Reincarnated into a Snow Griffin

Chapter 21 - 21

Chapter 21: Chapter 21

A few weeks have passed since then. Mother seems as busy as one could get, the initial months we spend fully together gave me the impression that she was able to be very carefree and free, which now proves to be very far from the truth and an actual effort of hers at fisrt, so we could spend more time together, especially in the beginning.

I have conflicting feelings about it, I know it is her responsibility, I feel proud of having such strong willed mother, but still I cannot help but being a little selfish and wanting her only for myself, at least for a few hours a day.

It cannot be helped though, so by then I've already moved some of my things from the nest to here, which is basically the book and some round stones that I caught from the river, my small new nest being made by the branches and leaves of the Fairy Lake.

"Thank you for thanking care of Seraph once more Lake, and sorry about it, did not intend to abuse our friendship like this."

"It cannot be helped Alinda, and you are doing a great service in protecting this heaven place and all of us from the chaotic creatures that want to harvest it, I should be the one thanking you instead." Cottonwhistle says, small wings flapping and keeping her in place midair.

"But how is it? The attacks, I mean." She still asks mother, who stops licking her front paws and passing over her head to look at the fairy and sight.

"... I wish I could say they are not that bad, but..." Alinda says, sitting down but still overlooking us as I played with the fallen leaves.


Mother sighs again. "Is nothing noteworthy, but something is bugging me, there are not many of them, and definitely not enough to break through our defenses, but still they keep coming back, almost as if they are looking for something... or someone. Or even poking us to see a weak spot. I don't know, he just seems like scout behavior at this point."

"Which can only mean that there is a stronger force supporting them from behind."

Mother nods. "What for? Why? And worst of all, do they intend to attack as well? What are they searching for?"

"What does the others thinks?" the fairy, but mother sneers at that.

"Oh them, they think I'm overseeing things and there is just a bunch of low level demons striving for chaos all around, but I cannot believe they are this stupid to risk their life only to trouble us, especially with the way they act, how they are very good at hiding, which only makes me think that they may have already infiltrated us, perhaps we only found what they wanted us to find."

"Well, now I think you are overthinking a little my friend."

"But still... It is hard to accept, and I rather be prepared than caught by surprise you see."

"What do you intend to do?"

"...That is where the problem lays, I cannot count with the feline griffins, it actually would be for the best if they did nothing at all, but not only that but the others do not believe me, or rather, they do not see it the way I do, and convincing them will take some time that we may not have."

"Well, I can see you have thought about it a lot already and is stressed about it, but at the end of the day you just do what you can, don't overthink it, it may be just like the others said and you are just adding white hairs to your head."

"...I'm already white thought...But I guess you are right, planning is one thing, suffering from stress and anxiety is another, perhaps I should stop worrying about it so much..."

"Yes, indeed, and you can now focus on enjoying your little one while he still hears you, once he grows up he may start rebelling and wanting a wife or something."

"No way!" They chuckle, joking around, and I pretend to be deaf at that point onward to avoid further embarrassment on my part.

They talk for a while after that but mother, visibly tired, takes a nap over a rock, enjoying the sun, and even though I missed her a lot and a childish part of me craved for attention, I manage to hold off and respect her needs too.

And I had other matters to attend too, my day did not consist of only playing around with leaves and snow you see...

Because after a few classes I finally managed to achieve something great, and that came in with that ding sound inside my head!

Ding – Old Common language learned

I was excited as I was confused by it, though this time I learned not to ask mother about it, and surprisingly took Lily's example and tried to figure things out on my own.

And about the language it was not that hard at some point.

First of all, it seems that what the magical flying creatures talk in the Celestial language, and I did not notice that the Alars had another type of language until I started learning it at school.

That is, this place actually has two official languages!

I do not know if the Celestial language was only spoken by our animalistic kin, and perhaps they learned it to easily communicate with us, the only thing I know is, not only I was learning how to read, but how to speak a completely different language!

The only thing to ease the burden is that the teacher could translate and link the words from both languages so I did not need to guess their meanings... though memorizing it all would still take some time after all.

But when I thought about the amount of knowledge waiting for me inside those old crumbling papers... The excitement pushes me forward to study even harder.

Which brought me to another achievement.

I actually level up!

Is still level two... but nonetheless it gave me a lot of information when I use Appraisal on myself again:

Age: 0

Level: 2

HP: 30-30



Attributes: Ice, Wind

Titles: Reincarnated, Bookworm, Ladies Friend, Cute Kitty

Attacks: Claw, Peck, Dash

Magic: Appraisal 2, Cold resistance 6, Cold Breath 1, Freeze 1, Ambush 1

Language: Celestial Language 2, Old Common language 1

Status: Munching at the leaves when no one is watching. Is bitter.

First of all, my status grow with it! I quickly calculate the amount, using the soil to carve strokes with my claw to help me with keeping track of the numbers, and it seems that my life force has grown by 5, my endurance by 10, and my magic... by 50.

...Am I made of magic now? Why there is such a big difference!

The real question is, is my magic too high or my life force too low? I'm betting on both...

Another thing that I learned is how to evolve abilities! Is easy to figure things out, after all I've not done much beyond playing and studying.

And the level up coming right up with the language ability... I did not need to go far to put two and two together.

By studying and practicing things I can level up... that is right up my league, two rabbits with one stone!

I'm nodding myself silly at this point, a small smile on my face as I sat there with my paw on my chin, looking rather silly, staring at apparently nothing.

I was so excited that I kept forgetting to think about why the Common language had an old in front of it, but because I was fooling around did not mean I was not attentive; lesson learned the hard way; so when the bushes start moving at the side and a shudder runs down my spine warning of a deadly gaze watching my way, I'm the first to react, but by actually jumping straight into danger!


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