. Her breasts - not small by any means - were firm and cute. Her skin is white like snow. And like the brown she-devil, she's also hairless. Her dragon's tail patted the ground with pride.


"Hey! Why didn't you come to rub me!"

"That is..."

"Well, that's..."

Even though he was in a wild mood, for some reason, she was quite calm there. But still, they continue to rub their Leader's boobs.

*Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze...*


The dragon woman stomps her foot.

"Then I'll fondle you."




The leader of the knights, who was hit, bursts into laughter that seems to echo from the bowels of the earth.

"Everyone, retreat!"



Demon and dragon start beating each other.

Noble...ladies? are blown away by the pressure. Those wearing clothes are already in the minority, that's also true for those who are still rational.

The feast continues all night long, and it won't be long before the 《Platinum Demon》 receives a letter from her Papa, who is balling his fists because he can finally hit Swift, telling her that her sister has been conceived.

Of course, Papa doesn't know about her new friends.


Desmond's "chicken sense" warns him with unprecedented intensity.


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