Reincarnated into a Game As the Hero’s Friend

Chapter 213.1

Chapter 213.1

Welner, who had destroyed the Bicorn group outside the city, was indeed surprised by the subsequent actions taken by the Demon Army.

However, he was unable to see that Mubrial had created Mad Demons in the sky above the royal capital because of the city walls. All that was visible was Mubrial preparing for a roar as he sucked in air and exhaled it, which was then followed by Cyclopes throwing Dark Knights into the city.

“That’s ridiculous.”

“No human would be able to use that strategy.”

Welner had never thought that Mubrial would be able to move demons into the city by such a forceful technique as throwing them into the city, but this was no time for admiration or dismay.

Welner immediately called out to the surrounding knights to regroup and create a new formation. Because of the huge size of the opponent, attacking alone or in small numbers would only result in a counterattack.

“Don’t think about defeating the Cyclopes. It will be inefficient. Damage their legs first to stop them from moving. Aim for their heels.”


Glaives were designed for this purpose. If one got too close to a Cyclops, they risked being trampled, but using this weapon made that risk less likely.

Marquis Nolpoth’s troops were steadily culling the enemies by using a single unit to further divide the enemies from the center and then destroying each of them separately. Just as Welner was thinking that Marquis Nolpoth’s troops would be fine, Mubrial moved again.

Welner’s force was so close that they could barely stand the storm-like winds. The Bicorns and Dark Knights were sucked up and swallowed up by it.

Mubrial flapped his wings and countless stones fell from them. Welner and the others immediately understood what was happening. Those stones were black magic stones.

“Welner-sama, that’s!”

“Alert! More enemies!”

Schunzel’s voice overlapped with Welner’s angry voice, and the Zeavert squad readied for action. Shortly thereafter, a haze spreads out forming into Bicorns and Dark Knights, and they descend to the ground.

Welner looked bitterly at this, wondering if this was how small fry mobs sprang up endlessly in the game. It seemed to be true that a demon’s core was different from a magic stone, but he had not thought that magic stones could also be used as a catalyst to create demons.

“Ah, damn it, that’s how it works… it’s all starting to link up.”


“Nothing, Augen! Your squad should head to support Marquis Nolpoth!”

Marquis Nolpoth was hurriedly reorganizing the frontline in face of the newcomers as the newcomers’ arrival would inevitably cause chaos.

Fortunately, from their position, Welner and his team could cut in from the flank of the enemy group attacking Marquis Nolpoth.

Welner did not hesitate to give the order. The objective was to give Marquis Nolpoth, the largest force on the southern front, time to regroup.

“Max, use your whistle to draw in as many new demons as possible, Valcay, cut into the flank of the enemy that Max’s troops have pinned down! I will leave the rest to Max to direct!”

“What about Welner-sama?”

“I’ll take Gekke and the rest of the mercenaries with me, you take care of the rest!”

Welner rushed out with the mercenaries. Behind him, the whistle of the magic flute sounded, and the Bicorns who were heading towards Marquis Nolpoth changed direction.

Welner and the mercenaries moved away from the battlefield to get behind Mubrial and Cyclopes.

“What are the Knights going to do?”

“They can take care of themselves.”

Welner replied shortly to the mercenary who asked him as he ran. In truth, Welner did not have that much time to spare. He would have to stop his opponent once before he could retreat into the city.

The best solution would be to immobilize the Cyclopes without killing them.

Therefore, he would rather instruct the mercenaries to cut off only the arms and legs without killing the Cyclopes who were now also throwing Dark Knights into the royal city.

“And anyway, why isn’t that big guy going into the royal capital himself?”

“Perhaps it’s because of his big body that would make him a big target or the effect of the city barrier will be higher on him.”

Welner answered that shortly as he caught his breath. Welner could not explain more than that to the mercenary, but he started to wonder if that was really the case.

After all, with that huge body, it might be impossible for Mubrial to retrieve the magic crystal out of the basement of the royal palace.

Welner laughed at the thought of Mubrial accidentally stepping on the crystal and breaking it, and being scolded by the Demon King.

“Change weapons, strike from the left, and rush in!”

Welner shook off his silly imagination and charged in. The mercenaries ran through the midst of the blinded Cyclopes, flailing their arms, and digging their weapons into the legs of anyone in the way.


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